

在 safe翻譯產品中有90篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #獨立餐廳做MealKit料理懶人包有優勢嗎? 疫情改變了人們的消費習慣。避免外出,減少實體活動,我們取得大量的居家時間,飲食模式不同以往。這讓餐廳苦惱,卻讓雜貨零售商成長,其中,meal kit(料理懶人包)是銷售亮眼的一種產品。 Meal kit目前沒有妥適的中文翻譯,有謂快煮餐、食材配...

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safe翻譯 在 艾德可樂 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-06-02 15:08:38

新影片上線~ 📺 艾德可樂 // Liminal Space // 下一個轉彎的路口 在研究Liminal Space時 搜尋及參考文獻時看到了一段話 我做了一些調整 一個人在職業生涯中會面臨的「翻轉」(inside out)與撕碎的整合歷程,同時也將這個歷程稱為「限域」(Liminalit...

safe翻譯 在 Joe English|林軒英文 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-07-11 08:44:29

《93年指考翻譯第1句-參考解答》⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ *記得搭配字卡補充以及先前的「利用&使用」那篇文哦⁣ ⁣ 之前翻過110學測翻譯參考解答(可以回去找那篇),有提過我個人滿喜歡翻譯的,翻譯沒有標準答案,也可以看到很多人的寫法,滿有意思的。⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ 今天來分享93年指考翻譯第1句,參考解答以及補充,但因...

  • safe翻譯 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-06-21 21:03:38
    有 392 人按讚


    疫情改變了人們的消費習慣。避免外出,減少實體活動,我們取得大量的居家時間,飲食模式不同以往。這讓餐廳苦惱,卻讓雜貨零售商成長,其中,meal kit(料理懶人包)是銷售亮眼的一種產品。

    Meal kit目前沒有妥適的中文翻譯,有謂快煮餐、食材配送、鮮食配送、餐點DIY配送箱,但我認為,都不若「料理懶人包」來得貼切。簡單來說,meal kit把生鮮食材、料理半成品與食譜捆綁在一起,比傳統意義的烹飪方便,因為食材已經幫你配好、處理好,還有料理步驟可供參考;又比外帶外送的餐點新鮮,因為你是自己動手做菜,現煮現吃。

    台灣疫情升級、餐廳被禁止內用後,也有獨立餐廳推出meal kit,我最近反覆舉的例子就是Gēn Creative與Club Voilà(Ephernite子品牌),它們讓人耳目一新,不過,meal kit不是現在才在台灣問世。

    早在2016年台北就曾有meal kit專賣店「Phoebe’s Kochhaus 菲比食事」,可惜走在太前面;Green & Safe的「食材百寶箱」也行之有年,唯欠缺食譜與配料、處理,可謂meal kit前身。至於現時有在營運、真正意義的meal kit品牌,台灣則有「樂煮 Let’s Cook」、「FoodGo Box 今晚想自己煮」等等。

    疫情前,meal kit在台灣乏人問津;進入非常時期,至少我自己,才親身體驗meal kit的魅力。然而,進一步查閱資料後,我也才發現,meal kit這個六、七年前在國際募資市場非常火紅的網路新創項目,商業模式是遭受質疑的;疫情中,獨立餐廳推出meal kit,也只是一種變通之策。

    1️⃣ Meal kit的市場概況為何?
    2️⃣ Meal kit的商業模式是什麼?
    3️⃣ 獨立餐廳做meal kit是否有優勢?


    Meal kit在台灣,是小眾之小;在國外,雖和傳統雜貨零售相比仍屬小眾,卻也發展出一定的市場規模,且有眾多業者。根據「Business Wire」的數據,美國是目前全球最大的meal kit市場,2020年的市場規模來到23億美元(註1);放大到全球的範圍,綜合「Business Wire」、「Grand View Research」的分析,2020年全球市場規模來到80億至100億美元之間,並預期接下來七年將以複合年均成長率約13%繼續茁壯,2027年全球可望達到200億美元的規模。

    在美國,meal kit新創業者如Blue Apron、HelloFresh,零售巨擘如 Walmart、Amazon,以及某些獨立餐廳,都投入meal kit的競爭。Meal kit的產品也愈趨多元化,除了在餐點風格上的變化(各種異國料理)、飲食需求上的專精(如素食者、健身者),產品設定上,起初的「cook and eat」(需要或多或少的烹調)之外,也往「heat and eat」(不需烹飪、加熱即食)發展,這就比較像微波爐或烤箱加熱的電視晚餐了。

