

在 self-discovery產品中有214篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, “ไม่มีใครเป็นเราได้ดีไปกว่าตัวเราอีกแล้ว” ถ้าเรารู้จักตัวเองมากพอ เราจะสามารถสร้างตัวตนในเวอร์ชั่นที่ดีที่สุด โดยไม่ต้องให้ใครมาชี้นำเพราะเราสามารถเลื...

 同時也有14部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7,360的網紅Keril韋喆,也在其Youtube影片中提到,“自愛”看似簡單 但確是我們一直不敢面對的鏡子 尋找能夠珍惜以及愛惜自己的理由 是需要極大的勇氣 要能夠接受自己的不足 並且看清自己的弱點與惡魔的同時 還需能夠接受自己... 這次透過 @samsmith 的 #lovegoes 啟發了我在人生的一個領悟 我也希望透過這次與 @visualgaze...

self-discovery 在 陳煒林 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-10 19:24:02

In light of my solar return, a love letter to myself: ♥️ Dear Serena, I love first and foremost, your most prominent trait that only you know about...

  • self-discovery 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-09 16:19:14
    有 181 人按讚

    การค้นพบคาแร็กเตอร์ ข้อดีข้อด้อยของตัวเอง
    ✅วิธีหาตัวตน : การหาเนื้อแท้หรือหาสิ่งที่ "เป็น" ตัวตนของเราจริงๆ รวม
    ถึงการ เข้าใจความต้องการและความกลัว
    ✅ความเชื่อไหนที่จำกัดเราไว้ และ ความเชื่อใดที่พาเราไปข้างหน้า
    ✅Self-esteem การเห็นคุณค่าในตัวเอง
    ✅การหาขั้วตรงข้าม เพื่อดึงนิสัยที่สร้างเสน่ห์ต่อผู้คนได้
    วันนี้ไม่ว่าคุณจะเป็น ผู้บริหาร เจ้าของกิจการ
    หัวหน้างาน พนักงานออฟฟิศ พ่อค้า แม่ค้าออนไลน์ ฟรีแลนซ์
    หรือแม้กระทั่ง บุคคลทั่วไป ที่ต้องการหาเนื้อแท้ของตัวเอง
    เพื่อให้ทุกมิติในชีวิต ทั้งความรัก การงาน ความฝันของเราสำเร็จได้บน “ทางเลือกของเรา” อย่างแท้จริง
    มาเรียนรู้ และเติบโต ไปด้วยกันกับคอร์สออนไลน์
    เป็นคลาสลายเซ็นของครูเงาะ รสสุคนธ์ กองเกตุ
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    091-459-3997 , 096-646-6266 , 099-797-9615

  • self-discovery 在 Being Hong Kong Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-06 11:58:25
    有 21 人按讚


    剛剛完成全新MV《無可救藥的浪漫》(主唱張進翹 Manson 張進翹)的導演麥曦茵 Heiward Mak 麥曦茵,兩年前開始在本地不同院校任教劇本和故事創作。身為創作人,可以由自己出發; 但換了一種身份去「教授創作」,面對著懷抱滿胸創作熱情但對前路充滿不肯定的年輕學生,應該怎樣導引他們在追求理想的路上堅守?

    曾在 2007年時僅以23歲的年紀便編導首部長片《烈日當空》,並入圍電影金像獎最佳新導演,後來又以《志明與春嬌》獲得金像獎最佳編劇⋯⋯由曾經是別人的學生,由創作到傳授創作,麥曦茵很珍惜與學生相處的日子,編劇班上與學生的問與答;學期中間彼此往復的討論,除了創作方法,還有很多價值觀和心情上的交換。每一次對學生的分享或鼓勵,都帶出不同的ways of seeing;每一次去解說如何說故事,當中已有著一個又一個故事......


