李佑群老師的個人時尚頻道《#YOU TV》的「YOU」來自老師英文名字「YouGun」,代表社群網路世代中,互動的你們(YOU)都是主角。由佑群老師擔任製作人、主持人、時尚及創意總監,才華橫溢、鋭不可當的新世代攝影大師Paul Chen 擔綱視覺總監操刀掌鏡剪輯,兩人通力合作,Paul Chen展現了令人驚艷震撼人心的視覺功力,創造了一系列充滿風格的時尚影像,從過去的米蘭時裝週特輯,直擊 NEIL BARRETT 、Nick Wooster 本人、Fendi 後台等特別企劃、深入佑群老師的米蘭私藏時尚名店,到倫敦當紅雙人設計師Art Comes First、英國包袋女王 Lulu Guinness 、浪凡首席設計總監Lucas Ossendrijv與佑群老師的時尚對談、男神宥勝與畢書盡的時尚演繹,《# YOU TV》已經成為世界知名設計師與重量級時尚人士指定合作的時尚媒體頻道節目。
餐廳店名:Hank Burger 地址: 55 Rue des Archives, 75003 Paris, 法國 電話: +33 9 72 44 03 99
😍同時,看本篇《# YOU TV》 還有機會得到總值超過萬元的時尚大獎!這樣有不參加的理由嗎?
【Master of fashion YouGun's Paris fashion week trip trilogy】 #YOU TV’s show always surprises you. This time, we are gonna show you three chapters during the Paris fashion week which including fashionista and points of interest. What's the fashion in Paris? What's the fashion must-have? We will show you step by step and start with the fashion week, We will not only just bring you to enjoy the show but also lead you to get close to the soul of brand, to know what's the inspiration from of the collection. We also want to share the most popular store in Paris, including the best vintage store and best restaurants, with you. Paris is a large, beautiful, historically, culturally rich and amazing city. The fashion in Paris always lead the trend from of old until now. Now, the trendsetter YouGun Lee who understands the fasion among Asia. He would like to show you the best part in Paris. Follow this, you will also be the trendsetter.
【Master of fashion YouGun's Paris fashion week trip trilogy】
# YOU TV’s show always surprises you. This time, we are gonna show you three chapters during the Paris fashion week which including fashionista and points of interest.
rich19香榭廳 在 李佑群老師的CHANNEL YOU Youtube 的最佳解答
#按讚留言分享送老佛爺KARL LAGERFELD亮片斜肩晚宴包
#YOU TV vol.8~ YouGunLee in PFW AW2018-19 Part.2 (李佑群的巴黎時尚特輯第二章!)
YouTube 頻道: https://youtu.be/U0-POT3_Y94
「李佑群老師個人時尚頻道」《#YOU TV》自開播以來,前七篇短短時間竟累積了超過五十萬瀏覽人次、一百五十萬以上的觸撃人數以及上萬則留言,睽違一年的時裝週特輯再度啟動,這次將視角從米蘭轉往了佑群老師最熟悉的時尚之都巴黎。
三曲部的首篇序章自播出之後好評不斷,第二章中佑群老師受邀出席了好友日本設計師相澤陽介品牌White Mountaineering位於巴黎的發表大秀,兩人不但在後台相見歡,還遇到老友日本造型天王野口強。同時,佑群老師也見了新朋友,巴黎知名時尚美妝部落客Eve Pamba,擁有數十萬粉絲的Pamba亦為《#YOU TV》揭露了自己的穿著與彩妝技巧。此外,佑群老師還走訪了好萊塢名人最愛、位於香榭大道上巴黎首屈一指的米其林三星名店Le Fouquet's,與行銷總監Martial Fritz深入對談。另外,佑群老師毫不藏私,為大家介紹了位於十七區號稱「巴黎最潮的選貨店」L'Espionne,店內除了販售一線精品,連時下最夯的潮流品牌Off-White、Vetements等都可以以驚人的價格入手。最後,佑群老師回到了熟悉的瑪黑區,品嘗了專賣素食漢堡的潮流漢堡店Hank Burger。
《#YOU TV》第二章堪稱是結合了高端時尚、時裝大秀、名人對談、風格名店與潮流趨勢的精彩篇章,質感一流,完全不輸任何時尚節目與旅遊書,在佑群老師的領軍之下,絕對值得大家將內容好好珍藏。
李佑群老師的個人時尚頻道《#YOU TV》的「YOU」來自老師英文名字「YouGun」,代表社群網路世代中,互動的你們(YOU)都是主角。由佑群老師擔任製作人、主持人、時尚及創意總監,才華橫溢、鋭不可當的新世代攝影大師Paul Chen 擔綱視覺總監操刀掌鏡剪輯,兩人通力合作,Paul Chen展現了令人驚艷震撼人心的視覺功力,創造了一系列充滿風格的時尚影像,從過去的米蘭時裝週特輯,直擊 NEIL BARRETT 、Nick Wooster 本人、Fendi 後台等特別企劃、深入佑群老師的米蘭私藏時尚名店,到倫敦當紅雙人設計師Art Comes First、英國包袋女王 Lulu Guinness 、浪凡首席設計總監Lucas Ossendrijv與佑群老師的時尚對談、男神宥勝與畢書盡的時尚演繹,《# YOU TV》已經成為世界知名設計師與重量級時尚人士指定合作的時尚媒體頻道節目。
餐廳店名:Hank Burger
地址: 55 Rue des Archives, 75003 Paris, 法國
電話: +33 9 72 44 03 99
😍同時,看本篇《# YOU TV》 還有機會得到總值超過萬元的時尚大獎!這樣有不參加的理由嗎?