    若查詢meal kit的歷史,一般認為以下二家瑞典企業為先驅:Middagsfrid,創立於2007年;以及Linas Matkasse,創立於2008年。二家公司目前都仍健在。

    Blue Apron是美國市場的先行者,2012年誕生,據說參考了瑞典的Linas Matkass,雖然同期有HelloFresh(總部在德國)、Plated二家競業,Blue Apron獲得的媒體聲量與創投資金卻始終走在前面。然而,Blue Apron如同彗星路過,2017年在紐約證交所IPO可謂慘烈災難,其後每況愈下,疫情雖有幫助業績,現又回到掙扎狀態。

    2016年時,美國已有超過150間meal kit業者,也歷經分眾化的過程(如專攻素食的Purple Carrot),在Blue Apron上市前後也有一波整併潮。現在,美國市佔最高的meal kit業者是HelloFresh,這家德商同時在十四個國家營運,美國是其主要市場,2020年美國的全年營收逼近25億美元,年成長率102.3%,也拜疫情所賜。

    另外值得注意的是零售巨擘、雜貨零售商加入戰局。Amazon在2017年併購美國有機超市Whole Foods引起業界波瀾,後逐步推出meal kit服務,去年才讓meal kit固定上架全美Amazon Fresh;也有幾間超市併購meal kit新創,如Albertsons收購Plated(2017)、Kroger收購Home Chef(2018)。Walmart也從2018年起推出自己的meal kit。


    Meal kit新創業者的發展,為什麼會走到IPO困難,或者被雜貨零售商併購呢?這就和其商業模式有關了。


    Meal kit的訴求是什麼?我認為這個說法相當貼切:它是在餐廳內用、外帶外送、買菜自煮以外,第四種飲食消費行為,自給自足的程度,介於外送與自煮之間。

    Meal kit比傳統烹飪方便許多,省時間省力氣,理由在於,它幫你完成規劃菜單、買菜、備料等等,在家自煮的繁瑣雜務;一道菜的內容,通常包含生鮮食材、醬汁、其他調味佐料、料理半成品以及食譜,某些食材甚至已經洗好、切好。對於廚藝欠佳的煮夫煮婦而言,meal kit是在家做出餐廳水準菜色的機會;對於熱愛嘗鮮的吃貨來說,meal kit也是拓展味蕾、嘗試異國風味的方案。當然,新鮮現煮也符合健康訴求,而針對有飲食限制或特殊飲食需求的消費者,例如素食主義、減脂增肌,某些meal kit特殊菜單也令飲食規範更好遵守。

    這類料理懶人包,可謂數位時代的產物。Meal kit的先行者皆屬網路新創,設立之初就採取線上訂購與配送,且大多綁定 #訂閱制,以確保營收基礎。亦即,如今的meal kit產業是從線上起家的,實體零售在幾年後才跟進。並且,其初期成長大多來自都會區收入較高、年紀稍長的Y世代(1980年代、1990年代出生者),代表其消費門檻是比較高的—有數位能力,並擁有較多可支配所得。

    這也預示了meal kit業者面臨的挑戰。

    首先是價格。在美國,一人份的meal kit定價約莫介於8美元至12美元之間,差不多是在大眾餐廳能飽餐一頓的價格,也比傳統意義的買菜自煮貴上許多。方便性是要付出代價的,也限制了meal kit的目標客群。

    再來,訂閱制反成為消費者卻步的理由。一般訂閱方案為一週二到四餐,視餐數與份量有不同的運費規則,基本上愈多餐就愈容易免運、單價也愈低,但愈多餐也代表消費者的承諾是愈高的。然而,我們都清楚每天的食欲變來變去,上餐館、叫外賣也很方便,更何況,有時候就是不想煮飯。假設我這週想少煮二餐meal kit?或者我接下來一個月都想休息?管理訂閱成了一件麻煩事;顧客忠誠度也不高。

    因此,現時許多meal kit業者強調無需訂閱,或者管理訂閱容易,想取消、跳餐隨時隨地。

    然而,為什麼網路新創meal kit業者起初會採取訂閱制?那是因為,業者必須綁定較高收入的用戶,才能彌補目標客群較小眾的落差,也才能彌補高昂的營運成本與費用。

    開一家meal kit公司的成本與費用很高。你需要大量的人力來理貨與包裝,也需要大量的包材,物流與後勤也複雜,因為牽涉到容易腐壞的生鮮食材與料理半成品。行銷也花錢,因為要留住舊客很難,開發新客也面臨競爭。

