

在 seek熱像儀產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過9萬的網紅國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【因應疫情發展,本校防疫措施升級】 因應疫情發展,本校防疫措施,自下週一(3月2日)起館舍進出管制升級如下,兩週後視疫情發展再行檢討: (1) 教學大樓、體育館舍、圖書館、餐廳等人潮聚集館舍,每日8:00-17:00上班期間,派員管制單一出入口,實施體溫監測(在熱像儀尚未到位前,以額溫槍施...

  • seek熱像儀 在 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-02-29 00:37:48
    有 1,055 人按讚



    (1) 教學大樓、體育館舍、圖書館、餐廳等人潮聚集館舍,每日8:00-17:00上班期間,派員管制單一出入口,實施體溫監測(在熱像儀尚未到位前,以額溫槍施測)。
    (2) 一般館舍比照夜間刷卡模式實施管制進出,登記訪客並量測體溫。如無刷卡設施,比照上述模式管制。
    (3) 所有館舍入口務必設立乾洗手與告示牌,告示內容如下:

    📍1. 多洗手,避免觸摸眼口鼻,注意咳嗽禮節,妥善處理口鼻分泌物。
    📍2. 注意環境通風開窗,避免出入人潮擁擠的場所;搭乘電梯及用餐時請勿交談,亦請避免共用食物。
    📍3. 發燒或明顯呼吸道症狀請戴上口罩就醫,勿進入校內館舍;僅有輕微呼吸道症狀而無發燒者,進出校園請全程配戴口罩。
    📍4. 有國外旅遊/接觸史且出現呼吸道症狀,除立即戴上口罩就醫外,也請通知保健中心;同住家庭成員有發燒/呼吸道症狀群聚現象者,亦請立即戴上口罩就醫,勿進入學校館舍上(授)課。

    In response to the development of 2019-nCoV, NTU reinforces prevention and control.

    As of March 2 (Monday), NTU’s reinforces epidemic prevention and control until further notice. The protocols are as follows:
    1. During working hours (8:00-17:00) personal will be monitoring body temperatures outside classrooms, sport centers, Main Library, student dining halls, and other crowded buildings. Buildings with multiple entries will be restricted to a single entry.
    2. Access control in other buildings will be enforced. All visitors are required to register upon entry and body temperature will be measured.

    3. Hand sanitizer and prevention notices should be placed outside all building entrances. Details of the prevention notice are as follows:

    💡During the epidemic period, all members of the NTU community should follow the preventive measures as listed below:

    📍1. Wash hands frequently and avoid touching your eyes, noses, and mouth. Cover your nose and mouth with tissue when you cough. Properly dispose of the respiratory secretions.

    📍2. Maintain indoor ventilation, keep windows open as much as possible. Avoid crowded places. Refrain from talking when taking the elevator or during a meal. Avoid sharing food.

    📍3. If fever or apparent respiratory symptoms occur, do not enter any building on campus. Wear a surgical mask and seek medical attention immediately. If there is only mild respiratory symptoms without fever, Wear a surgical mask on campus at all times.

    📍4. If you have respiratory symptoms and travel history abroad, contact NTU Health Center, wear a surgical mask and seek for medical attention immediately. If your family members have fevers or respiratory symptoms, do not enter any building on campus or attend any class. Wear a surgical mask and seek for medical attention immediately.

    #防疫升級 #體溫監測 #館舍管制 #多洗手 #注意咳嗽禮節 #避免共食 #社交距離

