

在 sharan香港產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1萬的網紅李卓人 Lee Cheuk Yan,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【國際工會關注國安法】 自由世界嘅工會陣營一直都好關注港人權利同工會權利嘅情況,當然,近日就中共強推《港版國安法》,佢哋一樣關心。尋日,ITUC 國際工會聯盟就發表聲明,對於《港版國安法》表示強烈關注。聲明指出,中國政府一直指稱香港示威者為「恐怖分子」,不單止是抹黑,更是冒犯緊世界上深受真正恐怖...

  • sharan香港 在 李卓人 Lee Cheuk Yan Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-05-28 15:36:04
    有 63 人按讚

    自由世界嘅工會陣營一直都好關注港人權利同工會權利嘅情況,當然,近日就中共強推《港版國安法》,佢哋一樣關心。尋日,ITUC 國際工會聯盟就發表聲明,對於《港版國安法》表示強烈關注。聲明指出,中國政府一直指稱香港示威者為「恐怖分子」,不單止是抹黑,更是冒犯緊世界上深受真正恐怖分子所害嘅人!《港版國安法》是抹殺港人的基本權利和自由,ITUC主席Sharan Burrow 更呼籲全球的公民社會譴責中共的作為,阻止中共通過惡法。

    世界各地嘅獨裁政權,都好喜歡用 #國家安全 嘅法例打壓異己。所以國際工會對於依類法例,一向都存有戒心。ITUC主席Sharan Burrow 出身澳洲工會聯盟,自然清楚中國資本同政治點樣滲透響世界上唔同國家。依一篇新聞稿跟得好貼,亦有提到5月24日的警察鎮壓,和中共打壓教師的作為。

    國際工會嘅發聲,有助世界各地嘅工會了解香港現況,從而作出新的判斷。需知道,中國政府花了大量人力物力,滲透各國公民社會,利用西方國家左翼的「反18世紀殖民」情緒,試圖獲得同情。 職工盟(HKCTU) 過往建立起嘅國際工會關係,一直強調公民社會之間的連結,推動各國工會了解真正的中國因素同埋香港問題。

    未來我會繼續向大家介紹 #國際工會戰線 ,大家繼續留意。

    ITUC ITUC - Asia Pacific


    #工會戰線 #國際工會 #圍堵中國 #一帶一路 #民間外交

    【Telegram 頻道】t.me/unionsforhk

  • sharan香港 在 李卓人 Lee Cheuk Yan Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-08-30 22:26:54
    有 31 人按讚


    Dear Ambassador Chen,
    Ambassador CHEN Xu
    Permanent Representative of the People's Republic of China to the United Nations Office at Geneva and other International Organizations in Switzerland
    Geneva, August 30, 2019
    11, Chemin de Surville
    1213 Petit-Lancy, Geneva
    We the undersigned Global Union Federations stand in solidarity with the Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (HKCTU) and the courageous citizens participating in the strikes and popular protests defending and promoting democratic rights in Hong Kong.
    We call on the Hong Kong administration to agree to the 5 demands of the HKCTU and enter immediately into dialogue with the HKCTU and civil society to restore justice and implement democratic reform.
    The HKCTU demands are:
    • permanent withdrawal of the extradition law; release of the arrested protesters without charge;
    • withdrawal by the authorities of their characterisation of the 12 June protests as “riots”;
    • an independent investigation into police violence and abuse of power; and
    • implementation of universal suffrage.
    Police brutality continues to escalate and the right to freedom of assembly has been seriously infringed. This is in breach of both the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (to which Hong Kong is a signatory party), and the United Nations Basic Principles on the Use of Forces and Forearms by Law Enforcement Officers. Excessive force has been deployed against peaceful protesters.
    Police have used rubber bullets, teargas and pepper spray against protesters, and have stood by while gangsters have beaten people participating in the rallies. In an attempt to justify police violence and illegal detention, agent provocateurs have been placed within the ranks of protestors. The Hong Kong Federation of Journalists report hundreds of incidents of police violence used against them in an attempt to obstruct their work.

    We note with increasing concern that the Government of China has reacted with misinformation, threats and the build-up of military forces near the border in Shenzhen.
    As global trade unions we are particularly concerned about the systematic persecution of workers by employers for their involvement in the peaceful protests or for expressing their support for the protests on social media. This persecution must end and all those who were unfairly terminated must be reinstated unconditionally and employers must respect workers' rights to free speech.
    We call on the Government of China to immediately withdraw troops from the border with Hong Kong, and to respect the rights of the people of Hong Kong.
    Ambet Yuson
    General Secretary
    BWI – Building and Wood Workers’ International
    David Edwards
    General Secretary
    EI – Education International
    Sharan Burrow
    General Secretary
    ITUC – International Trade Union Confederation
    Sue Longley
    General Secretary
    IUF – International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers' Associations
    Rosa Pavanelli
    General Secretary
    PSI – Public Services International
    Pierre Habbard
    General Secretary
    TUAC – Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD
    Christy Hoffman
    General Secretary
    UNI – Uni Global Union

  • sharan香港 在 Iva Law 羅泳嫻 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2017-05-28 22:55:36
    有 22 人按讚

    好在香港流行小咀 櫻桃小咀既女仔先可愛 因為原來豐唇手術 既皮膚係咁樣得來 🤕

    整容市場的血淚獻身 揭印度妓院剝皮寮

    社群新聞 朱姵慈 採訪報導

    更正:3分22秒處 100平方英呎誤植 應為100平方英吋
    影片授權:YT/ Subscribe Nepal, Rumahfresh, chin tai Chao,Peter Komidar, Вук М, nepalartshop Ram Sharan Dangal, dirtyrunning, Lisa Kishawi
    相片授權:Soma Basu, 傷口大師, Wikimedia, gaelx

    #整容 #妓院 #皮膚

