在 shouted中文產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅毒毒手記,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 好撚肉酸呀班廢老😡😲😲👎🏻👎🏻 很多人有點誤會,這些人雖然說廣東話,可能是拿香港身分證,可對我來說我絕不承認他們是香港人,他們只是借愛國愛港之名拿好處的一班人渣五毛而已。 睇完再慶祝吧!!!!!香港人!!!!!!! Please scroll down for English version ...
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過27萬的網紅MYBY孟言布语,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Remember to like, comment, subscribe and turn on notifications~ Blair's Social Media: Instagram: Blairsugarman1 Weibo: @英国布莱尔 MYBY孟言布语 Weibo:MYBY孟言...
shouted中文 在 MYBY孟言布语 Youtube 的最讚貼文
2018-11-19 22:34:51Remember to like, comment, subscribe and turn on notifications~
Blair's Social Media:
Instagram: Blairsugarman1
Weibo: @英国布莱尔
If you’ve ever been curious as to what exactly it is that my dad does, this is video for you. In this weeks video I take you behind the scenes at my dads company, explaining how one man has devoted a life time of effort into dealing with the squeakiest office chair of all time. From there we go to an explosive situation in Hamburg watching as the police deal with deactivating an unexploded WW2 bomb and, almost as if by coincidence, I, a young Jewish man, get shouted at by lots of angry German men in uniform.
Remember to like, comment and subscribe and click the bell so you get all of our new updates! ! -
shouted中文 在 Uncle Siu Youtube 的精選貼文
2015-06-19 08:00:00上次同大家講到,要練好英文的文筆,就要多看優美的文字,不要把閱讀限於課本,或報紙,或雜誌。應該多找經典文字,讀莎士比亞可以,讀Charles Dickens可以,要像我們學中文讀古文一樣,多讀,多感受文字之美。只讀還不夠,有心的話,還應該背誦。上次蕭叔叔分享了蘇格蘭作家Andrew Lang寫的兒童讀物Tales of Troy and Greece裡面其中一段描寫戰爭的段落,文筆氣勢磅礡,讓蕭叔叔看的血脈沸騰。上回講到,希臘戰將Patroclus戰死沙場;今次這一段,是說之前因個人爭執而拒絕出戰的Achilles,要為好友Patroclus報仇。他說:I will not cease from fighting till I have given the Trojans their fill of war. 我不打到他們落花流水,誓不收兵。
Thrice Achilles shouted mightily, and thrice the horses of the Trojans shuddered for fear and turned back from the onslaught - and thrice the men of Troy were confounded and shaken with terror.
一落場,Achilles(蕭叔叔喜歡叫他「希臘呂布」,因為都是一樣萬夫莫敵。)大叫三聲,頗有三國張飛在長板橋喝倒曹軍戰馬的氣勢。留意作者把thrice一字放前,能加強氣勢:Thrice Achilles shouted mightily, and thrice… 這樣寫,比Achilles shouted thrice mightily強得多了。然後Achilles同敵將Hector大戰,Hector快輸了,他大叫:
“Let me not die without honour!” and drew his sword, and rushed at Achilles, who sprang to meet him, but before Hector could come within a sword-stroke Achilles had sent his spear clean through the neck of Hector.
Hector把長矛掉失了,只有靠手中短劍,但未埋身,就被Achilles的矛刺破喉嚨。留意這段的動詞,非常生動,drew,rushed,sprang,sent his spear clean through等等。
He fell in the dust and Achilles said, “Dogs and birds shall tear your flesh unburied.”
幾惡毒!我不會為你收屍,就讓你的屍體在戰場暴曬,讓野狗野鳥吃你的肉吧。Dogs and birds shall tear your flesh unburied. 好厲害,好簡單,好直接的文字。
With his dying breath Hector prayed him to take gold from Priam, and give back his body to be burned in Troy. But Achilles said, “Hound! would that I could bring myself to carve and eat thy raw flesh, but dogs shall devour it, even if thy father offered me thy weight in gold.”
Hector哀求Achilles,把我的屍身送回我城吧,我爹會給你黃金。Achilles說,狗賊!即使你爹給我跟你屍身一樣重的黃金,我都不會把你送回Troy城:even if thy father offered me thy weight in gold。這句,表現了什麼叫簡潔有力的文字。
大家可能會問,我平時有幾可會描述戰爭嘅場景呀?讀呢啲文章,又有乜用?咁睇就錯了,多讀文筆流麗的文字,不但能培養英語文字的節奏感,也能學習多變得用字和造句,以及靈活運用文字的spirit,這些都是多讀多背經典文字的好處。先背了吧,以後寫作時,文氣會不經不覺地「滲」出來。 Http://www.facebook.com/siuhoiyat
shouted中文 在 毒毒手記 Facebook 的最佳解答
睇完再慶祝吧!!!!!香港人!!!!!!! Please scroll down for English version that is translated by my FB friend John Doe. (special thx),另外基於有台灣,新加坡,馬來西亞和海外華人未必懂廣東話,以下文法改為書面語希望香港朋友諒解)
第一條片是比較完整,第二條片只拍到黑警來了,是由於手機記憶體FULL了而我不知道而拍唔到,唯有口講補充,警察來到是分開人群,但完全沒有幫幾位外籍血統人士落口供,亦未有要求佢地協助調查,可能真是學歷低,中途更有人扔飲品向受害人,我要求黑警盡快拾回證物驗指紋他只當我在唱歌,之後這群藍屍更大搖大擺由黑警護送離場,我質問現場黑警是不是放人走,他裝作聽不到,到我盯著他的眼質問他,他才回應我說他什麼都不知道只是控制現場環境,我真屌你老闆,結果到最後黑警帶受傷香港人四圍去認人,而幾位外籍血統人士就被人遺留在現場冇人理會,是不是外籍血統人士就不可以得到警方保障呢??我相信這個問題香港黑警要好好回答,否則隨時引起國際風波!!!!!!!他們已經直接開口問你CAN YOU HELP ME,那女警只係叫人走不要在現場停留........
