

在 regarding例句產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅英文多一點 A Little More English,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #看時事學英文 於前幾日5/24,大法官釋憲文第 748 號宣布民法違憲,須於兩年內完成修法,預期未完成者,同性伴侶可依現行民法規定辦理婚姻登記。 那我們來學一些相關的英文吧! 法官: judge 大法官: justice 在法庭要稱呼法官 Your honor. 民法: Civil Code...

  • regarding例句 在 英文多一點 A Little More English Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2017-05-28 09:37:52
    有 63 人按讚


    於前幾日5/24,大法官釋憲文第 748 號宣布民法違憲,須於兩年內完成修法,預期未完成者,同性伴侶可依現行民法規定辦理婚姻登記。

    法官: judge
    大法官: justice
    在法庭要稱呼法官 Your honor.

    民法: Civil Code
    大陸: Civil Law (可參閱 https://goo.gl/MSn7mO )
    權責單位、主管機關: competent authority
    依據: in pursuance of / in accordance with
    e.g. Two persons of the same sex shall be allowed to have their marriage registration effectuated at the competent authorities, by submitting a written document signed by two or more witnesses in pursuance of the Marriage Chapter of the Civil Code. (相同性別之兩人可依據民法婚姻章節提交一紙書面文件,並經兩人或以上之見證人簽屬,主管機關應允許其兩人完成婚姻登記。)

    憲法: constitution
    憲法法庭: constitutional court
    釋憲: constitutional interpretation
    申請釋憲: file a petition for constitutional interpretation
    判決: ruling
    e.g. The Constitutional Court announced the J.Y. Interpretation No. 748 at 4 PM on May 24, 2017. (憲法法庭於民國106年5月24日宣布司法院釋字第 748號釋憲文。)
    e.g. The Taipei City Government filed a petition for constitutional interpretation, regarding the constitutionality of same-sex marriage. (台北市政府申請釋憲,有關同性婚姻之合憲性。)
    e.g. The rulings of the Court are as follows. (本法庭之判決如下。)

    修正: amend / amendment
    立法: enact
    e.g. The relevant laws shall be amended or enacted within two years. (相關法令應於兩年內修正或制定。)

    ※本貼文例句是基於司法院釋字第 748號釋憲文新聞稿英文版撰寫,因學習需求有進行些微之修改,完整版請參閱 https://goo.gl/3ehSQQ

    圖片來源: Ted Eytan https://goo.gl/bLc5ya (CC BY-SA 2.0)

  • regarding例句 在 AMC 空中美語 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2016-04-01 09:52:07
    有 484 人按讚

    1. binge-watch瘋狂追劇,狂看劇
    例句: I was up till 4AM binge-watching "Descendants of the Sun"!
    2. 我中了「太陽的後裔」的毒阿~~~
    I'm addicted to "Descendants of the Sun". (be addicted to = 上癮)
    3. 你追到第幾集?
    Which episode are you on now?
    4. 我對浪漫劇情/台詞無法抗拒。
    I've got a weakness for romantic scenes/lines.
    5. 劉時鎮(宋仲基飾): 你是什麼血型? What's your blood type?
    姜暮煙(宋慧喬 飾): 是你的理想型~ Your ideal type.
    6. 我是心裡想了一千遍才鼓起一次勇氣。
    I finally did it after hesitating a thousand times.
    7. 對於那次,沒經過允許 吻你的事,我該怎麼做?道歉?還是表白?
    Regarding the kiss, what should I do? Should I apologize for that? Or should I confess my love/feelings to you?"
    8. 保護美女、老人和孩子,是我的原則。
    Protecting beautiful ladies, the elderly, and children is my principle.

  • regarding例句 在 EN English Facebook 的精選貼文

    2014-08-23 17:45:11
    有 143 人按讚

    Google says ’forgetting’ isn’t easy, as requests mount Google:要求日增,「忘掉」不容易


    Google on Thursday told European officials that forgetting isn’t easy, especially when details are few and guidelines are murky regarding when personal privacy trumps public interest.


    The world’s leading Internet search engine said that as of July 18 it had received more than 91,000 requests to delete a combined total of 328,000 links under Europe’s "right to be forgotten" ruling.


    The most requests came from France and Germany, with approximately 17,500 and 16,500 respectively, according to a copy of a letter Google global privacy counsel Peter Fleischer sent to an EU data protection committee.


    Google said that 53 percent of the links targeted were removed.


    "Some requests turn out to be made with false and inaccurate information," Fleischer said in the letter.


    "Even if requesters provide us with accurate information, they understandably may avoid presenting facts that are not in their favor."


    For example, a person requesting the removal of links to information about a crime committed as a teenager may omit that he or she was convicted of similar crimes as an adult, or that he or she is a politician running for office.


    The court said individuals have the right to have links to information about them deleted from searches in certain circumstances, such as if the data is outdated or inaccurate.



    right to be forgotten:名詞,被遺忘權。歐盟在今年5月通過新裁定,個人得基於隱私要求搜尋引擎刪除與自己有關的資訊。

    murky:形容詞,朦朧、陰暗。例如:A girl with a murky past.(一個有著陰暗過去的女孩。)

    omit:動詞,省略、遺漏。例句:Don’t omit any details.(別遺漏任何細節。)

