

在 relieved中文產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3,330的網紅賓狗單字 Bingo Bilingual,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #開學 #心情  賓狗昨晚夢到了自己還是高中生,出門前不記得今天到底該穿制服還是運動服,還發現當天有數學考試,卻根本還沒讀完,於是就把自己嚇醒了。  開學後,平日不論是熱門餐廳、景點或活動,都會減少許多學生的身影,父母也不必整天煩惱今天一天要帶小孩去哪裡做什麼,相信很多大人的肩膀肯定鬆了不少...

relieved中文 在 CHE?頡 Design | Travel | 旅遊|景點 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-07-11 08:52:18

✨文末有中文 ⬇️ Let’s kick off the new journey 😝✨ Heyyy this picture says it all about my feelings & emotions lately 💛✨ I feel so free & relieved to finally...

relieved中文 在 賓狗 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-02-22 14:49:17

#開學 #心情  賓狗昨晚夢到了自己還是高中生,出門前不記得今天到底該穿制服還是運動服,還發現當天有數學考試,卻根本還沒讀完,於是就把自己嚇醒了。  開學後,平日不論是熱門餐廳、景點或活動,都會減少許多學生的身影,父母也不必整天煩惱今天一天要帶小孩去哪裡做什麼,相信很多大人的肩膀肯定鬆了不少...

relieved中文 在 歐老外 | 台北美食 Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-08-22 02:38:05

💁🏼‍♂️PopDaily x 鮮乳坊 👉🏻 @ilovepuremilk @PopDaily ⠀ 📍全台灣 Taiwan ⠀ 🇹🇼【中文】🇹🇼 PopDaily 和 鮮乳坊聯名拉~~ 鮮乳坊一直以來秉持著使用原味無調整鮮乳製作 讓消費者喝的安心也放心 使用專利菌種TCI633為來自母乳分離、 製...

  • relieved中文 在 賓狗單字 Bingo Bilingual Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-02-22 17:18:51
    有 24 人按讚

    #開學 #心情
    I feel really worried/relieved about the start of a new semester.
    #開學日 #開學季 #英文 #英文單字 #英文學習 #學英文 #英語 #讀書帳 #媽媽 #媽媽日常 #播客 #podcast #中文播客

  • relieved中文 在 小小兔大戰情緒怪獸 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2016-08-13 22:34:12
    有 10 人按讚

    << 今夜星光燦爛 >>




    < Starry, starry night >

    I took a leisure stroll after dinner.
    The leaves swirled in the autumn wind.
    They danced and kissed me softly,
    whispering 'I love you'.

    There it is. The long-lost swing.
    It stood in front of me, in unusual stillness.
    I stared at it and went spirited away.
    It's crying, as always.

    I heard my friends laughing and yelling.
    It gave them a real thrill when we were small.
    I hid in the dark corner, being teased at mercilessly.
    I'm frightened. I admit.

    'You need to overcome your fear,' a faint voice suddenly popped up.
    No way. It's far too exciting.
    'Why don't you give it a try?' the voice affirmed.
    Oh God, am I really going to do this?

    I got on the swing, bravely.
    I closed my eyes and experienced all the ups and downs.
    My heart's pounding crazily.
    Am I still alive?

    I opened my eyes,
    using up all my courage, I vowed.
    'The view is so gorgous!' I exclaimed.
    I flew freely and played with the stars happily.

    I'm relieved. For the very first time.
    Life's all about ups and downs.
    The night can be really cold and insecure.
    But you'll never see the starlight if you're not in the dark!

    Yet, it takes great courage to swing upwards.
    The higher you get, the lower you sink.
    It can be exhausting, as I complained from time to time.
    But the better you cope with it, the more you can enjoy life realistically.

    The swing stablized, smiling.
    I gave it a broad grin, for the first time in life.
    The autumn wind embraced me warmly.
    I recollected myself and walked home under the shower of the starry, starry night.

  • relieved中文 在 柯佳嬿 Alice Ko Facebook 的最佳解答

    2016-03-21 23:11:38
    有 1,751 人按讚

    Mary is in the park!謝謝見見!你好適合長髮!

    疲憊又低頻の一天,本想去暢飲的,但還是選擇來場能讓我放聲大笑的午夜電影場,想必也沒什麼事更能做了。 「五星級魚干女」,從傻笑到噗聲哈哈大笑,甚至一些感動情節都能讓我覺得好值得噢,英語、中文、台語、日語 "龍眾來"! 想想剛剛自己那麼大聲地笑真的比不開心的時候好多了,調整好心情,該好好休息了,明天又是新的一天啦~~~加油!

    What a tiring day! My initial plan was going for few glasses, but eventually I chose to watch a funny midnight show that made me laughed till my jaw dropped. «Welcome to the Happy Days» is a show that I will highly recommend, and the dialogues are in different languages even dialect. I feel relieved after a good laugh. It's time to rest, tomorrow is another better day~~~

    柯佳嬿 Alice Ko 林孝謙

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