    「創作是 Self Discovery,也是 Self Recovery的過程;
    (圖: Rain Yip @rain126_ )

    歡迎訂閱 https://shop.beinghongkong.com/products/%E5%B0%B1%E4%BF%82%E9%A6%99%E6%B8%AF%E3%80%8C2021%E5%B9%B4%E5%A4%8F%E3%80%8D

    #2021就係香港夏季號 #Refraction說故事的故事

  • self-discovery 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-08-02 22:49:11
    有 4,563 人按讚

    I’m on a journey of self discovery. #whatever

  • self-discovery 在 Keril韋喆 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-10 19:30:16


    這次透過 @samsmith 的 #lovegoes 啟發了我在人生的一個領悟
    我也希望透過這次與 @visualgaze 的創意發想與我個人演唱風格


    雖然是首 #coversong 但卻充滿著含義與思想

    Self love can be beautiful effortless but also tragic. It’s the journey of self discovery and self actualization; accepting the ugly and uncomfortable and embracing the beauty and power of You.

    This depiction of Love goes a song by Labrith and Sam smith takes on a very unusual and dark tone. As an artist I think it is important to portray the story of the voiceless. It is this selflessness that gives life and continuity to our universal art and existence.
    Break free from those numbing additions and journey with me.

    Lose and rediscover yourself.
    The good and the bad.
    The beauty and the ugly.

    #Keril #Keril韋喆 #聲林之王2 #samsmith #lovegoes #coversong #creativity #creativeconcept #aritist #singer #producer #experimental #unorthodox #donotimitate #不宜模仿 #純屬創作 #非真實事件 #selflove #selfhelp #helpyourself

    Videography/ Directing/Editing
    Visual Gaze

    Director : Tom Chen
    Lights/Grapher : Tom Chen
    Scripter/Editor: Stephanie Chen

    Music :Keril 韋喆

  • self-discovery 在 JJ Lin林俊傑 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-03-28 00:00:29

    JJ Lin 林俊傑 《倖存者· 如你》維度二 首張全英文EP《Like You Do》
    OUT NOW 全面數位發行 https://jjlin.lnk.to/LYDAY

    Have you imagined a world where
    You’re more than just You?
    What would that be like?

    Drifter • Like You do - a Double-dimensional, deluxe EP creatively led by JJ Lin, from music productions to visual concepts. The music narrative of DRIFTER • LIKE YOU DO is inspired by a concept JJ has been ruminating on - the possibility of a parallel universe.

    In this latest release which marks JJ’s 14th album, as well as his first english EP throughout his illustrious career of 18 years, JJ delves into his innermost thoughts and feelings, redefining his music perspectives to put forward a stripped down and introspective representation of his music and self.

    In Quantum Theory
    Space and time are not continuous
    A parallel universe is a possibility
    Could it be possible that somewhere, somehow
    In an obscure corner of the universe
    An infinite number of us exist?
    Where perhaps, I could be you, and you could be me?

    I seem to be a Drifter in this vast expanse... Like You Do.



    Part One: The 1st Dimension - DRIFTER

    Music has always been an expression of self for JJ. His journey of self-discovery could be traced back to his From M.E. To Myself (2015) album, with him eventually finding the connection between himself and the world, and shared through his Message in a Bottle (2017) album.

    In the recent years, JJ embarked on a different route to self-discovery as he shifts the focus of his music from self to “you”. Conveyed through his double EP DRIFTER • LIKE YOU DO, JJ propounds a new direction for self-reflection.

    DRIFTER EP features six brand new Mandarin songs that weaved together a complete concept of: What would you do, if you, were not just you? The songs inspire us to contemplate the possibility that our consciousness could determine who we are - there could be multiple endings to every story, and when we believe so, the future will be limitless.

    Part Two: The 2nd Dimension - LIKE YOU DO

    An extension of Drifter, LIKE YOU DO explores a self-examining concept: What is left after you rid yourself of expectations?

    When darkness descends, have you, in pursuit of survival, stumbled upon another version of yourself that is so foreign yet familiar? You could be that drifter, that is the only glimpse of hope left in a despondent world. Which version of you would emerge in face of adversity? If a parallel universe does exist, JJ is breaking out of his shell and introducing the hidden version of himself that we have yet to meet via LIKE YOU DO.

    Partnered with new music collaborators Fernando Garibay, Nasri Atweh, Joshua Kissiah Cumbee, Ramiro Padilla and Daniel Padilla, JJ endeavours to offer fresh perspectives and sounds for this EP.

