

在 reward英文產品中有93篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過18萬的網紅Capcom Asia,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【記憶裡的CAPCOM街機遊戲】 來看看開發人員對《大魔界村》的回憶吧!你亦可在留言中分享你對Capcom街機遊戲的回憶唷! ----------------------------------- 一個操作失誤就會致命的遊戲,但只要反覆練習得越多就越熟練,這種遊戲平衡性十分有趣。武器的類型多種多樣...

 同時也有7部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過136萬的網紅JJ Lin林俊傑,也在其Youtube影片中提到,JJ Lin 林俊傑 《倖存者· 如你》維度二 首張全英文EP《Like You Do》 OUT NOW 全面數位發行 https://jjlin.lnk.to/LYDAY Have you imagined a world where You’re more than just You? Wha...

reward英文 在 greta lai Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-10 18:48:35

(Cantonese on the bottom • 廣東話喺下面) And that was it! 4.5 years of teaching at PURE yoga has finally come to an end. I can still remember my first day ...

  • reward英文 在 Capcom Asia Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-12 13:18:27
    有 52 人按讚


    一個操作失誤就會致命的遊戲,但只要反覆練習得越多就越熟練,這種遊戲平衡性十分有趣。武器的類型多種多樣,即使是高難度的關卡,可能使用平時少用的武器就能通關,真的會越玩越上癮。 (開發人員高谷)

    官方網站: https://www.capcom-arcade-stadium.com/hk/

    《Capcom Arcade Stadium》Nintendo Switch版現正好評發售中!PlayStation 4、Xbox One及Steam版將於5月25日發售!


    【Memories of Capcom Arcade Classics】
    See the developer’s memory of “Ghouls 'n Ghosts”, and share your favourite Capcom arcade classics in Comment! Don’t be hesitate!

    "The unforgiving gameplay where one mistake could cost your life was well balanced with the fun sense of reward you felt from becoming more skilled at the game through repeated attempts."

    Capcom Arcade Stadium is coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam on 25 May 2021! Nintendo Switch version is available now!

    Official Website: https://www.capcom-arcade-stadium.com/en-asia/

    ※Supported Languages: English, Japanese and Chinese.
    ※Download Only.

    【추억 속의 캡콤 아케이드 게임】
    게임 개발진의 “Ghouls 'n Ghosts”에 대한 추억을 공유합니다! 여러분의 추억 속 최애 타이틀은 무엇인가요? 댓글을 통해 공유해 주세요!

    한 번의 조작 실수가 돌이킬 수 없는 상황을 초래하는 게임성임에도 불구하고, 하면 할수록 실력이 느는 것을 느낄 수 있는 밸런스가 재미있습니다. 다양한 종류의 무기가 있어, 어려운 스테이지도 평상시에 사용하지 않는 무기를 사용하면 공략할 수 있는 등, 깊은 게임성을 느낄 수 있습니다.

    「Capcom Arcade Stadium」은 2021년 5월 25일에 PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Steam에서 발매 예정이며, Nintendo Switch 버전은 현재 절찬 판매 중입니다!

    공식 사이트 보기: https://www.capcom-arcade-stadium.com/kr/

    ※지원 언어: 영어, 일본어, 중국어
    ※다운로드 버전만 출시됩니다.

  • reward英文 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-03-28 00:00:16
    有 7,153 人按讚

    我的首張全英文EP《Like You Do》全面數位發行了!
    My first English EP《Like You Do》is OUT NOW!

    然而,【Like You Do】對我而言正是相反的。

    All these years, one thing I’ve learnt is that it’s one of the hardest things in life to accept the flawed version of ourselves.
    We work so hard to be the best and to be perfect, that many times we want to believe that we are unstoppable, and it’s only by being strong that we can be successful.

    “Like You Do” to me is the opposite of that.
    Every song is a reflection of the darker version of myself.
    And I’ve found a sense of healing, by reaching in and realizing that true strength is found in embracing every version of the self.
    It’s when you strip yourself of all expectations, every next step will be a form of gain and reward.
    There is beauty in that.


