

在 rewarded中文產品中有70篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #耐心 #中文🔻 #Patience... “The capacity to accept or tolerate delay, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.” · For more than a decad...

 同時也有7部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過428萬的網紅emi wong,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Our 5th Valentine's together!! This year instead of just going to eat dinner, we have decided to celebrate with "workout to eat" - starting with our f...

rewarded中文 在 Robynn Yip Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-04-28 03:57:14

#十大中文金曲 #全國組合獎 受寵若驚。真的真的當之有愧。不過這個是很好的鼓勵。未來的一天,當我們真的能成為像前一屆得獎者五月天一樣成功的時候,我們會再朝著這個獎前進的!!!💪🏻💪🏻到時候就不會在台上 dead air 了😂😅 感謝香港電台,你們的支持不是必然的;我們會好好珍惜和記住這一份認可。每一...

  • rewarded中文 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-04-19 18:09:47
    有 129 人按讚

    #耐心 #中文🔻 #Patience... “The capacity to accept or tolerate delay, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.”
    For more than a decade I have had a piece of paper next to my bed, a note my mother gave to me when I left. It says: “You won’t be rewarded for starting. You will be rewarded for persevering.”
    Patience is so hard for me. I always want to sprint towards my dreams 😂
    What characteristic areYOU working on lately? Let me know below 🙏🏽🤍😌
    耐心 「能夠接受或容忍延遲,問題或苦難而又不感到煩惱或焦慮的能力」
    十多年來,我的床旁一直放著一張紙,它是我離開瑞士時母親給我的紙條。 她說:「妳不會因為開始什麼而獲得回報。持之以恆的妳才會獲得回報」
    耐心對我來說是如此艱難。 我一直想快速實現自己的夢想。我朋友說我做事很有耐心啊⋯但我自己很清楚我完全沒有⋯所以才會那麼難受!😂
    👙 @surfaceapparel

  • rewarded中文 在 Capcom Asia Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-12-10 16:00:54
    有 2 人按讚

    Nintendo Switch遊戲《Monster Hunter Rise》將於2021年3月26日發售,提供亞洲版,支援繁簡中文字幕。

    Adventurous Hunters in #MHRise will be highly rewarded for taking the time to explore each map.
    Spiribirds are scattered throughout each locale and will give you a variety of bonuses, such as Health, Defense, Attack or Stamina boosts!
    Monster Hunter Rise coming 26 March 2021 on Nintendo Switch.


    퀘스트 중에 환경 생물인 '인혼조'를 취득하면 체력과 방어력, 공격력, 스태미나 등의 상한을 상승시킬 수 있습니다.
    닌텐도 스위치에서 발매될 「Monster Hunter Rise」는 2021년 3월 26일에 출시될 예정이며, 아시아판에서 한국어 자막이 제공됩니다.

  • rewarded中文 在 Sherri Holley 何利雪莉 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-04-11 22:26:40
    有 45 人按讚

    下面有中文👇🏻 #文小長希望讀完

    I don’t often tell people this
    If you’ve seen my news report
    You’d know that I use to be a pro
    One of the top in tennis
    And yet years later,
    Not once have I tried to tell people

    Truth be told
    For about 10 years of my life
    I spent most of my childhood on the court
    Regardless of the weather
    That’s where I’d spend most of my days

    You’d be surprised
    The reason why I don’t kiss and tell
    Well... is because I took no pleasure
    Training was tough
    Discipline was harder
    But that was nothing compared to my life

    For those who know me well
    They know I am an optimistic person
    But it has taken me a long time to get here
    Cause truth be told
    I had a very disturbing childhood

    I don’t know if it was because of my personality
    But for six years, I was severely bullied
    Most of the time verbally, but sometimes physically
    I tried ever so hard to fit in
    But whatever I did,
    Nothing seemed to do the trick

    I am not proud of my past
    Despite the glory and all
    I’d rather forget my childhood
    I’d rather have amnesia
    Anything would be easier than to
    Have to go through that torture again

    As time has passed
    Though some who were horrendous have apologized
    Others have never thought of their damage
    Overall, there is just more pain than glory

    If you know me, you know that I am strong
    I am not someone who shows their vulnerability that easily
    But for once, I think I owe everyone the truth

    Thank you bullies for making me stronger
    Because of you, I have learnt that
    - Self love is important
    - No one is more deadlier than your own mind
    - When you stop caring about what other people think about you, life is much more bearable
    - A happy day is always a better day
    - When I am that much better, one day, you will look up at me

    Finally, I would like to thank all the people that have helped me through my dark days, whether it would be friends, family, or loved ones. Thank you for tolerating me with all of your compassion. I am better because of you.

