[爆卦]shivery in tagalog是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇shivery in tagalog鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在shivery in tagalog這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 shivery產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過33萬的網紅Lawrence Wong 王冠逸,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, In an ideal world, we’d all end up with our first loves because when everything fades and the smoke subsides each and everyone will tell you that if ...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過93萬的網紅Bubzvlogz,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Tim showed me all these Gwiyomi videos yesterday and I was like "What is this?? Is this the new Harlem Shake?" My first thoughts watching the videos ...

  • shivery 在 Lawrence Wong 王冠逸 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2016-02-07 10:20:43
    有 2,448 人按讚

    In an ideal world, we’d all end up with our first loves because when everything fades and the smoke subsides each and everyone will tell you that if their first love would suddenly walk in through the door on a shivery Sunday morning decades after they last met, they’d still fall back in love with them...

  • shivery 在 CarlosDouh Facebook 的最佳解答

    2014-02-11 17:40:33
    有 45 人按讚

    It's freeeeezing in Hong Kong right now!!

    今日好凍,你若果凈係識講 "I am cold.",點型呀?(唔好講我聽你仲識講"I am VERY cold"…… )

    I feel cold. (我覺凍。)
    I feel so cold. (我覺得好凍。)

    識講 “I'm freezing!” (我凍僵喇!),你係叻少少睇過下戲嘅港仔港女 ^^

    不妨結合:“I feel freezing cold.” (我覺得好很凍。) – 咬字要清
    出變化技:“My hands are freezing!” (我對手凍僵了。) – 女生常說
    你回答再出變化技:“Really? My bird is also freezing!” (真係?我隻雀都凍僵了。) – 很可憐唷
    又可以話:“It's chilly/nippy today.” (今日凍到震。) – 但好Q扮野
    扮下專業:“Heard the news reported arctic conditions in the city?” (你無聽新聞話凍到北極咁呀?)
    加下地方:“The toilet was glacial.” (個厠所仿如冰川。) – 好有詩意
    玩下家禽:“My bird feels shivery.” (我隻雀在震呀!) – 充滿動感

    中文都有啲特別用法啦,好似:「凍到癲呀!」「凍死無命賠!」「饑寒交迫」呀咁,又有啲你老母好老土成日講:「震過貓王呀~~~」 (真架,小弟唔知邊個係貓王架)。以下有啲再正啲嘅英文表達技,嚇鬼一流,鬼妹都溶化:
    “Baby you know it's so cold I'm blowing icicles out of my nose.” (我凍到鼻窿生冰柱呀Baby!) – 索吻必用
    “It's so cold that you need to open the refrigerator to warm up the house.” (我凍到要打開雪櫃暖下間屋!) – 最Enjoy女仔大嗌「唔好」、「停」
    “It's so cold when we milked the cows we got ice cream.” (我凍到一搾完奶成手雪糕!) – 不予置評
    “It's so cold mice were playing hockey in the toilet bowl.” (凍到啲老鼠喺厠所打冰上曲棍球!) – 拗水吹……
    “It's colder than a mother-in-law's kiss.” (嘩寒過你外母咀你!) – 咁你暖下我啦
    終極一句:“I'm freezing my nipples off.” (凍到飛釘!)
    This is from Oten x Carlos @ Super English Force XDD

  • shivery 在 Bubzvlogz Youtube 的最佳解答

    2013-04-11 20:39:10

    Tim showed me all these Gwiyomi videos yesterday and I was like "What is this?? Is this the new Harlem Shake?"

    My first thoughts watching the videos was "Aww" but the poses almost made me feel a bit shivery.

    He told me I should make one but I was like "NOOO! I can barely stand watching through these. People are totally gonna laugh". But then a lot of you guys requested this and Tim also promised if I do one,... he's gonna do one too! So here I am in this video acting all cutesy to make your eyes bleed. I totally cringed doing this LOL.

    I have to admit, Tim's version is MILES better than mine. I actually think it's the best gwiyomi version out there.

    I still don't really know what gwiyomi is. I think I did the original version? I have no idea.

    No I'm not Korean. I'm not trying to be Korean either. I'm 100% proud to be chinese. I just really really really want to see Tim do this dance. My life is now complete.

    Ps. This song is gonna be stuck in your head all day. You're welcome.

    Much love, Bubz & Tim xx

