Morgon, second largest cru after Brouilly and known for “roche pourri”, a mixture of volcanic rock and schist, is considered one of the long-lived, co...
Morgon, second largest cru after Brouilly and known for “roche pourri”, a mixture of volcanic rock and schist, is considered one of the long-lived, complex, and sturdy wine out of the 10 Beaujolais Crus. Head over to @discoverbojo to learn more about Beaujolais.
Domaine J. Chamonard. is now carried by Geneviève, the daughter of Joseph Chamonard, and husband, Jean-Claude Chanudet. They follow Joseph’s legacy in producing wine that can best present the capabilities of Gamay while respect the environment.
What I have in my glass is ‘Le Clos de Lys’ Morgon 2017 made with 100% Gamay Noir from 3 family owned parcels practicing biodynamic/organic farming on an average of 60-year-old vines. The wine displays aromas of red cherry, strawberry, raspberry compote, pomegranate and grape skin right out of glass. Blood orange, blueberry, sweet baking spices, grape stems with hint of smokiness are found on the palate. This Morgon is juicy, vibrant and full of energy.
To pair with this Morgon, Chef @brucekuo.brooklyn simply roasted the Cornish hen with butter, salt and black pepper and I fixed a quick salad with persimmon and the delicious Lomo from @ibericoscovap_usa. If you ask me how I liked the pairing, my answer is I intended to save some wine to revisit the next day but we couldn’t help but finish them all, food and wine included. 😅
*Special thanks to @domainechamonard @saviosoaresselections for your generous support.
*Treat yourself a proper wine glass in @gabriel_glas and save some wine for later enjoyment in @coravin
*Follow @sommation_live and get yourself inspired for this holiday season.
#酒意思 #sipwithjoyce #sommation #beaujolaiscru #thanksgivingwine #morgon #gamay #frenchwine #wineoclock #winedown #vino #foodandwine #staythirstymyfriends #wineinstagram #winetime #winepairing #gamayallday #drinkmorewine #wineliftstyle #sommelier #sommlife #ワイン #포도주 #部落客 #葡萄酒 #感恩節 #薄酒萊 #餐酒 #侍酒師 #台灣侍酒師
revisit意思 在 紀亞文 Edwin Facebook 的精選貼文
This past year’s global situation has allowed me to fully revisit the tennis world and coach regularly again.
It has been a decade since I have worked with such an expansive pool of students. At the time, I taught and trained both children and adults ranging from the ages of 5-60, levels ranging from novice to advanced, but mostly children and teenagers.
However, a couple of years ago I did take a hiatus from showbiz and acting in China as I had the opportunity to work and travel with a professional tennis player. It was a very rewarding, yet challenging experience, to say the least.
Many people have asked me why I do not just coach and train players completely full time. I usually just smile and and brush it off with a tactful “I don’t know.”
The truth is, I have had an extreme love-hate relationship with the game.
Growing up, the time spent on court not only acted as a healthy environment where I can progress as a player and a person, but it also acted as an escape from the difficult emotional and psychological roller coaster on the home front (I will not go into this now).
Looking back, I am so grateful to have been surrounded by coaches, from places such as India and Eastern Europe, whom understood the value of teaching and mentoring with a “school of hard knocks’ approach. They continuously reminded me that:
“There will always be people in situations worse off than you. Back home, players were playing on courts made from cow dung and with holes in their shoes, not to mention wondering when their next full meal would be.”
Though I don’t think I can honestly say that I fully understood them at the time, but these reminders and perspectives acted as the rock that kept me from drifting away.
So, this is where I am coming from in terms of my relationship with tennis. 2020 has been a blessing in disguise, as I have had the opportunity to work with some wonderful people, both on and off the court.
Thanks to all my students. I hope you are learning as much as I am learning from you. Cheers.
#tennistraining #tenniscoaching #tennis #tennisplayer #tennisplaying #tennislove #tennisinstruction #tennislife #網球 #網球教學 #網球教練
revisit意思 在 佬訊 Facebook 的最讚貼文
Tier 1 《不再炒車 港男救贖》:簡單嚟講,就係Old School佬訊,專寫衣著、風格、歷史等等。內容較似第一本書《佬訊》,資訊性重少少,一如以往的市井、土炮、麻甩。
Tier 2《扎根日常 品味書寫》:包括Tier 1之外,再加上New School佬訊,亦即係近年較常見的佬訊。題材不限,衣著風格以外的東西,由甜故、性知識、煙酒,到聽歌睇書都會有,唯一共通點係鳩味濃,但又有點追求。
Tier 3《大戶呢便請》:包晒所有內容,再加無限愛意及虛榮感。話明大戶,本來就係咁,但誠蒙佬友錯愛,竟然也有人支持。有點唔好意思之下,決定再加《寫在舊文邊上》,內容係revamp/revisit精選舊文,以及寫作歷程剖白。
佬訊曾經出現過係Tumblr、Medium、自己嘅blog,現在主要係Fuckbook、Instagram、專欄。從今日起,應該會將重心攞係Patreon。今日唔知聽日事,再遠一點嘅未來會係邊?唔知,唯一不變嘅,係希望佬訊能夠留在你心中 <3
revisit意思 在 StoryTeller 說故事 Facebook 的最佳解答
蜻蜓路過,又再次飛回來 ⋯⋯ 他看著街上飛翔的蜻蜓,想起自己剛才在錄音室裡錄的那首歌。
通常,他錄歌只需錄兩三次便可以,這次也不例外,但當他離開後,監製竟然打電話來問他可否回到錄音室再錄。這種情況相當少見,但他亦願意返回錄音室錄音,嘗試幾次後,他在歌曲結尾加入了一段即興的「La La La」,整首歌給人的感覺完全不一樣了。
同一個音,只要高低音相差少許,出來的感覺已經很不同。歌手的聲音變化萬千,每次錄音,都有機會出現不一樣的聲音,呈現不同的感情和畫面 ⋯⋯ 每次重唱,每次重新錄音,都是一次重遇,就好像重見老朋友一樣⋯⋯
張國榮於 1999 年至 2003 年,在環球唱片共推出六張唱片,締造多首劃時代經典傳誦後世。是次《REVISIT》專輯要將深入民心的哥哥作品重塑另一面貌,對監製和編曲人而言除了是一大挑戰,同樣是一次難能重遇張國榮無瑕聲音的珍貴機會。
「StoryTeller 說故事」是一個說故事的平台,也是一個獨立創作單位,連結一群風格獨特的影像及文字創作人,創作各類插畫故事。我們相信故事的力量。歡迎任何合作/品牌推廣,請電郵至。
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