

在 representation中文產品中有6篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Sarah Chang 張學仁,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Shang-Chi Marvel Simu Liu Marvel Studios Shang-Chi is number ONE at the box-office for the THIRD week in a row! It's made over $300 MILLION worldwide...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過13萬的網紅暗網仔出街,也在其Youtube影片中提到,RANDONAUTICA 恐怖遊戲實況 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dw_kid12/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deepwebkid/?modal=admin_todo_tour 訂閱: https:/...

  • representation中文 在 Sarah Chang 張學仁 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-21 08:00:26
    有 121 人按讚

    Shang-Chi Marvel Simu Liu Marvel Studios

    Shang-Chi is number ONE at the box-office for the THIRD week in a row! It's made over $300 MILLION worldwide. What a feat in this covid era for any movie, let alone an ASIAN-LED one!

    I personally am feeling so inspired from watching Shang-Chi!! I don’t think I’ve ever understood what (Asian) representation feels like until I watched this movie. Being born in and raised in the US, as an Asian-American, I didn’t feel like I belonged. I spent a lot of my childhood living a double life – quiet and reserved at school, and felt much more at home in a Chinese school.

    I've trained in Wushu since I was 7 but it wasn’t until I watched Mulan that I got the courage to show people who I really was. I never want my children to feel that way! I love how Shang-Chi the movie represented all of those groups, North American-born Chinese, overseas Chinese, and Asian immigrants as a whole. The characters were so relatable – from the nods to taking off our shoes, to getting scolded about getting married to our most filial friends, to getting scolded about our job choices – and it showed how there is actually someone like me in the writers’ room.

    Cheers also for including Indian Americans as Asian-Americans because they are. The action scenes were phenomenal and you could tell the cast really poured their heart into training and preparing for performance. And finally, in the end credits, seeing the first Asian superhero actually stand beside Mr. Wong, Captain Marvel and Dr. Bruce Banner aka The Hulk, just made me realize that, oh man, this is real. This actually happened. Let’s keep these Asian-led blockbusters coming!!

    尚氣與十環傳奇已經連續三週票房第一!全球票房收入超過 3 億美元。在新冠病毒的時間點還能有這樣的票房對任何電影來說都是一項壯舉,更不用說是以亞洲文化為主題電影了!

    尚氣這部電影讓我受到了很多啟發!!在我看了這部電影之前,我感覺我從來都不知道(亞洲)被再現在大螢幕上的感覺。我在美國出生和長大,作為亞裔美國人,我時常找不到歸屬感。我的童年有很大部分時間都過著雙重生活——在學校安靜又拘謹,而到了中文學校才有家的感覺。我從 7 歲開始練習武術,但直到看到《花木蘭》,我才鼓起勇氣向其他人展現真正的自我。我不希望我的孩子在未來也有這樣的經歷!我喜歡這部電影《尚氣》的原因不只是因為好看,它也代表了所有以下這些群體,北美出生的華人、海外華人和整個亞洲移民。這些角色是如此的具有象徵意義,可以產生共鳴——從點頭到脫鞋、因為嫁給我們最孝順的朋友而被責罵、甚至是被質疑我們的工作選擇——這看得出編劇裡居然也有像我這樣的人,我也為電影將印度裔美國人納入亞裔美國人的一員感到開心。動作場面真的非常壯觀!你可以看出演員們真的全身心地投入到訓練和準備中。最後,可以看到第一個亞洲超級英雄站在王先生、驚奇隊長和布班納博士(綠巨人)旁邊,讓我意識到,天啊,這是真的嗎?我不是在做夢吧。我相信未來一定有更多亞洲文化主導題材的電影!!!

