

在 simulate中文產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 有沒有孩子月考完畢, 已經開始認真收看網版呀? 俐媽這回錄了龍騰B2L7 “TED Talks: Spreading Ideas for a Better World”, 文中提到T, E, D各代表哪三個字, 為什麼演講者都被限制演說需在18分鐘之內? 有哪些名人曾受邀在TED演說? 主題又是什...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅泡麵,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#想見你 #每日一歌 #泡麵好聲音 不知道大家最近有沒有一起「想見你」啊? 麵麵我看完真是非常有感 不知道大家覺得我的COVER如何呢? 如果喜歡的話,記得幫我喜歡分享 也記得要到粉絲專頁多多支持我喔! FB: https://www.facebook.com/huyaya908/ ...

simulate中文 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-08-12 07:13:28

有沒有孩子月考完畢, 已經開始認真收看網版呀? 俐媽這回錄了龍騰B2L7 “TED Talks: Spreading Ideas for a Better World”, 文中提到T, E, D各代表哪三個字, 為什麼演講者都被限制演說需在18分鐘之內? 有哪些名人曾受邀在TED演說? 主題又是什...

simulate中文 在 James Au, PT, CSCS Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-04-04 12:43:17

💥Flat feet(附中文) “What do you need to know” - Collapsed arch, pronated feet, flat feet, they all mean the same thing. But flat feet is not plantar fasc...

  • simulate中文 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-05-27 17:55:30
    有 224 人按讚


    俐媽這回錄了龍騰B2L7 “TED Talks: Spreading Ideas for a Better World”,
    文中提到T, E, D各代表哪三個字,

    英文版是TED Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking,
    作者Chris Anderson在書中提到更多演講時該注意的地方,例如演講風格、主軸思想、腳本的準備、會扣分的投影片、該穿什麼樣的衣著、如何不緊張⋯⋯及他個人大推的TED演說。
    也可以搜尋之前post過的 #俐媽英文教室演講篇 哦!
    🙋🏻‍♂️ 俐媽英文教室—TED演講篇:
    🎤 rhetorics (n.) 辭藻
    🎤 throughline (n.) 主軸
    🎤 topic (n.) 主題
    🎤 structure (n.) 結構
    🎤 issue (n.) 議題
    🎤 connection (n.) 連結
    🎤 narration (n.) 敘事
    🎤 explanation (n.) 解釋
    🎤 persuasion (n.) 說服
    🎤 revelation (n.) 揭示
    🎤 simulate (v.) 模擬
    🎤 reason (v.) 論證
    🎤 slide (n.) 投影片
    🎤 script (n.) 腳本
    🎤 memorize (v.) 背記
    🎤 lectern (n.) 置稿臺
    🎤 flash card (n.) 快閃卡;重點提示卡
    🎤 format (n.) 形式;格式
    🎤 procrastinate (v.) 拖延
    🎤 ramble (n.) 漫談
    🎤 context (n.) 前後文;背景
    🎤 implication (n.) 含義
    🎤 eye contact (n.) 眼神接觸
    🎤 vulnerability (n.) 脆弱
    🎤 parable (n.) 寓言
    🎤 validation (n.) 驗證
    🎤 dynamic (a.) 強而有力的
    🎤 ignite curiosity 點燃好奇心
    🎤 rehearse (v.) 預演
    🎤 wardrobe (n.) 衣著
    🎤 backup plan (n.) 備案

  • simulate中文 在 Betty Apple 倍帝愛波 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-10-13 16:12:58
    有 36 人按讚

    非常榮幸受 Cheng-Ta Yu邀請,在母校 關渡藝術節的 KdMoFA 關渡美術館 哺挫 BOOCHOA 展覽發表

    擬酷液得LiqueeredX《超完美女友當機趴體 Fucking-Super-Girlfriend Crash Party》 !

    這場展演計畫與開幕策劃受到今年出國展演的許多啟發,也在有限的經費內因為許多好友與新人力挺,從去年亞洲雙年展在Chim Pom作品上所聚的道上趴體,直到轉世花木蘭,此當機趴體絕對是本人歷年之創作新高峰。





    《Fucking-Super-Girlfriend Crash Party》as a party, this project allows different performers to simulate the performance images of online pornographic live streaming and female sex robot, for onsite intervention, weaving the various aspects of a “perfect female” presented through the screen in the cyber age, and deriving the practical methods of feminine writing in the post-Internet age. Digital performers and audience engagement in live-streamed performances enable performances to transcend the onsite space and enter the phone screens of audience, presenting multi-perspective slicing of the live event, and re-enacting the performances of fluid images and lusts and temptations inside and beyond the frames. Using “crash” to refer the text of live performance to the discussion of “趴體 (lying down on belly), the Chinese transliteration of “party,” which is the physical state after “crazy partying,” this work presents the status of “error” beyond the “perfect” framework of the technological patriarchy.

