[爆卦]smartone 5g好唔好是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇smartone 5g好唔好鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在smartone 5g好唔好這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 smartone產品中有866篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過46萬的網紅King Jer 娛樂台,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, \雙料影帝近期型爆🤩/ 【要配得上張家輝影帝地位🎥梗係用SmarTone😎】 仲記唔記得張家輝某套戲入面嘅經典一幕,佢駁好晒天線,諗住收睇精彩電視節目,不過竟然收錯隔離台😱搞到佢即時燥咗 #嗰句經典對白喺度唔出得街唔好意思😂 所以對佢嚟講,網絡接收能力唔可以衰,一定要揀the best of t...

 同時也有78部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅Anson Cheung,也在其Youtube影片中提到,SmarTone Home 5G 寬頻計劃傳送門: https://bit.ly/AnsonHome5G WTF係360 Reality Audio?點解Sony出咗部$4490嘅Wi-Fi喇叭去推360 Reality Audio呢?呢隻Sony SRS-RA5000有咩咁特別呢?我地一齊睇下。...

smartone 在 瓊姐娛樂台™️ Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-10-01 07:24:42

. 仲記唔記得張家輝某套戲入面嘅經典一幕,佢駁好晒天線,諗住收睇精彩電視節目,不過竟然收錯隔離台😱搞到佢即時燥咗 #嗰句經典對白喺度唔出得街唔好意思😂 所以對佢嚟講,網絡接收能力唔可以衰,一定要揀the best of the best😎😎原來佢廿幾年嚟都係SmarTone忠實擁躉,呢位張姓真實用...

  • smartone 在 King Jer 娛樂台 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-30 19:00:28
    有 27 人按讚

    \雙料影帝近期型爆🤩/ 【要配得上張家輝影帝地位🎥梗係用SmarTone😎】

    仲記唔記得張家輝某套戲入面嘅經典一幕,佢駁好晒天線,諗住收睇精彩電視節目,不過竟然收錯隔離台😱搞到佢即時燥咗 #嗰句經典對白喺度唔出得街唔好意思😂 所以對佢嚟講,網絡接收能力唔可以衰,一定要揀the best of the best😎😎原來佢廿幾年嚟都係SmarTone忠實擁躉,呢位張姓真實用家對SmarTone咁長情,一個字:因為好用囉😎

    SmarTone睇住張家輝大,睇住佢攞影帝,再睇住佢做導演⋯ 終於搵埋佢做代言👍🏻 #原來佢地好耐無搵明星做代言 襯得起張家輝影帝地位嘅SmarTone,坐擁全港覆蓋至廣^嘅5G網絡,獨有5G Max*技術,包括實時人工智能同Ericsson網絡超強化技術💪🏻,人均可用頻譜全港最多,比SmarTone客戶享受至佳網絡體驗,仲威到成為全港 No.1消費者首選嘅5G網絡添呀+,同張家輝一樣係No.1 😎,唔怪得用咁耐都唔捨得轉!

    #SmarTone #SmarTone5G #全港Number1 #全港覆蓋至廣 #消費者Number1首選5G網絡 #5GMax #人均可用頻譜全港最多 #張家輝

    *SmarTone所應用之香港獨有5G Max技術─即實時人工智能加Ericsson網絡超強化技術由Ericsson研發。

    詳情請瀏覽 https://5g.smartone.com/tc/5G/

  • smartone 在 Daidai & pipi 的快樂魔法 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-30 11:58:49
    有 20 人按讚

    6月時我地一家上咗sky100玩SmarTone 5G LAB,最近見到有新遊戲🎮加上免費入場我地再去玩多次!

    今次多左5G未來巴士🚍、5G實時遙距對決等新遊戲,仲有最潮最Cute 嘅 #外星5G特派元Lucy 一齊打卡合照!真係好有驚喜👏🏻!原來5G科技能為我們帶來更智能及更方便的生活~



    而家去呢個網頁登記:https://bit.ly/ST5GLAB,送限量免費飛🆓(總值$198) *!


