

在 robbery中文產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅君子馬蘭頭 - Ivan Li 李聲揚,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [列貝利的眼淚,洛賓的軌蹟]好少可只講波唔講統計唔講$,今次破例。唔長。 睇題都知,講拜仁慕尼黑組合,Robbery 洛賓列貝利,正式告別。洛賓2009年開始踢拜仁,列貝利仲誇張,2007年開始。兩位嘅黃金時代都畀晒拜仁,都稱得上係名宿了。 Robbery固然Rob行先,中文一般都講洛賓列貝...

 同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過25萬的網紅森零,也在其Youtube影片中提到,嘿嘿嘿~學校目前還在關閉中啊,因為我沒錢所以打算回來偷東西!! 但是老師居然在學校走廊睡覺了?!! 原本不理他結果...直接觸發警報啦!! 校長直接衝過來把老師抬起來追我?!! 跳繩還可以一邊睡覺一邊跳繩捆綁人?!! ▶每天都會有新影片! 歡迎大家訂閱我!!☛https://goo.gl/k5yS...

robbery中文 在 犀利檢座 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-07-10 07:22:09

湯景華縱火燒死6人案,最高法院今天「自為改判」,改判無期徒刑定讞。 理由是:……屬於殺人的間接故意,而不是直接故意,不符合判《兩公約》規定要處死刑啊要具備殺人直接故意的要件。所以本院依法撤銷原審判決,改判無期徒刑,褫奪公權終身。(最高法院刑事發言人徐昌錦庭長) 首先,我先看了《公民與政治...

  • robbery中文 在 君子馬蘭頭 - Ivan Li 李聲揚 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-05-24 14:10:00
    有 68 人按讚


    睇題都知,講拜仁慕尼黑組合,Robbery 洛賓列貝利,正式告別。洛賓2009年開始踢拜仁,列貝利仲誇張,2007年開始。兩位嘅黃金時代都畀晒拜仁,都稱得上係名宿了。
    ...Continue Reading

  • robbery中文 在 繪出英文力 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2018-03-24 11:56:04
    有 90 人按讚

    4月份預購書單裡的6本新繪本已在昨天介紹完畢. 今天介紹的這9本​【好繪本回顧】書目會一起出現在4月份的預購書單中,預購會在星期一(3/26)開放. 其中有幾本的精裝本已經絕版,只能幫大家訂到平裝本的,到時我都會在訂購單上標示它們的版本. 點選以下的連結可以看到之前的文字和影音檔紀錄:

    The Great Cheese Robbery: https://goo.gl/PdBoE6

    Can I join your club?: https://goo.gl/2UwuqD

    The Messy Book: https://goo.gl/3UQ6WG

    No! : https://goo.gl/Yc9ejH

    Search & Find Animals: https://goo.gl/ZZVrAu

    If I Had a Dinosaur: https://goo.gl/fRMvJU

    DIY ABC: https://goo.gl/RRppwJ

    Dotty's First Book: https://goo.gl/sJaFKx

    The House that Flew Away: https://goo.gl/TXGCzp


    *Can I join your club? - 我可以加入你的俱樂部嗎?
    *If I Had a Dinosaur - 如果我有一隻恐龍
    *另外, DIY ABC 這本字母書即將在6月出版中文版的,到時中文出版商有給我更新的書訊後我再跟大家分享.

    Q: "同一本繪本應該買英文版的還是中文版的繪本呢?"
    A: 這個問題從來沒有標準答案,主要還是要看大家想入手某一本繪本的動機是甚麼. 例如: 當英文字型/字體的設計和排版也屬於一本繪本的風格呈現時,那入手英文版是肯定的,因為這樣能直接感受到作者/繪者的原創性,也更有收藏的價值,像是 "Bob the Artist" 就是個例子. 另外, 如果一本繪本在英文文字上的編排有它刻意設計的地方(像是運用了很多自然發音的組合;常見字;押韻的句子)那這時也會推薦入手英文版的,因為這樣的一本書不只可以當繪本共讀,之後也可以讓孩子當作練習英文閱讀的選書,像是"Follow Me"就是一個例子. 最後, 如果一本英文繪本它的故事本身或是主題非常的吸引孩子,那有中文版出現時也會很值得入手一本 (但是中文字體的大小必須是讓孩子的眼睛讀起來不吃力的),因為有趣的故事會讓孩子想一聽再聽,一讀再讀,這對正在學習拼音認讀中文字的孩子們會是個很棒的選擇,像是"Mrs. Mole,I am Home!" 就是. 它的中文書名是: "鼴鼠太太,我回來囉!". 附上舉例的這三本繪本的影音檔紀錄:
    *Bob the Artist:
    *Follow Me:
    *Mrs. Mole,I'm Home!