  • reward英文 在 讀書e誌 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-02-22 23:58:21
    有 1,234 人按讚

    巴菲特50多年來超狂合夥人 -- 查理蒙格--的人生智慧。是我決定會留下來反覆再看,反覆再笑的一本書。


    ("To get what you want, you have to deserve what you want. The world is not yet a crazy enough place to reward a whole bunch of
    undeserving people” )

    一直以來比巴菲特低調許多的查理蒙格,是巴菲特所推崇比他還有智慧的人。而且已經年屆90了腦筋還非常清楚。每次我讀他們兩人所寫的《給波克夏海瑟威公司股東的信》,就可以看的感覺到他們強烈獨立思考的魅力,越老越厲害! 這本書收錄了蒙格在許多不同地方的演講內容,從其中幾篇就可以看出他把事情反過來想,超強跨領域學習,以及不受他人眼光或世俗影響的思考方式。例如給畢業生的演講, 他不同於一般名人的勵志或雞湯,他的主題是 “如何讓自己生活悲慘” (逆向思考來啟發)。當被問到年輕人在工作中應該追求什麼,蒙格給了3個基本原則:
    1. 別兜售你自己不會購買的東西
    2. 別為你不尊敬,不欽佩人工作
    3. 只跟你喜歡的人共事

    這些看起來像是廢話一般 (也是為什麼他的書名是“普通常識”)的道理,在真實生活中卻不見得是所有人都可以做到的。書中有幾篇他分享“普世智慧”,乍聽之下也都覺得“這不是廢話嗎?”,他可是言行一致在實踐他這些所謂的“普通智慧”,至少從結果看起來是相當豐富的。所以或許我們應該問的是,“為什麼很多看似稀鬆平常的道理這麼難徹底實踐呢?”

    記得我幾年前在商學院進修時,每天上課不斷的用實例討論 (case study) 的方式進行,當時看到有些有人不用閱讀實例,就能夠講得出一番道理,覺得自己是不是太笨了。但是我後來領悟到一件事情: 在教室中紙上談兵其實很容易,但是在真實的管理現場,置身其中有許多的雜訊和心理因素,要做出正確的判斷是非常困難的。這也是為什麼很多管理領導的書看起來都講一些已知的常識,可是身在其中的人卻不見得容易實踐。像是“數獨” (Sudoku) 的遊戲,渾沌不明的時候很難,但事後諸葛卻超簡單。

    這本書也是我認為論到“終身學習”和“跨領域思考”最棒的一本。蒙格講出每個人所必備的一些基本常識, 包括數學的排列組合,基本的統計學會計學,國中等級的物理,工程思考方式,以及心理學,等等。他說每一個領域都像是一個工具,你必須要有足夠的工具組,才能夠靈活運用。不然就會有所謂的“鐵鎚症候群” (這個比喻來自一種英文的俗語 “如果你是一隻鐵鎚,你看什麼都像釘子”)。如果只有單一領域的思考模式,那麼工程師看著每個問題都好像是要解bug, 商人看到每個問題都只認為是商務模式需要建立,行銷人看到每個問題都覺得是形象包裝的問題,政治人看到每個問題都覺得是利益沒有喬好。只有透過不斷的跨領域學習才能夠避免陷入這些習慣模式,另外也要徹底的了解人心理運作的方式,並且刻意察覺自己的心理狀態,才能夠盡量做出客觀的判斷與決策。


    “ 作為一種擁有語言天份的社會動物,人生來就有本事囉哩囉嗦。


    我這輩子總是在跟那些很像這隻蜜蜂的人打交道” 🐝🤣🤣🤣


    #PoorCharliesAlmanack #窮查理的普通常識 #查理蒙格 #巴菲特 #終身學習 #跨領域學習 #CharlieMunger

  • reward英文 在 JJ Lin林俊傑 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-03-28 00:00:29

    JJ Lin 林俊傑 《倖存者· 如你》維度二 首張全英文EP《Like You Do》
    OUT NOW 全面數位發行 https://jjlin.lnk.to/LYDAY

    Have you imagined a world where
    You’re more than just You?
    What would that be like?

