

在 sensibility意思產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2,734的網紅Rosa 景孝儒,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, • 《只是因為在人群中多看了你一眼》 今天搭捷運進車廂找個位子坐在椅子上,隔壁是空位,一位女士進車廂找到我隔壁空位準備坐下時踩到了我的腳,她馬上回頭致意:「不好意思、不好意思」好美的兩句話。 我也馬上點頭回應:「沒關係」 女士手上的包包很好看,我對她說:「妳的提包很美!」 她心花怒放:「真的嗎!謝...

sensibility意思 在 huyu Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-09-21 08:38:05

🌾 雙生 - Twins 🌾 雙生姊妹,一位是代表智慧,另一位則是情感;兩者亦是理性與感性的象徵。彼此相依相存。 ~ “Twins” One represents harvest, the other wisdom. They also symbolize sense and sensibilit...

sensibility意思 在 huyu Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-09-21 08:38:05

🌾 雙生 - Twins 🌾 雙生姊妹,一位是代表智慧,另一位則是情感;兩者亦是理性與感性的象徵。彼此相依相存。 ~ “Twins” One represents harvest, the other wisdom. They also symbolize sense and sensibilit...

  • sensibility意思 在 Rosa 景孝儒 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-11-08 23:26:40
    有 62 人按讚

    • 《只是因為在人群中多看了你一眼》




    美翻耳環不藏私| Vayu Devi


    #bekind #selflove #wrold #晨曦 #vayudevi
    #powerful #power #ootd #飾品 #寶石 #流蘇耳環
    #taipei #mrt #sensibility

  • sensibility意思 在 Huyu Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-09-15 04:11:09
    有 51 人按讚

    🌾 雙生 - Twins 🌾


    “Twins” One represents harvest, the other wisdom. They also symbolize sense and sensibility, both rely on each other.


    終於把這對姐妹生出來了!這次第一次嘗試了整體包裝,可能還有很多要改善的,但我會越做越好的(握拳)這次是做成兩折式資料夾概念的包裝,姊妹可以單獨拆下來或連同包裝一起展示。然後也有附上一個可拆式書籤🔖 包裝選了像夜空的顏色襯托,燙金則是用了四種不同的箔來表現。姊妹本身的印刷採用數位燙金,除了姊姊手上的稻麥、妹妹身邊的幾何圖形外,衣服跟頭髮在燈光照射下也都有隱約珍珠的反光效果✨

    這次真的很多不會的東西,都只能從頭學跟設計,要感謝的人太多了!首先感謝我的超級印務美美不離不棄、 4W STUDIO 賴思與米欣對包裝上的一些經驗分享、光速印的黃先生與小羊在數位燙金上的支援、隆順燙金印刷行的包裝燙金,以及 福克斯攝影 的福哥拍了這一系列美美的照片,還有十行陪我上山下海的看印,跟家人的支援代工😂 其實還有很多能改善的地方,但都慢慢從經驗中學習❤️ 也希望未來作品推出能越來越精緻~


    這系列一共80套,有附上版數。但因為包裝上需要大量代工⋯ 回法前只來得及準備約20份做早鳥價販售,期間會請家人幫忙寄送。如果錯過這批早鳥,想收藏的必須要等到我下次回台時開放喔!若造成不便,先說聲不好意思😭

    ⚠️ 想收藏的請到我的IG @huyu1231 私訊,因為臉書粉專的訊息很難即時收到⋯ 訊息可能會回比較慢因為剛回巴黎工作有點多,但我會依照時間順序排這20位早鳥名額✨ 其他詳細內容跟更多照片請到IG的內文看喔:https://www.instagram.com/huyu1231/

  • sensibility意思 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2017-03-06 08:38:59
    有 148 人按讚

    The Price of Unbridled Love (English version below)






    In my younger days, I had never thought about the true meaning of these words: sentimentality and sexiness. It was only after I attained a certain level of awareness in my spiritual practice, I began to rationally look at the difference between sensibility and sexiness. Sentimentality in a person means that he or she has an acute sensitivity to the people and events in the surrounding. Sexiness refers to the awareness and reactions to people of the opposite gender. For example, if you experience deep emotions and tears easily when watching a drama serial, reading a book, or when a friend confides in you, you belong to the group of people with high sentimentality.

    Master Dai Hu feels that it is easier to deal with sentimentality, compared to the problems that sexiness brings. Sentimentality deals with one's emotions and senses. And more often than not, the emotions of a mere mortal are illusory, the feelings that others give us are misperceptions. Such illusions and misperceptions are conceived from poor logic. On the other hand, sexiness leads us to the connotation of sex, and often associates with the female gender. For example: "She dresses so sexily" or "She has got a sexy figure. ", etc.

    Master Dai Hu hereby reminds all ladies not to mistake being scantily dressed as the trend nowadays. You are old-fashioned if you think that way. Let me tell you, this world is already saturated with "colouring pigments". If you are going to create more "colours", it is a matter of time that you would become kimchi. Heavily tainted, that is! Tainting yourself is also tainting others, and this is a sin. Sentimentality is a show of emotions, while sexiness is a display of physical attributes. Don't get this wrong. Obsessed with the human display of physical attributes, many men and women had abandoned their innate morals and destroyed the marriage vows they made. How regretful!

    To my knowledge, people who has committed sexual misconduct will suffer the fate of reincarnation in the animal realm for at least 500 lifetimes, taking the form of a dog, chicken, pig, worm, etc. After which they will return to the human realm and be reborn into a lower class, taking on roles such as a coolie, servant, maid, never gaining respect for the entire life, for at least 500 rebirths. Even if you have a better human reincarnation, your words will not command much respect or following. Such a tenuous game of never-ending rebirths, nobody knows when one can finally and truly enjoy good fortunes! This explains my endless reminders to those who has the high tendency for sexual indiscretions, to stay loyal and faithful in the relationship. Or else, your name will be Piggy, Chicky or Doggy for real. How can I tell? Through one's name, Bazi, facial features, bones structure, home Feng Shui, etc. The Dharma teaches the way to end your sexual desires. If you don't wish to wear fur or horns on your skin next lifetime, Master Dai Hu is willing to help you.