    於是,#營運成本高昂、#顧客忠誠度低,成為meal kit商業模式的二大弱點。

    已經擁有基礎建設的零售巨擘與雜貨商,如Walmart、Amazon、Kroger,因此看到入市機會。這讓Blue Apron一類網路新創起家的meal kit業者面臨更沈重的壓力。


    了解meal kit的產業概況後,我們就會明白,獨立餐廳做meal kit,完全不能把自己當作meal kit業者。不僅沒那個資本,也不需要玩高營運成本、低顧客忠誠度的遊戲。但是,疫情中,餐廳被禁止內用的情況下,餐廳在思考能提供什麼不一樣的產品給消費者時,meal kit確實是一個選項。

    亦即,把meal kit當作外帶外送的一種變形。

    和傳統意義的外帶外送相比,meal kit作為一種料理半成品與食材的組合,交由消費者自己在家烹調,可以避免餐點在運送途中狀態劣化的風險。我們都清楚,外帶外送的餐點,和內用相比總是差一些,如果能讓我們說出「冷了也好吃」、「味道沒什麼改變」,就已經是高度讚美了。而meal kit,就是把料理的完成階段交到消費者手中,我們在家能夠掌握料理的狀態,關鍵的調味與備料,餐廳大廚又幫我們準備好了,所以好吃的機率會比較高。

    #專業主廚的烹飪知識與技藝,可以發揮不同的創意。這仍然是 #廚師的主場。

    不過,如同所有meal kit,價格會是一個問題。多數美國市場調查報告都顯示,meal kit定價偏高,是許多消費者不繼續使用服務的原因。獨立餐廳做meal kit,也會面臨價格怎麼設定的問題,即便用很好的食材,還有支持食材供應商的美意,但如果定價最終和內用差不多,或者不比外帶外送便宜,消費者就會開始打算。

    於是再度顯示這個困境:以內用為主的獨立餐廳,除去內用服務後,其價值不容易被彰顯。除非已有堅強的品牌力,並已進入民生消費性用品(consumer packaged goods)的領域,否則,餐廳轉型推出商品,並不容易。

    當然還是要再細分業態。獨立的fine dining餐廳,疫情中轉型做外帶外送、meal kit或其他商品,會相對困難,因為其提供給消費者的價值,較難被證明,業績因此難以和正常營運時齊平。客單價調低,量就要變大,但能變多大?客單價較高,量就會變少,而少了服務、裝潢、氣氛、美感等等現場體驗,非內用的定價,到底該怎麼定?怎麼做對餐廳是比較好的,能夠支付員工薪水、房租、食材費,是業主的數學習題。

    一個餐廳做meal kit的正面案例是英國的小型披薩連鎖店「Pizza Pilgrims」。根據《華爾街日報》去年五月底的報導,Pizza Pilgrims在倫敦地區有十三間分店,去年推出「平底鍋披薩組合」,內含發酵好的麵團、番茄醬、莫札瑞拉起司與橄欖油,並有線上教學影片。報導當時,Pizza Pilgrims已售出一萬二千組,有10%回頭客。不過,披薩仍是相對適合外帶外送與商品化的品項,Pizza Pilgrims比單獨的餐廳也大上不只一個層級。

    在談到為什麼做此披薩組合時,Pizza Pilgrims的創辦人Thom Elliot表示:「如果我們能打平收支,並且在社群媒體上有聲量,就值得做。」打平收支很難,但如果什麼都不做,就徹底喪失和客人互動的機會。若有社群聲量,也是不錯的宣傳。



  • safe翻譯 在 我是台灣人.台灣是咱的國家 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-06-06 19:19:06
    有 1,411 人按讚


    轉述 #張之豪 議員翻譯
    美國參議員昆斯(Chris Coons, D-DE)
    2021/6/6 9:30 訪台記者會
    (聽打、翻譯,基隆市議員 張之豪)









    你好,thank you so much for welcoming us. It is such an honor, for me to join with these two tremendous senators. Senator Duckworth and Senator Sullivan, who have served our nation in our nation’s military, whose personal stories of commitment and engagement in this region of the world are inspiring to me and many others. I serve on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and I chaired the appropriation sub committee in the Senate that is funding vaccine distribution to the world in partnership with the Biden Administration. As we were discussing, weeks ago, our concerns about the world and about this pandemic as as it continues to be a threat to health around the world. We were urging the Biden Administration to work with us, a bipartisan group across the Senate and the House, to announce significant donations of vaccines to the nations in need.