    Drifter • Like You do - a Double-dimensional, deluxe EP creatively led by JJ Lin, from music productions to visual concepts. The music narrative of DRIFTER • LIKE YOU DO is inspired by a concept JJ has been ruminating on - the possibility of a parallel universe.

    In this latest release which marks JJ’s 14th album, as well as his first english EP throughout his illustrious career of 18 years, JJ delves into his innermost thoughts and feelings, redefining his music perspectives to put forward a stripped down and introspective representation of his music and self.

    In Quantum Theory
    Space and time are not continuous
    A parallel universe is a possibility
    Could it be possible that somewhere, somehow
    In an obscure corner of the universe
    An infinite number of us exist?
    Where perhaps, I could be you, and you could be me?

    I seem to be a Drifter in this vast expanse... Like You Do.



    Part One: The 1st Dimension - DRIFTER

    Music has always been an expression of self for JJ. His journey of self-discovery could be traced back to his From M.E. To Myself (2015) album, with him eventually finding the connection between himself and the world, and shared through his Message in a Bottle (2017) album.

    In the recent years, JJ embarked on a different route to self-discovery as he shifts the focus of his music from self to “you”. Conveyed through his double EP DRIFTER • LIKE YOU DO, JJ propounds a new direction for self-reflection.

    DRIFTER EP features six brand new Mandarin songs that weaved together a complete concept of: What would you do, if you, were not just you? The songs inspire us to contemplate the possibility that our consciousness could determine who we are - there could be multiple endings to every story, and when we believe so, the future will be limitless.

    Part Two: The 2nd Dimension - LIKE YOU DO

    An extension of Drifter, LIKE YOU DO explores a self-examining concept: What is left after you rid yourself of expectations?

    When darkness descends, have you, in pursuit of survival, stumbled upon another version of yourself that is so foreign yet familiar? You could be that drifter, that is the only glimpse of hope left in a despondent world. Which version of you would emerge in face of adversity? If a parallel universe does exist, JJ is breaking out of his shell and introducing the hidden version of himself that we have yet to meet via LIKE YOU DO.

    Partnered with new music collaborators Fernando Garibay, Nasri Atweh, Joshua Kissiah Cumbee, Ramiro Padilla and Daniel Padilla, JJ endeavours to offer fresh perspectives and sounds for this EP.

    The journey and story of this alternate JJ Lin has just begun.

    “All these years, one thing I’ve learnt is that it’s one of the hardest things in life to accept the flawed version of ourselves. We work so hard to be the best and to be perfect; many times we want to believe that we are unstoppable, and that only by being strong, we can be successful.

    “Like You Do” to me is the opposite of that.

    Every song is a reflection of the darker version of myself. And I’ve found a sense of healing, by reaching in and realising that true strength is found in embracing every version of the self. It’s only when you strip yourself of all expectations, that your every next step will be a form of gain and reward.

    There is beauty in that.”

    — JJ Lin



    然而,【Like You Do】對我而言正是相反的。

    - JJ 林俊傑

    【Like You Do】中的JJ Lin是一鍵歸零,
    也是一步躍進。 跳脫既定模板,拋開過往的該與不該。

    在【Like You Do】EP中,JJ Lin回到做音樂的本質面貌說故事,當這個語言更加直覺,遇見的自己就越加真實。捧著初衷的純粹,JJ成為昏暗夜晚中的一雙堅定眼神,穿透情感與歲月的虛與實。一刻明亮的獲得,是歷經所有的願與不願,坦然面對這些擁有與失去,於是回歸誠實後的純粹,如這世界上的每一個你,重新擁抱世界附加在自己身上的能量。

    為帶給這張全英文EP更完整的體驗,JJ遠赴異地,尋找更多不同的聲音,當沒有任何模板框架,跳脫以往的創作模式,他的音樂更加自我也更加自由。JJ邀請多次獲得葛萊美獎項提名之專輯製作人- Fernando Garibay、Joshua Kissiah Cumbee、Ramiro Padilla、Daniel Padilla等多位專業音樂人攜手創作。與全新的音樂夥伴合作,無論曲、詞,JJ自在地享受,完全地吸收來自不同的音樂人所給予的能量,共同激盪出不同以往的音樂風格。一切不經設定、沒有設限也沒有包袱,放下習慣的唱腔,衝撞出全新的聲音。所有面貌都是最原始最嶄新,也是翻面後的第一頁。


