

在 restrict用法產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過12萬的網紅浩爾譯世界,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【每日國際選讀】 #文末挑戰多益選擇題📝 全球疫情方興未艾 各家製藥廠力求推出救命丹! 開啟「接收通知」和「搶先看」每天吸收雙語時事新知 來讀華爾街日報獨家 ⏳Coronavirus Vaccine Front-Runners Emerge, Rollouts Weighed 新冠疫苗領航員浮現,...

restrict用法 在 Kenneth’s Team ✎ Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-10 17:03:26

/ May 9, 2018 “This is America” is the Talk of the World . Summary: Amassing more than 43 million views on YouTube in merely four days, the latest mus...

  • restrict用法 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-06-02 08:00:00
    有 65 人按讚


    ⏳Coronavirus Vaccine Front-Runners Emerge, Rollouts Weighed

    -front-runner 領先者、領跑者
    -emerge 出現、浮出水面,同 come out
    -roll out 當動詞時有「開展、啟動、推出」的意思,此處作為名詞 rollout,指「生產分配(計畫)」

    💉 Governments and drugmakers are weighing how to roll out coronavirus vaccines, including reserving the first batches for health-care workers, as several shots race to early leads.

    -weigh 字面意思為「秤重」,衍生為「謀劃、權衡、斟酌」的意思
    ✍️常見用法:weigh in on sth 提出對(某事)的看法
    -batch 一批
    -leads 領先者、領跑者
    ✍️常見用法: in the lead 指「處於領先地位」;在商業語境中 lead 還有「機遇、機會、潛在客戶」的意思

    🧪 A safe and effective vaccine is the best way to prevent Covid-19, the respiratory disease caused by the new coronavirus, and to curb its transmission, public-health officials say. Drugmakers say they are developing potential coronavirus vaccines at remarkably fast speeds.
    Yet there isn’t a guarantee that any of the most advanced vaccine candidates will prove to work safely on such a short timetable. Some, like vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna, are based on relatively new technologies that haven’t been approved previously.

    -curb 遏制、抑制,同 limit, restrict
    ✍️常見用法: put a curb on sth 限制、約束某事
    -guarantee 保證、擔保
    -timetable 計畫週期、時間表

    🎖Several drugmakers that have been building up their capabilities to make coronavirus vaccines, have promised to make hundreds of millions of doses this year. Yet a fuller supply to vaccinate the general population might not become available until well into 2021, according to company projections and estimates by vaccine experts. Public-health officials and vaccine experts hope more than one vaccine will cross the finish line, to boost the total number of doses available.
    -build up 提升、構築
    -capacity 生產能力
    -full supply 充分供給
    -cross the finish line 字面意思是「通過終點線」,在此表示「(疫苗)獲得批准」


    Johnson & Johnson expects to have some batches of its vaccine ready ___ early 2021, which Chief Scientific Officer Paul Stoffels said should be _______ to vaccinate health-care workers globally. The company expects to eventually make more than a billion doses.
    嬌生公司預計在2021年初之前可望生產數批疫苗。該公司首席科學總監史多福(Paul Stoffels)表示,這些疫苗應該足夠全球醫護工作者接種。該公司預計最終將生產超過10億支疫苗。
    A. on / efficient
    B. by / sufficient
    C. in / effective
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