

在 self-employment產品中有15篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過5,000的網紅烏龜妹,出走旅行 TurtleGirl's Travel,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【#中秋節烤什麼:數位遊牧簽證來了!來看遠距工作的新趨勢】 . 先祝賀大家一聲 Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! 中秋節快樂! . 這次參加和其他七位創作者合作的中秋節特別企劃 — 中秋節烤什麼,讓大家在中秋節也能知識滿滿。😍 . 今天的烤題和數位遊牧的未來趨勢相關,快來看看你能...


self-employment 在 Yiu Fai Chow Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-05-01 23:53:58

my new book is out! 開心分享:這個單身女性的學術研究做了幾年,新書出版了! want to share this happy news with you: Caring in Times of Precarity A Study of Single Women Doing C...

  • self-employment 在 烏龜妹,出走旅行 TurtleGirl's Travel Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-10-01 22:11:21
    有 9 人按讚

    先祝賀大家一聲 Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! 中秋節快樂!
    這次參加和其他七位創作者合作的中秋節特別企劃 — 中秋節烤什麼,讓大家在中秋節也能知識滿滿。😍
    Q: 目前有幾個國家以上開放數位遊牧或遠距工作簽證,你知道嗎?
    A: 登登!答案是 15 個以上。是不是比想像中的多呢?😉
    1. 愛沙尼亞 (Estonia)
    • 第一個實施電子公民計畫的國家
    • 數位發展非常發達的國家
    • 2020 年 8 月推出數位遊牧簽證 (Digital Nomad Visa)
    2. 西班牙 (Spain)
    • 開放有效期一年的自僱簽證 (Self-employment Work Visa)
    • 自僱者和自由工作者皆可申請
    3. 德國 (Germany)
    • 針對自由工作者推出 Freiberufler 簽證
    • 簽證最多可延長至三年
    4. 捷克 (Czech Republic)
    • 針對自由和遠距工作者推出 Zivno 簽證,申請程序較複雜
    5. 葡萄牙 (Portugal)
    • 有多於兩種簽證,一種為少於一年期的臨時居留簽證
    • 另一種是針對自由工作者實施的簽證
    6. 挪威 (Norway)
    • 此國推出的數位遊牧簽證僅適用 Svalbard 這個北極地區的群島
    • 物價超高、惡劣環境加上天候寒冷,對於數位遊牧來說是生存挑戰🤣
    7. 墨西哥 (Mexico)
    • 適用臨時居留簽證,最多可停留四年
    8. 哥斯大黎加 (Costa Rica)
    • 適合資本家和自僱者,簽證名稱為 Rentista
    • 效期最長為兩年
    9. 喬治亞 (Georgia)
    • 針對自僱者和遠距工作者推出計畫 Remotely from Georgia
    • 可停留六個月至一年
    10. 百慕達 (Bermuda)
    • 針對18歲以上學生和遠距工作者開放計畫 Work From Bermuda
    11. 巴貝多 (Barbados)
    • 數位遊牧可申請 Barbados Welcome Stamp Visa
    • 效期最長為一年
    • 阿爾巴尼亞 (Albania)
    • 克羅埃西亞 (Croatia) / 註:未來即將開放
    • 荷蘭 (The Netherlands)
    • 愛爾蘭 (Ireland)
    • 澳洲 (Australia)
    • 泰國 (Thailand)
    • 美國部分洲別
    • 還有更多,期待未來的發展和部落格文章吧!And more...
    - 斜槓姐姐丨投資理財x自我成長 @by_slashie
    - Dewi |美股投資|理財|思維成長 @dewiting1208
    - 世界辦公室 創業斜槓故事 自由工作 網路賺錢 @goworldoffice
    - 烏龜妹,出走旅行 TurtleGirl's Travel @turtlegirl_travel
    - 健身女孩Wendy-腳受傷到轉職教練 @wendy_fit_life
    - 品牌女子A娜|行銷菜鳥救星 @ananote.brand
    - G先生 George 美股投資 理財 @georgelee_1202
    - Mr.K |領先時代 - 高效工作與生活 @leadingmrk
    如果想看完整圖文版或更多烤題,就到我的 Instagram 逛逛吧!
    👉 https://www.instagram.com/turtlegirl_travel/
    #數位遊牧 #旅居 #邊旅行邊工作 #自由工作者 #遠距工作 #中秋節 #中秋節快樂

  • self-employment 在 AppWorks Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-06-18 19:48:11
    有 6 人按讚

    Launching and running a company is no small feat, but its rewards can be huge.

    A 2019 survey from London-based company SME Loans found that 64 percent of the UK workforce wants to set up a business, and a massive 83 percent of 18- to 24-year-olds dream of self-employment. Despite these high numbers, comparatively few people end up starting their own companies, and even fewer people end up running successful ones.
    Many aspiring entrepreneurs have great ideas for startups, but ideas are cheap, and execution is everything. So, what are some of the key things to know before starting your own company?

    1. Failure is a part of the process.
    People have a tendency to focus on others' successes and overlook their failures. Remember, the lessons learned from failing to provide entrepreneurs with the necessary skills to better execute their business plans in the future.

    2. Entrepreneurship can consume your life.
    Remember, nothing worthwhile comes easy, and you will have to sacrifice a lot of your free time so that you can give your startup the attention it needs to thrive.

    3. You will doubt yourself at times.
    Doubt is a normal human emotion, especially if you've been working on your startup for a while without seeing much success. One way to overcome self-doubt is by analyzing what you've done right and what you can do better.

    4. The first few years are especially challenging.
    According to data from the Small Business Administration, only 50 percent of businesses with employees survive the first five years, and only a third survive 10 years or longer. These statistics are a reflection of how difficult it is to start a successful company.

    5. Entrepreneurship can come with a lot of satisfaction.
    Job satisfaction is priceless, and it can be a major contributing factor to a happy and fulfilled life. If you're not happy with your current job, it may be time to start thinking about pursuing that startup you've always dreamed of creating. Many of the jobs in our economy have been created by ambitious and forward-looking entrepreneurs. They had a vision and were willing to stop at nothing to execute it.

    Would love to give it a go despite all these? We are now accepting applications for AW#21. Come build with us. https://bit.ly/2UXnt8l

    by Joy Chiang, Alumni Community Manager of AppWorks

  • self-employment 在 I am Mrs. Ellis艾太太在英國 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-11-05 17:14:06
    有 176 人按讚

    我的身上線素緊繃直到收到Home Office的信之後才鬆開

    這部分的收入來源所得又細分類Salaried and non-salaried employment
    艾先生是被自己公司聘用是有領薪水的之外,公司也是“ 有限公司”(Self-employment or Director or employee of a specified limited company in the UK)

    我完全不敢偷懶細看了Home office Financial Requirement的條文內容,然後又每晚很多事的看了很多案件(自己嚇自己)



  • self-employment 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-10-01 13:19:08

  • self-employment 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-10-01 13:10:45

  • self-employment 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-10-01 13:09:56