還有一個重大好消息就是我會為Eric Helms博士,Andy Morgan跟Andrea Valdez寫的《肌肉與力量金字塔》(The Muscle and Strength Pyramid books) 做繁體中文翻譯,並打算在明年年底完成。關於這,之後我會陸續分享更多。
2019 was an amazing year that I'm incredibly grateful for. I graduated from my MSc and enrolled into @macnutrition . I also had to opportunity to attend various seminars in London and Bath to learn from people I highly respect.
I'm excited for more to come in 2020, where I'll be (hopefully) graduating from MNU, likely attending some seminars and maybe even hosting a small event myself.
For those in Hong Kong, look forward to two seminars where some very intelligent people will be coming over to speak.
Another exciting announcement is that I'll be translating The Muscle and Strength Pyramid books by the respected @helms3dmj , @andy_rippedbody and @andreavaldez into Traditional Chinese. Huge thanks to Eric, Andy and Andrea for this opportunity. For those interested, I'll be sharing more on this!
Finally, I would like to thank all those who have encouraged and helped me along the way, especially my family, my coach @marvin_physique and several close friends. I am grateful for all the opportunities that I've been given and the unconditional support that I have received.
Hope everyone has a great holiday and a very happy new year!
seminars中文 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳貼文
本案強力徵求個人或機構提案,參考「築夢計畫」線上課程為基礎,以全中文發展一套切合實務面的課綱、訓練培訓師資、設計並執行針對女性學員的商務培訓課程。內容應包括核心課程和課外活動如研討會、工作坊、企業加速器、即時諮詢、商業診斷、新創競賽和展銷覽會等,可透過實體或線上形式進行。「百合綻放新創學程」執行期間為2021年5月至2022年1月。AIT歡迎並鼓勵有興趣的人士在4月12日17:00之前提交提案。更多資訊請參考AIT官方網站: https://www.ait.org.tw/zhtw/zh-notice-of-funding-opportunity-iwe/
👩🏻🎓 Grant opportunity for "Inspiring Women Entrepreneurs (IWE)" implementers!
As an expansion of the Academy for Women Entrepreneurs (AWE) program, AIT is excited to announce a complementary program called Inspiring Women Entrepreneurs (IWE). This new initiative aims to foster women entrepreneurs from less economically developed regions and indigenous communities of Taiwan who have less experience in small business and minimal English proficiency.
We are encouraging applications from individuals or organizations who are capable of creating engaging curriculum based on the DreamBuilder course, cultivating trainers, and designing and implementing Chinese-language training sessions for women participants. Program design should include a core curriculum and extracurricular events, such as seminars, workshops, business accelerators, speed mentoring, business clinics, pitch competitions, showcasing fairs, etc. We encourage utilizing both in-person and virtual formatting. IWE’s implementation period will run from May 2021 and January 2022. AIT welcomes and encourages interested applicants to submit their proposals no later than April 12 at 17:00. Please visit AIT’s official website for more information: https://www.ait.org.tw/notice-of-funding-opportunity-iwe/👩🏻🎓
seminars中文 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的最佳解答
[Books / 書訊] 《頂尖糕點HAUTE PÂTISSERIE》繁體中文版上市 / "Haute Pâtisserie" by Relais Desserts published in Traditional Chinese version (for English, please click "see more")
前陣子收到 大境文化&出版菊文化(生活美食地圖) 編輯們捎來的新消息,她們又再度完成一個艱鉅的任務,把這本《頂尖糕點HAUTE PÂTISSERIE》帶給台灣讀者。這本書由「Relais Dessert」法國甜點協會領軍,集結了來自世界各地、#創造法式甜點潮流的80位主廚的100個精彩作品,內容包含基礎技巧、細緻甜點食譜、大師速寫等,是 #一本讓你打包領走當代法式甜點界大師傑作的武功祕笈!
