

在 rotate輪流產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過9萬的網紅國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【本校防疫訊息–因應目前疫情本校防疫措施】 NTU COVID-19 Prevention Message—Preventive Measures in Response to the Current Pandemic Situation . 全校教職員工生大家好: . 因應目...

rotate輪流 在 TeenyMunchies - Kids Meals 兒童餐 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-04-04 18:46:56

Last week someone asked about the toys and books we have for A during my Q&A. So I thought I’d do a tour of his play area for you all 😊 I’m big on boo...

  • rotate輪流 在 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-13 16:34:36
    有 732 人按讚

    NTU COVID-19 Prevention Message—Preventive Measures in Response to the Current Pandemic Situation



    1. 修課人數 60人以上課程將自下週一(5月17日)起改為遠距或是線上教學,同時建議修課人數 60人以下課程亦儘量轉為遠距或是線上教學。若防疫措施升級時,本校將適時宣布所有課程都改為遠距或是線上教學。(詳見:https://www.facebook.com/iloventu/posts/1739368969575388)

    2. 校園門禁將自下週一(5月17日)實施,屆時開放7個出入口,謝絕訪客,僅持有臺大及三校證件及洽公者得以入校。校內館舍亦請持續落實人員值班、量測體溫、以及實名制登錄。(詳見:https://www.facebook.com/iloventu/posts/1739363589575926

    3. 本校各單位請預先規劃居家辦公、異地辦公、或輪流辦公的計畫,若防疫措施升級時即可依校方指示實施。

    4. 各項因應措施將依中央宣布而隨時調整,敬請全校教職員工生務必配合各項防疫措施。


    國立臺灣大學防疫小組 敬上

    Dear NTU students and colleagues,

    In response to the current pandemic situation, the University is asking all departments and administrative offices to carry out the following preventive measures.

    1. Classes with 60 students or more will be taught remotely or online beginning Monday next week (May 17). Classes with less than 60 students should preferably be taught remotely or online as well. If the Alert Level rises, the University will aptly announce remote or online teaching for all classes.( https://www.facebook.com/iloventu/posts/1739368969575388 )

    2. The University will resume access control at the seven gates beginning Monday next week (May 17). General visitors will be denied entry. NTU, NTNU, or NTUST ID-card holders and those visiting for official purposes will not be affected. University premises must continue to be staffed for temperature taking at the entrance and real-name system should also be implemented.( https://www.facebook.com/iloventu/posts/1739363589575926 )

    3. To facilitate immediate response to the University’s instructions in the event of rising Alert Level, all departments and administrative offices should pre-plan how to work from home, work in different locations, or rotate staff in smaller groups.

    4. Preventive measures will constantly be adjusted in accordance with the CECC’s latest announcements. The University is asking for your compliance with the preventive measures.

    As the COVID-19 is still wreaking havoc, please be reminded to wear a mask at all times when you go out, wash hands frequently, and keep appropriate social distancing. Be on alert for suspected symptoms: fever, respiratory complications, diarrhea, and abnormality of smell and taste. If they appear, please wear a medical mask, immediately seek medical attention at a nearby hospital for COVID-19 testing, and refrain from using any public transportation. When in the hospital for treatment, please voluntarily tell the physician your contact and travel history, potential occupational exposure to the virus, as well as people around you with similar symptoms. When you return home, please also wear a medical mask and avoid going out if not necessary.

    Sincerely yours,
    NTU Epidemic Prevention Team

  • rotate輪流 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-01-08 17:00:01
    有 27 人按讚

    #EZTalk #一分鐘職場單字

    📣 rotate當動詞,指「輪值、輪流」
    📣 shift 當名詞,指「(輪)班」
    夜班🌛night shift
    日班🌞day shift

  • rotate輪流 在 Jason Cheung 張匡佑 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2015-07-06 18:42:50
    有 2 人按讚

    很高興能參與 Erik Piece 離港展開新一頁前的小總結,連同 Jabin Law,

    [最美一幕,還未閉幕] 多得Steve 的慷慨,把一整晚的 Acoustic Thursday Night 給我作一個離港深造前,為我在香港做的音樂作個總結。純木結他加歌聲由原本不太入屋,直到現在遍地開花,也可以說是個傳承吧。很高興請來了 Jabin Law 和 Jason Cheung 張匡佑 ,在 Karma Lounge 閣樓,很像朋友家的地方一起唱歌,順道把我一些個人的精選來個電子發行。8時開始,但我們會輪流唱幾首一直至11點,所以大家吃過晚飯後就過來吧。

    希望到來的朋友會對這場表演有個回憶吧,我現在還在想要為大家準備點什麼回禮呢。怎也好,用Jason 的話,"chill 瞓" 了再說。晚安!

    Thanks to Steve's generosity, I can own the whole Acoustic Thursday Night as a sort of "farewell" gig to wrap up the music I have done so far before I leave for Sydney to finish my doctorate. I'm glad to see "acoustic" is becoming a household genre - I can be shamelessly saying it's a kind of passing on the vibe, can't I? I'm also grateful to have Jabin and Jason to be playing with me at Karma Lounge, on a warm and cozy mezzanine inside the bar. I'll also announce my digital release of my self-titled "demo album" during our gig. We'll start at 8 p.m., but the guys aren't my opening acts, so we'll take turns to sing a few songs and then rotate on a particular theme. Perhaps you just come over after dinner?

    Hope this show is more than just a show to you, so I'm still thinking about something memorable to give you as a token of gratitude for coming to meet us. See you guys on Thursday!

    Event page:

