

在 self-determination中文產品中有6篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7,076的網紅Bikepacker Min - 單車背包客,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【素人推薦文-最重要的夥伴】 四年前,我請在旅途中遇到的兩位好朋友,幫我寫一段他們對我的感想。不愧是我的好朋友,所以在兩年前,我終於收到了其中一位瓦倫的回覆(我們是拖時間比賽嗎XD)。當我現在要把他們整理到書裡面時,覺得NG的片段也太好笑了,所以決定一刀未剪的放上來給大家瞧瞧,你就會知道,在路上可...

  • self-determination中文 在 Bikepacker Min - 單車背包客 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-05-08 19:45:41
    有 140 人按讚


    四年前,我請在旅途中遇到的兩位好朋友,幫我寫一段他們對我的感想。不愧是我的好朋友,所以在兩年前,我終於收到了其中一位瓦倫的回覆(我們是拖時間比賽嗎XD)。當我現在要把他們整理到書裡面時,覺得NG的片段也太好笑了,所以決定一刀未剪的放上來給大家瞧瞧,你就會知道,在路上可能會遇到什麼樣沒頭沒腦只會拼命講幹話的好朋友 :D (以下是我的翻譯,原文可以往下跳到最後)


    Min是一個像金一樣純的人,她充滿愛和精神,總是穿白色衣服。她沒有騎車,而是在地球上飛行了50厘米。 不...他媽的!











    -Valentin R (一位來自德國的瘋狂自行車旅人,和Min一起旅行了兩個月)


    🤭我個人是很好奇, 他到底蹲了兩天看什麼東西?
    🤔不要說我的書沒有德文版, 連中文都還在做編輯...
    🤫到底是看了什麼啊...? XDDDD

    Hey guys,
    while staying for four days in Bangkok to repair audio amplifiers for rich Thai men I finally I found the time to write some sentences about Min and it was really not easy, because when I start writing something like this, I will write bullshit after three sentences. It is really not easy. Have you ever written something about another person and you have to talk good about this person while you know she is a liar and always went by train?

    So the first try:
    Min is pure gold. She is full of love and spirit and always wears white clothes. She is not cycling, she is flying fifty centimeters over the earth. NOOOOO fuck it!

    second try:
    Dear people, I have to warn you: this book is a fantasy book! If the author writes about kilometers on the bicycles she meant probably meters. When she writes bicycle she means train, when she writes tent she means three star hotel.......NOOOOO shit!

