

在 snorkeling中文產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過952的網紅官品心Claire Kuan,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #旅遊泡泡 #帛琉旅遊 #旅遊學英文 非常感謝粉絲朋友熱情的支持,我們的podcast 在熱門首頁喔😍😍😍 超級開心的,明天繼續帶給大家的節目內容是👇 🌸4/14(三)13:30-14:00 旅遊泡泡成泡沫|跟著官心妮去帛琉水母湖冒險「官心妮的英語力Sydney Kuan」 趕快拿起你的手機下載...

 同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過6,160的網紅官品心Claire Kuan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,好想出國玩,前陣子好不容易開放的帛琉旅遊旅遊泡泡,立刻變成泡沫,無法真的出國的我們,就來聽聽海島達人官心妮的潛水遊記吧!讓你邊玩邊學英文~讓心妮告訴你更多帛琉探險的故事,這次帶大家線上冒險水母湖~兩天的live podcast 大成功,謝謝一起參與的粉絲朋友們!4/14節目英文內容的如下,可以搭配官...

snorkeling中文 在 官品心Claire Kuan Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-07-11 08:51:27

非常感謝粉絲朋友熱情的支持,我們的podcast 在熱門首頁喔😍😍😍 超級開心的,明天繼續帶給大家的節目內容是👇 🌸4/14(三)13:30-14:00 旅遊泡泡成泡沫|跟著官心妮去帛琉水母湖冒險「官心妮的英語力Sydney Kuan」 趕快拿起你的手機下載Mixer box 關注「官品心劇情聊...

snorkeling中文 在 Sarre砂砂兒? 旅遊·穿搭·美妝·美食 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-03 21:11:41

進入到第四天行程(上集) 4Day 這天是一次性半日遊活動「跳島遊」團體遊 不是還要跳崖那種跳😂是一次造訪兩個小島或地區 方案有分A/B方案 一人都是850p比索 從上午9:30集合全程大概有4-5小時的時間 包含 1.菲律賓燒烤自助午餐,海鮮(蟹,蝦,魚)飲料橙汁 2.免費護目鏡和浮潛1~2...

snorkeling中文 在 狼晶晶 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-03 01:10:09

(獎) #最後決定把VLOG當成MV來剪 #看完影片有什麼想跟我或D先生說的嗎? #妳們去過最美的國家或是夢想中最想去的國家是哪裡呢? #來留言聊天巴我會準備1份馬爾地夫的禮物送給幸運狼 💕 ☑️第一次從天堂回到凡間時, 大概有3個月的時間…很認真在尋找馬爾地夫度假村中文管家的工作(笑) // ☑...

  • snorkeling中文 在 官品心Claire Kuan Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-04-13 19:00:09
    有 3 人按讚

    #旅遊泡泡 #帛琉旅遊 #旅遊學英文 非常感謝粉絲朋友熱情的支持,我們的podcast 在熱門首頁喔😍😍😍

    旅遊泡泡成泡沫|跟著官心妮去帛琉水母湖冒險「官心妮的英語力Sydney Kuan」

    趕快拿起你的手機下載Mixer box 關注「官品心劇情聊天室」❤️


    🌸4/14 Let’s party in Jellyfish Lake!

    Of all the marine lakes in Palau, Jellyfish Lake serves as the most extraordinary natural wonder which attracts tourists from all over the world to witness this spectacle every year. With a short walk through the hiking trail and snorkeling gears in hand , both adults and children can have the ultimate swimming experience with millions of golden jellyfish.

    Jellyfish Lake used to be connected to the ocean through tunnels and fissures;However, it gradually become isolated from the open sea owing to tectonic plate movement. Being separated from the sea, the lack of natural predators makes the jellyfish evolve into non-venomous creatures.

    As most species of jellyfish in the sea can inject lethal toxins into their prey by using tentacles with lots of stinging cells and jeopardize the life of swimmers, it's self-explanatory that jellyfish lake tour can gain such great popularity among travelers.

    Compiled by Sydney Kuan

  • snorkeling中文 在 Mimi韓的幸福小天地。 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-04-25 10:33:28
    有 860 人按讚

    ➡️ https://mimihan.tw/pink-mermaid-snorkeling/

  • snorkeling中文 在 Eileen Carls 艾玲 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2018-07-05 19:41:39
    有 143 人按讚

    #中文在下面 #自由潛水 #人生啊
    I guess I know now one main reason “why people can get addicted to freediving.” As a surfer I always prefer to chase waves rather than snorkeling or whatsoever, but doing the AIDA 2 course with @donnymcfar @freedive_taiwan in XiaoLiuQiu changed my mind. There is something so satisfying about immersing yourself into deep water and stillness, focusing on nothing than mind and body. Learning how to actively let go of stressful thoughts and controlling your mind is SO POWERFUL! 🙌🏽 I didn’t know that the urge to breathe was a reaction of CO2 wanting to get out of your lungs, and that we’re able to overcome that stressful urge by using mindful relaxation. This is incredible to me because it translates directly in to other areas of LIFE. Sometimes we freak out because we’re afraid of the unknown and unexperienced, but if we learn how to embrace discomfort and relax fully despite of it, there’s a whole new world that’ll open up and makes you feel mentally stronger than you were. ❤️

    If anyone would like to take the same course like I did (in english), I fully recommend it and am happy to give you more Info about Donny and his coaching! He is a professional, very serious about getting the best out of his students, he’ll be tough on your skills but after the training you’ll feel confident to keep practicing! He’s inspired me quite a lot in only two days☺️ thank you!!!🙏🏽

    身為一個浪人,找浪對我來說總是優先於潛水這類的活動,但是我在小琉球參加了 Donny Freedive Taiwan 的AIDA 2課程後改觀了。
    泡在寂靜的深海裡,專注在自我身心上 很令人滿足,而且學習釋放出那些壓迫感,控制你的心思,這感覺也太強大了吧!🙌🏽


    短短的兩天他鼓舞了我很多☺️ 謝謝你 Donny!🙏🏽



    Donny’s international Podcast:
    Freedive Café:

    #freedive #freemind #freedivetaiwan #taiwan #xiaoliuqiu #freedivecafe #donnymcfar #oceanlove #oceanoholic #deepdive #prodiver #explore #underwaterphotography #breathhold #meditation #fundive #surfacebikinis #surfaceapparel #underthesea @ 琉球鄉