    不常使用臉書的朋友們可以加入繪出英文力的【Line官方帳號】,這樣就會收到每個月預購開放的提醒訊息. 點選以下連結成為好友:

  • robbery中文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳解答

    2017-02-08 20:30:05
    有 125 人按讚

    [時事英文] Chicken Attack


    2017新年剛過,就出現最新的洗腦歌曲「Chicken Attack」。雖然歌曲本身沒什麼艱澀難懂的詞彙或真理 (e.g. Chicken attack! Chicken attack!) ,但是歌手石井健雄 (Takeo Ischi) 勇於追求自己的夢想和奮戰不懈的精神非常值得我們學習!


    The new viral video involves a bizarre plot and yodeling done by a Japanese man named Takeo Ischi. Yodeling is a form of singing that is associated with the people living in the Central Alps, a vast mountain range covering parts of Italy, France, Switzerland, Austria, and Germany. Yodeling was originally used by shepherds to call out to their animals, but it eventually became an art form. Ischi, with no indication of any German heritage in his family, first heard yodeling on the radio in high school and fell in love with it ever since.

    Following his father, Ischi went to university for mechanical engineering. However, he never gave up on his dream of becoming a yodeler. Using old records, Ischi taught himself to yodel in his spare time, and began performing on Japanese television. During a six-month period where he studied abroad in Germany, Ischi went to Switzerland, where he sang and yoldeled at a beer hall in Zurich. He then performed on television and soon after that became known in Germany as the "Japanese yodeler."

    Looks like Chicken Attack will soon give PPAP a run for its money.


    viral video 病毒影片
    bizarre 奇異的
    Chicken Attack 雞的攻擊
    yodel 約德爾唱法
    latest hit 最新熱門歌曲
    high pitch 高音調的
    hilariously catchy song 朗朗上口的搞笑歌曲
    chorus/refrain 副歌
    the Central Alps 中阿爾卑斯山脈
    shepherds 牧民
    old records 舊唱片
    beer hall 啤酒屋
    give…a run for… money 競爭對手構成挑戰*

    PPAP 時事英文詞彙: https://goo.gl/eUFaeA


    *give someone a run for his money: http://www.voachinese.com/a/wi-give-someone-a-run-for-the-money/2638584.html






    Video (English): https://youtu.be/miomuSGoPzI
    Video(中文字幕): https://youtu.be/rAVZiDvs6iA



    Give that back!
    Otherwise you will regret it!
    You are going to stop me alone?
    Who told you I was alone?

    You should know that a man with the power of nature
    Can bring you to the end of your luck

    And you should know by my stride
    And the look in my eyes
    That you're about to be massively
    Forced to give up!

    Chicken attack!
    Chicken attack!

    Watch your back
    Before it fades to black
    They might look harmless
    But they'll kick your non-chicken ass

    Go chicken go!
    Go chicken go!

    Now go, now fly
    You own the sky

    With the power of nature
    You're never alone
    And you can't let evil run amok

    Every beast
    Every tree
    Follows me to the end
    And you're about to be massively

    Chicken attack!
    Chicken attack!

    Watch your back
    Before it fades to black
    They might look harmless
    But they'll kick your non-chicken ass

    Go chicken go!
    Go chicken go!

    Now go, now fly
    You own the sky

    You're young and you're hungry
    Perhaps short on money
    I give this chicken today

    Its eggs for your dinner
    Its legs for next winter
    You won't have to steal again

    What a merciful person
    Are you able to control all animals?
    I can control all animals
    But chickens are the best!

    Help! Help!
    My brother was held hostage
    In a bank robbery in Fujimi!
    Don’t worry! It’s going to be OK!

    Go chicken go!
    Go chicken go!
    Now go, now fly
    You own the sky

    (In Theaters 2017)


    More of Ischi's yodeling: https://youtu.be/yO7MWuJ7zLA

