

在 she歌曲歌詞產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過535的網紅蕭琳納,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 「謝謝你很努力,謝謝自己沒放棄,謝謝你一路堅持到這裡。」 有些傷痕可能一輩子都忘懷不了,一輩子都無法癒合,但謝謝自己,即使傷痕累累,依然努力、勇敢、無畏的走下去。 或許永遠都忘不了那一段失戀,那段失去、迷失自己的過程,或許一輩子都無法忘懷那些網路上難以入眼的字句,還有那些批評、嘲笑的人的嘴臉,或許...

 同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過14萬的網紅Ricky英語小蛋糕,也在其Youtube影片中提到,新制多益3秒解題【關代變化的分詞構句】Ricky//英語小蛋糕 👉「 多益教材」 馬上領取 : https://lin.ee/oue8V3S (點進去後輸入教材密碼 r138) #分詞構句#新制多益#多益閱讀 ------------------------------------------...

she歌曲歌詞 在 一日一樂 | 音樂分享 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-02-03 14:16:33

【Birdy - Surrender】 . 暌違五年,Birdy 終於要在今年 4/30 發新專輯啦!這首 作為專輯第一首主打歌,雖然依然是討論失去戀人的悲痛,但編曲上的明亮踏實,卻創造了一個不一樣的聆聽感受。 . Birdy 上一張《Beautiful Lies》與先前的專輯封面都是她一個人面無...

she歌曲歌詞 在 一日一樂 | 音樂分享 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-09-21 14:30:07

【Hayden Calnin – Coward】 . 一整晚聽著室友和她的朋友們聊著極度開放的話題故事後,我回到了房間,煮了一小碗泡麵、看了一集 Netflix。後來我翻起了昨天認識的 Hayden Calnin,找到了一首歌叫做 ,這個不管是人聲、編曲都超像 Bon Iver 的音樂人,在短短幾分...

  • she歌曲歌詞 在 蕭琳納 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-07-28 22:00:38
    有 14 人按讚





    #shellenawriting #shellenawords
    #張西 #我還是會繼續釀梅子酒 #ella #she #陳嘉樺 #晚安歌

    #青春有你2 #青春有你 #手寫 #手寫字 #寫字 #歌曲 #歌詞 #KKBOX KKBOX校園大使 #writing #words #song #goodnight #night

  • she歌曲歌詞 在 Lisa hui Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-07-07 20:41:53
    有 585 人按讚

    Satisfied- An Original Song from Lisa's song mind

    Lisa Hui: Lyrics, melody and Harmony
    Awesome Music: Arrangement and Mixing

    When I wrote this song I was completely heart broken and had a really hard time recording it. Have you ever felt broken hearted and disappointed by love?
    I entered the recording studio three times trying to record this song but each time I left in tears. I couldn't complete the recording. By the forth time I kept crying and crying. I kept asking myself what should I do? At that time I was no longer able to stay in Canada. I was ready to return to Hong Kong and my departure could not be delayed. How could I finish recording if I couldn't stop crying? So I tried again no matter how exhausted I was. I was crying in the studio and I recorded for many hours until it was 4 am. The main melody was recorded and I still felt it was not enough... something was still missing. So I added a few more harmonies to the last chorus to make it sound more full. When the harmonies in the last chorus were done, I felt relieved and was sure this is what I wanted. It gives a perfect “soul” addition to this R and B style of song. I always improvise, sing and record as many tracks as possible to make my original songs as best as they can be .

    After all, this song was really about Lisa on the verge of collapse. On the emotional edge between wondering and loss. The psychedelic and unrealistic feeling that made Lisa 's impromptu chorus gives the song it's soul.

    "Satisfied" tells us we don't need to be down to be satisfied.
    Waiting for someone to come back to you, the long nights of pain and suffering. But gradually she had lost her instinct to take care of herself, the pain had entangled her heart everyday and time gradually passed away.
    It is almost impossible to let go of the only "he" in your heart that you care about and trust. Can you understand?
    But everything is reality and it is cruel. When we wake up and think about it, as long as we have loved, owned, sincerely loved and enjoyed the romantic times we should be "Satisfied".
    Throughout writing and recording this song Lisa was in a state of mind that couldn't let go of the entanglement. However, in the face of cruel reality and suppressed emotions that cannot be controlled the inspiration for 'Satisfied" crystallized.
    This is the second song written after "It Doesn't Matter". Although it says "it doesn't matter", I still can't let go of it in my heart, and I have to convince myself to be "Satisfied".

