

在 reputation門市產品中有12篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1萬的網紅1982小時候,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, ---HENORAH陶瓷線香座!(藍白)到貨通知--- 『購買HENORAH一期色的朋友久等了!』 今晚到貨,我們陸續包裝出貨中~ 而自取的朋友們,可以前往你選擇的門市地點取貨喔!~ 前往取貨時,建議準備身分證(或其他可證明文件),店家核對後即可取回,謝謝支持^_^ REPUTATION台...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9萬的網紅Smart Travel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#大阪旅行介紹 #大阪分享 #大阪自由行 #日本旅行 #endosushi #endosushiosaka #Maguro #大阪必買 Hello大家好我係呀Tsar, Hello,everyone 今日會帶大家去大阪一個隱世的百年壽司店Endo Sushi Today I will sho...

reputation門市 在 Black Yang Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-18 15:35:00

ALIEN EVOLUTION STUDIO® / REPUTATION® 2020 -21 A/W Collection [販售時間] 2021.02.14 (日) 大年初三 ————————————————— ALIEN EVOLUTION STUDIO® / REPUTATION® 2020...

reputation門市 在 Black Yang Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-18 15:35:00

ALIEN EVOLUTION STUDIO® / REPUTATION® 2020 -21 A/W Collection [販售時間] 2021.02.14 (日) 大年初三 ————————————————— ALIEN EVOLUTION STUDIO® / REPUTATION® 2020...

reputation門市 在 Black Yang Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-07-11 10:33:27

設計的一切從Denim的本質出發 " 19S’' R.P.T.N SAVAGE DENIM Shorts / SUPREME - 解構牛王 / 短褲 [販售規則] 門市販售時間 : 2019.07/13(六)下午13:00 1.當天全省專賣店,每區將提供前幾名消費者購買Denim者,將可獲得不...

  • reputation門市 在 1982小時候 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-27 20:23:36
    有 16 人按讚






    A: 台北市萬華區漢口街二段90巷2號
    T: 02-2371-0596 (15:00 ~ 22:00)

    A: 新竹市東區勝利路65號
    T: (03-523-2332 (15:00 ~ 22:00)

    A: 台中市(北區)太平路19巷5弄18號
    T: 04-2223-7958 (15:00 ~ 22:00)




  • reputation門市 在 1982小時候 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-04-27 14:16:25
    有 15 人按讚





    A: 台北市萬華區漢口街二段90巷2號
    T: 02-2371-0596 (15:00 ~ 22:00)

    A: 新竹市東區勝利路65號
    T: (03-523-2332 (15:00 ~ 22:00)

    A: 台中市(北區)太平路19巷5弄18號
    T: 04-2223-7958 (15:00 ~ 22:00)





  • reputation門市 在 1982小時候 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-10-30 21:54:56
    有 38 人按讚






    A: 台北市萬華區漢口街二段90巷2號
    T: 02-2371-0596 (15:00 ~ 22:00)
    A: 新竹市東區勝利路65號
    T: (03-523-2332 (15:00 ~ 22:00)

    A: 台中市(北區)太平路19巷5弄18號
    T: 04-2223-7958 (15:00 ~ 22:00)

    我們陸續會以 海外FedEx聯邦快遞(買家承擔寄送運費)寄出,特此告知。

  • reputation門市 在 Smart Travel Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-04-08 23:00:11

    #大阪旅行介紹 #大阪分享 #大阪自由行 #日本旅行 #endosushi #endosushiosaka #Maguro #大阪必買

    Hello大家好我係呀Tsar, Hello,everyone

    今日會帶大家去大阪一個隱世的百年壽司店Endo Sushi Today I will show you to a hidden century-old sushi restaurant in Osaka, Endo Sushi

    遊客就會去黑門市場, 當地人懂得去木津市場 Tourists will go to Kuromon Market, locals know how to go to Kizu Ichiba Market

    和今日我介紹的大阪中央漁市場, With the Osaka Municipal Wholesale Market

    這裏除了有一間隱世的百年壽司店Endo Sushi In addition to a hidden century-old sushi restaurant Endo Sushi

    如果你想買好靚好平的牛肉這裏都可以找到 If you want to buy cheap and good beef, you can find it here

    這條影片分三個部分, 介紹Endo Sushi 的壽司套餐, 超值勁抵食 This video is divided into three parts and introduces Endo Sushi ’s sushi set with low price.

