

在 scarce意思產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6,226的網紅旅行熱炒店Podcast,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 塔什干的考驗 Trials of Tashkent 每到一個新的國家,我往往都會經歷一段撞牆期,這段期間因為對環境不熟悉,或者現場情況和網路上說的不一樣,會有種做什麼事情都不順的鬼打牆感,而且也得花上額外的時間去解決。這就是我在烏茲別克第一天的感覺。 從伊斯坦堡飛到烏國首都塔什干,早上七點順利在...

scarce意思 在 |MAKEUP|SKINCARE|FOOD|LIFE| Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-02 16:12:21

#sand_beingrandom (續) 條數繼續計落去之前,先問一下自己:「你生活的重心放在哪裡?錢花在哪個地方你會最開心?」於我而言,餵飽自己是不用天天新款的 (也跟我本身的大悶蛋性格有關🤷🏻‍♂️),價錢較貴的東西偶爾吃一下好了,況且便宜也有好吃的😀 還可以在家自己煮,花點時間挑選便宜當造新...

  • scarce意思 在 旅行熱炒店Podcast Facebook 的精選貼文

    2018-05-11 09:58:47
    有 13 人按讚

    塔什干的考驗 Trials of Tashkent



    Whenever I travel to a new country, the first day can always be challenging. I often have to spend extra time and effort to deal with unexpected circumstances in the unfamiliar environment. Sometimes it could be quite frustrating. This is what I experienced on my first day in Uzbekistan.

    The flight from Istanbul to Tashkent landed at 6:30am, and I passed the immigration smoothly around 7am. The easy experience, however, didn’t last long.




    First trial: no mobile data on my cell phone. My carrier claims that data roaming is available in Uzbekistan, and it was - only in the first 30 seconds. After that I could reconnect occasionally, but didn’t last any longer. Then I thought, this is not too bad. Tashkent is the capital, and it should be possible to find public wifi networks somewhere? I was wrong. It was impossible to find any public wifi in the city. I had to live on paper and offline maps all day.

    Trial #2: currency exchange. Since the exchange shops at airport usually don’t offer good rate, I decided not to do exchange at the airport, and it was proven to be a wrong decision. As I arrived on a national holiday, no bank was open, and ATM was scarce in the city. After a couple of hours of search and 3-mile walk, I finally withdrew cash from my US account at one of the few ATMs in the city.

    Trial #3: reading signs. Many sings in Tashkent are bilingual, but they are bilingual in Uzbek and Russian. It was particularly challenging in the subway, where you have to understand the signs to get on the right train. Eventually the strategy I developed was to read Russian first, as at least I can try to pronounce Cyrillic alphabets and guess what the words mean.



    Last trail: this city is not as attractive as I thought. Like many other Soviet Union cities, it was rationally designed and to some extent dehumanized. This is drastically different from the Uzbek cities I’m going to visit, which are full of cultural heritage and history. Fortunately, there are still some hidden gems in the city: delicious plov (rice plate), vibrant bazaar, gorgeous subway stations, etc. Soviet ideology and central Asian culture come together here. Tashkent is not a big tourist city, but it attracts people in its own unique way.

    Although the first impression was not that great, the train trip that night was the most unforgettable one in my whole life. What happened on the train? Will share in my next post :)