    third try:
    A short story about the first backpacker woman on a bicycle who travelled from Germany to Taiwan in a train
    The first time I met Min was at the Turkmen embassy building in Teheran when she encountered me and asked: „Are you Vali, the German guy travelling to Uzbekistan by bike? I am Min, I also want to go there and I wanted to ask you if we can ride together?“
    At this time I didn't want to know any other cyclists, somehow I was bored to hear stories of others while I was having a great adventure by myself. I enjoyed the silence and loneliness on the road since Jule, my cycle mate, left me in Istanbul. So actually I didn't want to travel with Min in the first moment, but I just answered to Min: „Well,...yes..., ok, if we get the visas we can ride together.“ So she asked for my contact and she really called me to pick up the visas.
    I only had nine days left in Iran before my visa expired so we had to go really quick and I didn't know if Min was able to catch up. It was a change in rhythm for my bike tour, but when I started to know Min I found out that she is a funny girl with a burning ambition to fulfill her aim travelling by bicycle from Munich in Germany to her home country of Taiwan. A woman full of spirit and a good portion of naivety. She just started the trip without knowing what will come and without any experience of cycling and camping before this trip. She was equipped with a pop up tent, the kind of tent you have in the car for an emergency, when you are still on the highway and you get to tired to drive home. So you have this kind of round tent that you can throw and it pops up as a tent by itself. She also didn't have front panniers (bags) on her bike, so all her equipment was in the back – and also on her back, because she was wearing a backpack! Actually she was the first backpacker on a bicycle to travel from Germany to Taiwan. And that is the impressing thing about Min: she had the idea to do this trip, so she just did. She got a sponsored bike and some kind of sponsored equipment and she just took this and started the tour. She didn't think the German way like me who had to have a perfect bicycle and perfect equipment before I started. No, she just started without any spare parts for the bicycle, without any experience in cycling and camping. I never found out when she started to have this idea and why and probably she doesn't know herself even if she tells you different in this book.
    So in the time in Iran we got to know each other and my mood was turning and I found out that it is nice to cycle with Min.
    On day we also met Senda, an Hongkongnesian guy and in the evening Min and him were complaining about the Iranian rice, because it is not sticky so you cannot eat it with chop sticks. So you must imagine three people in front of their tents under a really nice Iranian starry sky in the desert and me as a German potato in the middle of this rice dicussion. I had to laugh for myself a lot and when I told them that I put salt in the rice when I cook it, the both got really angry. From this situation I learnt that rice must be something really important for Min, Senda and other people that eat rice as staple food. This night I decided to never cook any rice for them, because the knew it always better in terms of rice.
    Senda went on to Afghanistan and Min and me went on to Mashad and we divided there to meet up in Uzbekistan again. On the way through Turkmenistan I met a crazy guy called Raimon a.k.a. Dirty Traveller and we went on together and when we left Turkmenistan we met Min again forming the golden triangle of cyclism, a dream team. Raimon is really passionate about cycling and a really lovely dude. We three had so much unique moments together, sharing the whole day together, only the nights we were divided by the thin cloth of our tents. We cycled together, we sweat together, we fighted together, we had nice evenings together while cooking nice dishes in front of our tents and having a really good time of freedom and self-determination. When I think back to this time now I have to admit that it was somehow the best time of my life. And Min was a big part of it.
    If you want to know more about Min and her adventures you have to buy this book. It is totally amazing, I read it on the toilet and stayed there for two days until I finished reading. Reading this book is like breathing in the air of the Kyrgizian Plateau, it is like smelling the fart of Raimon while riding close behind him. It is just a best seller. It is the book that takes you and never leaves you. Absolute recommendation! Buy it!

  • self-determination中文 在 神學是粉紅色的秋 theologia autumnitas rosea est - 陳韋安 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-03-17 10:03:08
    有 239 人按讚







    I. 「盟友」與「不割蓆」

    先從卡爾·施米特(Carl Schmitt)說起。德國政治思想家卡爾·施米特在《政治的概念》(Der Begriff des Politischen) 一文定義「政治」一詞:「政治的特殊區分,就是政治行動與動機指向的,是一種「明辨敵友」的過程」(Die spezifisch politisch Unterscheidung, auf welche sich die politischen Handlungen und Motive zurückführen lassen, ist die Unterscheidung von Freund und Feind)。這政治概念清楚明顯反映在過去半年香港的政治運動之中——無論是警察或抗爭者、政府與羣衆、藍店與黃店,敵人與盟友之間的界線是非常明顯的。

    因此,在這「明辨敵友」的過程中,「不割蓆」成了政治運動的重要基礎。因為它有助穩固政治陣營的力量,也是政治過程(die Politische)的根本。不過,隨着抗爭運動的發展,意見分歧是無可避免的——分歧可以是對暴力的認受程度、可以是抗爭路線的不同、可以是對黃色經濟圈的理解。任何議題都可以出現分歧。雖然有人提出「兄弟爬山,各自努力」的多元說法,但隨着抗爭運動失去了它的動力(momentum),起初的團結力量開始逐漸減退,再而衰,三而竭——政治盟友之間也開始出現分歧。「割,還是不割?」This is the question。




    為甚麼?「不割蓆」是一個否定概念。 不割蓆是「無為」。沒有行動。然而,基督教倫理從來都不是沒有行動。好比孔子《論語》與耶穌登山寶訓之間的差距。孔子曰:「己所不欲勿施於人」。這是一種無為倫理。無為倫理最好的結果只是沒有任何(不好的)行動。不過,耶穌的教導卻不只如此:「你們願意人怎樣待你們,你們也要怎樣待人。」(太7:12)。耶穌教導門徒要主動的締造善行。因此,前者是被動的否定,後者卻是主動的愛。

