小犬最近越來越早起,我的鬧鐘6:15一響,他就跳起來跟下床,完全沒有要賴床的意思,追問著可以幫忙做早餐嗎? 我盤點了一下食材,為了讓他有點事情做,本來打算用原型擺盤的烤地瓜,請他幫忙剝除皮、用壓泥器搗碎,加一點牛奶免得過乾,搗成泥狀後再拌入蔓越莓,然後請他幫忙用湯...
小犬最近越來越早起,我的鬧鐘6:15一響,他就跳起來跟下床,完全沒有要賴床的意思,追問著可以幫忙做早餐嗎? 我盤點了一下食材,為了讓他有點事情做,本來打算用原型擺盤的烤地瓜,請他幫忙剝除皮、用壓泥器搗碎,加一點牛奶免得過乾,搗成泥狀後再拌入蔓越莓,然後請他幫忙用湯匙將挖好的地瓜泥擺上盤子,稍微塑形成球狀。
get a move on 快一點、趕緊的! 通常用在命令式中,不過口氣並不嚴峻,不像right now或immediately那麼刻不容緩、不容拖延。
塞車時在車陣中動彈不得的司機可能最常用哀怨沮喪的口吻對著前面的長龍自言自語的說:Get a move on! 拜託啦,可以動一下嗎? 或者,也可以單純的跟同伴說:Get a move on or we'll be late. 我們動作得快一點了,不然要遲到了。
step on it 這個不是踩到狗便便、也不是踩到地雷,而是踩油門,就是卡緊餒啦。
例如:We'd better to step on it or the boarding gate is about to be closed. 我們得加快腳步了啦,不然登機門要關閉了。登機門真的會關閉嗎? 當然不會,登機門並沒有閘門,但是會有航空公司的人擋住你不准你登機了,所以逛免稅店不要逛得太開心嘿,還是要留意時間。說到這裡,我好想出去玩啊T__T
講到油門pedal,就順便補充一下另一個油門相關的片語:put the pedal to the metal,很像繞口令對不對? 把油門用力踩到底,踩到都碰到車子的金屬板了,意思就是"竭盡全力"做某事,油門都踩到底了,這可真是使盡了吃奶的力氣呀!
put your skates on 有溜冰或溜直排的人都知道,凡是底下裝了小輪子讓你光憑雙腳力氣可以加速行動的小裝置,都叫做skate,例如滑板是skateboard;溜冰鞋是ice skates(記得鞋子一定是複數);直排輪鞋是roller skates;所以穿上你的溜冰鞋,真的很直白就是快一點的意思,差不多就是我們哪吒三太子踏著風火輪、齊天大聖翻一個筋斗雲的概念吧。
下次我來測試看看,如果跟大犬說:Put your skates on or you'll be late for school. 看看他會不會真的傻傻的拿直排輪出來穿,哈哈。
希望星期一大家沒有睡過頭,如果睡過頭了,趕緊put your skates on.
skates英文 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的最讚貼文
US suffers bubble tea drought as Taiwanese tapioca shipments back up in ports
Taiwan’s national drink, pearl milk tea, has taken the world by storm ( ) in recent years, and it is the addition of tapioca balls ( ) — also known variously as “pearls,” “boba” and “bubbles” — that creates the beverage’s unique flavor and textural ( ) experience. However, foreign media are reporting that logistical ( ) delays have caused both Taiwan-produced tapioca balls and tapioca powder from Thailand to be stuck inside shipping containers ( ) as the shipments await customs ( ) approval ( ).
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to wreak havoc ( ) on the global shipping industry, goods and commodities ( ) shipped from Asia, including Taiwan and Thailand, have become held up at US ports, caught up in a backlog ( ) of unprocessed ( ) shipments. This has led to shortages ( ) of some raw materials ( ), causing many US drinks vendors ( ) to grumble ( ) nonstop ( ). One such vendor has fumed ( ) that with no tapioca balls, many customers will not set foot ( ) inside the shop to buy a drink.
Oliver Yoon, global vice president of sales and marketing at Boba Direct, a pearl milk tea product supplier ( ) based in Arlington Heights, Illinois, US, says that about one month ago the company began to experience shortages of raw materials. Yoon adds that it is a nationwide ( ) crisis ( ) and says he expects the situation will not begin to improve until the end of the month.
Tea & Others shop owner Alex Ou says some customers will not buy a drink if the shop has run out of ( ) boba, adding: “They are literally ( ) here for the boba.” Ou says he hopes that customers can be patient, since the shortage of raw materials is only temporary ( ). Nonetheless, it is understandable that this is a depressing ( ) time for many businesses, adds Ou.
According to California-based supplier US Boba Co, 99 percent of boba comes from overseas ( ), and although the company has a boba factory in the US, they are still reliant ( ) on imported tapioca starch ( ). According to reports, in addition to bubble milk tea vendors, other US businesses are also suffering shortages. Starbucks has reported it is experiencing shortages of cups and sugar syrups ( ), while the pandemic has also caused shortages of home fitness ( ) equipment, ice skates and furniture.
因台灣珍珠原料未到 美國陷入珍珠奶茶荒
位於芝加哥的珍奶產品供應商「Boba Direct」銷售副總奧利佛(Oliver Yoon)說,大概在一個月前就出現原料短缺情形,這是一場全國性的風暴,最快要等到四月底才能紓緩。
「Tea & Others」飲料店老闆艾利克斯(Alex Ou)則表示,如果沒有珍珠,一些顧客根本不願上門購買飲料,「他們都是為珍珠而來」。艾利克斯希望消費者能更有耐心。原料短缺只是暫時的,然而對其他業者來說,這件事的確讓人感到沮喪。
加州珍珠供應商「美國波霸公司」(US Boba Co.)表示,美國有百分之九十九的珍珠來自國外進口,即便他們在美國有自己的工廠,仍需要依靠國外進口木薯粉。報導指,除了珍珠奶茶外,星巴克也出現杯子和糖漿短缺情形,甚至健身器材、溜冰鞋、家具等其他產品,幾乎都受到影響。
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skates英文 在 AMC 空中美語 Facebook 的精選貼文
skating 溜冰
roller skating 滑輪溜冰
inline skating 直排輪溜冰
ice skates 溜冰鞋
inline skates 直排輪
roller sports 滑輪溜冰
time trial 計時賽
sprint 爭先賽
eliminate v. 淘汰
elimination 淘汰賽
marathon 馬拉松
speed slalom 速度過樁