

在 remember造句產品中有6篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅Gary Love Share & Gary's English,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, ==【in one's corner】是什麼意思呢?== in one's corner 是一個很口語的片語,在看影片時常會常聽到這個實用的慣用語,字面上的意思是「#在某人的角落」, 延伸為「#支持、#加油打氣」的意思 ! 為何會有這個意思呢? 其實這個慣用語來自「拳擊比賽」,因為在拳擊場上,...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過10萬的網紅MONGABONG,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Its been 10 years since I left JC and took chinese and my girls decided to test if I still remember some Chinese 成语 from my schooling days! Of course,...

remember造句 在 Beginneros|每日分享冷知識? Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-05-09 12:05:34

【#BeginnerosXVoiceTube嘅英文潮流課︱2018年美國嘅流行用語(上)】 bff﹑yolo﹑ootd﹑swag﹑twinsie﹑l4l﹑tgif,呢啲字你識得幾多? 相信大家應該覺得冇難度啦!不如又試試時下最興嘅流行用語,睇下你識得幾多個? - 1. Extra(做作、浮誇):當你...

  • remember造句 在 Gary Love Share & Gary's English Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-07-30 08:34:22
    有 25 人按讚

    ==【in one's corner】是什麼意思呢?==

    in one's corner 是一個很口語的片語,在看影片時常會常聽到這個實用的慣用語,字面上的意思是「#在某人的角落」, 延伸為「#支持、#加油打氣」的意思 !


    其實這個慣用語來自「拳擊比賽」,因為在拳擊場上,每個拳擊選手都會有屬於自己的一個角落,其教練或助手會在比賽每一輪休息的時間,把握時間給予選手建議、遞茶水、按摩、處理傷口、支持、鼓勵及打氣,所以 in one's corner 就是跟選手「#在同一個角落」,「#站在同一邊」, 「#為某人支持、#加油、#打氣」的意思!

    知道這個慣用語的意思後,再來要練習造句, 這樣才會真的學會如何使用它!

    (1) I'm so nervous about tomorrow's mid-term exam. But I am glad that I have you in my corner. (我對明天的期中考感到好緊張,但我很開心有你為我加油打氣)

    (2) No matter what happens, please remember I am always in your corner. You are not alone. (無論發生什麼事,請記得我永遠支持你,你並不孤單!)

    這樣知道怎麼使用 in one's corner 了嗎?換你在下面練習造句了喔!

    看完本篇文章,別忘了「#按讚」, 並在下面留言「#練習造句」喔!
    想讓英文更上一層樓嗎?除了「#一對一專屬家教課程」外, 也可參加Gary精心規劃的「#小班制線上英文課程」喔!

    ➡【#Gary英語教室】: https://garyenglish.simplybook.asia/
    ➡【#課程詳細資訊】: https://garyenglish.simplybook.asia/v2/#book
    ➡【#註冊成為會員】: https://garyenglish.simplybook.asia/v2/#client/sign-in
    ➡【#預約課程Q&A】: https://garyenglish.simplybook.asia/v2/#page/q-and-a

  • remember造句 在 Beginneros Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2018-08-08 18:00:01
    有 104 人按讚

    【Beginneros X VoiceTube 的英文潮流課︱2018年美國的流行用語(上)】
    bff﹑yolo﹑ootd﹑swag﹑twinsie﹑l4l﹑tgif,這些字你懂得多少? 相信作大家應該沒有難度吧!不如又試試時下最興的流行用語,看看你懂得多少個?

    1. Extra(做作、浮誇):當你想表示某人的行為舉止太過誇張或刻意的時候,現在很多人都會直接用 extra 來形容。extra 原意是「多餘的」,因此在這裡被引申為「誇大的」意思。
    例子:Don’t be so extra.

    2. Salty(惱羞成怒):Salty 通常用來形容某人被羞辱或是發生丟臉的事情後,生氣或是很激動的樣子,有時候也會形容一個人講話很酸。要注意這個字只能用在別人身上,不太會說自己很 Salty。
    例子:Every time Brad loses he gets all salty and says somebody cheated.

    3. Low Key(低調、謙虛):low key 原本當作形容詞使用,但在年輕人的流行用語中,low key 變成副詞「偷偷地、稍微地」意思,例如暗戀也可以用 low key have a crush on someone 或是 low key like/love someone。
    例子:I low key love Justin Bieber.

    4. Snatched(極好的、到位):snatch 這個字原本是「抓住、奪取」的意思,跟俚語用法有點異曲同工之妙,在流行用語中 snatched 就像是抓住重點的意思,表示一個人或一項事物很到位、很棒,是用來稱讚他人的形容詞。
    例子:Your outfit is snatched!

    5. Glow Up(改頭換面):這是 grow up 和 glow 的合併片語,有著一個人「長大後發了光」的意思,就是俗話說的女大十八變!但這個字也可以形容男生,或是短時間內外表的大轉變,所以不一定是從小到大的改變。若是今天看到你的朋友過了一個假期後,整個人都改頭換面了,你也可以說對方 glowed up!
    例子:I remember you used to be chubby in high school. You really glowed up!


    #Beginneros X VoiceTube 看影片學英語
    新書 冷知識手冊《吾港吾知》在各大書局有售
    ◆ 每日分享知識、每月推出課程
    ◆ 網站:https://www.beginneros.com/
    ◆ Youtube:https://goo.gl/OEJrGt
    ◆ Instagram:@beginnero

  • remember造句 在 Tracy L. Facebook 的精選貼文

    2017-09-06 11:27:53
    有 10 人按讚

    • June 22-23 •
    Due to my friend is Hungarian and her parents are just like my another parents so I decided to learn Hungarian. I found it super hard..but I think learning language is always like this. Learning Mandarin wasn't that easy either, we spent whole six years in Primary school to learn the basic of Mandarin, I still remember it was killing me at that time, but this is how we learn our language:) Learning new language never been easy lol
    #Tracys2017ほぼ日 #June22 #June23
    #崔西寫手帳 #剪貼 #茄子日付 #ほぼ日 #吉 #June #Hobonichi #Hobo #collage #hobonichitecho #art #neconecopaper #aimezlestyle #butterfly

  • remember造句 在 MONGABONG Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-05-13 19:30:14

    Its been 10 years since I left JC and took chinese and my girls decided to test if I still remember some Chinese 成语 from my schooling days! Of course, you guys can also take out a pen and paper and do this with me ? Comment down below which ones you got correct or wrong!


    Check out Part 1 of me Vlogging in Mandarin: https://youtu.be/0P4yRhaL9EU
    Check out Part 2 of me Vlogging in Mandarin: https://youtu.be/FPa6zF4yKGY

    Footage for this video was shot before the Circuit Breaker Measures in Singapore kicked in on the 7th of April. Team Mongabong has been working from home safely since then.

    I hope you guys are well. Stay home, stay safe and enjoy this video! ❤️
    Share with me your video ideas in the comment box down below! Hopefully I’ll be able to use this time and create more interesting content for you guys! ❤️

    Mermaid Hairstyle Tutorial - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDkkBGceEgc

    ► Instagram: http://instagram.com/mongabong
    ► TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@mongabong
    ► Blog: www.mongabong.com
    ► Email: hello@mongabong.com

    Hello! My name is Mong Chin and I'm from sunny Singapore. I am 1.63m and I am Singaporean Chinese. I speak English, Mandarin and am currently learning Korean in my free time. I love all things beauty and fashion, and I also like to share my life here. I hope you guys enjoy watching my videos!


    This video is not sponsored. All content ideas and opinions are my own, and I do not make money out of any purchases.