    This song has been played on stations such as "A1 Chinese Radio Toronto" ,”Industrial Radio station "The Road and us", "Taiwan Radio's Independent Music Lecture eps.28"and shown live on Fairchild Television

    作词作曲&和音:许静雯Lisa Hui 编曲混合:Awesome Studio

    Lisa 的創作心靈:
    錄製這首歌曲時候,進了三次錄音室,都是淚流滿面的走出來,沒有一次成功的完成錄音。到第四次時候更是崩潰嚎哭,我不斷問自己應該怎麼辦? 那時候加拿大已經不能再給我停留,要準備回香港了,事情已經不能再拖延,不錄完就真的前功盡廢了,每次都哭得停不了,怎麼可以完成呢?
    「 心滿意足」告訴我們,懂得當刻的放下才能領匯心滿意足。
    这首是繼"沒關係"之後寫的第二首歌曲,雖然說“沒關係”,可是心裡還是放不下, 也得說服自己要“心滿意足”。

    這首歌有在「A1 Chinese Radio Toronto Canada」有播放過,,與商業電台 嘅《馬路的事 我哋的事》, 還有台灣電台「獨立音樂講堂 -第二十八集」(DJ罐頭)。

    Photo taken by potato
    VIdeo edit by Lisa Hui
    Youtube : https://youtu.be/8mT3fVvyu5Y
    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/lisahui94/

  • she歌曲歌詞 在 Lisa hui Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-07-04 00:19:46
    有 413 人按讚

    沒關係 “It’s okay” 許靜雯 Lisa Hui 原創歌曲 歌詞視頻

    Lisa 的創作心靈:
    "沒關係"是Lisa 2016年五月份寫的原創歌曲。lisa 當時原本是為了愛情和新生命來臨而放棄了她最喜歡的音樂世界。也因為這種改變而令Lisa 那段時間意志非常消沈。
    這是她再次回到音樂舞台寫的第一首原創歌曲,描述關於一個為音樂而生的女生,經過不同的愛情歷練,走進愛情的虛假世界而迷失,連唯一支援自己動力"音樂"也放下不管。 可惜無論她多麼的努力都只是在渴望得到真愛的邊緣遊走,現實都給她重重的打擊, 今天這女生從謊言中醒覺,痛苦中成長蛻變,終於學懂了放下,再次回到她最愛的音樂世界,站上舞臺再次發亮。 她發覺原來只要走進音樂的世界,所有的委屈和痛苦都只是一個經歷,一切都不重要,因此這首歌叫《沒關係》。
    希望觀眾會感到音樂的真實和生命,無論受多大傷害, 只要有音樂, 一切的苦難都會是《沒關係》。
    這首歌有在「多倫多中文電台」有播放過,「A1 Chinese Radio Toronto Canada」,與商業電台 嘅《馬路的事 我哋的事》, 還有台灣電台「獨立音樂講堂 -第二十八集」(DJ罐頭)。

    "It's Okay" is an original song written by Lisa Hui in May 2016. Lisa had given up her beloved musical world for her love and new born son. The change in circumstance left Lisa very depressed at the time. This song was written for the "9th Chinese Song Writing Competition", sponsored by the Canadian Chinese radio station.

    Lisa took the opportunity to write and record "It's Okay" while rejoicing in her return to music.

    "It's Okay" describes a girl who is reborn to create music... capturing Lisa's return to writing original songs. The story of a woman who's experiences through a false world of love left her without her creativity. Leaving her alone in a place where no matter how hard she tries the reality of lost love leaves her on the edge. The reality of life has hit her hard.

    Today, this girl wakes up from the lies, grows and transforms the pain into strength. She learns to let go and return to her beloved musical world again. Standing on the stage and shining again is where she wants to be. She has realized that as long as she walks in the world of music the pain and hurt are no longer important... "It's Okay"

    Lisa hopes that her audience and listeners feel the truth and the life in her music. No matter how much damage or trauma we have experienced as long as there is music "It's Okay"

    Instagram: lisahui94
    YouTube: https://youtu.be/axeS-dexOmo

    English translation Lisa Hui & brett beattie

  • she歌曲歌詞 在 Ricky英語小蛋糕 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-09-24 20:00:03


    👉「 多益教材」
    馬上領取 : https://lin.ee/oue8V3S
    (點進去後輸入教材密碼 r138)

    📕課前測驗 (影片有解答哦!)
    1. President White promised to increase the export of machines ______ domestically.
    (A) manufacturing(B) manufacture(C) manufactures(D) manufactured

    2. Candidates in this interview______ professional skills useful for the position will have a greater chance of being hired.
    (A) displayed(B) have displayed(C) displaying (D) display

    3. Even though she has little experience working with computers, Ms. Celine is often able to assist customers ______ technical support.
    (A) require (B) requiring (C) required (D) requires



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    【多益高分7個必懂文法 】https://youtu.be/Os3eFKisucw

    【第二關:角色扮演role play】https://youtu.be/UIXzsA6y0F0

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  • she歌曲歌詞 在 Lisa hui 許靜雯 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-08-11 22:41:38

    The way I feel
    作词作曲&和音:许静雯Lisa Hui 编曲混合:Awesome Studio

    Lisa 的創作心靈:

    可惜那時候那位愛人已經愛上了另一位女生,而他卻沒男子漢的擔當,不敢勇敢的承認。還取笑Lisa 為他寫的歌,說Lisa寫的歌詞沒意思而且還很搞笑,哈哈大笑地取笑Lisa。其實對Lisa是滿諷刺的,只是Lisa 放不下那段感情,畢竟那時候已經拍拖3年半,雖然感情上的分分合合,讓Lisa心靈有重重的挫敗感,但Lisa 根本不想放棄。
    Lisa還是把滿滿的愛意寫給這位愛人。 打從心底希望愛人能夠欣賞。只可惜最後都是有緣無分。