    Don’t worry, your kindness will be rewarded when the time comes.

    - - - - -

    曾經 在很久以前 我是個中華隊選手
    或許不是最頂尖的 但也有不錯水準
    這麼多年來 這麼光榮的事情


    是因為... 它是痛苦的
    訓練當然辛苦 但球員誰不是這樣
    年紀輕輕學會自律 當然也是一番挑戰

    但老實說 今天能這樣也是花了很久時間調適的

    但六年整整 每一天總是要忍受不斷的言語霸凌
    即使再怎麼改 再怎麼合群
    無論再怎麼努力 很少有愉悅的一天


    比較下來 我寧願不想記起這麼多的負面情緒

    如果你懂我 你就會知道我很堅強
    但事到如今 我覺得我欠大家這回真相

    因為你們 我學會
    - 怎麼愛自己
    - 自己的意識與信念才是最惡毒的敵人
    - 當你停止在乎他人時,生活會變得很美好
    - 快樂也是一天 難過也是一天 選擇快樂吧
    - 當我把自己變得強大時 有一天 你們會低頭



    #love #couple #cute#me #girl #boy #beautiful #instagood #instalove #loveher #lovehim #pretty #adorable #kiss #kisses #hugs #romance #forever #girlfriend #boyfriend #gf #bf #bff #together #photooftheday #happy #fun #smile #xoxo


  • rewarded中文 在 emi wong Youtube 的精選貼文

    2018-02-14 20:58:47

    Our 5th Valentine's together!! This year instead of just going to eat dinner, we have decided to celebrate with "workout to eat" - starting with our favorite Crossfit workout! And then rewarded ourselves with super yummy Japanese all you can eat(Restaurant: 極尚大瀛喜日本料理 in causeway bay)
    Happy Valentine's everyone!

    ♡SUBSCRIBE FOR WEEKLY VIDEOS ► http://bit.ly/SubscribeToEmi

    ♡ADD ME ON
    INSTAGRAM: @EmiWong_ ► https://www.instagram.com/emiwong_
    FACEBOOK: Emi Wong ► https://www.facebook.com/StayFitandTravel/

    Girl in her 20s. Living in Hong Kong, working a full time office job in Marketing and making YouTube videos on the side. Also a Certified Advanced Personal Trainer.
    (: MY FAVOURITE THINGS: Workout To Eat, My Family, Dog & Boyfriend

    ♡GYM WORKOUT VIDEO ► https://youtu.be/zOkPbQeqWAk

    ♡INTRO SONG: Aarre - When We Were Young (ft. Reece Lemonius)
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/14B6ipvBQ5pyP49lQ1KCjz?si=4QlubtsSS3SNKSiOFwdrkw
    Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/aarre
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AarreMusic/

    WHO IS EMI ► http://bit.ly/WhoIsEmi
    WORKOUTS ► http://bit.ly/WorkoutWthEmi
    BEGINNER WORKOUTS ► http://bit.ly/BeginnerWorkoutsWithEmi
    EAT (FOOD VLOGS!) ► http://bit.ly/EatWithEmi
    TRAVEL ► http://bit.ly/TravelWithEmi
    MAKE UP & FASHION ► http://bit.ly/MakeUpFashionWithEmi
    FUN CHALLENGES ► http://bit.ly/ChallengesWithEmi
    廣東話片 Videos in Cantonese ► http://bit.ly/CantoneseVideosEmi
    有中文字幕的片 With Chinese Subtitles ► http://bit.ly/ChineseSubtitlesEmi