  • representation中文 在 VOP Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-07 14:26:02
    有 161 人按讚

    VOP BOOKS/影言社譯叢出版預告​


    藝術史學者約翰.塔格(John Tagg)探討攝影、權力與再現論題的重要著作《The Burden of Representation: Essays on Photographies and Histories》(暫譯:再現的重負——複數的攝影與歷史論集),已由作者親自授權影言社發行中文版,並將收錄全新的導言文章,預計明年初推出,敬請期待。​

    約翰.塔格(1949-)自1976年在英國開啟學術生涯,1984年移居美國,現為紐約州立大學賓漢頓分校特聘教授(Distinguished Professor),以攝影與當代批判理論著稱。本書英文初版發行於1988年,是回應再現的政治性、論述攝影、現實與權力關係的經典之作。塔格拒絕將攝影作為現實紀錄的傳統,他透過符號學、文化理論以及傅柯(Foucault)和阿圖塞(Althusser)的思辨途徑,探究了護照、許可證還有證件檔案等照片的歷史,並在法庭、醫院及警察工作等日常的權力機制中,發掘照片的意義、狀態和影響,追溯鮮少受到注意的影像史脈,為攝影理論帶來啟發性的批判思考論據。美國明尼蘇達大學出版社亦將於今年11月推出英文新版。​

    Voices of Photography 攝影之聲​

    #影言社 #攝影 #再現​
    #JohnTagg #representation ​
    #photography #VOPBOOKS

  • representation中文 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-10-04 12:02:46
    有 158 人按讚

    【那天下午,我們暢聊英語寫作和中翻英。。。(上) 】

    「Hey Sonny, 你的中譯英學生最常見的問題你覺得是什麼?」



    「 嗯嗯,這就是你們口筆譯界所說的沒有辦法 "得意忘形" 對吧!」我說。

    並補上,「在認知語言學 (cognitive linguistics) 裡,要做好道地的表達、翻譯,我們認為就是要把一個語言的形所表達的 mental representation 汲取出來,再用另外一個語言的形把他表達出來,做到 form-meaning 的正確結合。」

    頭腦中頓時冒出在哥大上課時,韓教授高亢地說著:"What does acquisition entail? It entails target-like form-meaning mapping."

    但我說,那你有什麼 solution 嗎?

    Sonny 說,所以他不管是寫作課、還是翻譯課時,會很注重中英文差異的分析。他並給了我一個例子,說台灣很多公司或是公家機關所寫的中文,同學在翻成英文時,其實都會碰到很大的挑戰。

    「借助您精湛的譯技,我們必能對讀者負責。」像這樣的句子,他說,負責?英文如果真的翻出來 responsible for 也就太奇怪了。」

    的確,要從表面上跳脫,真的需要練習。這也是我在搭配詞課裡,常常強調的。例如,「補課」、「補輪胎」、「補妝」、「補習」雖然都是「補」,但英文的用法可是完全不一樣。同樣的狀況還有「提出辭呈」(tender a resignation)、「提出警告」(sound a warning)、「提出看法」 (express one's opinion) 等等。

    ✔︎ 我在 10/7 (一) 的晚上,將有一場搭配詞、文法的改變ㄧ生公開課,將地毯式地以 (1)「思維」取代「規則」(2) 大數據高頻錯誤兩個方向下手,介紹我們如何能用更正確的方式學習英文,有興趣的人可以來聽聽喔!

    • 文法、搭配詞 (已經快額滿,請務必確認一定出席、並對課程有極大興趣方才報名)


    ✔︎ Sonny 老師在 10/8 (二) 晚上也有一場「全方位英文寫作」公開課以及在 10/14 (一) 晚上有一場「全方位中譯英培訓」的公開課,都超級精彩,不要錯過了喔!