    II. Solidarity

    所以,基督教倫理要求的團結超越被動的「不割蓆」,而是擁有更深層次的 Solidarity(容讓我先不給予中文翻譯)。從字義的角度來看,solidarity 源於法文 solidarité,以及拉丁語的 solidum 或 solidus,有堅固之意。不過,solidarity 卻比較難找到中文的對應詞彙,雖然大部分人將 solidarity 翻譯為「團結」。

    不過,中國人的「團結」概念與 solidarity 所描述的不太一樣。中國人的團結是怎樣的意思?或許我們小時候耳熟能詳的比喻給予我們暗示:一雙筷子易折,十雙筷子就不易斷。這是中國人對「團結」的理解。筷子的比喻告訴我們怎樣的團結觀呢?它強調羣衆的聚集、羣衆的總和、羣衆的巨大。不過,這比喻卻似乎忽略了羣體的內在關係,也沒有闡明羣體內在的相互行動。事實上,無論是中文詞彙的「團」或「結」,它都只強調一種比較靜態的羣體狀況,彼此之間可以沒有任何實質瓜葛——極其量只是「不割蓆」的無為,或「兄弟爬山各自努力」的分工。

    西方社會所提倡的 solidarity 卻不僅如此。事實上,solidarity 是一個非常重要的社會學用詞,solidarity 的團結精神可以翻譯為「社會連帶」、「社會團結」、或「休戚相關」。它強調社會上人與人之間的互相守望與幫助。或者,我們可以從法國猶太裔社會學家艾彌爾·涂爾幹(Émile Durkheim)說起。涂爾幹於十九世紀末寫了一部社會學的經典《社會分工論》(De la division du travail social)。solidarité 在他的論述中是一個描述性概念,它描述社會不同時代人與人之間的互動精神——機械團結(Solidarité mécanique)與有機團結(Solidarité organique):

    A. 機械團結是基於社會的同質性(homogeneity)。機械團結傾向出現於古代社會或小型社會。由於傳統社會中個人意識與社會意識不可分割,社會上的個體離不開社會的整體,導致個人的宗教、生活方式、思維都比較一致,因此比較容易導致「機械連帶」。

    B. 有機團結卻描述較大規模的現代社會人與人之間相互依賴的集體意識。涂爾幹認為,當社會發展到某個規模,機械團結就會被有機團結所取代,人在社會上不可能獨自生存,社會上的人需要藉着社會上的分工(division of labor)來,從而發展出像人體器官一般的團結性。


    III. 羣體的自私

    承上文,西方社會學的社會團結(Solidarity)強調彼此連帶、互相守望、互補不足的羣體力量。這團結精神在政治上往往產生巨大的力量——它可以叫某政治選舉候選人獲勝、柏林圍牆倒下、二百萬人上街、促成黃色經濟圈等等;不過,它也可以醞釀出可怕的文化大革命、滅絕猶太人、或者 721事件。

    因此,俗世的政治團結成為了威權政治首要操控的力量。這力量能夠推翻政權,也能維護政權。因此,無論是政治個人崇拜還是政治宣傳(propaganda),政權通過各種不同手段,操控人民的力量成為一種維護政權的團結力量。誠然,人民力量(power of people)一直都在,只需要政治團結把它釋放出來——能夠被操控的政治團結成了維護政權穩定的最大支持;相反,被釋放的政治團結卻能導致革命!

    其中,最能夠促進政治團結的手段,乃是共同的敵人(common enemy)。這是不變的政治格言:「敵人的敵人是我的朋友」(The enemy of my enemy is my friend )。所以,俗世的政治團結,往往是一種內聚性的團結力量——與其說是「團結」,倒不如說是「共敵」。民族主義(nationalism)就是一個典型例子。民族主義本來強調民族內在的團結精神,不過,當它成為仇恨其他民族的排外力量時,它的團結就成為了可怕、無處不在的毀滅勢力。因此,為了維護國家穩定,威權政治不斷在社會製造敵人(無論是外國勢力抑或批鬥對象),或者建立羣體的民族或國家榮耀與自豪感。