  • rewarded中文 在 死佬 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2015-07-08 20:00:01

    如果想繼續睇的話 請訂閱

    #恐怖遊戲 #恐怖RPG
    遊戲 : Papers, Please(請出示文件/阿茲托卡)
    中文 : 请出示文件
    STEAM : http://store.steampowered.com/app/239030/

    《請出示文件》(英語:Papers, Please)為在日美國人盧卡斯·波普所獨立開發的點陣圖遊戲。玩家扮演一位在虛構共產主義國家阿茲托卡(Arstotzka)中甫剛上任的邊界關卡檢查官,負責在每日早上六時至下午六時的開放時間審核、確認要入境人士的證件,遊戲的標題便是玩家面對每一位欲入境人士審查文件時的第一句台詞。

    Papers, Please has the player take the role of a border crossing immigration officer in the fictional dystopian Eastern Bloc-like country of Arstotzka, which has been and continues to be at political hostilities with its neighboring countries. As the officer, the player must review each immigrant and returning citizen's passports and other supporting paperwork against a list of ever-increasing rules using a number of tools and guides, allowing in only those with the proper paperwork, rejecting those without all proper forms, and at times detaining those with falsified information. The player is rewarded in their daily salary for how many people they have processed correctly in that day, while being fined for making mistakes; the salary is used to help provide shelter, food, and heat for the player's in-game family. In some cases, the player will be presented with moral decisions, such as approving entry of a pleading spouse of a citizen despite the lack of proper paperwork, knowing this will affect their salary. In addition to a story mode which follows several scripted events that occur within Arstotzka, the game includes an endless mode that challenges the player to process as many immigrants as possible.

    生活channel :

    Facebook :

    ◆合作邀約 : 00maman2@gmail.com


    關鍵字 : 恐怖RPG,恐怖遊戲,遊戲,RPG,實況,GAMEPLAY,中文,中字,廣東話,粵語,香港,死佬,死佬打機機,Papers,Please,請出示文件,阿茲托卡,请出示证件,恐怖攻擊,入境,模擬遊戲

  • rewarded中文 在 死佬 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2015-07-07 20:00:01

    如果想繼續睇的話 請訂閱

    #恐怖遊戲 #恐怖RPG
    遊戲 : Papers, Please(請出示文件/阿茲托卡)
    中文 : 请出示文件
    STEAM : http://store.steampowered.com/app/239030/

    《請出示文件》(英語:Papers, Please)為在日美國人盧卡斯·波普所獨立開發的點陣圖遊戲。玩家扮演一位在虛構共產主義國家阿茲托卡(Arstotzka)中甫剛上任的邊界關卡檢查官,負責在每日早上六時至下午六時的開放時間審核、確認要入境人士的證件,遊戲的標題便是玩家面對每一位欲入境人士審查文件時的第一句台詞。

    Papers, Please has the player take the role of a border crossing immigration officer in the fictional dystopian Eastern Bloc-like country of Arstotzka, which has been and continues to be at political hostilities with its neighboring countries. As the officer, the player must review each immigrant and returning citizen's passports and other supporting paperwork against a list of ever-increasing rules using a number of tools and guides, allowing in only those with the proper paperwork, rejecting those without all proper forms, and at times detaining those with falsified information. The player is rewarded in their daily salary for how many people they have processed correctly in that day, while being fined for making mistakes; the salary is used to help provide shelter, food, and heat for the player's in-game family. In some cases, the player will be presented with moral decisions, such as approving entry of a pleading spouse of a citizen despite the lack of proper paperwork, knowing this will affect their salary. In addition to a story mode which follows several scripted events that occur within Arstotzka, the game includes an endless mode that challenges the player to process as many immigrants as possible.

    生活channel :

    Facebook :

    ◆合作邀約 : 00maman2@gmail.com


    關鍵字 : 恐怖RPG,恐怖遊戲,遊戲,RPG,實況,GAMEPLAY,中文,中字,廣東話,粵語,香港,死佬,死佬打機機,Papers,Please,請出示文件,阿茲托卡,请出示证件,恐怖攻擊,入境,模擬遊戲

