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在 single-spaced產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過31萬的網紅Scholarship for Vietnamese students,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [Volunteer opportunity] The 25th International Youth Forum in Korea. 1. Date and Venue Date: 20th~27th August, 2014 Venue: Seoul and Muju, Republic ...


  • single-spaced 在 Scholarship for Vietnamese students Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2014-06-08 17:21:06
    有 12 人按讚

    [Volunteer opportunity] The 25th International Youth Forum in Korea.

    1. Date and Venue

    Date: 20th~27th August, 2014
    Venue: Seoul and Muju, Republic of Korea

    2. Theme

    “Youth and World Peace”


    - Typesand Features of Youth Action for World Peace
    - Scope and Direction of Youth Action for World peace
    - Understanding of Confrontation and Conflict in Era of Globalization

    3. Background

    A. Though the Cold War has ended, there are lots of conflicts are going on around the world such as territorial dispute of East Asia, Crisis in Ukraine, aseries of coups in Thailand.

    B. Most conflicts are stemmed from differences in views and values: and thus an opportunity to share ideas and thoughts with others and to understand each other should be given.

    4. Objectives

    A. To makeyouthaware of global issues, offering an opportunity to tackle them and to find alternative ways or solutions

    B. To improve cooperation and mutual understanding among youths across diverse cultures

    C. To spread goodwill around the world and to build interactive global citizenship through networking among youths

    5. Organizers

    A. Host: TheMinistry of Gender Equality and Family, theRepublic of Korea (MOGEF)

    B. Organizer: The National Council of Youth Organizations in Korea (NCYOK)

    C. Sponsors:World Assembly of Youth (WAY)
    Asian Youth Council(AYC)
    ASEAN University Network (AUN)

    6. Participants

    A. Overseas participants:60 delegates

    B. Korean participants: 20 delegates

    C. Organizing Committee: 10 people

    D. Qualifications
    - Youths between the ages of 18 and 26 who are significantlyinterested in the topic
    - Participants should have a good command of English

    7. Financial Aid

    A. Travel cost (airfare) will besubsidizedby the organizer (NCYOK)except ASIA(Northeast Asia, Southwest Asia, Central Asia, Southeast Asia)according to the criteria below:

    ¬-Participants travel from Africa, Oceania, Europe and American regions: \650,000

    - Applicants will be informed of a grant amount determined by 23th of June
    - Applicants who can afford own travel cost will be first considered to be admitted

    B. NCYOK bears the expenses ofaccommodation, meals and local transportationduring the program

    8. Application and Required Documents

    A. Application closing date is June27(Fri), 2014
    * The admission will be determined and informed within 5days from he day of submission.

    B. Applicants need to submit:
    1)A completed application
    2) An English essay
    : A4, 1~2pages, font 12, Times New Roman, single-spaced, Title: ‘Youth and World Peace’

    C. Please turn in the above documentsonly via E-mail (lsw0602@koreayouth.net)
    (The title of e-mail should be ‘Youth Forum Applicants – name of applicant’)


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