    正如開首所提及,政治(die Politische)乃分辨友敵的過程。因此,俗世的政治團結——無論是不割蓆精神、黃色經濟圈、罷買國產貨等等——其實都是不斷鞏固內在政治團結,不斷製造政治敵人的過程。兩者不斷循環。



    任何俗世的政治團結,假如它的力量只是基於對外敵的仇恨,抑或建基於羣體某種內在的同一性,這種團結精神最終只會導致出兩個後果:一、要麼這團結力量因羣體內成員間的意見不一遭到瓦解;二、要麼它演變成為一種極度可怕的排外力量——羣體團結所產生的彼此連帶、互相守望、互補不足,最後成為基於羣體利益的「羣體自私」。 我強調,羣體自私乃人類最可怕的自私!因它不只是欠缺愛心的無為,它更可造成極具破壞力的毀滅力量——卻以「團結互助」的虛假外貌來造成極度可怕的惡果。

    IV. 基督教的團結精神

    其實,與其說西方的「社會團結」(Solidarity)是社會學概念,倒不如說它源自植根西方社會的基督教精神。或者,我們可以先從「天主教社會訓導」(Catholic social teaching)說起。所謂「天主教社會訓導」,就是天主教會在這一百年來,從1891年歷任教宗針對各時代社會問題而頒佈的通諭及公函的統稱(例如資本主義、消費主義、世界大戰、軍備競賽等等)。

    簡單來說,天主教社會訓導有四大原則:人權原則、公益原則、團結原則以及互補原則。其中「團結原則」就是我們所講的社會團結。不過,有時候天主教的 Solidarity 被翻譯做「共濟」。但是,共濟的「濟」會讓我們產生錯覺,讓人以為它只是與賙濟或慈善有關。其實,天主教的社會團結不只強調對貧窮人的幫助,它更深層次地表達出基督信仰最重要的社會觀念——人人皆兄弟。

    教宗若望保祿二世於1987年頒佈《社會事務關懷》通諭(Sollicitudo rei socialis)如此寫道:「當每個社會中的社會成員視對方為真正的人時,『團結』才能有效的實現。」因此,基督教團結的起始點乃是人類最根本的共同點——人的價值。作為人,沒有一個人可以忽視另一人的價值。這是基督教團結精神的核心。

    從創造的角度來看,人的本質已經包含了人類的一體性以及人類的「共人性」(Mitmenschlichkeit)。所謂「共人性」,就是人作為受造物最根本的狀態——人從來都不是獨自一人,而是互相合作、互相補足的「人們」。作為「上帝的形象」(imago Dei),人類成為自我決定(self-determination)的主體,但主體性卻不導致個人主義,而是相反,它暗示了人類在社會多元處境下互相合作、互相補足、互相連結的狀態。正如《社會事務關懷》通諭寫道:「全球『團結』的基本條件是自主和自由的自我抉擇......但是,『團結』同時也要求隨時準備接受為整個世界的團體的益處而作的必要犧牲。」





  • self-determination中文 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-11-14 21:08:45
    有 938 人按讚





    早前睇一份德國國會內嘅辦論,有位Die Linke嘅議員話要支持中共,因為大家都是左翼共產主義支持者,不用分得那麼細。我見內容有所偏頗就寫左篇文。中文翻譯見下文。
    Recently, a MP from Die Linke made some remarks about HK, and say they should support CCP as they are friend of Coummunism. I find the claims rather inaccurate hence I wrote this article to provide some rebuttals. Please scroll down for the English translation.

    Article in German: https://www.google.com/…/Hongkong-Krise-Pekings-Regierung-b…

    近日德國國會內, 一位Die Linke的國會議員Stefan Liebich對香港的事作出評價,這些評價實在令人難以茍同。

    Liebich指「Die Linke理應支持我們在北京的共產朋友」。但中國共產黨除了名字內有「共產」兩個字外,其實際行動與共產理念差天共地,實在不是Liebich想像中共產主義的好朋友。

    中國共產黨是一個極權,除了擴張政治與經濟勢力外,中國共產黨什麼都不會理會。不論是無產階級的死活,或者是工人階級,對於中國共產黨來說只是擴張實力的工具,隨時可以為了經濟或政治利益犧牲或捨棄。 中國共產黨實質上是由一群搜刮民脂民膏致富而滿肚腸肥的黨員領導。中國共產黨甚至對自己的人民進行全天候的監控,打壓、拘捕異見人士。

