

  • sable開戶 在 Freeminder Emi Youtube 的精選貼文

    2017-05-06 14:15:43

    呢段時間買滿USD50用銀聯咭付,輸入Promo Code "UPHK8" 有USD8折扣優惠.
    You must pay using your UnionPay credit card in order to receive this discount (only cards with the UnionPay logo and starting with the numbers 62 are eligible).

    iherb網址 : http://goo.gl/325b7Q
    Iherb好物大集會﹕http://bit.ly/2gv8BKT (綜合歷年好物分享)

    Product Mentioned :
    1) Chimes, Ginger Chews 薑糖﹕http://bit.ly/2pjaI6o
    2) Nature's Way, Alive! Once Daily Women's Ultra Potency Multi-Vitamin 女仕多種維他命﹕http://bit.ly/2q9xWzD
    3) Puracy, Natural Dish Soap, Green Tea & Lime 洗潔精 ﹕http://bit.ly/2qBy0Iw
    4) Mrs. Meyers Clean Day, Liquid Dish Soap, Geranium Scent 洗潔精(好用)﹕http://bit.ly/2pQaWEO
    5) Made in Nature, Organic Mangos Sweet & Tangy Supersnacks 芒果乾﹕http://bit.ly/2pPVtF5
    6) Better Than Bouillon, Chicken Base, Reduced Sodium 雞味味精(取代雞粉) ﹕http://bit.ly/2p6mcxP
    7) Frontier Natural Products, Vegetarian Broth Powder, Chicken Flavored 素食味精(雞味)﹕http://bit.ly/2q9AnlX
    8) Frontier Natural Products, Bac'Uns Vegetarian Bits 天然味精(取代雞粉)﹕http://bit.ly/2q9OeJ2
    9) Nescafé, Taster's Choice, Instant Coffee Beverage, Hazelnut 榛子味即溶咖啡﹕http://bit.ly/2pjQV6A
    10) Madre Labs, CafeCeps, Energizing Instant Organic Coffee Beverage 即溶咖啡﹕http://bit.ly/2p6zZ7w
    11) Frontier Natural Products, Lemon Ginger Tea 檸薑茶﹕http://bit.ly/2pLuNEY
    12) Edward & Sons, Not-Chick'n, Natural Bouillon Cubes, 8 Cube 盒裝味精(取代雞粉)﹕http://bit.ly/2qKRLue
    13) Crown Prince Natural, Smoked Baby Clams in Olive Oil 蜆肉罐頭(好食)﹕http://bit.ly/2pjPVzq
    14) Crown Prince Natural, Naturally Smoked Oysters, in Pure Olive Oil 煙燻蠔罐頭(好食)﹕http://bit.ly/2qBQyYS
    15) Now Foods, Quinoa Cups, Savory Garlic & Mushroom 即食藜麥﹕http://bit.ly/2pQ84rx
    16) Organix South, TheraNeem Naturals, Triple Neem Ointment 印度苦楝油軟膏﹕http://bit.ly/2pLjjRI
    17) Jeffrey James Botanicals, The Serum, Deeply Hydrating Serum 保濕精華(好用)﹕http://bit.ly/2qL1aBU
    18) Jeffrey James Botanicals, The Light, Age-Defying C Serum 維他命C精華﹕http://bit.ly/2qN2aEQ
    19) InstaNatural, Hyaluronic Acid Serum with Vitamin C, Anti-Aging 抗衰老維他命C精華﹕http://bit.ly/2p6wUV1
    20) Now Foods, Sugarless Sugar, 35 Packets 代糖﹕http://bit.ly/2pLeLLe
    21) Nature's Way, Sambucus, Standardized Elderberry, Sugar-Free 無糖接骨木果漿﹕http://bit.ly/2pLlaG5
    22) Nature's Way, Original Sambucus, Bio-Certified Elderberry Lozenges, 30 Lozenges 接骨木果丸裝﹕http://bit.ly/2qBOUXb
    23) Surya Henna, Henna Cream, High-Performance Healthy Hair Color for Grey Coverage, Dark Brown 天然海靈草染髮膏﹕http://bit.ly/2pfAOpM
    24) Rainbow Research, Henna, Hair Color and Conditioner, Dark Brown (Sable) 天然海靈草染髮粉﹕http://bit.ly/2qC7AWY
    25) Mrs. Meyers Clean Day, Liquid Hand Soap Refill, Geranium Scent 洗手梘液﹕http://bit.ly/2pPXCQS
    26) iHerb Goods, Grocery Tote Bag, Extra Large 環保袋﹕http://bit.ly/2qL25lQ
    27) iHerb Goods, Promotional Shower Cap, Mirror & Nail File Pieces 試用套裝(浴帽、鏡、指甲挫)﹕http://bit.ly/2qNttzb
    28) iHerb Goods, Bamboo, Ballpoint Pen 原子筆﹕http://bit.ly/2qBDt20
    29) Blue Diamond, Almond Nut-Thins, Nut & Rice Cracker Snacks, Cheddar Cheese 芝士味薄脆餅﹕http://bit.ly/2pLD5fT
    30) Organic Valley Purity Farms, Organic, Ghee, Clarified Butter 酥油﹕http://bit.ly/2pLzTBf
    31) Pacifica, Natural Color Quench Lip Tint, Sugared Fig 無花果色潤唇膏﹕http://bit.ly/2p6tB01
    32) Everyday Coconut, Face Wash, For All Skin Types, Cleansing and Purifying 椰子油洗面乳(好用)﹕http://bit.ly/2pfsCWJ
    33) Nubian Heritage, African Black Soap, Body Wash, Detoxifying & Balancing 非洲黑梘沐浴液原味(好好用)﹕http://bit.ly/2qNb2dY
    34) Nubian Heritage, Body Wash, Lemongrass & Tea Tree 香茅味沐浴液﹕http://bit.ly/2pQyuHM
    35) Nubian Heritage, Body Wash, Mango Butter 芒果味沐浴液﹕http://bit.ly/2pQANL5
    36) Nubian Heritage, Body Wash, Relaxing & Nourishing, Lavender & Wildflowers 薰衣草野花沐浴液﹕http://bit.ly/2q9EfTX
    37) Nubian Heritage, Body Wash, Indian Hemp & Haitian Vetiver with Neem Oil 印度大麻沐浴液﹕http://bit.ly/2p6n1a0



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