

在 rendezvous歌詞產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 幾分鐘的約會 Metro Rendezvous • Chan Siu Kei 陳兆基, London (bass + music arrangement) Jan Curious, Hong Kong (main vocal) Chet Lam 林一峰 , Denver (alternative ...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7萬的網紅渡辺レベッカ ☆ Rebecca Butler Watanabe,也在其Youtube影片中提到,今日はリクエストにお応えしてAqua Timezの「しおり」を英語で歌ってみました♪ 初めてAqua Timezをカバーしましたが、好きなバンドなのでまた歌いたいと思います! ちなみに、どうしてタイトルが「しおり」になっているのか気になって調べたところ、最後の歌詞では物語がまだ終わっていないので、...

  • rendezvous歌詞 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-03-03 21:56:28
    有 475 人按讚

    幾分鐘的約會 Metro Rendezvous

    Chan Siu Kei 陳兆基, London (bass + music arrangement)
    Jan Curious, Hong Kong (main vocal)
    Chet Lam 林一峰 , Denver (alternative vocal)

    A collaboration from three different places around the world.

    From @jancurious
    今次 @chansiukei 係英國製作咗呢一個低音結他版嘅編曲,仲請來 @chetlam 同我哋一齊玩,加上一峰嘅改編歌詞、和音配合起嚟真係好得意!聽講一峰錄嗰陣喺美國科羅拉多,依家已經喺南美嘅哥倫比亞喇,其實疫情又有咩好驚喎,只要想一齊做音樂,一定可以走埋一齊!


    就是差一步 永遠捉不到

    地下鐵碰著他 我不懂反應人似做夢
    地下鐵再遇他 沉默對望車廂中
    地下鐵邂逅他 車廂中的暢談最受用
    地下鐵裡面每日相見 愉快心裡送

    每天幾分鐘 共你心聲已互通
    (生活靜悄得記不起酸甜鹹或淡 單身給我空間也未算太糟)
    旅程何美麗 如在愛情小說中
    (星座說會找到轉機但時候未到 或會在下個街口遇到他)

    但沒有雨或風 忐忑不安心情似懂非懂
    (隧道刮起狂風 綿綿雨下於心中)

    日後再碰著他 我得找緊分秒別太被動
    但亦別太著跡 沈默也是種溝通

    步履放輕鬆 未到高峰不要劇終
    旅程仍然美麗 長留住寄望

    日日等候他 同遊盡天邊海角在幾分鐘
    地下鐵約會永未終結 熱愛心裡送
    地下鐵約會永未終結 熱愛心裡送

    就是差一步 永遠捉不到

    Original Music by Kenneth Chan
    Lyrics by 鄭國江
    additional music and lyrics
    by Chet Lam 林一峰

  • rendezvous歌詞 在 孫耀威 Eric Suen Facebook 的精選貼文

    2017-05-23 09:49:58
    有 727 人按讚

    最近常常做夢,夢境裏看見很多新鮮的人、事、物。彷彿去了幾趟免費旅行⋯ 甚至一些現實生活不能做的事都做了!哈哈,好過癮!決定把這些畫面記錄下來放在歌詞上!我們約定夢中見!
    #dreamcatcher #rendezvous

  • rendezvous歌詞 在 渡辺レベッカ ☆ Rebecca Butler Watanabe Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2016-05-06 20:10:57

    今日はリクエストにお応えしてAqua Timezの「しおり」を英語で歌ってみました♪
    初めてAqua Timezをカバーしましたが、好きなバンドなのでまた歌いたいと思います!


    English cover of "Shiori" (Bookmark) by Japanese band Aqua Times.
    This is my first cover of Aqua Timez, but I love their songs so I will do more in the future.

    The title seems kind of random, but according to the band, it's called "Bookmark" because the story is not yet completely finished with the final lyrics. Interesting!