Why and what should we(Hongkongers)celebrate ?
The Government of the HKSAR always claims that Hong Kong is an internation city but some so called 'Love Country Love Hong Kong' people have behaved like the yìhétuán (boxer)that is really shameful !
Just one day before the 7.1 Hong Kong Regression Day, a foreigner was insulted by a group of gangster-liked people in TST. In these two videos, these 'gangsters' shouted at the foreigner with a lot of foul languages, mainly in Cantonese and sometimes in English, saying that this(Hong Kong)is the land of China that why couldn't he speak Chinese and asked him to fuck off. If these 'gangsters' are real Hongkongers, they should know that English is also an offical language of Hong Kong.
Another ridiculous thing was that these 'gangsters' only shouted at this foreigner and dared not to 'touch' him but when some Hongkongers tried to help this foreigner, beside shouted at these Hongkongers, they also pushed and hit them.
Later when the police came, they just asked these'gangsters' to leave the scene of incident and did not asked the foreigner if he needed any help. Indeed, before the police arrived, I asked the foreigner should I called the police but he questioned me if this could help for there was police not far away that they should have already known what was happening here.
Finally, the police 'escorted' the 'gangsters' to leave and left the foreigner alone, did not record the incident for further investigation. I argued with the police, by then they walked around with the injured Hongkonger to see if he could identified any suspect but still neglected the foreigner. Why foreigner has no safety protection while the 'gangster' has? One police even dared to say he did not know what had been happening and just came to control the situation.
During the past few years, such 'gangster' always fight against democrats and seldom was arrested, on the contrary, democrats, despite some of them were victims, were arrested and sued.
Why the Commissioner of Police admits such unprofessional subordinates?
The new Chief Executive of HKSAR has taken office this morning, will these 'gangsters' continue to rampage?
What happen if a foreigner was injured or died, due to an attack by such 'gangsters' ? No doubt, it will become an internation issue !
I'm the copywrite owner of these 2 videos, welcome to share this post but please do not download and upload the videos unless you have my consent. Oriental Daily and TVB are not allowed to share them no matter how much they will pay to me.
shouted中文 在 Sam Tsang 曾思瀚 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Beijing paid thugs threatening HK locals while acting like HK locals to bully foreign journalists. How do you know the government is in bed with these thugs? The police didn't arrest them for disorderly conduct.
睇完再慶祝吧!!!!!香港人!!!!!!! Please scroll down for English version that is translated by my FB friend John Doe. (special thx),另外基於有台灣,新加坡,馬來西亞和海外華人未必懂廣東話,以下文法改為書面語希望香港朋友諒解)
第一條片是比較完整,第二條片只拍到黑警來了,是由於手機記憶體FULL了而我不知道而拍唔到,唯有口講補充,警察來到是分開人群,但完全沒有幫幾位外籍血統人士落口供,亦未有要求佢地協助調查,可能真是學歷低,中途更有人扔飲品向受害人,我要求黑警盡快拾回證物驗指紋他只當我在唱歌,之後這群藍屍更大搖大擺由黑警護送離場,我質問現場黑警是不是放人走,他裝作聽不到,到我盯著他的眼質問他,他才回應我說他什麼都不知道只是控制現場環境,我真屌你老闆,結果到最後黑警帶受傷香港人四圍去認人,而幾位外籍血統人士就被人遺留在現場冇人理會,是不是外籍血統人士就不可以得到警方保障呢??我相信這個問題香港黑警要好好回答,否則隨時引起國際風波!!!!!!!他們已經直接開口問你CAN YOU HELP ME,那女警只係叫人走不要在現場停留........
Why and what should we(Hongkongers)celebrate ?
The Government of the HKSAR always claims that Hong Kong is an internation city but some so called 'Love Country Love Hong Kong' people have behaved like the yìhétuán (boxer)that is really shameful !
Just one day before the 7.1 Hong Kong Regression Day, a foreigner was insulted by a group of gangster-liked people in TST. In these two videos, these 'gangsters' shouted at the foreigner with a lot of foul languages, mainly in Cantonese and sometimes in English, saying that this(Hong Kong)is the land of China that why couldn't he speak Chinese and asked him to fuck off. If these 'gangsters' are real Hongkongers, they should know that English is also an offical language of Hong Kong.
