

在 scolded中文產品中有6篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Sarah Chang 張學仁,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Shang-Chi Marvel Simu Liu Marvel Studios Shang-Chi is number ONE at the box-office for the THIRD week in a row! It's made over $300 MILLION worldwide...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過6,700的網紅Subyub Lee,也在其Youtube影片中提到,有無試過唱K唱到悶 開始對住啲中文歌詞直譯英文呢? 一齊學識呢首, 下次唱K一齊唱! 字幕組:Tim Tim Wong 10月22 現場唱呢首好唔好? 李拾壹 一次性音樂會 Subyub Lee "Everything is Temporary"Live 日期| 22/10/2017 (日...

scolded中文 在 瘋查某尬英文 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-08-18 11:59:07

【左滑看5種表達委屈的說法!】 不知道你有沒有試過想要用英文訴說「委屈」,但是卻想半天找不到單字呢?這是因爲中文和英文的「委屈」本來就沒有單一的翻譯。英文裡是根據不同的遭遇和心情來表示的喔~ 快學起來吧❤️ 📌影片中的句子 - 中英翻譯: Come on! Listen to me. You...

  • scolded中文 在 Sarah Chang 張學仁 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-21 08:00:26
    有 121 人按讚

    Shang-Chi Marvel Simu Liu Marvel Studios

    Shang-Chi is number ONE at the box-office for the THIRD week in a row! It's made over $300 MILLION worldwide. What a feat in this covid era for any movie, let alone an ASIAN-LED one!

    I personally am feeling so inspired from watching Shang-Chi!! I don’t think I’ve ever understood what (Asian) representation feels like until I watched this movie. Being born in and raised in the US, as an Asian-American, I didn’t feel like I belonged. I spent a lot of my childhood living a double life – quiet and reserved at school, and felt much more at home in a Chinese school.

    I've trained in Wushu since I was 7 but it wasn’t until I watched Mulan that I got the courage to show people who I really was. I never want my children to feel that way! I love how Shang-Chi the movie represented all of those groups, North American-born Chinese, overseas Chinese, and Asian immigrants as a whole. The characters were so relatable – from the nods to taking off our shoes, to getting scolded about getting married to our most filial friends, to getting scolded about our job choices – and it showed how there is actually someone like me in the writers’ room.

    Cheers also for including Indian Americans as Asian-Americans because they are. The action scenes were phenomenal and you could tell the cast really poured their heart into training and preparing for performance. And finally, in the end credits, seeing the first Asian superhero actually stand beside Mr. Wong, Captain Marvel and Dr. Bruce Banner aka The Hulk, just made me realize that, oh man, this is real. This actually happened. Let’s keep these Asian-led blockbusters coming!!

    尚氣與十環傳奇已經連續三週票房第一!全球票房收入超過 3 億美元。在新冠病毒的時間點還能有這樣的票房對任何電影來說都是一項壯舉,更不用說是以亞洲文化為主題電影了!

    尚氣這部電影讓我受到了很多啟發!!在我看了這部電影之前,我感覺我從來都不知道(亞洲)被再現在大螢幕上的感覺。我在美國出生和長大,作為亞裔美國人,我時常找不到歸屬感。我的童年有很大部分時間都過著雙重生活——在學校安靜又拘謹,而到了中文學校才有家的感覺。我從 7 歲開始練習武術,但直到看到《花木蘭》,我才鼓起勇氣向其他人展現真正的自我。我不希望我的孩子在未來也有這樣的經歷!我喜歡這部電影《尚氣》的原因不只是因為好看,它也代表了所有以下這些群體,北美出生的華人、海外華人和整個亞洲移民。這些角色是如此的具有象徵意義,可以產生共鳴——從點頭到脫鞋、因為嫁給我們最孝順的朋友而被責罵、甚至是被質疑我們的工作選擇——這看得出編劇裡居然也有像我這樣的人,我也為電影將印度裔美國人納入亞裔美國人的一員感到開心。動作場面真的非常壯觀!你可以看出演員們真的全身心地投入到訓練和準備中。最後,可以看到第一個亞洲超級英雄站在王先生、驚奇隊長和布班納博士(綠巨人)旁邊,讓我意識到,天啊,這是真的嗎?我不是在做夢吧。我相信未來一定有更多亞洲文化主導題材的電影!!!

