

在 registration英文產品中有156篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1,120的網紅葉雯 Manny Yip,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 賽馬會「傳.創」非遺教育計劃 Jockey Club ICH+ Innovative Heritage Education Programme 今個星期六! 📣立即報名Enroll now: https://hkacartshop.store/item/Painting-with-Child-...

 同時也有11部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過14萬的網紅李哈利Harry,也在其Youtube影片中提到,你知道什麼是「元宇宙」嗎? 「元宇宙」近期是一個非常火爆的話題,無論是在幣圈或 NFT 裡都可以聽到有人在討論這個話題。 那究竟「元宇宙」是什麼?為什麼大家都在討論? 「元宇宙」英文稱為 "Metaverse",你可以把它理解為是一個虛擬世界。 在這個虛擬世界裡,你會有一個代表著你的虛擬人物...

registration英文 在 Pinky Freediving 自由潛水 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-03 15:26:55

我們很開心宣佈恢復正常開課,即日起,報名正式課程額外補助快篩費用300元/人(需自行購買及檢測) 🔸你安心上課.我們安心教學 凡事來上課/訓練的朋友,均需檢附7日內的快篩證明或是完整接種證明,上課教練也會檢附快篩證明 把握最後幾個月的潛季來小琉球找我們一起潛水吧🏖 - We are very ...

registration英文 在 17.5英文寫作教室 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-18 16:03:11

📝Day 228 0710​ #17來搞懂這些字​ #Nativecamp合作貼文 ​ ​ 在疫情爆發之後,大家都開始居家上班或學習​ 而有些人也會透過這段期間來提升自我​ 而線上課程則成了許多人學習上的首選​ 因此17今天要來推薦一個實用的學習平台🥺​ 在此之前,我們先來看看你們在平台會遇到的各種...

  • registration英文 在 葉雯 Manny Yip Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-18 14:01:33
    有 1 人按讚

    賽馬會「傳.創」非遺教育計劃 Jockey Club ICH+ Innovative Heritage Education Programme


    📣立即報名Enroll now:

    透過色調、筆觸、選材都反映了創作者的想法,你多久沒有執筆繪畫呢?是次工作坊藝術家葉雯將會分享個人創作的藝術經驗, 並誠邀家長與小孩一同以繪畫記錄身體, 創作出獨有的紀念作品,讓繪畫留在當下。
    導師簡介: 葉雯 Manny Yip
    【Painting with Child Workshop 🦶🏻🎨】
    Creation is an innate ability born with, we know drawing before writing, while painting is one of the most primitive ways of creation. The colour, brushstrokes and selection of themes all reflect the artist’s thoughts. How long have you not been painting? In this workshop, Manny will share her personal artistic experience, and sincerely invite participants to record their bodies with children through painting, creating unique artwork.
    Tutor introduction:
    Manny Yip (Hong Kong) received BAFA at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University (co- presented with Hong Kong Art School), major in painting in 2017. Her works capture senses of childhood innocence which are both reflections of her memories and yearnings. The abstraction and openness of the spatial interpretation in her works also speak for themselves. They are not merely an obsession with the past, but also an inviting space for viewers to freely associate with their own memories and imaginations.
    She has been awarded the Reaching Out Award (2017) which included artist residency programmes in Bulgaria & Chicago, and Grant for Emerging Artists (2019) from Hong Kong Arts Development Council. Her artworks were collected by private collectors and exhibited in several cities, Hong Kong, United States and Europe. She has also been invited as a selected artist by commercial corporations and as a programme instructor for schools.
    📅 25. 09. 2021 (Sat)
    ⏰ 14:00 - 17:00 (3 hrs)
    🏢香港藝術中心10樓香港藝術學院 (灣仔校舍) 1012室
    Rm 1012, 10/F Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong Art School (Wan Chai Campus)
    粵語主講 (輔以英文講解) Cantonese (supplemented with English)
    📣立即報名Enroll now:
    🛎️截止報名日期 Deadline of Registration: 20 .09. 2021 (Mon)賽馬會「傳.創」非遺教育計劃 Jockey Club ICH+ Innovative Heritage Education Programme

  • registration英文 在 經濟部中小企業處 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-06 18:00:37
    有 49 人按讚

    【創業大冒險】🦄️2021全新活動 Pitch Meetup免費報名中🦄️


    Pitch Meetup 將成為伴你茁壯的殘酷舞台

    📣 ☑️簡報技巧培訓課程:#PitchMeetup 攜手臺灣知名新創簡報顧問品牌寶渥,提供優質課程助你精進自我

    📣 ☑️兩階段賽制:培訓前後兩階段檢視訓後成果,並提供專業評審講評

    📣 ☑️國際展會補貼:最終優選的十支團隊將獲得至多200元美金補貼(自選參與任一國際競賽或展會),鼓勵團隊挑戰國際舞台。

    《報名時間》即日起至9/13 12:00
    2021 Pitch Meetup報名連結:https://ievents.iii.org.tw/EventS.aspx?t=0&id=1344

    【Startup Adventure】🦄️2021 Pitch Meetup NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS!️

    Winners of 2021 Pitch Meetup can win $200 US Dollars to stand on the global stage! 💪

    📣☑️Masterclasses of Presentation Techniques
    📣☑️2-round pitch before and after training
    📣☑️Prizes to go on global stage

    《Registration Time》
    NOW - 2021/9/13 12:00

    👇Click to APPLY👇
    2021 Pitch Meetup registration link:https://ievents.iii.org.tw/EventS.aspx?t=0&id=1344


  • registration英文 在 國發會 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-07-31 10:00:26
    有 56 人按讚

    #防疫也能學英文 🔎 https://bilingual.ndc.gov.tw/

    小編提醒您,防疫仍需全體國民持續共同努力,外出應全程配戴口罩,繼續維持個人防疫好習慣:勤洗手、戴口罩並保持社交距離,落實防疫新生活,大家一起守護台灣,平安度過疫情(ง๑ •̀_•́)ง!!

    更多資訊 🔗 www.cdc.gov.tw
    CECC announced that it would lower the epidemic alert to Level 2 from July 27 to August 9.

    Related details are listed below:
    1.Masks must be worn at all times when outside except when consuming food and beverages.
    2.Contact information registration measures must be implemented rigorously.
    3.Social distancing must be maintained.
    4.Crowd control in business and public areas: social distance of at least 1.5 meters in indoor spaces and 1 meter in outdoor spaces.
    5.The maximum crowd size: under 50 people indoors and 100 people outdoors.
    6.Places with dine-in services shall follow the Ministry of Health and Welfare regulations.

    More information 🔗 www.cdc.gov.tw/En

