

在 situation中文產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 前幾天有學生跟我說,她在看美劇時聽到 when the chips are down 這樣的用法,不知道跟洋芋片在下面有什麼關係。 英文idioms 難其實就難在除了每個英語母語人士會使用的 idioms 範圍、頻率不大一樣外,也充滿著譬喻或典故。外加很多英文字有一字多義,要猜更難猜(所以抄英文筆...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過12萬的網紅豬豬隊友 Scott & Wendy,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Tensions are escalating between India and Pakistan over Kashmir, a disputed territory claimed by both countries. I was traveling in Kashmir and all of...

situation中文 在 D.A. ??|beauty|makeup|美妝保養|抽獎中 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-08-18 20:10:13

-(中文版本往下滑!) My first ever outfit post! I’m stepping outside my comfort zone to post this post!😝 I think this kind of a brownish colors (whether it’s ...

situation中文 在 D.A. ??|beauty|makeup|美妝保養|抽獎中 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-08-18 20:10:13

-(中文版本往下滑!) @shen_official_tw hydrating skin care essence It’s a new Taiwanese skincare brand which has no alcohol, no animal experiment, and 95% of...

  • situation中文 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-08-10 22:52:32
    有 694 人按讚

    前幾天有學生跟我說,她在看美劇時聽到 when the chips are down 這樣的用法,不知道跟洋芋片在下面有什麼關係。

    英文idioms 難其實就難在除了每個英語母語人士會使用的 idioms 範圍、頻率不大一樣外,也充滿著譬喻或典故。外加很多英文字有一字多義,要猜更難猜(所以抄英文筆記時盡量不要一個英文一個中文這樣抄嘿)。

    When the chips are down 這邊的 chips 其實是賭場 (Casino) 賭博用的「籌碼」的意思喔 (Casino chips)。When the chips are down, 當籌碼已經下注的時刻,就泛指關鍵時刻、危急時刻、有困難的時刻的意思囉。

    Merriam Webster 字典定義成:when the things are not good. 而劍橋定義成:when you are in a dangerous or difficult situation.

    中文我們說患難見真情,你就可以說 We will know who our true friends are when the chips are down.


  • situation中文 在 愛出國 i-FLY.tw Facebook 的最佳解答

    2016-04-13 13:07:03
    有 139 人按讚

    #非洲大冒險 #肯亞實在太好玩





    他說:Obama's father went to America decades ago, met a beautiful girl, they MADE LOVE(原音呈現), and then Obama was born. Of course we see Obama as son of Kenya, we are proud of him.

    His grandmother is still alive, I have ever visited her village, and talked with her for an hour.

    Before he was elected US president four years ago, he came to Kenya every year. After that, he never visits again. But US government gives much financial support for us, we know.

    He will win next month, and he must win. We couldn’t imagine if he loses how we feel upset.

    America’s economy is getting worse, that’s why the election is too close to call. But you know, Americans spend too much money for themselves, that’s the reason of their economic situation.