    As you’ve just heard from Senator Sullivan, it is a long and deep relationship between the United States and Taiwan that was made purposeful and poignant and real for us in the difficult early days of this pandemic by a gift of contribution of 10 million masks that, at the moment when Americans, we were worried where they could find masks and where some other countries use that access to PPE, to their political benefit.

    In this moment, we are announcing, the first of what is going to be a significant effort by the Biden Administration and the United States Congress to provide up to 80 million doses to many countries around the world and because Taiwan has been prevented from joining the world health alliance has had roadblocks put up towards its access to save effective vaccines we thought its of particular importance to celebrate the Biden Administration’s initiative and the support of congress that is bipartisan. In taking these effective and safe vaccines developed under the previous administration of the United States and with partnership around the world. And make certain that the people of Taiwan know, there are some countries that question whether the United States will come to the aid of our friends in Taiwan. This is the moment we thought was urgent and important for us, Mr. Foreign Minister, to make it clear, that we intend to do so.

    I represent the small state of Delaware, my predecessor is now the President of the United States. 42 years ago, He voted for the Taiwan Relations Act, as we were traveling, members of our company was reading a book about the history of the Taiwan Relations Act and sharing with us about it. Dan is ever the scholar. And it was helpful to be reminded, this is not a new relationship, this is not a new partnership, I was last here with AIT director Christensen when we were opening a beautiful new state of the art facility center, for United States engagement here with Taiwan.

    As we return tomorrow to the United States Senate, we will be taking votes this coming week, to pass this significant piece of legislation. Coming out of the Foreign Relations committee, it was known as the Strategic Competition Act, it includes the provision to make clear, again, the strength of the US-Taiwan relationship. As it moves through the full Senate with the support of these two senators who are on the Commerce Committee, as it is being shaped and finally hopefully enacted. There is always changes of legislations to come, but I am very hopeful, that we will take a strong bipartisan vote in the coming week, and pass the US Innovation and Competitiveness Act. It specifically recognizes the strategic importance of US-Taiwan relationship, the urgency of investing in innovation, and taking steps such as we take today, the announcement of this vaccine contribution, to more tightly weave together, the open societies, the democracies of the world, those that value innovation and science, those that protect inventions, and those that want to use the fruits of that science to help the world move past this terrible pandemic, not by adding strings to it, but by giving freely of what both of our societies have been able to develop, thank you.

  • safe翻譯 在 張之豪 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-06-06 18:14:24
    有 1,539 人按讚


    美國參議員昆斯(Chris Coons, D-DE)
    2021/6/6 9:30 訪台記者會
    (聽打、翻譯,基隆市議員 張之豪)









    你好,thank you so much for welcoming us. It is such an honor, for me to join with these two tremendous senators. Senator Duckworth and Senator Sullivan, who have served our nation in our nation’s military, whose personal stories of commitment and engagement in this region of the world are inspiring to me and many others. I serve on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and I chaired the appropriation sub committee in the Senate that is funding vaccine distribution to the world in partnership with the Biden Administration. As we were discussing, weeks ago, our concerns about the world and about this pandemic as as it continues to be a threat to health around the world. We were urging the Biden Administration to work with us, a bipartisan group across the Senate and the House, to announce significant donations of vaccines to the nations in need.

    As you’ve just heard from Senator Sullivan, it is a long and deep relationship between the United States and Taiwan that was made purposeful and poignant and real for us in the difficult early days of this pandemic by a gift of contribution of 10 million masks that, at the moment when Americans, we were worried where they could find masks and where some other countries use that access to PPE, to their political benefit.

