

在 scope中文產品中有20篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過10萬的網紅moto-one.com.hk,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 〔頭盔王招聘Digital Marketer/店務助理/文書助理〕 頭盔王電單車 去年全港電單車架數增長數目近10000架,作為少數在疫情下逆市擴展的行業,我們正積極擴充業務並急需新血加入!如果你熱愛電單車,希望將這份熱誠分享給更多初次接觸電單車的人,歡迎你加入頭盔王的團隊成為我們的一份子,保障更多...

 同時也有125部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5萬的網紅ChinWoon正雯,也在其Youtube影片中提到,《全部都為你 All For You- 高暟》 作曲:Yungkai 編曲 : Luther Wong 電吉他手:Benny Liew 被你唤醒 当我27 在我眼前是惊喜 27 哦 疲惫陪伴着眼泪 没有事与愿违 单纯的心给你 你的名我早已呼喊 在我心里千百遍我 无法 抑制因为期待你的步伐 ...

scope中文 在 Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-04-21 12:33:42

🙌🏻放榜後有話兒之後路篇🙏🏻 _ 雖然遲咗少少 但今日想講下考得唔好嘅出路 等大家都有個後著 唔好絕望⛑ps非專業 有錯請指出😛🙏🏻 _ 1️⃣appeal 如果成績同預期落差好大 可以上訴啦 因為上訴後 你個成績一係就唔變一係就⚠️⚠️只加唔減 雖然成功率係低 但叫做買個希望 覺得都算係做得過嘅👼...

scope中文 在 香港加油 HKfoodie???(Bilingual)?小編 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-02 13:45:17

-Follow🐰:@foodxgoodwest_hk 🐰💬I love HK🇭🇰so much. Not only because it is a “heaven of cuisine”, it is also because HK is a place with peace, legislatio...

  • scope中文 在 moto-one.com.hk Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-03-10 18:42:06
    有 17 人按讚

    〔頭盔王招聘Digital Marketer/店務助理/文書助理〕

    〔Digital Marketer〕

    Work location: Sheung Wan/ Yau Ma Tei
    Salary: 22K +, negotiable based on experience
    5 Days work

    Key Responsibilities:

    -Responsible for increasing online sales through connecting with the right audiences, design and execute creative campaigns and continuously improving UI and UX.
    -Handle weekly advertising (Digital Marketing) and Commercial strategies
    -Lead and plans in brand strategy and providing strategic solutions in fast-paced environment
    -Review business priorities, practical solution to business problems proactively
    -Work closely with the creative and production team of 50 people.
    -Analyse, design, implement lead generation systems on website
    -Design and implement Loyalty Program and reduce Abandon Carts
    -Conduct user research, user testing, AB testing to optimize customer experience
    -Analyze user journey to understand motivation, expose pain points, issues and improvement opportunities
    -Responsible for planning, budgeting, executing, monitoring promotion plans to boost business growth.
    50% work on general marketing, 50% work on UI/UX

    To be successful in this role you will exemplify our CORE values and:

    -Degree in Marketing, Journalism, Communications is preferred
    5+ years marketing experience at agencies or in-house is preferred
    -Experience in Shopify is a bonus
    -Strong market business sense and well knowing of the market
    -Experience in marketing plans and brand building activities including social media, search engine, digital and media planning
    -Strong analytic with good presentation and communication skills, and able to work under pressure
    -Excellent command of written and spoken English and Chinese
    -Be proactive approach, with extreme confidence in taking ownership of your work and the results it drives
    -Attention to detail, consistency and accuracy
    -Last but not least, you should be a motorcycle enthusiast and able to share the joy of riding to your audience!

    Interested candidate please send your CV to info@helmetking.com


    店員(12K - 18K,另有花紅,視乎經驗)













    如果你自問對人唔生外,鐘意同一班同樣熱愛電單車好玩的同事相處,歡迎聯絡我們!請將簡單的CV email到info@helmetking.com期待你的加入!

    〔Administrative Officer/ Administrative Assistant〕

    Job Description
    -Prepare invoicing
    -Execution and monitoring of all regular purchasing duties
    -Review payments and receipt transactions
    -Prepare company secretarial documents
    -Provide clerical and administrative support to the office team
    -Assist in ad-hoc job assignments, Pick up and deliver documents.
    -Coordinate with team and suppliers in the purchasing scope of work
    -Maintain complete and updated purchasing records/data and pricing in the system
    -Book Keeping and Data Entry

    -Higher Diploma, Associate Degree or above in Business
    -Administration or other related disciplines
    -1-3 years’ experience in administrative field
    -Responsible, good team player, detailed-oriented and organised
    -Proficiency in MS Office applications and Chinese Word Processing
    -Good command of both written and spoken English and Chinese
    -Candidates with more experience and qualifications will be considered as Administration Officer
    -Holder of a valid HK driving license (Class 3, 22) is preferred
    -Fresh graduates will be considered

    We offer competitive remuneration package and comprehensive fringe benefits including:
    -5-day work per week
    -Discretionary Performance Bonus
    -Marriage Leave
    -Annual Company Trip
    -Staff Shopping Discount
    -9 Days Annual Leave
    -To embrace the idea of work-life balance, we also endeavor to create a fun and enjoyable environment for our team members.
    Interested candidates please apply with FULL RESUME with SALARY EXPECTATION and AVAILABILITY. Please send your CV to info@helmetking.com

  • scope中文 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-02-01 18:35:46
    有 473 人按讚

    #伊隆馬斯克 在封閉社群 #Clubhouse 開聊天室,用戶癲狂!