    由此可見,中國共產黨本質上是一個極右政黨,而非Liebich以為的左翼。 北京政府不是以共產理念管治中華人民共和國,反而是以物質主義操縱國民。中國背後並沒有一套穩固的價值觀支撐,唯有金錢才是中國人和中國政府信仰的理念。中國的任何行動,從來都不是由價值推動,而總是由金錢和利益推動。







    Recently, in the German Bundestag, Stefan Liebich made a few remarks regarding Hong Kong. Mr. Liebeich says his party Der Linke should support their communist friends in Beijing. “Logisch, dass Der Linke Liebich seinen Kommunistenfreunden in Peking wieder den Rücken stärkt.(It is logical that Die Linke Liebich should again support his communist friends in Beijing.)” In my point of view, the Chinese Communist Party is just a party named itself as the “Communist”, what it does in China or in the world is in no way communistic.

    PRC is a dictatorship that only takes the expansion of its economic and political power into regard, workers or its people are at its disposal whenever it sees fit. The “Communist” party cares neither about the people, nor the grassroots, it only cares about the economic benefit it gains from its business activities inside and outside PRC. The party leaders are all sitting in their offices with their pockets full of what they gain from exploiting the Chinese workers.
    They carry mass surveillance 24/7 throughout China, arrests and detain descendants. Frankly speaking, the CCP is rather right than left.

    The Peking Government is not running Communism, but materialism. The only thing the Chinese and the Chinese government worship is the dollar sign, nothing else. They do not take any values or ideology into account. The people are not motivated by values or beliefs, but by the economic benefits they see.

    The CCP is not a communist party as Mr. Leibich conceived it is. The CCP is very good at creating the illusion that it represents the Marxist ideas. We should be very careful in examining the differences between those who claim to be communists and those who are communists.

    Mr. Leibich also made reference to the history of the Eight-Nation Alliance in the late Qing Dynasty, saying that“ Auch Hongkong ist durch die britische Armee militärisch China abgepresst worden.(Hong Kong has been militarily squeezed out of China by the British army.)” and “Bei aller notwendigen Kritik an der chinesischen KP sagen ich: Es ist gut, dass dieses koloniale Unrecht zu Ende ist. (Despite all the necessary criticism of the Chinese Communist Party, I say: It is good that this colonial injustice has come to an end.)”

    It is worth clarifying that during that time of History, China was ruled by the Manchus, who were considered as foreigners at the time. China at the time was not the Republic of China we know today. Therefore, Hong Kong was not military squeezed out of PRC but was being colonized by the British in substitution of the Manchus at that time.

    Historically speaking, the successor of the Qing Dynasty is the Republic of China, which later was relocated to Taiwan due to the Civil War between 1927 and 1949. And Mr. Leibich’s claim that it is good that colonial injustice has come to an end is inaccurate, too. In this case, Hong Kong, ought to be returned to Taiwan (the Republic of China) but not China (People’s Republic of China), to end the colonial injustice.

    What is more, Hong Kongers were supposed to be able to exercise our right to self-determination and really being able to be free from colonialism. Yet Hong Kong was actually removed from the U.N. list of Non-Self-Governing Territories upon PRC’s request.

    And clearly, under PRC’s rule, injustice is more than just apparent in Hong Kong currently. Mr. Leibich’s remarks of “despite all the necessary criticism of the Chinese Communist Party”, I truly hope that he is not suggesting that one would neglect the millions of ethnic minorities being detained in re-education camps, those who died in the JuneForth Masaccare, the two young Hong Kong boys who were shot by live rounds, the Chinese who were placed under surveillance 24/7 and all my fellow Hong Konger who are fighting for fundamental rights with their lives, but support the CCP’s action because it claims to be a communist party.

    I see of no reason, why anyone should support a dictatorship that would brutally murder its own people. CCP is totally going against what most political ideologies in the world stand for, and I do believe we can all agree on the fundamental rights of all members of the human family that ought to be respected as that is the foundations of human civilization.

