各位朋友,你的公司在這一波的level 3危機當中,有臨危不亂嗎?你環顧四周,有沒有覺得有一些公司在這次疫情中出頭,反而生意更興隆了?
各位朋友,你的公司在這一波的level 3危機當中,有臨危不亂嗎?你環顧四周,有沒有覺得有一些公司在這次疫情中出頭,反而生意更興隆了?
我昨天去國稅局繳稅,在30度的高溫的臨搭棚等了兩小時後,終於成功達成任務,貢獻國家。回家的路上經過了王品牛排,好奇他們提供什麼外帶的餐點,一看之下發現居然有320元的牛小排餐盒,馬上衝進去訂餐(加點花椰菜🥦)。這一頓,不只是我這波soft lockdown以來吃得最豐盛的一餐,更撫慰了我那因為誠實納稅搞到銀行存款歸零的受傷的心靈啊。你看它連紙袋上都貼了註明了廚師的體溫,我個人是相當滿意這個經驗的(這不是王品的業配啊!Disclaimer!)也歡迎大家留言跟我分享你認為做得很棒的外帶餐廳,我非常需要啊😔
這個片語 rise to the occasion 我以前就學過,但看過不代表我會常常拿來用。前陣子看「繼承之戰」又聽到這句,這次馬上把它寫下來,貼在醒眼之處(明明就是廁所鏡子啊🪞!)每天刷牙我都唸很多次。前天,我跟一個紐西蘭朋友通電話,我終於「不小心」用出來了(我說I think my school rose to the occasion. We went online within 24 hours.)
rise to the occasion這句話的意思是說,你可以成功地處理困難的情況。
to show that you can deal with a difficult situation successfully
In the exam she rose to the occasion and wrote a brilliant essay.
另外推薦這本 Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise 刻意練習,其實我沒看過這本書,但學生都說,我已經在人生各時期中親身實賤書中說的學習方式了。
#risetotheoccasion #idiom #catering #succession #softlockdown #level3 #onlineteaching #cambridgedictionary #steakdinner #刻意練習 #王品 #里茲螞蟻 #片語 #學英文 #生活英文 #英文口說 #劍橋字典
situation造句 在 Gary Love Share & Gary's English Facebook 的最讚貼文
==【Throw someone a lifeline 】是什麼意思呢?==
lifeline 除了是手掌上的「生命線」外,也是要拯救溺水者的那條「救命索」(救生繩), 所以 throw someone a lifeline 字面上的意思就是「丟救命繩給某人」, 引申為「在危急時刻幫人一個大忙; 拯救」的意思!
知道單字或片語的意思後,再來要練習造句, 這樣才會真的學會如何使用它!
(1) I had been jobless for 3 months. John threw me a lifeline and offered me to work for his company. It means a lot to me.
(2) I was in debt last year. My father-in-law threw me a lifeline and lent some money until my financial situation improved. He is my savior.
這樣知道怎麼使用 throw someone a lifeline 了嗎?換你在下面練習造句了喔!
看完本篇文章,別忘了「#按讚」,「#分享」, 並在下面留言「#練習造句」喔!
situation造句 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的精選貼文
<寫作必備八種句型- (5)>
☛ make a career of 在…方面有所建樹; 以…為生涯
e.g. Caroline is trying to make a career of her cupcake business, which she found promising in the future.
☛ bring…under control 對…加以控制; 使…得到控制
e.g. At present, many governments are going out of their ways to protect the natural environments from being severe contamination, but it seems rather late to bring the situation under effective control.
☛ bracket ….with 把…與…相提並論
e.g. It is not appropriate to bracket your pains in the project with the mistakes you have done.
☛ make no bones about 對…毫不猶豫; 毫不掩飾
e.g. Caroline made no bones about the intimate relationship with the manager and even seemed to take pride in it sometimes.
☛ put a blot on …使…留下污點; 損害…的名譽
e.g. The producer ‘s love affair with the star put a blot on his copybook and thus, he had no only degraded himself, but also done great harm to the company’s image.
☛ bend one’s efforts for ..致力於…; 為…全力以赴
e.g. Naruto bent his efforts for making up with his best friend, whom he thought had the same fate as him.
☛ cherish/nurse the belief that… 懷有…的信念; 確信…
e.g. Ray’s business landed on the rocks for some reasons but he still seemed o cherish the believe that he could nurse it back to life.
☛ bear a resemblance 與…相似; 與…類似
e.g. Genetically, Caroline and Max are twins; nevertheless, much to their parents’ astonishment, they bear no resemblance with each other in fact.
situation造句 在 看電影學英文 Facebook 的最佳解答
當危難發生卻又無助時, 的確是希望有個鐘聲來解危一下, 是吧? :P
Saved by the Bell
Explanation: something that you say when a difficult situation is ended suddenly before you have to do or say something that you do not want to
- Quiz (Idioms) for Today
大家一起來練習造句吧! ;)