

在 silence發音產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3,582的網紅通勤學英語,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【#每日跟讀單元 900】孟買測試可獎勵有耐心駕駛的交通號誌與間諜鴿子 摘要: But, fed up with impatient drivers inflicting a deafening roar every time they are forced to stop, police in ...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過100萬的網紅MrYang楊家成,也在其Youtube影片中提到,你們能聽的出來我唱的是什麼嗎? 學英語發音加微信: mryang177 歌词By MrYang: Chorus: ‘and I know that you don’t love me, you don’t want to say That you care for me but it’s jus...

  • silence發音 在 通勤學英語 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-07-21 06:30:33
    有 8 人按讚

    【#每日跟讀單元 900】孟買測試可獎勵有耐心駕駛的交通號誌與間諜鴿子

    But, fed up with impatient drivers inflicting a deafening roar every time they are forced to stop, police in Mumbai have come up with a new system to punish those who cannot wait at traffic lights in silence.

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  • silence發音 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-06-23 20:57:20
    有 297 人按讚


    It appears that Ms. Kim will continue to hold South Korea __________.

    Close? Dear? 想知道答案的同學請留言。



    Since last week, North Korea’s state news media has depicted Kim Yo-jong as the orchestrator of a rapid-fire series of statements and moves that have raised tensions on the Korean Peninsula. On Tuesday, the North blew up the inter-Korean liaison office in the border city of Kaesong, and a day later, the North Korean military threatened to resume drills along the disputed western sea border with the South.

    1. state media 國家媒體
    2. depict someone as… 把把某人描述為…
    3. the orchestrator of… 的策劃者
    4. rapid-fire 連珠炮般的,一個接一個的,接二連三的
    5. a series of… 一系列的
    6. raise tensions 加劇緊張態勢
    7. the Korean peninsula 朝鮮半島
    8. blow up 炸掉了
    9. liaison office 聯絡辦公室
    10. resume 恢復
    11. military drills 軍事演習
    12. disputed 有爭議的



    The North’s sudden turn toward animosity with the South — and, by extension, the United States — may reflect a desire to unify the country in the face of an economy further hobbled by the coronavirus pandemic and of a deepening need to push for concessions on international sanctions, said Leif-Eric Easley, a professor of international studies at Ewha Womans University in Seoul.

    13. sudden turn toward 突然轉向
    14. animosity 仇恨;敵意;憎惡
    15. by extension 因此,因而*
    16. reflect a desire to… 反映出…的願望
    17. unify the country 團結全國
    18. be hobbled by 被...約束,限制; 被...絆倒
    19. the coronavirus pandemic 新冠疫情; pandemic 大流行病
    20. push for sth 反覆呼籲;努力爭取
    21. concession(常指為結束爭端而作出的)認可,讓步,妥協
    22. international sanctions 國際制裁
    23. international studies 國際研究

    朝鮮突然與韓國反目為仇——同時波及美國——可能反映了朝鮮在新冠疫情導致經濟更加艱難的情形下團結全國的願望,以及推動國際制裁讓步的深層需求。首爾梨花女子大學(Ewha Womans University)國際研究教授李雷夫(Leif Eric Easley)說。

    *extension: https://bit.ly/2YsbamF


    Whatever the motivation behind the growing tension, it has made one thing clear: Ms. Kim’s consolidation of her position as the true No. 2 in her brother’s government, said Lee Seong-hyon, an analyst at the Sejong Institute, a research center in South Korea.

    24. the motivation behind… …背後的動機
    25. make something clear 將某事講清楚
    26. consolidation of power 鞏固權力

    不論逐漸升溫的緊張態勢背後的動機如何,有一件事毋庸置疑:金與正鞏固了她在哥哥的政府中真正二號領導人的地位,韓國研究中心世宗研究所的分析員李成賢(Lee Seong-hyon)說。


    “As she leads the offense against South Korea like a general, it silences those old hard-liners in the Politburo who may think she cannot be the leader,” Mr. Lee said.

    27. lead the offense 領導進攻
    28. silence 使安靜;使沈默
    29. hard-liners 強硬路線者,強硬派
    30. the Politburo 中央政治局




    South Korean President Moon Jae-in (R) shakes hands with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's sister and special envoy Kim Yo-jong (L) during a meeting at the presidential office Cheong Wa Dae (Blue House) in Seoul, South Korea, 10 February 2018.




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  • silence發音 在 QQmei Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-05-19 20:07:38
    有 19,797 人按讚

    #英國教育制度連載 #關於英文閱讀與寫作

    很多人會好奇,英國小學對於「英文」這個科目,究竟是如何進行教學? 其實比起亞洲背單字和文法,這裡更著重的是Reading Comprehension(閱讀理解),就是在看一段詩詞/文章之後回答問題,或是進一步發揮創意,創作出屬於自己的文章/故事。




    「奇怪,以前我們考作文的時候,都要字體故意寫很大,最後一行還會用一個句點來佔字數。 怎麼可能寫這麼多?」



    【Lost Rainforest, Lost Home】
    As the sun smiled with pride, my mother and I swung gracefully from tree to tree. The canopy kept us cool and it was just the right weather for us to go out, play with our friends and maybe pick some delicious oranges. High up in the trees, I could hear an orchestra of birds singing among the trees. It was a beautiful sight.

    At the darkest hour, horrible beasts came to destroy our lovely home. Callosal trucks came charging along the rainforest, destroying everything in its path. Many animals were massacred. Even though the sky was as dark as coal, it was easy to see the flashing red lights and the enormous metal. It was a terrifying sight.

    Not even opening her mouth, my mother grabbed my hand desperately, dragging me to the top of the highest tree we could see. As quick as our tired legs and arms could carry us, we climbed the tall tree. With no time to say anything, she used her expressions to tell me to keep going up. I understood perfectly. The monster’s claws grabbed her by hand and she was gone. She was lost. She was no longer there.

    Slowly, I opened my eyes to see a different home. There were no longer green trees, songbirds singing, sun shining; there was nothing. The colour of the lovely rainforest had turned dull and grey. Silence filled the air. I had no one to play with me, no one to talk with me, and worst of all, no one to take care of me. Hope was lost, and nothing will ever be the same.

  • silence發音 在 MrYang楊家成 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2018-06-14 15:20:50


    學英語發音加微信: mryang177

    歌词By MrYang:
    ‘and I know that you don’t love me, you don’t want to say
    That you care for me but it’s just not enough to stay
    So if you feel like it’s done and we’ll never be the same
    Then you should tell me now so I can get through the heart ache
    I don’t know why you would take so long to tell me you've changed
    Because the chapter is only one page
    It’s not worth the wait, I’m not afraid
    It’s only one page
    2nd Verse:
    You took your time, I know you tried to outrun
    Saying goodbye, but it’s the only outcome
    A part of me wants to hold on to your love
    But i should just let go
    You’re only hurting both of us with your silence
    Quiet don’t make the pain go away
    Please don’t make me think you never loved me at all
    I won’t let a tear fall