雖然在台灣的知名度有限,但1981年成立的「Relais Desserts」法國甜點協會,其實宛如甜點界的名門大派,聚集了來自世界各地約20個國家的頂尖法式甜點與巧克力主廚,成員名單一攤開來,不是大師等級,就是擁有MOF(法國最佳工藝職人)頭銜、或是世界大賽冠亞軍得主,如 Pierre Hermé Paris、 Sadaharu Aoki Paris (Officiel)、 Jean-Paul Hévin、 Arnaud Larher patisserie chocolaterie、 Laurent Duchêne Paris、 Frédéric Cassel Fontainebleau、寺井則彥(Pâtisserie Aigre Douce)、金子美明(Pâtisserie Paris S'eveille)、川村英樹(Pâtisserie À Tes Souhaits)等。
Relais Desserts 以分享、守護與傳承法式甜點技藝為宗旨,入會資格嚴格,不能只有作品出名,還需經營自己的店舖三年以上並得到兩名會員推薦、再經兩名委員到店審查通過。每年春秋兩季的研討會,其實更像工作坊與密集訓練營,需要會員及家屬全身心地參與。例如春季國際大會輪流在會員所在地舉辦,主理人須招待其他成員,安排參訪進修課程、並向大眾宣傳分享的活動。可以想像能夠入會並持續擔任會員,不僅是一種榮耀、也是責任。
這樣的協會推出的食譜書,陣容當然也是星光熠熠、食譜全是一時之選。100 個原創作品後面是接近 80 位知名主廚,範圍包括大型蛋糕、塔派、單人甜點、迷你糕點與小點心。還有一般食譜書罕見的「速寫主廚肖像」單元,介紹他們的創作理念與發展軌跡,讓讀者能夠一窺大師心法秘訣。從簡單到進階,無論是家庭烘焙愛好者還是專業甜點師都值得收藏。
🎉🎉🎉 最後要跟大家說,幾個小時之後(12/27 凌晨 0:00),這本書將可以開始 #7折預購!1/8 正式出版後會立刻將熱騰騰的新書寄給大家。以下是購書連結👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
★博客來→ https://reurl.cc/D1Ekne
★誠品→ https://reurl.cc/72mQ2y
★大境文化→ https://reurl.cc/M7VkD4
另外 #附上十數張精美內容預覽,大家別忘了點開欣賞!
🔖 Relais Dessert 與本書介紹影片:
Haute Pâtisserie, the great book of Relais Desserts is publishing its Traditional Chinese version in Taiwan! Covering 100 recipes of 80 best pastry chefs from all over the world, this book is a must-have for all pastry enthusiasts.
Founded in 1981, Relais Desserts is an association aiming to share and pass down the spirit of pursuing excellence in French haute pâtisserie (high pastry) field. It groups master chefs, world champions and top artisans such as Pierre Hermé, Sadaharu Aoki, Jean-Paul Hévin, Arnaud Larher, Laurent Duchêne, Frédéric Cassel, Norihiko Terai, Yoshiaki Kaneko, and Hideki Kawamura, to name a few. To become a member, one has to pass a serious selection process. Two extremely well-organised annual seminars not only facilitate exchanges and mutual learning among members, but also aspire better and more creative work and promote the industry as a whole.
The recipe book is thus a nutshell of the excellent work of the association. Readers are invited to discover the fascinating universe of French high pastry. Master skills, fascinating recipes, and chef portraits are all included. Both home bakers and professional pastry chefs would find in it valuable guidances and inspirations.
Where to get a copy?
★Books.com.tw → https://reurl.cc/D1Ekne
★Elite Bookstore → https://reurl.cc/72mQ2y
★大境文化→ https://reurl.cc/M7VkD4
Watch introduction videos here:
#yingsbookreviews #hautepâtisserie #relaisdessert #頂尖糕點 #大境出版
seminars中文 在 Chet Lam 林一峰 Facebook 的精選貼文
• and some specific songs I wrote.
I am doing two seminars these two weeks, about pop music and culture, and all that jazz. Will be covering
Tonight, with my pal the music genius Yin Ng, we will start at 7:30 in Chinese University of Hong Kong, Dr. Jennifer Ho will be there too.
7:30開始,出席不到的朋友,敬請留意我的Facebook Live。