【Master of fashion YouGun's Paris fashion week trip trilogy】 #YOU TV’s show always surprises you. This time, we are gonna show you three chapters during the Paris fashion week which including fashionista and points of interest. What's the fashion in Paris? What's the fashion must-have? We will show you step by step and start with the fashion week, We will not only just bring you to enjoy the show but also lead you to get close to the soul of brand, to know what's the inspiration from of the collection. We also want to share the most popular store in Paris, including the best vintage store and best restaurants, with you. Paris is a large, beautiful, historically, culturally rich and amazing city. The fashion in Paris always lead the trend from of old until now. Now, the trendsetter YouGun Lee who understands the fasion among Asia. He would like to show you the best part in Paris. Follow this, you will also be the trendsetter.
☑️【📢看「佑群老師的巴黎時裝週旅程三部曲第二章」得到總值近萬元的時尚老佛爺KARL LAGERFELD亮片斜肩晚宴包 📢】活動參加辦法:
1. 請務必先進佑群老師粉絲團首頁👉 www.facebook.com/yougunlee 將粉絲團設定為「搶先看」(很重要,會確認唷!)
2. 接著,在本FB影片貼文按讚並留言「我已經搶先看了+任何話」。
3. 同時務必@ 兩個朋友「公開」「分享」出去!
這樣就有機會得到時尚老佛爺KARL LAGERFELD亮片斜肩晚宴包(共1名):
時尚界無人不知的老佛爺KARL LAGERFELD精品包包,不但上面有俏皮的老佛爺插畫以及華麗的亮片設計,還可以肩背及手拿兩用,是外出街拍或跑趴的最佳戰友!
💟《YOU LIVE!佑見微時尚!》直播佑群老師x鬼鬼女神畫畫給你看👉https://www.facebook.com/sinaweibo.tw/videos/1584674074919323/
💟 《YOU LIVE!佑見微時尚!》直播佑群老師與媽咪速玲的時尚插花比賽!👉https://www.facebook.com/sinaweibo.tw/videos/1623484357704961/
☑️❤️記得把我的粉絲團設定「搶先看」才不會錯過精彩訊息與贈獎活動👉點進粉絲團首頁 www.facebook.com/yougunlee 👉 「追蹤中」設定改為「搶先看」
☑️# YOU TV Vol.7 佑群老師巴黎時裝周特輯序章!看影片拿LULU GUINNESS👉
☑️# YOU TV Vol.6 佑群老師與男神畢書盡的時尚世代對決!看影片拿MCM長夾👉 https://www.facebook.com/yougunlee/videos/10156069923658545/
☑️# YOU TV Vol.5 當佑群老師遇到摩登旅人宥勝!??看影片拿LONGCHAMP名牌包👉 https://www.facebook.com/yougunlee/videos/10155722314173545/
☑️# YOU TV Vol.1 佑群老師的時尚米蘭Part.1!👉 https://www.facebook.com/yougunlee/videos/10155126722178545/
☑️# YOU TV Vol.2 佑群老師的米蘭時裝週Part.2!👉 https://www.facebook.com/yougunlee/videos/10155149344193545/
☑️# YOU TV Vol.3 佑群老師與英國超火設計師ACF一起分享倫敦魅力👉 https://www.facebook.com/yougunlee/videos/10155188986043545/
☑️# YOU TV Vol.4 英國包包女王LULU GUINNESS召見佑群老師?看影片拿萬元紅唇登機箱💋👉 https://www.facebook.com/yougunlee/videos/10155289925598545/
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☑️【訂閲佑群老師的You TV 不錯過美麗情報 】👉https://www.youtube.com/user/HOSHIKAWA2010
【Master of fashion YouGun's Paris fashion week trip trilogy】
# YOU TV’s show always surprises you. This time, we are gonna show you three chapters during the Paris fashion week which including fashionista and points of interest.
#YOUTV #Style #Fashion #Video #FashionMedia #Travel #Trip #Paris #ParisFashionWeek #PFW #AW2018 #WhiteMountaineering #相澤陽介 #野口強
#EvePamba #LeFouquets #LEspionne #OffWhite #Vetements #HankBurger
#PaulChen #PaulChenStudio
#YouGunLee #李佑群老師 #佑群老師 #李佑群