    • 全方位寫作:

    • 中譯英 https://www.accupass.com/event/1910020934331228345558

  • representation中文 在 暗網仔出街 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-07-20 18:01:28


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dw_kid12/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deepwebkid/?modal=admin_todo_tour

    訂閱: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKC6E5s6CMT5sVBInKBbPDQ?sub_confirmation=1

    暗網? 陰謀論?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5RVLpFkAKQ&list=PLGzW5EwcApFuqKoowMHS9v8W34vIPyrtk

    鬼故事: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4rmkFI1ik0&list=PLglqLngY6gv5BCwaoP-q6DOwUmw1lIusF

    我的100K成長故事: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kdhtp6A6YJE

    破解Kate yup事件是假的! 不是綁架! 不要被騙! (Facebook上的證據): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NJVt56ORWo&t=2s

    曼德拉效應: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMutzRIE_uE&list=PLglqLngY6gv5BCwaoP-q6DOwUmw1lIusF&index=17&t=5s

    深刻個人經歷: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Roa6Vs1qWc&list=PLglqLngY6gv4mm_doLUUJx4zq5KvLJ2VE

    在外國試驗恐怖Randonautica App能碰到什麼?

    你相信世界有巧合嗎? 你在街上一日chait身而過的人有數百個, 是什麼能讓我們uw yue, ying sik, kauw gun?
    旅遊恐怖app ‘Randonautica’ 令到douyin那班leng jai在公園揭發一douy死人wuy tuy,
    Randonaut會信是宇宙萬物中的量子yun ling他們到那個地方.

    Randonautica跟Pokémon GO相似: 在現實世界進行探索任務. 唯一分別是你探索緊的那樣東西由你念力出發. 他們腦子又是想什麼的呢? 根據量子物理學, 電話app會吸收你腦粒子加上靈性學你用個app時的intention=你去到的最終目的地.

    ‘Randonautica’ 拿了你地址後會有3種不同分bo模式.

    ‘Attractor’ 模式: 會到量子點很擠迫的地方.
    ‘void’ 模式: 量子點極少的地方.
    ‘anomaly’ 模式, 如果你心裡面有強烈信念, 一些答案就會找到.

    網上有Randonaut用了這個app去到自己爺爺的fun mo. 而暗網仔今天要出街希望找到人生的意義.

    現在你聽到的聲音 , 6個ging點我已經去過. 當中lui ching不jook yi改變我一生, 但神奇地也有不可思議的地方.

    (Say Maslows hierarchy of needs love and belonging is #3. Quarantine has been hard and friendship has been difficult to maintain... finding friendship.)
    全名:暗網仔. 年齡: 27身高: 181cm. 職業: Youtuber.
    這是啊暗第一個被yun ling到的地點: 43.599747, -79.595291.
    所以啊暗食了一條蕉( 還放上IG!!!) 照了照鏡子make sure自己有Indiana jones的氣質就出門口.

    Yik情的關係令我想 ‘朋友’ 這個koy nim好多. 朋友’ 定義是: 要天天boon cheuy你身邊一定做不到, 所以只好在你生日時pooy你fung kwong一晚就是 ‘朋友’? 啊暗猜不到命運第一達帶他去的地方會是一dung 大ha. Google map確切的位置是大ha pong been的一po植物. 其實啊暗知道app指ling他發現的是一位拿著高爾夫球裝備, 剛剛做完運動的大約50多歲的白人男子. 他面dai笑yung, 好奇望著啊暗在sow yiw那po jik mut..
    那位大sook好快就上了友人的車離去. 啊暗回到車後承認自己不夠勇敢, 沒有真實地dap出第一步. 有時d friend可能就要你call一call佢

    (-found a guy playing golf. Smiled at me but was a bit hostile. I was too afraid to go make contact. Maybe that’s what life is like, friendships you have to reach out.)

    *use attractor.

    “It was my first time randonauting. So I just manifested seeing something red and the coordinates led me here...”

    (Physiological needs)
    *use void

    (Sex: the place is an isolated location, or a void. Their was a sign on the door of the place called ‘just shoot it!’ -a hockey club. Maybe the place is a good one to take a date for sex?)
    啊暗在想著性被帶到一些工廠背後一達地方. 調查後發現tit門上有 ‘just shoot it!’ 3個英文字. 可能這個地方不是尋找性的一個地方. 也許是帶人來 “just shoot it” 的一個地方.