    l 《擬酷液得Liqueered》

    昨晚我們才剛在這結束一場派對,你錯過了嗎?在23點47分那刻,愛波對著麥克風,造作地從塗抹豐厚唇蜜的雙唇間,發出意味不明的爆裂吼叫聲,瞬間的情緒波動差點讓為了掩蓋平頭的粉紅假髮掉落,左手仍沒落拍地同步效果器調轉至極限。後方手臂有刺青的場控男子應和著這份情緒,將各色燈光調至急速閃爍他其實不懂,但他知道這理當是一個高潮橋段。嗡太大的聲響導致我耳鳴,倚賴的雙瞳不斷地被重複曝光,認知像是幻燈影像般進入了流變的狀態。接著,現場被紅光全面籠罩,愛波瞬間溫柔地說:「我們現在都是女生。」,這個指令讓我頓時分不清現在是在線還是離線 ……

    We just finished a party here last night. Did you miss it? At exactly 23:47 exploded into the microphone meaningless screams through her lips with thick, pretentiously applied layers of lip gloss; her instantaneous emotional shockwave almost made her pink wig that was intended to cover up her shaved head drop on the floor. Her left hand, without missing a beat, simultaneously turned the effects unit up to the max. The man with tattoos on his arm in charge of onsite control behind her played along with her emotion, and switched the lights in different colors to rapid gleaming…He really did not understand, but he knew this was inevitably a climax. Humm…the sound was too loud, it gave me tinnitus, and the pupils I relied on were being constantly re-exposed; like projections, cognition entered a rheological state. Then, the place was covered in red light, and, all of a sudden, A tenderly said: “We are all girls now.” This command suddenly made me confused with whether we were online, or offline….

    More Information:


  • simulate中文 在 泡麵 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-03-05 08:00:00


    FB: https://www.facebook.com/huyaya908/

    想見你 想見你 想見你
    詞曲:八三夭 阿璞

    When love becomes relics,
    write memories with pictogram,
    how many centuries of yearnings,
    could be worthy of the eternal love stories?

    If we go back to ice age,
    I would hold you tightly.
    Your smile is the cure,
    bring me back to life.

    失去 你的風景 像座廢墟
    Landscape without you becomes debris,
    like a long lost civilization.
    能否 一場奇蹟 一線生機
    Is there a chance to witness the miracle,
    能不能 有再一次 相遇
    that I can see you again?

    想見你 只想見你 未來過去
    Missing you, desire to see you, from past to future,
    I want to see you once more.
    穿越了 千個萬個 時間線裡
    Crossing thousands of timelines,
    Stay closely among crowds.
    用盡了 邏輯心機 推理愛情
    Exhaust all my abilities of logic thinking,
    to deduce the hardest mystery of love.
    會不會 妳也 和我一樣
    Maybe you are the same,
    在等待一句 我願意
    waiting for three magic words "Yes, I do".

    Time pass by and seasons change,
    Stars transformed within interstellar,
    What never go out-of-fashioned
    Is the purest heart.

    未來 先進科技 無法模擬
    What future high-tech unable to simulate,
    is the temperature of your hug
    如果 另個時空 另個身體
    If we travel to another dimension with another avatar
    能不能 換另一種 結局
    can we change the ending?

    想見你 只想見你 未來過去
    Missing you, desire to see you, from past to future,
    I only want to see you.
    穿越了 千個萬個 時間線裡
    Crossing thousands of timelines,
    Stay closely among crowds.
    用盡了 邏輯心機 推理愛情
    Exhaust all my abilities of logics
    to deduce the hardest mystery of love.
    會不會 妳也 和我一樣
    Maybe you are the same,
    在等待一句 我願意
    waiting for three magic words "Yes, I do"

    想見你 每個朝夕
    I want to see you day and night,
    想見你 每個表情
    I want to see all the facial expressions of you,
    想穿越 每個平行
    I want to go across every cross-universe,
    在未來 和過去 緊緊相依
    to stay with you in the past and future.
    想follow 每則IG
    I want to follow every IG,
    不錯過 你的蹤跡
    Never lose your trace.
    會不會 你也一樣
    Maybe you are the same,
    等待著那句 我願意
    waiting for the three magic words "Yes, I do".

    Please watch: "港澳不學拼音也能學中文!!?? 【麵Talk】/ 泡麵"