  • scolded中文 在 小桃 Siutao Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-03 21:19:50
    有 1,588 人按讚


    本專頁的帳號為 siutaoCOS,而該帳號則用了siutaoC0S,把cos中的英文字「O」轉為了數字「0」以混淆視聽。


    以FB專頁也只此一個,並沒其他分頁!!!(Singapore及Vietnam Fans Page為本人認可,不是什麼假帳。)



    This post will be describing the incident that has happened earlier today, and I would like everyone to be aware and not accidentally give away personal information to a fake account.

    This morning when I woke up, I received notifications and questions from friends and everyone, regarding a Facebook account pretending to be mine. *I would like to remind everyone again that this account is not created by me!!!*
    This account was recently created and used the same name and profile as my own. My page link is siutaoCOS, and this fake account used siutaoC0S, changing the capitalized [O] in the link name to the numeral [0] zero to befuddle everyone.

    During that time, the account created a post that asked everyone to fill in their information in a suspicious website, which was created under a fake identity, attempting to scam personal and credit card information.
    Upon discovery, I have posted clarifications and requested everyone to assist in reporting the post. My clarifications were posted on my page, Instagram and personal account.
    The scammer messaged my page directly after my revealing that the account was a fake, and asked why I wanted to ruin him, and even harshly scolded me in return for no reason. After that, with the assistance of everyone, the scammer deleted all related information to the attempted scam and changed his profile and cover picture to avoid Facebook’s automated investigation system. In the end, Facebook declared that there was no issue with the scammer’s account.

    At this point I was powerless to do anything. 😢
    I would like to thank everyone’s efforts in reporting the account, and though it was not successful, I would like to take this opportunity to inform everyone to be aware, and not get scammed by impersonation efforts.😭🙏🏻💦
    If by any chance you had filled in personal information or other information, please immediately change all passwords and information, and contact relevant agencies if necessary. This is to prevent misuse of your information and linked accounts.

    *****I would also like to mention, that I would not randomly add friends into my personal account, unless it was a public notice, privately discussed or agreed upon.
    (I would like everyone to understand that I need some personal space as well🙏🏻😢).
    This is my only page on Facebook and I have no other pages!!! (The Singapore and Vietnam Fan Pages were approved by me, and they are not fake accounts or impersonators.)
    Apart from direct sales, I will never request for information from anyone. This information from sales will not be disclosed to anyone else or to a third party! In the future, if anyone notices an impersonator or fake account, please help me to report them!😭🙏🏻******

    Once again, I would like to thank everyone who has supported me, believed in me and helped out! Love you all! 😭🙏🏻❤️

  • scolded中文 在 Chris Lau Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2017-11-02 11:18:40
    有 17 人按讚

    这是我第二篇中文版药爱(chemsex)的专题。 文中我有提到“筆者曾嘗試採訪大馬著名同志人權活躍分子,但卻被拒於門外,而對方當時只稱這項課題將會導致許多同志受到傷害。 可是, 难道将这课题距于门外或置之不理, 情况便会获得改善吗? 很显然, 答案是否定的。”几个月前我头疼着找资料和受访者, 最意外的是当我尝试杰出本地被誉为“最有名最热血”的同志人权份子时, 有好几位都以激烈的字眼回击我报导这专题的企图, 甚至质问我是不是要靠这课题红起来? hello? 我有需要用这课题红起来吗? 你要不要上网google 我的名字? 最可怕的, 当部分专业人士告诉我chemsex课题在大马严重时, 另一群所谓“为民发声”的团体却以各自理由把这课题sweep under the carpet。 想想, 在这社交软体泛滥的时代, 如果我们再不好好教育年轻代, 有多少年轻一辈会因一念之快而失足成千古恨。 马来西亚所谓的同志人权份子真的需要去好好反省, 他们太自我为中心, 太把自己捧上天了。 所以只接受自己的想法, 他人的意见都给拒绝, 就是所谓的排外。 偏激也短见, 是一大耻辱。 所幸有好几名圈子的专业人士勇敢站起来分享他们的经验和故事, 即便后来还是被这些“人权分子”攻击。 不过大家一直都相信报导是非常非常需要的, 你看看在亚洲, 究竟有几篇正式的关于chemsex的报导? 恐怕这是第一个比较咨询扎实的chemsex专题。
    In my latest piece on chemsex, I did mention about how I got turned down by some of the most "prominent lgbt activists" in Malaysia. They even scolded me with rude words for trying to bring out the issue, some wondered if I want to get fame by featuring chemsex. (hello? I guess I am way famous before I do this feature dude) Some of the so-called lgbt activists in the country is just hypocrites, they are so self-centered that they won't accept new ideas, or any thoughts that go against them. It's a shame when you want others to accept the marginalized group for whom they are, but you refused even to listen to what they say. These days, it's so easy to get a hook up via social apps, that causes a drastic increase in chemsex, but some people want to sweep the issue under the carpet, shame on you. Do you know how many youngsters could possibly have their life ruined due to lack or awareness?