    下一個神奇地啊暗想著食物後, 就帶了他去到平時喜歡食的Five guys burger的那一個soing cheung. 不是確切地點, 但啊暗實在太肚餓.

    iPhone等Apple產品有都市傳聞說會偷聽用戶的對話. 我第一個地點是有講過 ‘找朋友’ 這句說話, 之後也有講過 “找東西吃” 這句說話, 但我整程車根本沒有講過’five guys burger’ 這個地方名字. Randonautica會不會kuy用你部iPhone的Google map偷看我平時到開車到達最多的chan teng呢? 電話整天都跟身, 10足10跟jung器.
    Ping goh隱私權政策有提到 “we may collect and store details, including search queries. This information may be used to improve the relevancy of results provided by our searches”

    (Food was just food. Went to five guys and got some food. Even though it wasn’t directly at the place. It’s usually where I buy my food anyways.)

    (Safety needs)
    這裡, 這裡, 這裡...公園內的一大peen空地是啊暗要找 ‘工作’ 的地方. Randonautica能這麼短時間受歡迎起來因為他破壞城市人一般的jit juw帶你到平日不會去的地方.
    *use attractor
    (Park )
    (Video of girl witnessing someone getting shot)
    [破解] 影片中的女生發現一個恐怖案法現場然後bung kwooy. 但為什麼這不是一件好事呢? 有分sik Randonautica的網友用Despair-meme法juk段定Randonautica的最後結果. 如果在經歷跟自己日常生活變化時, 對世界多一份敏感是好事. 但如果整天看負面新聞, hoi怕改變, 可能就會好像這個女生, manifest 生活以外一些悲劇的發生.

    (Esteem needs) (say this is something you truly want and you crave for. Extremely important to you.)
    *use anomaly
    (Someone’s house. So disappointing)
    這個是啊暗好想要的. 失望地只是一間屋的門口. 又是不敢去看看. 啊暗的想法是: 我相念不夠keung嗎?

    Randonautica創辦人表示app根據Fatum project去geen jo. Fatum project原本的用意研究我們每一個人以外有可能jook poong到的reality. 根據我們每一個人的lo chup, jap gwan, 人生ging lik, 條件及外在因素我們在生ming會到達的地方永遠ley不開那幾個.

    Sierpinski三角形是最好representation. 無論你在三角型任何一個點開始chong jo三角形, 也到不了一些blindspot. (好像我由細到大都經過的那座大樓) 那個行為由如到達另一個星球一樣.
    唯一是kauw randonautica ley hoi ‘static’s field’ 甚至影響你自己生命道路的那一條線.

    (Self actualization)
    *use anomaly
    (Someone’s house again)
    人生的意義最終也是人家的屋子. 雖然我最後也是um yeen ley hoi但可能...這就是人生的意義. 有些事你是suey yiw dap出第一步的. 即使你不是玩這個game的時候人生才會不停有duk po. 可能我就是要be reminded of 這個道理. 有不可思議的地方, 學到了新東西, 流了一些hon: a good summer day well spent.

    (Need to take the first step to change your life and change your pattern. So I will be trying new things. First is to wake up earlier.)

    (Last story: I used the app with a friend the next day...we ended up at a house with a pool. She said that although her intent was buying a present, in reality she wanted to swim. So we were suppose to knock on the door and ask the family if we could swim with them?)
    之後一天跟朋友再玩. 原本這位朋友想找一份生日禮物, 但我們到了一個wing chi. 因為原本他心底想著是yuw水. 而最尾...

  • representation中文 在 Jess Wy 雷婉妍 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2018-10-04 22:19:01

    Hi, I did a cover on one of my favourite songs - "Yellow" by Coldplay. It is also a soundtrack in Crazy Rich Asians sung by Katherine Ho.
    Hope you all enjoy my piano arrangement and interpretation of the song!
    Please LIKE & SHARE if you do! ? Your love and support will keep me going! :)
    如果你喜歡我的影片,記得分享並訂閱我的頻道。*開啟小鈴鐺* 謝謝你們!
    訂閱我的頻道!!! Subscribe to my channel !!!??????

    Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/jesswymusic
    IG : https://www.instagram.com/jesswymusic

    JJ 《交換餘生》: https://youtu.be/fqN27zHRmaQ

    自創曲 《巨嬰》: https://youtu.be/a1ZpAUBe9-8

    盧廣仲《刻在我心底的名字》 : https://youtu.be/JUYXsJHtVvE

    方大同《Love Song》 : https://youtu.be/dDYgn6BUTXA

    周杰倫《Mojito》: https://youtu.be/gSHk7Y2cEKM

    《踮起腳尖愛》: https://youtu.be/9eyf3nw78xw

    周杰倫《說好不哭》 : https://youtu.be/_ksHoFCmknk

    周杰倫《等你下課》 : https://youtu.be/yKEkbpPUbV0

    GEM 《很久以後》:https://youtu.be/tefy_Mv5xYU

    《You Are My Sunshine》 : https://youtu.be/jY88fYvev4k

    《與我無關》: https://youtu.be/kYEHVo_UhxA

    艾怡良《Forever Young》: https://youtu.be/T6nwsfdQt7U

    《太陽》 : https://youtu.be/9OmlLHYPu3g

    林宥嘉 《兜圈》 : https://youtu.be/K0tP4XrPJ18

    #Yellow #Coldplay #CrazyRichAsians #KatherineHo #ChineseVersion

  • representation中文 在 Lindie Botes Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2013-09-13 23:44:16

    Hello. My name is Lin Mei Han. That's my Chinese name. English is Lindie. I am South African and I am a university student, I study Graphic design, but my hobby is foreign languages. So I also study Chinese ..for..one year? I don't now. But Chinese its very difficult,my pronunciation is really bad. But I have a lot of Chinese friends, so if they can't speak English (meaning those who can't), I want to (be able to) speak Chinese to them. I also am an English teacher, and my students are all Chinese. When I teach them English, they can also teach me Chinese. If I have money, I want to go to China to study Mandarin and Cantonese. Cantonese is really difficult! But it's my hobby, I really like studying. In South Africa there are lots of Chinese people. I have a dream and that is to (be able to) speak Chinese and make chinese friends..ah, I don't know.. I want to.. I don't know. For this video I didn't prepare (anything), I am just speaking (as I go along). Friends, please help me! Thanks, bye-bye!
    ^What I wanted to say up there but didn't have time to look in a dictionary or something, was that I want to be able to tell Chinese people more about my country and build better relationships with the nation. I also want to share the Good News with them and be a light for the world through using my languages to honor the Lord. But I don't know how to say that yet, haha!

    你好!谢谢看了~Thanks for watching and I appreciate all help! 请帮助我学中文啊~~I didn't even look up a single word before making this video and have been out of practice for a while, but then this is an honest representation of my level of Mandarin at the moment. 不好得。。哈哈哈


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    Welcome to my channel! My name is Lindie and I share my love for languages through my polyglot progress and language learning tips here. South African by birth, I spent most of my life in France, Pakistan, the UAE and Japan. Now I work as a UI/UX designer in Singapore. I'm a Christian and strive to shine God’s light in all I do. May this channel inspire you to reach your language goals!

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    Practical Chinese Grammar → https://geni.us/PracticalChineseGram
    Japanese for Busy People on Amazon → https://geni.us/JapaneseForBusy1
    Advanced Japanese for Busy People → https://geni.us/JapaneseForBusy3
    Korean Grammar in Use Intermediate → https://geni.us/KoreanGrammarUse
    Korean TOPIK exam prep → https://geni.us/TOPIK2prep
    Short Stories in Spanish → https://geni.us/spanishshortstories


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    Mic → https://geni.us/RodeSmartLavMicr
    Tripod → https://geni.us/ManfrottoTravel

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