    第二部分會介紹餐牌上,我order了的日本壽司種類 The 2nd part will introduce the Japanese sushi types that I ordered on the menu

    雖然這裏地點不是遊客區, 但是亦不會太偏僻 Although the location is not a tourist area, it is not too isolated

    我認為是好值得搭車來的, 牆上充滿日本名人簽名打卡 Its worth to come n the walls are full of Japanese celebrities signature

    這麼好食CP值又高, 真是值得專程來一次 The high CP value n it is really worth for a visit

    所以第三部份就會介紹這裏交通怎樣來, Are u ready? So the 3rd part will introduce the traffic to come here, Are u ready?

    Endo Sushi 創業超過一個世紀,由1907年開業至今已經傳到第四代, Endo Sushi has been in business for more than a century and has spread to the fourth generation since its opening in 1907.

    店鋪正正位於大阪中央漁市場,食材當然新鮮! The store is located right at the Osaka Central Fish Market, and the ingredients are of course really fresh!

    首先看看他們的餐牌先啦,壽司4款套餐可以選擇OMAKASE套餐, Let's look at their menu. 1st choose the 4 OMAKASE courses,

    每款套餐五件壽司(1,150円), 當中一款時令套餐會按當造食材不時更換種類, There are 5 pieces of sushi (1,150 yen) per set, and 1 of the seasonal sets will be changed according to the time in season.

    根據時令盛產的食材而製作。這個湯要另外叫的300yen(21HKD), 是否很足料呢! Made according to seasonal ingredients. This soup is costed 300yen (21HKD). Isn't it rich?

    我order了這款壽司, 有 Anago、Uni、Tai、Toro、Hamachi I ordered this set with Anago, Uni, Tai, Toro n Hamachi。

    Anago是鹹水鰻魚, 多用作壽司魚生片用途 Anago is saltwater eel, mostly used for sushi sashimi

    只會在日本才有, 至於Unagi就是淡水鰻魚, 一般的鰻魚飯就是用Unagi It ’s only available in Japan. As for Unagi, it ’s freshwater eel usually for making of eel rice.

    Unagi 除了在日本之外, 還會來自台灣、中國、韓國和越南 Other than Japan, Unagi will also come from Taiwan, China, South Korea n Vietnam

    Uni就是海膽啦, 食用的部分不是指牠的身體, 而是海膽的雌性或雄性的生殖腺 Uni is the sea urchin. The edible part is not their body, but the female or male gonad of the sea urchin.

    即是精巢或卵巢, 海膽的種類好多, 但是適宜食用的只有幾種 There are many kinds of sea urchins, but there are only a few suitable for consumption

    其中蝦夷馬糞海膽又稱赤海膽, 是最受歡迎。 Among them, the Mesocentrotus franciscanus sea urchin, also known as the red sea urchin, is the most popular.

    因為牠擁有鮮豔的金黃色, 細緻的顆粒、黏稠甘甜的口感 Because it has a bright golden yellow color, fine particles with thick and sweet taste

    另外一種主要食用的海膽價值是最高紫海膽, 顏色比馬糞海膽略淺, 顆粒稍大 Another major edible sea urchin is the purple sea urchin, which is lighter in color and slightly larger in particle size.

    又靚又新鮮的海膽要顆粒分明, 沒有苦味而且入口甘甜為之最上乘。 The highest quality and fresh sea urchins should be well-defined, without bitterness and sweet in taste.

    為何這間壽司店可以在百年內都屹立不倒呢, Why can this sushi restaurant stand for a hundred years reputation?

    因為這裏每一粒壽司入口, 那種甘甜鮮味都可以last成分鐘在口腔入面 Because every sushi u eat here, the sweet and savory flavor can last for a minute into the mouth

    齒頰留香, 一定要坐著慢慢品嚐, 這個價錢, 我覺得簡直超值! The long after taste worth u to taste them slowly. With this low price, I think it is simply great value!

    Tai 是鯛魚, 日文和可喜可賀是諧音, 所以日本人在喜慶的時候都好鍾意食這一種魚 Tai is sea bream with celebration in Japanese are homophonic, so Japanese like to eat this fish when they are celebrating

    由於牠是海魚, 壽司中亦都是屬於貴價魚,有白肉魚王之美譽 Because it is a marine fish which consider expensive sushi n is known as the King of white fish

    魚肉軟嫩, 油脂不多, 鯛壽司的製作技巧是用熱水輕焯連皮的魚肉 The meat is soft and tender, and there is not much fat. The technique of making sea bream sushi is to blanched the fish meat with hot water.

    再過冷河使魚皮軟化, 魚皮同魚肉之間的皮下脂肪經過溫水焯過之後 Then let the cold water softens the skin n the subcutaneous fat between the skin and the meat is boiled in warm water


    記得睇完影片留個表情符號以示支持啦, Remember to leave an emoji to show support after watching the video,

    幫我分享訂閱和like, 我們下一條片再見, 拜拜! Help me CLS. With that said until next time, goodbye!


