🤣看了這個聯署 *超好笑* 🤣,仲有 *中英文版*🤣 *中文版 : 特朗普太有才了!請接收來自香港的自由西吧!* *登記簽聯署 :* https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/zhong-wen-ban-su-qiu-trump-too-talented-p...
🤣看了這個聯署 *超好笑* 🤣,仲有 *中英文版*🤣 *中文版 : 特朗普太有才了!請接收來自香港的自由西吧!* *登記簽聯署 :* https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/zhong-wen-ban-su-qiu-trump-too-talented-please-accept-freedom-hi-hong-kongte-lang-pu-tai-you-cai-liao-qing-jie-shou-lai-zi-xiang
全文 : 親愛的美國總統特朗普 ,我是來自香港的一位平凡的小市民,本來與大眾市民過著安寧的生活,想不到香港在六月起出現了一群自稱是"自由西"的人士,他們的暴力行為令香港混亂非常 , 社區每星期出現不同抗爭活動,暴力不斷升級 , 爆發激烈衝突,"自由西"令多名警員受傷,面對如此野獸行為 , 港人感到心寒和憤怒 。
正當本人感到絕望之際,於2019年7月16日在電視看見偉大的美國總統特朗普在社交網站,不點名批評四名少數族裔女眾議員,以及在白宮出席活動時諷刺她們的一番"偉大道理": 「你們只會抱怨,只愛痛恨我們國家。我覺得妳們熱切痛恨美國…如果妳在美國不開心,如果妳一直在抱怨,妳可以離開,妳現在就可以離開。」 這番偉論實在太有才了 ,連我這個沒希望的平民也因此重燃希望,特意向美國總統特朗普發出聯署,希望美國政府可以無條件接收來自香港的暴力自由西,因為「他們可能視你為偶像,他們不會痛恨你們國家。我覺得他們熱愛美國…在美國也會開心,他們在香港一直在抱怨,所以正如偉大的特朗普總統所說,他們可以離開香港,現在即時就可以離開。」 這班自由西既可以入選《時代雜誌》互聯網25大具影響力人物,就連貴國的國務卿蓬佩奧亦不惜紆尊降貴會見我們香港特區這班自由西,所以本人有理由相信偉大的特朗普總統一定非常贊成支持美國的香港人士離開香港!亦非常喜歡他們。
所以聯署促請美國政府無條件接收這班來自香港的暴力"自由西" (包括擁有加拿大籍歌手何韻詩),還香港市民一個和平、安寧的社會,因為這班人也是你們製造出來的 。
讓我們見識你們用你們常常說的所謂和平對待示威人士的方式每星期招待這班暴力自由西,讓全世界的人為你們鼓掌。但問題在於你們是否能接受這班人對社會是亳無生產價值 , 只懂天天以暴力搞自由 。 *English Ver : Trump is too talented! Please accept Freedom-Hi from Hong Kong!* *登記簽聯署 :* https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/english-ver-trump-too-talented-please-accept-freedom-hi-hong-kong
全文 : Dear President Trump of United States, I am an ordinary citizen from Hong Kong. I had lived a peaceful life with all other Hong Konger. Unexpectedly, Hong Kong has come up a group of people who claim to fight for freedom in June. Their violent behaviours have made Hong Kong very chaotic. The community has different protest activities every week. The violence has escalated and fierce conflicts have erupted. “Freedom-Hi" has injured many police officers. Facing on such beasts, Hong Kong people feel chill and anger.
During the time when I was desperate, on July 16th, 2019, I saw TV that the great US President Trump being on the social networking site, without naming four minority female members of the House of Representatives, and satirizing them at the White House, by stating "great truth": "You only complain, only love to hate our country. I think you hate the United States... If you are not happy in the United States, if you have been complaining, you can leave, you can leave now."
satirizing中文 在 變態辣椒 Facebook 的最讚貼文
大家好!我在RFA自由亞洲電台的專欄漫畫精選集的英文版電子書已經可以免費下載了,這是我的第一本政治漫畫作品集,希望大家喜歡!您可以通過iTunes、Google Play下載到手機和平板電腦或直接下載PDF版本。這本電子書也將很快推出中文版,敬請期待!
Drawing Fire: The Political Cartoons of Rebel Pepper
By Radio Free Asia
Wang Liming, also known as “Rebel Pepper,” honed his craft as a political cartoonist by satirizing politics in his native China. In this collection of 50 drawings, Wang continues to apply his editorial and artistic wit to events in China, while also tackling issues from North Korean nuclear provocations to Cambodian political machinations to the Rohingya humanitarian crisis in Myanmar.
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Download the e-book PDF version http://www.rfa.org/english/bookshelf/RebelPepper.pdf