    In this moment, we are announcing, the first of what is going to be a significant effort by the Biden Administration and the United States Congress to provide up to 80 million doses to many countries around the world and because Taiwan has been prevented from joining the world health alliance has had roadblocks put up towards its access to save effective vaccines we thought its of particular importance to celebrate the Biden Administration’s initiative and the support of congress that is bipartisan. In taking these effective and safe vaccines developed under the previous administration of the United States and with partnership around the world. And make certain that the people of Taiwan know, there are some countries that question whether the United States will come to the aid of our friends in Taiwan. This is the moment we thought was urgent and important for us, Mr. Foreign Minister, to make it clear, that we intend to do so.

    I represent the small state of Delaware, my predecessor is now the President of the United States. 42 years ago, He voted for the Taiwan Relations Act, as we were traveling, members of our company was reading a book about the history of the Taiwan Relations Act and sharing with us about it. Dan is ever the scholar. And it was helpful to be reminded, this is not a new relationship, this is not a new partnership, I was last here with AIT director Christensen when we were opening a beautiful new state of the art facility center, for United States engagement here with Taiwan.

    As we return tomorrow to the United States Senate, we will be taking votes this coming week, to pass this significant piece of legislation. Coming out of the Foreign Relations committee, it was known as the Strategic Competition Act, it includes the provision to make clear, again, the strength of the US-Taiwan relationship. As it moves through the full Senate with the support of these two senators who are on the Commerce Committee, as it is being shaped and finally hopefully enacted. There is always changes of legislations to come, but I am very hopeful, that we will take a strong bipartisan vote in the coming week, and pass the US Innovation and Competitiveness Act. It specifically recognizes the strategic importance of US-Taiwan relationship, the urgency of investing in innovation, and taking steps such as we take today, the announcement of this vaccine contribution, to more tightly weave together, the open societies, the democracies of the world, those that value innovation and science, those that protect inventions, and those that want to use the fruits of that science to help the world move past this terrible pandemic, not by adding strings to it, but by giving freely of what both of our societies have been able to develop, thank you.

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    2021-08-08 18:30:11

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    I woke up late this morning
    The tears had burnt my eyes
    My dreams are so distorted
    They're lucid in my mind

    This used to be my safe spot waking up
    Now I just want the day to stop
    Before I lose control of my emotion
    I know, I promised, I would change, but
    我知道 也承諾過 我會改變 但是
    My patince isn't fake enough
    And I don't wanna do this on my own

    It's the moments like this
    I wish that you were here to told me
    我渴望你在這裡 告訴我
    It's the moment like this
    I wish that you could wake me up
    我渴望你在這裡 喚醒我
    Cause I'm not really me when I'm without you
    只因沒有了你 我並非真實的我
    I'm better off around you
    守在你身邊 生活如此美好
    It's the moments like this
    I know that this is not enough
    我才明瞭 這不足夠

    Wish you were here
    I wish you were here
    Wish you were here
    I wish you were here

    Called you after midnight
    So I could see what's mine
    所以我才能知曉 你的哪一部分屬於我
    Smoked till I could think right
    借煙消愁 直到我能明辨是非
    Wish you were by my side

    This used to be my safe spot
    Stayin up
    Now l just want the day to stop
    但現在 我是多希望時間停止
    Before I lose control of my emotions

    I know I promised I would change but
    我清楚我曾立誓一定就此改變 但是
    My patience isn't fake enough
    And I don't wanna do this on my own

    It's the moments like this I wish that you were here to hold me
    就是這樣的時刻 我希望你在這裡攬住我
    It's the moments like this I wish that you could wake me up
    就是這樣的時刻 我希望你在這裡喚醒我
    Cause I'm not really me when I'm without you
    只因缺失了你 我不可能是真正的自我
    I'm better off around you
    唯獨和你在一起 才是真正美好的生活
    It's the moments like this I know that this is not enough
    就是這樣的時刻 我知道自己並不滿足

    Wish you were here
    I wish you were here
    Wish you were here
    I wish you were here

    It's the moments like this I wish that you were here to hold me
    就是這樣的時刻 我希望你在這裡攬住我
    It's the moments like this I wish that you could wake me up
    就是這樣的時刻 我希望你在這裡喚醒我
    Cause I'm not really me when I'm without you
    丟失了你 亦丟失自己
    I'm better off around you
    在你身邊 才有美好可言
    It's the moments like this I know that this is not enough
    就是這樣的時刻 我知道自己並不滿足

    Wish you were here
    I wish you were here
    Wish you were here
    I wish you were here


    #alainacastillo #wishyouwerehere #Lyrics #西洋歌曲推薦

  • safe翻譯 在 樂筆 x 日光實驗室 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-06-25 07:00:15