    這個挑戰,是JJ 17年來從未有過的經驗,在華語市場中多年的累積,逐漸締造屬於最JJ的音樂版圖。但這一次,林俊傑顛覆一切的認知、放下一切的理所當然與成長脈絡,為了自我實現的這一刻,成為了歸零的JJ Lin,勇敢擁抱陌生的環境與不同的音樂文化,JJ已經不是JJ,但也不再只是原本的JJ。


  • reward英文 在 Smart Travel Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-02-02 23:00:12

    #北海道自由行 #札幌二條市場 #二條市場交通 #北海道観光
    Hello大家好, Hello, everyone.

    歡迎大家陪我一齊去旅行, 好榮幸能夠成為你們的嚮導 Welcome to travel with me.I am honored to be your tour guide

    參加阿Tsar旅遊是免費的, 只要大家享坐家中, 夜晚11點 The tour is free as long as your sit tight and watch at 11pm

    就可以欣賞到北海道的美景和美食, 這個團亦不需要小費 U can enjoy the scenery n food of Hokkaido without any tipping

    只要睇完影片, 留個表情符號, 就已經是最大的打賞 As long as you finish the video and leave an emoji, it is already the biggest reward

    今日要介紹大家就是北海道特輯第一集, 札幌二條市場 Today I will present the first episode of the Hokkaido, Sapporo Nijo Market

    築地為東京廚房、大阪有黑門市場、札幌就有二條市場做代表 Tsukiji is Tokyo Kitchen, Kuromon Market in Osaka, and Nijo Market in Sapporo


    札幌廚房起源於明治初期, 起初只是一排排的魚檔, The Sapporo kitchen originated in the early Meiji period.At first it was just rows of fish stalls.

    發展至今,已經有好多餐廳、乾貨和生果售賣 Until now there have been many restaurants, dried goods and fruit sales.

    二條市場最大的賣點, 就是地理位置方便 The biggest selling point of the Nijo markets is the convenient location

    它在札幌狸小路一丁目對面, 片尾會講交通怎樣來 It's across the 1st street from Sapporo Tanukikoji, and at the end we will talk about how the transportation comes.

    札幌狸小路附近的酒店, 由三百幾港元起都有交易 Hotels near Sapporo Tanukikoji, deals starting from HK $ 300

    但是我就有一晚住在狸小路四丁目入面, But I stayed one night at 4th street of Tanukikoji

    一間網吧過夜, 174HKD, 遲些會為大家介紹 I will introduce an internet cafe for 174HKD/night later

    記得按通知制, 就可以第一時間看到我如何窮遊北海道喇 Remember to press the notification bell in order to see how I budget traveled in Hokkaido

    說回二條市場, 有大約15間水產公司和魚店,販賣當日入貨最新鮮的海鮮。 Speaking of Nijo Market, there are about 15 aquatic companies and fish shops that sell the freshest seafood that day.

    除了鮮魚之外,亦有好多店舖販賣乾貨和海產加工品。In addition to fresh fish, there are also many shops selling dry goods and processed seafood.

    有好多店舖提供寄送服務, 當然是要附加費用啦。 There are many shops offering delivery services, of course at an additional cost

    北海道有三大名蟹, 就是帝皇蟹、松葉蟹,以及毛蟹。There are 3 famous crabs in Hokkaido, namely emperor crab, Matsuba crab and hairy crab.

    帝皇蟹又細分為鱈場蟹、棘蟹、花咲蟹與油蟹4種,King crab is further subdivided into 4 types: Red King Crab, spiny crab, flower crab and oil crab.

    不過通常泛指身價最高的鱈場蟹。However, it usually refers to the most valuable Red King Crab.