    這也是Lisa 專輯裡面唯一的一首英文歌曲。

    The way I feel
    Melody, Lyrics & Harmonies : Lisa Hui Mixing & Arrangement : Awesome Studio

    Lisa's creative mind soul:
    When you are not recognized by your lover, but want to attract his attention to you, then you can only show your charm as much as you can.
    The 18-years-old Lisa loves to sing, write, and dance. When Lisa wrote this song, she wanted to use a mix of Arabic style and Spanish style, hoping to show her love for her lover through exotic passionate dance music.
    Will this song be written to her lover?
    Unfortunately, at that time, the lover had fallen in love with another girl, he did not have the responsibility of a man, and dared not to admit the relationship bravely. Also making fun of Lisa’s song for him, saying that Lisa’s lyrics are boring and funny, and do not make sense, and made fun of Lisa with a loud laughter.
    In fact, Lisa is full of irony, but Lisa can't let go of that relationship. After all, she has been dating with him for 3 and a half years. Although the separations and combination of emotions made Lisa's heart frustrated as a teenager, true love is what she longs for. Lisa didn't want to give up at all.
    Lisa still wrote a lot of love to this lover. From the bottom of her heart, She hope this lover can appreciate it. It's a pity that in the end they were all destined apart from each other.

    This is the only English song on Lisa’s album.

  • she歌曲歌詞 在 Lisa hui 許靜雯 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-07-07 21:10:54

    作词作曲&和音:许静雯Lisa Hui 编曲混合:Awesome Studio

    Lisa 的創作心靈:
    錄製這首歌曲時候,進了三次錄音室,都是淚流滿面的走出來,沒有一次成功的完成錄音。到第四次時候更是崩潰嚎哭,我不斷問自己應該怎麼辦? 那時候加拿大已經不能再給我停留,要準備回香港了,事情已經不能再拖延,不錄完就真的前功盡廢了,每次都哭得停不了,怎麼可以完成呢?
    「 心滿意足」告訴我們,懂得當刻的放下才能領匯心滿意足。
    这首是繼"沒關係"之後寫的第二首歌曲,雖然說“沒關係”,可是心裡還是放不下, 也得說服自己要“心滿意足”。

    這首歌有在「A1 Chinese Radio Toronto Canada」有播放過,,與商業電台 嘅《馬路的事 我哋的事》, 還有台灣電台「獨立音樂講堂 -第二十八集」(DJ罐頭)。

    An Original Song from Lisa's song mind

    When I wrote this song I was completely heart broken and had a really hard time recording it. Have you ever felt broken hearted and disappointed by love?
    I entered the recording studio three times trying to record this song but each time I left in tears. I couldn't complete the recording. By the forth time I kept crying and crying. I kept asking myself what should I do? At that time I was no longer able to stay in Canada. I was ready to return to Hong Kong and my departure could not be delayed. How could I finish recording if I couldn't stop crying? So I tried again no matter how exhausted I was. I was crying in the studio and I recorded for many hours until it was 4 am. The main melody was recorded and I still felt it was not enough... something was still missing. So I added a few more harmonies to the last chorus to make it sound more full. When the harmonies in the last chorus were done, I felt relieved and was sure this is what I wanted. It gives a perfect “soul” addition to this R and B style of song. I always improvise, sing and  record as many tracks as possible to make my original songs as best as they can be . 

    After all, this song was really about Lisa on the verge of collapse. On the emotional edge between wondering and loss. The psychedelic and unrealistic feeling that made Lisa 's impromptu chorus gives the song it's soul.

    "Satisfied" tells us we don't need to be down to be satisfied.
    Waiting for someone to come back to you, the long nights of pain and suffering. But gradually she had lost her instinct to take care of herself, the pain had entangled her heart everyday and time gradually passed away.
    It is almost impossible to let go of the only "he" in your heart that you care about and trust. Can you understand? 
    But everything is reality and it is cruel. When we wake up and think about it, as long as we have loved, owned, sincerely loved and enjoyed the romantic times we should be "Satisfied". 
    Throughout writing and recording this song Lisa was in a state of mind that couldn't let go of the entanglement. However, in the face of cruel reality and suppressed emotions that cannot be controlled the inspiration for 'Satisfied" crystallized.
    This is the second song written after "It Doesn't Matter". Although it says "it doesn't matter", I still can't let go of it in my heart, and I have to convince myself to be "Satisfied".

    This song has been played on stations such as "A1 Chinese Radio Toronto" ,”Industrial Radio station "The Road and us", "Taiwan Radio's Independent Music Lecture eps.28"and shown live on Fairchild Television

    Photo taken by potato
    VIdeo edit by Lisa Hui
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LisaHui1994/
    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/lisahui94/

