為什麼這篇skype帳戶已被封鎖鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在skype帳戶已被封鎖這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者Athelas (請不要裝熟 謝謝)看板VoIP標題[心得] skype帳號被鎖時間Sat Ap...
二個多禮拜沒有使用skype 今天早上要和國外的家人通話時
才發現帳號無法登入 經過一番波折後 終於解決了
被鎖的理由很莫名其妙 寫上來和各位分享 或許也有人碰到這問題。
早上我登入時 發現帳密失效 懷疑自己被盜帳號了。
我先是嘗試修改密碼 按照介面上的"忘記密碼" 我連到了一個網頁
要求輸入我當初設定的信箱 很快就收到修改密碼的網址
(如果我被盜帳號 表示對方沒有修改我的註冊信箱)
但當我輸入新的密碼、送出後 系統卻顯示"請聯絡客服部門"的超連結
點進去出現英文版的說明 告訴我如果記得信箱該怎麼辦、不記得信箱該怎麼辦等步驟
無法修改密碼讓我更加緊張 我趕緊打給我的信用卡公司
然後 我先是寫信給台灣代理商的客服 但想到今天是週六 沒人可以即時幫我解決
加上爬過本版後 看到許多對台灣skype客服的抱怨
很快地 國外客服就回信給我 信頗長 我把重點貼一下:
It seems that a third party might have gained access to your account.
Provided you still have access to the email account, it should be easy to
stop the suspension of your Skype account. To do this:
1.Change your password as soon as possible. You can change your password by
2.Sign in to your account with the new password.
3.Contact us again by replying to this email. Please remember to include your
Skype Name in the email.
When we receive this information, we will stop the suspension of your account.
Unfortunately, Skype is unable to refund any money that may have been lost
because of this incident.(國內外客服撇清責任倒是一致性的迅速)
於是我再度嘗試修改密碼 但因為我之前都無法成功修改 多試了幾次 已經達到今天的上限
無法在24小時內修改密碼 正當我很懊惱的時候 我突然用我原先的帳密登入了
帳號內的儲值金額沒有短少的現象 雖然成功解決了 我還是想把問題弄清楚
於是又寫信問客服 為何在我寫了信給他們之後 帳號就正常了? 真是太神奇了
十分鐘左右 客服回信了 還是把重點貼一下:
We understand that you are experiencing difficulties with accessing your
account. We will be happy to assist you.(真的嚇屎我了)
Thank you again for having provided us with the necessary information. Your
account has now been unblocked.(其實我什麼資訊也沒有提供給他們)
We would like to assure you that regardless of any related inconvenience,
blocking Skype accounts serves our and our users' best interests where there
is any suspicion of fraudulent activity. Especially in cases when the account
information or the account itself might be compromised, we need to make sure
we implement our best practices to protect the accounts. That’s why blocking
your account was a necessary step.
If you'd like to get more out of Skype, why not learn about all our great
features - like Online Numbers? Anyone can dial your Online Number from any
phone or mobile, your Skype rings and you pick up the call – wherever you
are in the world.
Find out more at http://www.skype.com/go/onlinenumber/
看完之後 我還是不知道為何我的帳號會被封鎖 他們又是如何判斷哪些帳號有危險
雖然國外客服的效率真高 但浪費了我一個早上 又讓我擔心儲值是否被盜用
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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