

在 resign中文產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2,682的網紅Freeyon Chung 鍾君揚,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Goodbye TVB 👋🏻 (有寫中文㗎 👇🏻) 4 years ago, I left the familiar world I grew up in (my family, my friends, my job, my home...etc) 🇨🇦 to explore the unknow...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過30萬的網紅吳鳳Rifat,也在其Youtube影片中提到,WHO 秘書長譚德塞的錯誤判斷、隱瞞、偏頗讓整個世界付出了慘痛的代價!但最可怕的是,他不知悔改,還進一步污衊台灣!世界需要更公正的WHO!這個影片我想讓全世界知道他的黑暗歷史,也請幫忙分享,讓更多人到Chage網站連署(https://reurl.cc/MvNnm4)一起下架他!🇹🇼 【以下我已翻成...

resign中文 在 Freeyon Chung 鍾君揚 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-08-10 11:07:27

Goodbye TVB 👋🏻 (有寫中文㗎 👇🏻) . 4 years ago, I left the familiar world I grew up in (my family, my friends, my job, my home...etc) 🇨🇦 to explore the unkno...

resign中文 在 Fake 文青 Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-05-24 04:43:24

Fake 文青的童年—我從不是被期望的小孩 到我大學畢業,我屋企都未有冷氣機和熱水爐,電視機亦只是80 年代那種大牛龜電視。 無冷氣機—代表你在天氣酷熱的日子,只可以用一把可吹出微弱風的風扇,還要一家三口share,其實只會愈吹愈熱,所以我床頭,一定有一把扇,那時我在扇上題上李白的詞: 「秋風清...

  • resign中文 在 Freeyon Chung 鍾君揚 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-07-30 22:23:01
    有 322 人按讚

    Goodbye TVB 👋🏻
    (有寫中文㗎 👇🏻)

    4 years ago, I left the familiar world I grew up in (my family, my friends, my job, my home...etc) 🇨🇦 to explore the unknown entertainment world in Hong Kong 🇭🇰 It was a big deal to quit my permanent teaching job, which many people wished for, said I was fortunate to have (and some thought it wasn't a good idea to resign from).

    During these few years working in the Chinese entertainment industry as a TVB Artiste, I have gained so much experience, learned more about myself & the realities of this world, and even met a bunch awesome (and some not quite so awesome) people along the way, but it became clear to me that it was time to move on.

    Do I regret quitting my stable job to move to HK? Nope.
    If I could go back in time, would I still choose this path? Yup.
    What am I planning to do? Focus on myself and people around me. Spend time working on my music 🎵, my math education content @mrfchung 👨🏻‍🏫, becoming Magnus Bane 🔮, workout more 💪🏻, train up on a number of areas of my life...etc. For now, the direction will shift from traditional media to content creator/online educator and hopefully explore the English entertainment world after a bit.

    Thank you to everyone who has supported me, been there for me, taught me, gave me opportunities, helped me and even those who tried to bring me down or betrayed my trust, because all of you helped shape me to be the person I am today.

    I wish I could say a proper goodbye, and I will visit when it feels safer to do so, but for now, this is my farewell. #untilnexttime

    呢四年真係經歷咗同埋學咗好多嘢,但係我亦都知道係時候move on。
    雖然已經離開咗TVB,大家亦唔會再喺東張西望 👀 同Dolce Vita 🍷 入面見到我做主持,但係因為廣告嘅關係,呢排喺電視機入面見到我嘅機會應該更加高 😂

    暫時諗住俾自己少少時間靜一靜,做下音樂 (其實我本身入行係想做歌手)、拍啲教數學嘅片 @mrfchung 、做下運動、增值下自己...再睇下前面條路點樣行。

    暫時透露少少 --> 嚟緊將會同大家分享第一首屬於我自己嘅歌 🎧🎉😁 完成我一個多年嚟嘅夢想 🤗 如果有興趣支持 (或者想我教你數學),可以訂閱我YouTube 🙏🏻😊 #thankyou