    The journey and story of this alternate JJ Lin has just begun.

    “All these years, one thing I’ve learnt is that it’s one of the hardest things in life to accept the flawed version of ourselves. We work so hard to be the best and to be perfect; many times we want to believe that we are unstoppable, and that only by being strong, we can be successful.

    “Like You Do” to me is the opposite of that.

    Every song is a reflection of the darker version of myself. And I’ve found a sense of healing, by reaching in and realising that true strength is found in embracing every version of the self. It’s only when you strip yourself of all expectations, that your every next step will be a form of gain and reward.

    There is beauty in that.”

    — JJ Lin



    然而,【Like You Do】對我而言正是相反的。

    - JJ 林俊傑

    【Like You Do】中的JJ Lin是一鍵歸零,
    也是一步躍進。 跳脫既定模板,拋開過往的該與不該。

    在【Like You Do】EP中,JJ Lin回到做音樂的本質面貌說故事,當這個語言更加直覺,遇見的自己就越加真實。捧著初衷的純粹,JJ成為昏暗夜晚中的一雙堅定眼神,穿透情感與歲月的虛與實。一刻明亮的獲得,是歷經所有的願與不願,坦然面對這些擁有與失去,於是回歸誠實後的純粹,如這世界上的每一個你,重新擁抱世界附加在自己身上的能量。

    為帶給這張全英文EP更完整的體驗,JJ遠赴異地,尋找更多不同的聲音,當沒有任何模板框架,跳脫以往的創作模式,他的音樂更加自我也更加自由。JJ邀請多次獲得葛萊美獎項提名之專輯製作人- Fernando Garibay、Joshua Kissiah Cumbee、Ramiro Padilla、Daniel Padilla等多位專業音樂人攜手創作。與全新的音樂夥伴合作,無論曲、詞,JJ自在地享受,完全地吸收來自不同的音樂人所給予的能量,共同激盪出不同以往的音樂風格。一切不經設定、沒有設限也沒有包袱,放下習慣的唱腔,衝撞出全新的聲音。所有面貌都是最原始最嶄新,也是翻面後的第一頁。


    這個挑戰,是JJ 17年來從未有過的經驗,在華語市場中多年的累積,逐漸締造屬於最JJ的音樂版圖。但這一次,林俊傑顛覆一切的認知、放下一切的理所當然與成長脈絡,為了自我實現的這一刻,成為了歸零的JJ Lin,勇敢擁抱陌生的環境與不同的音樂文化,JJ已經不是JJ,但也不再只是原本的JJ。


  • self-discovery 在 Gina music Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-02-02 19:00:08

    Don't forget to turn on the bell icon for future uploads 🔔✔️

    追蹤Gina music社群挖掘更多音樂🌹
    facebook👉 https://www.facebook.com/Ginamusicland
    spotify 歌單👉https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2EfPjFfdqN8NzUwj1XNoZC

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    🌸本影片與 Jupita 合作宣傳🌸
    Submit your music 👉ginamusictaiwan@gmail.com
    For business inquiries about copyright issues, photos and song submissions,
    please contact: https://www.facebook.com/Ginamusicland
    Social Media:

    ▶ Download / Stream link : https://jupitamusic.com/ourhearts/


    👑 MaMan

    👑 Tadeusz



    No sight of where I wanna be
    Is it standing right in front of me
    Will anyone out there remember me
    For the good I’ve done not for my enemies

    Oh I would give my life
    For another chance to make things right
    I’ve been let down backstabbed so many times
    But I know two wrongs don’t make things right

    Let’s Try
    To unite
    Let’s Try
    I know it’s hard
    We’re all on different paths
    But there’s good in Our Hearts

    On a journey of self-discovery
    I’ve been traveling through galaxies
    Couldn’t see through the opacity
    Made a turn drastically
    Too seek my recovery

    Let’s Try
    To unite
    Let’s Try
    I know it’s hard
    We’re all on different paths
    But there’s good in our hearts
    In Our Hearts

    #MaMan #Tadeusz #OurHearts #edm #Lyrics #ginamusic #輕電音 #英文歌