    #SmarTone #SmarTone5G #SmarTone5GLAB #5GLAB #sky100 #天際100 #全港首部遙控5G夾公仔機 #Lucy元元 #香港好去處 #放假好去處

  • smartone 在 Grassrootseaters • 草根食堂 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-30 09:46:25
    有 1 人按讚

    之前我哋都拍片同大家講我哋去過sky100嘅SmarTone 5G LAB
    見到最近熱爆嘅 #外星5G特派員Lucy 梗係要打卡留念📸
    ‼️咪話我哋唔提大家,依家送限量免費飛*(總值$198) ,👉🏻 https://bit.ly/ST5GLAB


  • smartone 在 Anson Cheung Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-08 18:00:04

    SmarTone Home 5G 寬頻計劃傳送門: https://bit.ly/AnsonHome5G

    WTF係360 Reality Audio?點解Sony出咗部$4490嘅Wi-Fi喇叭去推360 Reality Audio呢?呢隻Sony SRS-RA5000有咩咁特別呢?我地一齊睇下。

    合作邀請 Brand Collaboration Enquiry: [email protected]

    Instagram: ansoncheungth
    Twitter: @aaa4321l

    Music From Epidemic Sound
    免費三十日試用: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/kjav39/

    Disclaimer and ethics policy:
    1. I, Anson Cheung, am an independent Youtube creator reviewing tech gadgets. This review is made with unit provided by Sony Hong Kong, however no money changed hands, all thoughts and opinions expressed in this review were not influenced by Sony Hong Kong, and/or its affiliates. Sony Hong Kong and its PR representatives did not have preview of this video and was not given the opportunity to approve or amend the content of this video prior to the upload date.

    2. I welcome any kinds of collaboration and I DO occasionally produce branded videos to keep this channel running. But I DO NOT accept compensation for my review in order to maintain my neutrality.

    3. A portion of this video is sponsored by SmarTone. But they do not have any creative control or influence in the making of this video other than the sponsored segment.

    #Sony #360RealityAudio #RA5000

  • smartone 在 MEeeep More Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-03-29 12:21:28


    Smartone數碼通、3香港旗下嘅MO+同埋CSL旗下嘅ClubSIM,都不約而同推出咗 4G 21mbps 無限數據。其中Smartone同埋 ClubSIM 標榜7GB用量之後行FUP無限,即係唔會限速,只係喺繁忙嘅時候數據使用優先權會降低,而MO+就標榜全程不限速,不過實際體驗相信都係差唔多。反而大家着眼嘅可以係簽約嘅條款。MO+月費要$138,簽約24個月同埋要帶號碼過台,先可以免$18嘅行政費。Smartone同ClubSIM雖然係7GB嘅FUP Plan,但月費就只需要$120,另加$18行政費,即係開新號碼定MNP都係$138月費。Smartone嘅計劃只需要簽約12個月,而ClubSIM仲可以揀只係簽3個月超短約,呢兩個台嘅彈性就相對較大喇。

    選用呢類型嘅月費計劃,好處係平同埋叫做真無限,唔怕過咗用量之後變成地獄龜速,但要留意始終係21mbps嘅限速計劃,日常上網同WhatsApp或者簡單睇下片絕對無問題,但要嚟打Online 對戰Game或者要睇4K片嘅朋友,就未必夠用喇。

  • smartone 在 Anson Cheung Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-03-09 20:00:12

    SmarTone Home 5G寬頻計劃資料/查詢覆蓋: https://bit.ly/ansonhome5g

    Samsung Galaxy S21+ 貴為S21旗艦系列其中一員,點解YouTuber冇乜review嘅呢?相反,S21 Ultra一堆review,S21又係一堆review,但偏偏S21+就冇乜。到底幕後有咩陰謀?其實冇,我係諗唔到呢條S21+ review嘅description打咩求其作啲嘢架咋哈哈拜拜~

    合作邀請 Brand Collaboration Enquiry: [email protected]

    Instagram: ansoncheungth
    Twitter: @aaa4321l

    Music From Epidemic Sound
    免費三十日試用: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/kjav39/

    0:00 Intro
    0:25 Sponsor & PSA
    1:32 外觀
    2:56 瑩幕
    3:23 相機
    3:55 電量規格
    4:35 冇人講嘅原因(一)
    6:10 冇人講嘅原因(二)
    8:06 MadChun講科技
    8:23 總結

    Disclaimer and ethics policy:
    1. I, Anson Cheung, am an independent Youtube creator reviewing tech gadgets. This review unit is given to me by Samsung Hong Kong, however all thoughts and opinions expressed in this review were not influenced by Samsung Hong Kong, and/or its affiliates, in any way. Samsung Hong Kong and its PR representatives did not have preview of this video and was not given the opportunity to approve or amend the content of this video prior to the upload date. This is my opinion. I have not and will not produce paid review.

    2. I welcome any kinds of collaboration and I DO occasionally produce branded videos to keep this channel running. But I DO NOT accept compensation for my review in order to maintain my neutrality.

    3. A portion of this video is sponsored by SmarTone. But they do not have any creative control or influence in the making of this video other than the sponsored segment.


    #Samsung #GalaxyS21 #GalaxyS21+