  • scolded中文 在 Subyub Lee Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2017-10-11 18:14:43


    字幕組:Tim Tim Wong

    10月22 現場唱呢首好唔好?
    李拾壹 一次性音樂會
    Subyub Lee "Everything is Temporary"Live

    日期| 22/10/2017 (日)
    地點| MOM Livehouse (北角英皇道117-121號七海購物中心B39)
    時間| 20:00
    票價| $250 (全企位)
    門票| https://goo.gl/BSo3Xf
    主辦單位| Milkshake Music,3721 Productions
    一次性現場樂隊: 小綠帽偵探社
    Deep Ng - First in be main
    吳浩康 - 先入為主

    Is me do wrong Is me do wrong Is me do wrong
    是我做錯 是我做錯 是我做錯
    What do u want?
    Tho the cost is expensive I dont care
    縱費用昂貴 在所不計
    Only want to wash out old mistake
    Accumulated a container
    Hated scolded punished
    恨也恨過 鬧也鬧過 罰也罰過 
    Global is what
    Although i cant hold u in my arms
    At least let me stop from falling
    You remember I was unfaithful
    你 記住我當初 不忠誠
    Dont believe me today in love with stable
    不相信今天我 愛上安定
    Me facing you how to guarantee?
    我 對住你 怎保證
    So enough power to prove me
    Already fixed sex

    Joey Yung - Pain Love
    容祖兒 痛愛

    Loving you let me fall down
    Loving you let me Cry
    Continue being ruined also satisfied
    Loving you treat me thin emotion
    Loving you being so cool

    What if you realize
    You like treat me like s**t too
    I will let you forever pain loving me

    Subyub Lee - Dead wait
    李拾壹 死等

    I afraid one taste wait
    I afraid one taste wait
    Nothing happen
    I afraid one taste wait
    I afraid one taste one person got one person
    我最怕一味一個人 得一個人
    One taste work hard
    You also dont patron

    HOCC - Light Club
    何韻詩 光明會

    Ah Two Ah Two Sunset Ah Two Sunset
    啊二啊二啊霞 啊二啊霞
    Ah Two Ah Two Sunset Ah Two Sunset
    啊二啊二啊霞 啊二啊霞
    Ah Two Ah Two Ah What? Ah Two Ah What?
    啊二啊二啊吓? 啊二啊吓?
    Ah Two Ah Two Ah What? Ah Two Ah Shrimps
    啊二啊二啊吓? 啊二啊蝦

    薛家燕 - 皆大歡喜
    Nancy Sit - Everybody is big happy

    Slow walk hold hands walk through ten thousand miles thousand mountain
    Faith can score out happy world
    Hey ouch Hey ouch Hey
    Hey ouch Hey ouch Hey
    Together one heart has new opportunity
    Dont care is ten thousand feet wind wave
    Also can hold hand fly to sky
    Hey ouch Hey ouch Hey
    Hey ouch Hey ouch Hey
    Group together share happy land
    Smile and tears in between you and me
    Life is full of surprises

    李彩樺 - 你唔愛我啦
    Rain Li - You don't love me la

    Is but la counted la no disturb you la
    是但啦 算數啦 唔煩你啦 
    No one Kisses me la
    Goodbye la Nothing la Real enough la
    再見啦 無野啦 實在夠啦 
    You dont love me la
    Is but la counted la said will kiss me
    是但啦 算數啦 又話錫我
    Say so fast changed treat me how bad
    Goodbye la Nothing la Ending ga la
    再見啦 無野啦 完場啦 
    You dont love me la