    - 對人生意義的看法
    - 火星建設
    - 迷因大帝
    - Neuralink(保存大腦意識,超科幻)
    - 特斯拉與永續能源效率和 AI
    - 地底隧道高速交通
    - 五歲兒子的教育精髓(趣味和刺激):遊戲
    - 睡工廠地板故事
    - 比特幣是個好東西,還開玩笑說狗狗幣(Dogecoin)可能成為地球貨幣
    - 對生物科技的興趣和預測雪崩式疫苗狂潮


    "We should try to do the things that expand the scope and scale of consciousness to answer that fundamental question."

    他說啟發是來自他最喜歡的科幻作品《銀河便車指南》(The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)的作者

    (He who controls the memes controls the universe.)

    也歡迎有在玩 Clubhouse 的朋友追蹤 @howardchien 😎



    一起來精實訓練,搶先獲得國際新知 >> https://bit.ly/3pP7WEQ

  • scope中文 在 讀書e誌 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-05-18 23:31:40
    有 160 人按讚

    去年的七月份讀了MIT 贈送的書 “The business of Platforms", 因為今年出了中文版 “平台策略”,所以揪公司裡面的主管們一起讀起來。其中一位同事讀完之後,覺得很不錯,但認為以平台策略來說,他要介紹我這一本 “Competing in the age of AI" 搭配閱讀。

    如果說“平台策略”一書是從現在市場上已知案例中,分析平台生意模式的種類和當中的盲點,那 “Competing in the age of AI” 就是像是告訴你,整個生態和遊戲規則朝著平台模式轉變時,組織該如何調整自己的體質,對於分工的思考,還有對於AI 的期待。之所以講AI 的書籍會跟平台有關,也是因為AI 要真的落實在行業中,也必須是用平台的商業模式才有可能規模化。

    兩本書都有講到平台的種類和可能的盲點,例如基本的網路效應 (network effect),叢集(Clustering),跑單 (disintermediation,就是媒合買賣雙方後他們直接聯繫不再需要中間的平台了) 或是多歸屬 (multi-homing ,例如一間餐廳同時使用 Food Panda 和 Uber eats),等等。我喜歡這本新書不只是因為他很務實地分析公司的組織規劃以及IT 系統如何搭配,更是回到一個基本的問題: “公司”,這種近代歷史才有的組織形態,為什麼會存在。而在AI 世代中,公司要如何質變才能持續地帶出預期的價值?

    簡單來說,公司的存在除了讓資本運用更有效之外,理論上因著結合許多人分工合作的力量,可以創造出運營模式 (Operating model) 而帶出三個優勢:
    (1)Scale 規模
    (2)Scope 範疇
    (3)Learning 集體學習

    在工業革命世代可以看出公司大量生產帶來的經濟規模,以及公司可以觸及的範圍 (想像製造業面對許多不同種類的供應商),並且因著持續運營學習而不斷優化,進而提高競爭的門檻。但是在資訊世代,即使許多行業還是有實體的產品或是服務,其中所產出的資訊也是重要的一環。在資訊化的產業中,複製資訊的邊際成本趨近於領,資訊也讓跨產業變得容易 (谷歌是搜尋引擎還是最大廣告商?),同時AI 當中的機器學習能力更是前所未見的強大,因此要如何體現 scale/scope/learning 的優勢,就需要不同的思維。

    書中說到公司組織內部就可以開始用定義 API 的方式,讓團隊之間資訊交換更透明有效率,不想過往Silo的分工方式。同時,真的能夠實現的AI 目前還是屬於 “弱 AI" (weak AI),就是從數據中看出行為模式和極有效做簡單分類與判斷的。而電影中那些超強的虛擬助理,或是能夠真正創作的AI, 屬於 Strong AI,可能還有一段時間是在有限的情境當中使用。書中最後提到 "AI 生產線” 的比喻,真正發揮資訊邊際成本趨近於零的強大威力!


    擁抱學習AI才能思考它如何成為你的工具。機器要提供 “正確”的答案不太難,但這個“正確答案”是否有價值,是看那個訂題目的人是否知道怎麼定義問題。

    前一本書 "The Business of Platforms" 的中文版:"平台策略:在數位競爭、創新與影響力掛帥的時代勝出"



    #Platform #AI #Businessmodel #OperatingModel. #人工智慧 #平台策略