    曲情報 / SONG INFO

    Aqua Timez / Shiori (Bookmark)
    Album: Dareka no Chijo-e (2007)
    Music/Lyrics: Futoshi (Aqua Timez)
    English Lyrics: Rebecca Butler Watanabe

    ■Official MV

    リンク / LINKS

    ■HP⇒ http://BlueEyedUtaUtai.jimdo.com
    ■Facebook⇒ http://facebook.com/blueeyedutautai
    ■Twitter⇒ @BlueEyedUtaUtai

    歌詞 / LYRICS

    Running down the riverbank to our old rendezvous
    It’s just a little further ‘til the clock comes into view
    You couldn’t whistle if your life demanded it
    It wasn’t very far from here where I taught you the trick

    I wonder how many suns
    How many times the Earth has spun
    Since I made my mind up
    To burn that old frame filled with memories
    How many days have you been gone?

    In the gentle breeze I’d rush to that spot
    On the way from school at five on the dot
    I would wait for you underneath the clock
    Tower in front of the train station
    Always two minutes, thirty seconds late
    You would jog up with a smile on your face
    And I would hold you tight, take your hand in mine
    On those evenings long ago under the twilight

    I took my time in suffering every way that I could think
    But in the end I couldn’t find an answer that made sense
    So I threw all those so-called promises into the passing breeze
    And started focusing my mind on the future I could weave

    I knew that I would be alright
    But maybe once you realize
    That beautiful scenery
    Will move on and disappear someday
    The skies always look a little gray

    Like a flower decorating a room
    Or a quiet day just after twelve noon
    We can find the joy in the little things
    Simple wonders in the everyday
    If the flow of time has taught us one thing
    It’s that by the time we’re back to living
    Within the present tense, there’s so much we’ve missed
    As the present slips away in front of our eyes

    You and I… (x3)

    As the clock upon the tower strikes five
    Just two minutes, thirty seconds ‘til I’d
    See you come this way, just like every day
    And we’d walk together hand-in-hand
    Now the sound of my feet echo alone
    But it’s not so bad to walk on my own
    Though it will take some time ‘til I’m truly fine
    And can face tomorrow once again

    In the gentle breeze under the blue sky
    Tell me, what was reflected in your eyes
    As you walked today? What was on your mind?
    What was it that you were wishing?
    Well, I couldn’t say where happiness lies
    That’s a secret I have yet to realize
    I just look to the sky far above and I
    Say, “You were in my heart once more today, girl”

    You and I… (x3)

  • rendezvous歌詞 在 Solemntw Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2012-08-25 18:48:30


    丸子 (ex.Vocal , 2004~2010) 在籍七年共計六張錄音作品,與恕橫掃肅穆大道亞洲巡迴、野台開唱、大港開唱、西藏自由音樂節、UMF終極金屬節、大威震金屬制霸等國內外各大演出。

    演出者:恕 漂浮者 火燒島
    場地:THE WALL 駁二
    票價:單人票NT.400 / 買四送一共五張票NT1600


    成軍於2003年南台灣,歷經"Riot Century"、"SHOO"、"Catch This Mad Feeling"、"Ultimate Metal Vol.2 Asia United"四張錄音作品的洗禮後,千呼萬喚於2009年底發表由幻日專屬奧特曼團隊精心錄製的全新專輯"The Road to Reform 肅穆大道",並遠赴歐洲金屬界最具權威錄音室Jacob Studio(Destruction、Heaven Shall Burn、Mercenary)進行母帶後製,其超高品質獲得日本Rock Stakk Records、Red Rivet Records、新加坡Mourning Sound Records與香港Records Rendezvous等國際廠牌爭相代理發行。
    2010年夏天為回應亞洲樂迷們的熱烈迴響,正式展開橫跨新加坡、泰國與香港三國的"The Road to Reform 肅穆大道亞洲巡迴"並獲德國、美國、新加坡與泰國知名金屬雜誌一致推薦。


    2006成軍,隔年發行首張單曲 [雙重人格]
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/losingart
    Indievoxe: http://www.indievox.com/losingart
    Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/user/losingartband


    Burning Island的音樂恰如其名,我們想做的無非是想燃燒這座島嶼上每一個人不管是表層抑或裡層的心,而台味十足歌詞是從台灣傳統詞句裡衍生出無限的幻想空間以及隱含影射性的批判。
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/BurningIslandTW

