👉🏼Send shivers down someone's spine👈🏼
📍Meaning: to make someone feel very frightened or excited
意思: 令人背脊發涼、毛骨悚然/興奮
🔹Sentences: ➡️ His ...
👉🏼Send shivers down someone's spine👈🏼
📍Meaning: to make someone feel very frightened or excited
意思: 令人背脊發涼、毛骨悚然/興奮
🔹Sentences: ➡️ His April Fools' Day prank sent shivers down my spine!
➡️ This exciting basketball game sent shivers down my spine.
📍the act of shaking slightlybecause you are frightened, cold, or ill (打冷顫)
📍backbone (脊骨)
上次講完spleen (脾臟),就諗起關spine(脊髓) 事嘅呢句,仲有冇其他關於器官嘅phrase呢?🤔
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