

在 salty意思產品中有12篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過85萬的網紅Cheers:快樂工作人,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【#Cheers英文教室】 salty 表示「很鹹」,那"He's so salty. "是「他很鹹」的意思嗎?其實salty用來形容人的話,還有這個意思↘️ ...

 同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅大麻煩翻譯組JackO,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#Vivziepop #HELLUVABOSS 我並不擁有此影片 影片所有權歸屬於Vivziepop I do NOT own this video, all rights go to Vivziepop 贊助影片原作者,幫助她製作更多精彩的動畫! 贊助 HAZBIN HOTEL 的 PATREO...

salty意思 在 ?四個為食女仔? Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-03-04 02:52:38

#自選澳式早午餐拼盤🦘 位於中環長扶手電梯隔離嘅ninetys係間澳式咖啡店 我地平日中午時分黎 唔係等左太耐就有位 座位有份露天同室內 室外好啱同朋友吹水 室內就有型又摩登 工業風風格 餐牌選擇唔少 不過作為麵包控 我係為左佢個可以任添麵包既brunch board黎嘅 同朋友一人一個brunch...

salty意思 在 ♎︎ AKA 常定祥 ?????1002 ✈︎ Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-02-09 06:21:08

🦄 𝕊𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕚 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝔼𝕩𝕠𝕥𝕚𝕔 𝕃𝕒𝕕𝕪 ℕ𝕒𝕣𝕒 🫖 💕淡淡嘅粉紅色配上藤椅✨無敵海景,今次同大家嚟到位於海港城新開嘅 #少女 系列爆燈嘅過江龍泰式fusion西餐 @ladynara 佢開始講啲嘢食有幾咁好味之前一齊了解吓點解呢間野要叫做NARA?其實係源自梵語泰國婦女...

salty意思 在 Passion Travel Foodie Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-08-11 23:50:30

🇨🇭Self #confinement Day 140 The weather was good yet not too warm but just fresh this morning, so I take the opportunity to make #cinnamonrolls. With ...

  • salty意思 在 Cheers:快樂工作人 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-07-17 19:30:09
    有 40 人按讚

    salty 表示「很鹹」,那"He's so salty. "是「他很鹹」的意思嗎?其實salty用來形容人的話,還有這個意思↘️

  • salty意思 在 Vegan Expression Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-06-28 19:00:00
    有 65 人按讚

    香港 │ 工廠區找素
    這次我帶家人來到了屯門工廠區找素食,由於第一次來有點迷路了,爸還一直懷疑工廠區會有什麼素食 😁 沒多久,我們就找到了!店面很有工廠區的感覺,意思就是很普通,沒有什麼裝潢,但我覺得這樣更親切、親民!


    還有很推薦的「紅燒素翅雲呑(餛飩)窩」HKD98,就像在吃香港經典小吃 ─ 碗仔翅,怎麼會不喜歡呢?!我媽說給大家推薦她的最愛 ─ 芋頭魚 🐠

    他們還有一家素食超市在旁邊,太方便了吧!可惜當天太晚了沒來得及逛,大家有去過嗎?有推薦的食材嗎?歡迎給我分享喔 😋

    Hong Kong │ Veggie Place in Factory District
    This time, I took my family to the Tuen Mun factory area to find vegan food. We were a little lost because of the first time, my dad still wondered what kind of vegan food would be in the factory area 😁 ! Not long after, we found it! The restaurant is very factory-like, meaning very ordinary, no decoration, but I think it is closer to the people/public!

    I have a squid-lover friend, I used to go out a lot with him. I didn't realize that I fell in love with squid too. So I saw that there was a "Squid with Pepper and Salt" HKD75 on the menu. I ordered it right away, just want to recall my memories with this friend. To be honest, the taste is a bit heavy and salty, but I still like it very much. The texture and the "smelly" taste from seafood make it similar to the squid I used to have!

    There is also a very recommended dish - Wonton with vegan shark fin (HKD98), just like eating Hong Kong classic snacks - shark fin soup, how can you not like it? ! My mom recommend her favorite to you - Taro Fish 🐠

    They also have a veggie supermarket next to the restaurant, so convenient! It’s a pity that it was too late for the day I visited. Have you ever been there? Any recommended ingredients? Welcome to share with me 😋

    大力齋廚 - 屯門素食店
    📍 屯門石排頭路5號偉昌工業中心地下A室
    G/F, Block A, Wai Cheung Industrial Centre, 5 Shek Pai Tau Road, Tuen Mun
    ⏳ 08:00 - 22:00
    🚫 Tuesday


  • salty意思 在 Beginneros Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2018-08-15 18:00:01
    有 53 人按讚

    【Beginneros X VoiceTube 嘅英文潮流課︱2018年美國嘅流行用語(下)】
    上次同大家學完 Extra﹑Salty﹑Low Key﹑ Snatched 同 Glow up 五個潮流用語,唔知大家仲記得幾多,今次再教大家另外五個用語,等大家趕上潮流。

    1. Tea(八卦、緋聞):呢個俚語嘅來源眾說紛紜,有人話係因為一群女生聚埋一齊飲茶傾八卦嘢,所以八卦就用 tea 代稱,有啲人覺得 tea 係來自於 T 嘅發音,而 T 可能代表 Truth 或 Talking 嘅意思,亦都有人話係牽扯到變裝皇后嘅文化。無論如何,現在年輕人口中嘅 tea 就變成咗八卦、緋聞嘅意思啦!
    例子:Did you hear the tea about Justin Bieber?

    2. Shook(震驚):shook 可以係因為好事讓人驚艷,或係壞事讓人震驚,原本 shook 係 shake 嘅過去式,係「抖動、顫抖」嘅意思,後引申為驚嚇或係震驚。
    例子:I just got my exam results back, and I am shook.

    3. Shady(可疑、偷偷摸摸嘅):shady 係 shade「陰影」嘅形容詞,原意係「陰暗嘅、昏暗嘅」,在俚語中 shady 用來形容可疑嘅、唔光明磊落嘅人,或係陰陽怪氣、偷偷摸摸嘅樣。
    例子:I always see him on the other side of the street just watching people… That dude’s super shady.

    4. Fire(超讚、很型嘅):fire 同 lit 嘅用法有啲似,都係用來形容好流行﹑好潮、好熱門嘅嘢,或係你要讚某樣嘢好型好勁嘅時候都可以用 fire,要注意當成 slang 嘅時候,fire 係形容詞用法!
    例子:Are you serious? That’s fire!

    5. Cancelled(與某人斷絕往來):cancelled 係 cancel 嘅過去式,原本係「取消」嘅意思,在呢度係「同某個人唔再來往」嘅意思,朋友絕交或情侶之間分手時都可以跟對方說 You are cancelled!
    例子:Daniel? Did I not tell you? That’s cancelled.

    學多啲英文,同外國人溝通都唔會誤會人地嘅意思,咁就唔怕叫牛扒嗰陣 Good Job 嘅場面啦!

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