    要多謝嘅人實在太多,真心好感激好多人畀嘅機會、支持同埋鼓勵 💪🏻 #在心中 #希望將來再有機會喺螢幕上同大家見面

    📷 @daniel_yu

    #goodbye #grateful #learnedsomuch #movingforward #growthmindset #tvb #actor #tvhost #singer #magnusbane #biggerandbetterthings #music #contentcreator #independentartist #teachersofinstagram #teacher #staystrong #加油 #努力 #抗疫 #撐住 #我係鍾君揚

  • resign中文 在 譚凱邦 Roy Tam Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-06-23 22:19:37
    有 186 人按讚


    【山城士多就 Ztore 創辦人言論之回應】

    (Please scroll down for English version)

    早前 士多 Ztore 創辦人之一凌俊傑 (Clarence Ling) 在 Facebook 發表支持《逃犯條例》修訂案的言論,除了在社會上引起很大的反響,亦令我們山城士多一眾現任及創辦成員為之側目。雖然事隔一星期,我們還是不得不作出回應。
    山城士多於 2015 年 9 月由一班中文大學的同學創辦,開初是為了抗衡中文大學內百佳超級市場的壟斷。我們一直致力推廣本地製造的產品,拉近消費者與生產者的距離,鼓勵良心消費。成立一段時間後,我們喜見支持香港製造的風潮在社會漸漸流行,有關店舖更有如雨後春筍般冒起。作為其中一員,Ztore 將支持香港製造理念商業化,使更多市民可購買本地產品。正因理念一致,我們慢慢開始與 Ztore 合作,讓中大同學透過我們的平台,訂購部分 Ztore 代理的本地產品,而我們亦有提供部分本地社企的產品予 Ztore。一直以來,我們都合作愉快。
    可是,Ztore 創辦人之一凌俊傑近日公開發表支持《逃犯條例》修訂案的言論,對充滿理想的示威者冷嘲熱諷,實在令人髮指。其言論亦不禁令人懷疑 Ztore 創立真是為推廣香港製造的理念,抑或只是打著香港製造的旗號謀利。
    儘管 Ztore 在推廣香港產品曾有所貢獻,我們亦不能接受自己付出的金錢會讓這樣一個人得益。雖然我們微不足道,但我們深信,每一次付款都是一種投票;而我們堅決不會投給 Ztore。
    在此,山城士多鄭重宣布,即時終止與 Ztore 的所有合作及來往。
    山城士多上下都十分關注近來的抗爭運動。我們對政府仍未回應廣大市民的五大訴求深表遺憾,並強烈譴責警隊使用過分武力鎮壓示威,令眾多香港市民受傷。我們促請政府立即撤回《逃犯條例》修訂案、收回 6 月 12 日示威「暴動」的定性、釋放被補示威者並撤銷他們所有控罪及追究警隊濫用暴力。有關官員亦應立即引咎辭職。
    2019 年 6 月 23 日
    Ztore 創辦人凌俊傑有關言論:https://na.cx/i/7sd9Wda.png