    鱈場蟹之所以特別矜貴,產量稀少固然是原因之一,One of the reasons why Red King crabs are so expensive and their production is scarce

    同時也因為需時10年才會長至3公斤重,It takes 10 years to grow to 3 kg.

    蟹肉特別結實,粗壯而肉質飽滿的蟹腳更是賣點,Crab meat is particularly strong, thick and plump crab legs are a selling point

    而11月至2月正是當造期。有「蟹后」美譽的松葉蟹至為鮮甜嫩滑,The period from Nov to Feb is extreamly good. Matsuba crab, known as the "Crab Queen", is sweet and tender

    無論是刺身, 抑或 配野菜和昆布煮成日式火鍋也鮮甜無比,Whether it's sashimi, or boiled Japanese hot pot with vegetables and kumbu

    毛蟹係北海道獨有的海產,因全身長滿金黃色的細毛而得名,Hairy crabs with golden tiny hair are a seafood unique to Hokkaido.

    每年12月至2月為最佳品嘗季節,雖然體形小, The best tasting season is from Dec to Feb every year.

    一般只有約600克重,蟹肉也算不上豐厚,Generally it weighs about 600 grams, and crab meat is not considered rich.

    但甘香滑溜的蟹膏卻幾乎布滿全身,濃郁蟹香亦是眾蟹之首,But the sweet and creamy crab paste almost covers the whole body, and the rich crab flavor is also extraordinary.

    用來炮製火鍋、熬粥或蒸熟凍食一樣鮮味無窮,Used to make hot pot, porridge or steamed cold plate also excellent

    加少許清酒拌勻同吃已非常可口。Add a little sake and tastes very delicious

    至於在二條市場最出名的餐廳, 就是大磯的海鮮丼是必食之選 As for the most famous restaurant in Nijo Market, the seafood restaurant in Ohiso is a must-eat

    「三色丼」可以吃到滿滿的海膽、鮭魚卵和鱈場蟹, Tri-don included full sea urchin, salmon roe and cod crab


    二條市場是遊客區, 但地點超級方便, Nijo Market is a tourist area, but the location is super convenient

    交通就是由地鐵南北線‧東西線‧東豐線的大通站34號出口步行約5分鐘。Traffic is about 5 minutes walk from Exit 34 of Odori Station on the North-South Line, East-West Line, and Tōhō sen Line of the subway

    狸小路相等於大阪心齋橋, 大家可以行完街再來這裏吃東西 Tanukikoji is equivalent to Osaka Shinsaibashi, everyone can come here after shopping

    下一集我會帶大家去一間最多local人幫襯的中央魚市場 In the next episode, I will take you to a central fish market with a lot of local people.

    我會在一間連古天樂、姜濤等明星去打卡的餐廳開餐 I will have dinner at a restaurant where celebrities also visited

    抵食不用說, 仲要好好味, 阿Tsar旅遊團, 是標榜洗好少錢去享受生活 Cheap n good taste. Joinning Tsar's tour is touting a little money to enjoy life

    記得睇完片留個表情符號以示支持, 我哋下一集再見,88。 Remember to leave an emoji to show support, I'll see you in the next episode, 88

  • reward英文 在 Plong Poon Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-09-25 23:13:56

    首次和專業團隊合作 過程既開心又緊張!

    - Zwap Wallet 你的生活錢包 -

    成功登記做會員,仲即刻賞Pacific Coffee優惠券?,仲有全年無限賞嘅商戶優惠?
    無需要貸款嘅話 淨係攞晒D優惠都抵啦?
    咁多著數送到埋手?? 你仲等咩啊⁉
    快啲下載 登記做會員啦?



    ??韓迷追星日常 ➔ https://bit.ly/2Q5hnRS
    ?大學生活記錄 ➔ https://bit.ly/34M4xM9
    ?我的幹話合集 ➔ https://bit.ly/34KPsdS
    ?韓國旅遊足跡 ➔ https://bit.ly/32BLbrE

    ?我的INSTAGRAM ➔ http://instagram.com/plong_poon/
    ?我的FACEBOOK ➔ https://www.facebook.com/plongpoon/
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    (可用中文和英文溝通 Able to speak in English and Chinese)

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