    Welcome to Sunlight~
    Many people have already shared what we can do when WFH! We almost go bonkers after more than one month(the soul, desiring to be free, is crying out~~). Trying to do different things personally, I sum up five “well” to you.
    【Five well】
    1. Live well: Tidy up your room, practice decluttering, cook for yourself.
    2. Relax well: Consider life, belief, sleep more and binge-watch more (?
    3. Exercise well: I’m trying hard!
    4. Learn well: Money management, languages…etc. what you’re interested in.
    5. Care well: It’s time to patch the relationship up.
    Hope you’re all safe and sound and the days of lifting lockdowns will come soon.

    Apple Podcast、KKBOX、Spotify 🔍歡迎光臨
    - - -


    - - -

    主持人兼編輯 Host/Editor/:樂筆
    剪接師 Sound Editor:Papa.H
    翻譯 Translator:Youli

  • safe翻譯 在 志祺七七 X 圖文不符 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-03-05 19:08:57

    #createwithflux #lasercutter
    FLUX 團隊於 2014 年創立,從臺灣出發前進全球,現已遍佈全球五大洲,佈局 36 個海外銷貨據點,至今每時每刻都有人使用 FLUX 的產品,在商業、興趣、教育等領域完成自己的理念。台灣教育市場已售出400多台 beamo,安全考量沒疑慮。並且已經有許多店家使用beamo打開新商機。

    👉🏼 前往FLUX 官網看更多資訊:

    👉🏼 現在免費申請預約看機:

    - -
    ✔︎ 成為七七會員(幫助我們繼續日更,並享有會員專屬福利):http://bit.ly/shasha77_member
    ✔︎ 購買黃臭泥周邊商品: https://reurl.cc/Ezkbma 💛
    ✔︎ 訂閱志祺七七頻道: http://bit.ly/shasha77_subscribe
    ✔︎ 追蹤志祺IG :https://www.instagram.com/shasha77.daily
    ✔︎ 來看志祺七七粉專 :http://bit.ly/shasha77_fb
    ✔︎ 如果不便加入會員,也可從這裡贊助我們:https://bit.ly/support-shasha77

    #Elsagate #吃播
    00:00 前導
    01:17「FLUX 的 beamo 「雷射雕刻機」廣告段落
    02:30 什麼是「Elsagate」?
    03:49 Elsagate+吃播?
    05:41 包裝在吃播背後的惡意?
    07:42 到底為什麼要製作這些影片?
    08:55 防不勝防的異常影片
    10:33 我們的觀點
    11:57 提問
    12:23 結尾

    【 製作團隊 】



    【 本集參考資料 】

    →Karma Lee 臉書PO文:https://bit.ly/3kOCd5d
    →韓爆惡意影片滲透「吃播」 背後組織操弄教壞孩子:https://bit.ly/3kOWG9P
    →Keeping Your Child Safe on YouTube After Elsagate:https://bit.ly/3kM9VZ3


    →DONA 도나 :https://bit.ly/3kKF5jB
    →Jane ASMR:https://bit.ly/3bjzEFi
    →Hongyu ASMR 홍유:https://bit.ly/3ciY0hJ
    →JINI YUM:https://bit.ly/3kMZQek
    →Diana Play (YouTube Kids):https://bit.ly/2OmTdDA
    →Like Nastya (YouTube Kids):https://bit.ly/30i3Xpg

    【 延伸閱讀 】

    →Elsagate (wiki):https://bit.ly/3rwn22U
    →YouTube announces changes to Kids platform after Elsa Gate:https://bit.ly/3rkDRhr
    →What is ElsaGate?:https://bit.ly/3v51Bsj
    →[翻譯] Nosleep-一群變態鎖定觀看YouTube的孩童:https://bit.ly/3qpDv84
    →【恐懼鳥】是邪教,還是商機?艾莎門 Elsagate 的幕後驚人真相(上):https://bit.ly/30dywMK
    →【恐懼鳥】是邪教,還是商機?艾莎門 Elsagate 的幕後驚人真相(下):https://bit.ly/3kL5T3f
    →Elsagate: Who Is Making Thousands Of Disturbing YouTube Videos Aimed At Children?:https://bit.ly/3uWxjI1
    →ElsaGate: The Problem With Algorithms:https://bit.ly/38ctc0u