    #antielab #反送中 #本地製造 #良心消費 #支持小店 #VoteWithYourDollar

    [A statement by CUStore on the comments by Ztore’s founder]
    Ztore’s founder Clarence Ling has recently voiced out his support of the proposed amendment bill to the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance. His comments not only sparked huge controversy in society but also staggered current and founding members of CUStore. Although it has already been a week since Clarence Ling’s comments were posted, we still feel the urge to make a reply.
    CUStore was founded by a group of CUHK students in September 2015 with the hope to break the monopoly of the Parknshop supermarket on our campus. We have been tirelessly working to promote Hong Kong made products and the idea of ethical shopping by drawing consumers closer to the producers. After our foundation, we were delighted that the idea of supporting local products started to become fashionable and that shops selling local products appeared in large numbers. As one of the members in the raising trend, Zstore commercialised the idea of ‘Made in Hong Kong’ so that more people can buy local products easily. Because we had similar aspirations, we started to collaborate with Ztore. We sold some of Ztore’s local products to CUHK students on our platform and provided products from local social enterprises to Ztore. The collaboration was going well.
    However, just last week, Ztore’s founder Clarence Ling publicly stated his support to the amendment bill and sneered at the protesters who were full of ideals. His detestable comments made one wonder if his business was really supporting ‘Made in Hong Kong’ or if they were just using the idea solely to make money.
    Hong Kong is at a most critical point at the moment. If the amendment bill is passed, the future of Hong Kong will be wrecked. There will be profound effects on the local manufacturing industry. Hong Kong’s excellent business environment has always been safeguarded by the just and sound legal system. The bill will create a fault in our legal system and put local and foreign people living and working in Hong Kong under the fear of being extradited to China where there is non-existence of a fair trial. Foreign companies will have much less confidence to do business in Hong Kong. When capitals leave Hong Kong it will inevitably lead to an economic recession.
    Although Ztore has contributed to the promotion of local products, we still cannot accept that the money we pay will fall into such kind of a person like Clarence Ling. We may be insignificant; but we strongly believe that we are casting a vote whenever we pay — and we definitely are not voting for Ztore.
    For that reason we hereby announce that we are terminating all the collaboration and ties with Ztore.
    All of us from CUStore are very concerned about the recent protests going on in the city. We deeply regret that the government has failed to respond to the demands made by the Hong Kong citizens. We also strongly condemn the use of excessive violence by the Hong Kong Police Force during the protest on 12 June, which left many of our citizens injured. We urge the government to scrap the bill immediately, retract the use of ‘rioting’ in describing the protest on 12 June, release the arrested protesters and remove the charges against them, and investigate on the use of excessive violence by the Hong Kong Police Force. Those relevant government officials should take their responsibilities and resign immediately.
    In the future, CUStore will continue to evolve and spread our ideas to the public.
    To all those who are fighting for our city out there, please take good care of yourself. We will always support you.
    23 June 2019
    Original comments by Ztore’s Clarence Ling (in Chinese): https://na.cx/i/7sd9Wda.png

  • resign中文 在 Amateur Boyz。業餘男孩飛行日誌 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2015-12-26 15:28:27
    有 154 人按讚

    【#挖靠台灣 《阿朗壹》Sylvie 個人訪談】


    最後她辭去工作,決定留在台灣,更創立了Humans of Taiwan


    Sylvie is from Paris, France.

    Slyvie is Chinese-French, and she speaks fluently Taiwanese Mandarin.
    Most of people will consider her as Taiwanese!

    Her first language is French, and she learned Mandarin when she came to Taiwan.
    Firstly, she was sent to Taiwan by her French company.
    But later she resign to stay Taiwan to persue her dream, and establish "Humans of Taiwan."

    She thinks Taiwanese people are really amazing,
    Taiwanese they don't show the emotion, but when they do, it's really crazy.

    Sylvie is a dream worker, and she already fall in love with Taiwan, and you?

  • resign中文 在 吳鳳Rifat Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-04-11 19:06:58

    WHO 秘書長譚德塞的錯誤判斷、隱瞞、偏頗讓整個世界付出了慘痛的代價!但最可怕的是,他不知悔改,還進一步污衊台灣!世界需要更公正的WHO!這個影片我想讓全世界知道他的黑暗歷史,也請幫忙分享,讓更多人到Chage網站連署(https://reurl.cc/MvNnm4)一起下架他!🇹🇼 【以下我已翻成9種語言,歡迎你們繼續接力】

    #WHO #TedrosAdhanom #Coronavirus

    Director General of WHO Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus under estimated the coronavirus (COVID-19) and deceived world。World needs fair and equal WHO。Besides,Taiwan should not be excluded from WHO for any political reasons. I invite you all send your petitions and call him resign from his post.🇬🇧

    Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (WHO) lideri Tedros Adhanom kendisine verilen görevi kötüye kullanarak Corona virüsünün Çin‘den tüm dünyaya yayılması sırasında hayati önem taşıyan kararları kasıtlı olarak geç almış ve virüsün zararlarının katlanarak artmasına neden olmuştur. Tedros aynı zamanda dünyanın en gelişmiş sağlık sistemlerinden birine sahip olan Tayvan’ın siyasi nedenlerle dışlanmasında da baş rol oynamaktadır. Lütfen bu duruma sessiz kalmayın ve change org sayfası aracılığı ile imza kampanyasına katılarak Tedros‘un istifasını destekleyen dilekçenizi gönderin🇹🇷

    El Director General de la OMS, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, calculó el coronavirus (COVID-19) y el mundo engañado. El mundo necesita una OMS justa e igual. Además, Taiwán no debe ser excluido de la OMS por ningún motivo político. Los invito a todos a enviar sus peticiones y llamarlo a renunciar a su cargo 🇪🇸

    Der Generaldirektor der WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, unterschätzte das Coronavirus (COVID-19) und führte damit die Welt in die Irre. Die Welt braucht eine faire und gleichberechtigte WHO. Außerdem sollte Taiwan aus politischen Gründen nicht von der WHO ausgeschlossen werden. Ich bitte Sie Ihre Petitionen zuzusenden, um ihn von seinem Posten zurückzutreten zu lassen.🇩🇪

    Generaldirektör för WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, underskattade coronavirus (COVID-19) och förvillade världen. Världen behöver rättvis och jämlik WHO. Dessutom bör Taiwan inte uteslutas från WHO på grund av politiska skäl. Jag bjuder in er alla att skicka era petitioner och uppmana honom att lämna sin tjänst.🇸🇪

    Генеральный директор ВОЗ Тедрос Адханом Гебрейесус недооценил коронавирус (COVID-19) и обманул этим мир - миру нужна справедливая и равная ВОЗ. Кроме того несмотря на политическую обстановку Тайвань не следует исключать из ВОЗ. Я приглашаю всех Вас прислать свои петиции и предложить ему подать в отставку🇷🇺

    WHOのテドロス・アダノム・ゲブレイェスス事務局長の誤った判断、隠蔽、えこひいきは世界に大きな反響をもたらしました。 最も残念なのは、その後本人は誤りを認めるどころか、更に台湾を批判しました。 世界はより公平なWHOが必要だと思います! この動画は全世界のみなさんに彼の隠された経歴を知ってもらいたくて投稿しました。 ぜひこの動画を拡散して、Chageのホームページにて署名をしませんか?🇯🇵

    Le directeur général de l'OMS, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, a sous-estimé l’impact très déstabilisant du corona virus (COVID-19) sur le monde entier... pire encore, il nous a tous trompé ! Le monde a aujourd’hui besoin d’une OMS juste et équitable.En plus, Taïwan ne devrait en aucun cas faire l’objet d’une exclusion de cette organisation qui se dit être mondiale, surtout quand on constate l’excellent travail fait par ce petit pays pour endiguer, voire même éradiquer presque, les effets néfastes de cette pandémie sur son territoire. Taiwan va plus loin en proposant son know how et sa disponibilité à tout le reste du monde et offre son aide matériel aux pays touchés par cette maladie. Fort de ce constat,Je vous invite tous à envoyer vos pétitions et appeler le sieur Tedros à démissionner de son poste 🇫🇷

    FOLLOW 吳鳳 Rifat:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rifatkarlova/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rifatshowman/
    Website: www.rifatkarlova.com

  • resign中文 在 emi wong Youtube 的精選貼文

    2018-07-04 21:13:52

    ♡SUBSCRIBE FOR WEEKLY VIDEOS ► http://bit.ly/SubscribeToEmi

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    Girl in her 20s. Living in Hong Kong, working a full time office job in Marketing and making YouTube videos on the side. Also a Certified Advanced Personal Trainer.
    (: MY FAVOURITE THINGS: Workout To Eat, My Family, Dog & Boyfriend


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