Another ridiculous thing was that these 'gangsters' only shouted at this foreigner and dared not to 'touch' him but when some Hongkongers tried to help this foreigner, beside shouted at these Hongkongers, they also pushed and hit them.
Later when the police came, they just asked these'gangsters' to leave the scene of incident and did not asked the foreigner if he needed any help. Indeed, before the police arrived, I asked the foreigner should I called the police but he questioned me if this could help for there was police not far away that they should have already known what was happening here.
Finally, the police 'escorted' the 'gangsters' to leave and left the foreigner alone, did not record the incident for further investigation. I argued with the police, by then they walked around with the injured Hongkonger to see if he could identified any suspect but still neglected the foreigner. Why foreigner has no safety protection while the 'gangster' has? One police even dared to say he did not know what had been happening and just came to control the situation.
During the past few years, such 'gangster' always fight against democrats and seldom was arrested, on the contrary, democrats, despite some of them were victims, were arrested and sued.
Why the Commissioner of Police admits such unprofessional subordinates?
The new Chief Executive of HKSAR has taken office this morning, will these 'gangsters' continue to rampage?
What happen if a foreigner was injured or died, due to an attack by such 'gangsters' ? No doubt, it will become an internation issue !
I'm the copywrite owner of these 2 videos, welcome to share this post but please do not download and upload the videos unless you have my consent. Oriental Daily and TVB are not allowed to share them no matter how much they will pay to me.
shouted中文 在 林瘋 Frances Facebook 的最讚貼文
點啊~班blue屍除咗屌你老母無限loop,同大聲到震穿人耳膜,仲識乜呀?🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️ 對住香港人就兇狠,對住外國人就碌L... 😅😅😅
Please scroll down for English version that is translated by my FB friend John Doe. (special thx)
第一條片是比較完整,第二條片只拍到黑警來了,是由於手機記憶體FULL了而我不知道而拍唔到,唯有口講補充,警察來到是分開人群,但完全沒有幫幾位外籍血統人士落口供,亦未有要求佢地協助調查,可能真是學歷低,中途更有人扔飲品向受害人,我要求黑警盡快拾回證物驗指紋他只當我在唱歌,之後這群藍屍更大搖大擺由黑警護送離場,我質問現場黑警是不是放人走,他裝作聽不到,到我盯著他的眼質問他,他才回應我說他什麼都不知道只是控制現場環境,我真屌你老闆,結果到最後黑警帶受傷香港人四圍去認人,而幾位外籍血統人士就被人遺留在現場冇人理會,是不是外籍血統人士就不可以得到警方保障呢??我相信這個問題香港黑警要好好回答,否則隨時引起國際風波!!!!!!!他們已經直接開口問你CAN YOU HELP ME,那女警只係叫人走不要在現場停留........
Why and what should we(Hongkongers)celebrate ?
The Government of the HKSAR always claims that Hong Kong is an internation city but some so called 'Love Country Love Hong Kong' people have behaved like the yìhétuán (boxer)that is really shameful !
Just one day before the 7.1 Hong Kong Regression Day, a foreigner was insulted by a group of gangster-liked people in TST. In these two videos, these 'gangsters' shouted at the foreigner with a lot of foul languages, mainly in Cantonese and sometimes in English, saying that this(Hong Kong)is the land of China that why couldn't he speak Chinese and asked him to fuck off. If these 'gangsters' are real Hongkongers, they should know that English is also an offical language of Hong Kong.
Another ridiculous thing was that these 'gangsters' only shouted at this foreigner and dared not to 'touch' him but when some Hongkongers tried to help this foreigner, beside shouted at these Hongkongers, they also pushed and hit them.
Later when the police came, they just asked these'gangsters' to leave the scene of incident and did not asked the foreigner if he needed any help. Indeed, before the police arrived, I asked the foreigner should I called the police but he questioned me if this could help for there was police not far away that they should have already known what was happening here.
Finally, the police 'escorted' the 'gangsters' to leave and left the foreigner alone, did not record the incident for further investigation. I argued with the police, by then they walked around with the injured Hongkonger to see if he could identified any suspect but still neglected the foreigner. Why foreigner has no safety protection while the 'gangster' has? One police even dared to say he did not know what had been happening and just came to control the situation.
During the past few years, such 'gangster' always fight against democrats and seldom was arrested, on the contrary, democrats, despite some of them were victims, were arrested and sued.
Why the Commissioner of Police admits such unprofessional subordinates?
The new Chief Executive of HKSAR has taken office this morning, will these 'gangsters' continue to rampage?
What happen if a foreigner was injured or died, due to an attack by such 'gangsters' ? No doubt, it will become an internation issue !
I'm the copywrite owner of these 2 videos, welcome to share this post but please do not download and upload the videos unless you have my consent. Oriental Daily and TVB are not allowed to share them no matter how much they will pay to me.