

在 refined衣服產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Bcny's ART,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, FGO楊貴妃 『星辰の導きよ』 這張插畫是以我在今年二月時完成的插畫修飾而成。在二月完成後,因為我覺得她還有更多的可能性,於是就沒有先貼出來,歷經許多修改讓她不同的魅力在現在得以綻放! 這幅插畫的最初是我在同人會場畫下的一張簽繪板,其中使用墨綠色做為她的衣服顏色,也為這幅作品打下基調延續至今。之...

refined衣服 在 Emily Yang 艾蜜莉 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-03 14:41:32

#QUARANZINE #居家防疫自拍作業 我的好朋友 @clcorbi Christine 在紐約工作,跟所有紐約人一樣, 防疫期間她一樣得要留職停薪、居家隔離, 在這麼大一段空白時間裡, Christine 做了一本線上&實體都有的小小誌, 每一篇幅的內容 都是她各種出奇不意的心得(也是我愛她...

  • refined衣服 在 Bcny's ART Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-04-28 17:44:05
    有 1,379 人按讚





    Yang GuiFei from Fate/ Grand Order!
    The original work was finished on February 2020 as one of my Patreon Rewards. I thought it could have a different approach and I gave it a try! After several retouch processes, I am happy with the result of the illustration!

    This illustration passed through three stages. Initially, this illustration was a drawing I did on the signing board in a comic convention as a commission. Afterwards, I took it as a foundation and refined it digitally which became my Patreon reward in February. And the third version is the one you see right now. Each stage has its own beauty and I love all of them. On the other hand, although the character’s cloth should be grayer, in order to keep the original flavor from the drawing on paper, I kept the dark green colors maintain the same on her cloth.

    Welcome to support me in my Patreon:

  • refined衣服 在 蔡昕晏 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2013-09-10 23:45:00
    有 23 人按讚

    我的好姊妹吳宜樺,參加超模之路 羅倫模特爭霸賽,總決賽就在今晚,我相信她會再次成為台灣之光,請大家一起為她加油打氣!!!






    In Rome , where they arrive after shooting a part of the program in Tuscany and Umbria , the waiting lessons and fashion shows in major hotels in the capital , photo shoots and filming with the background of historical monuments, shopping in Via Condotti to learn the best of our brands and even cooking lessons and golf.
    她們在完成托斯卡納和翁布里亞的節目拍攝部分後來到羅馬,到首都的各大主要飯店學習等待的課程和時裝訓練,同時也外景到歷史古蹟的場景進行影片和平面的拍攝作業。在Via Condotti的購物大街購物,學習我們最佳的品牌學,甚至是高爾夫課程和烹飪課程。
    The beautiful Chinese must be selected in the successful talent show called " Top Models on the Road by Loren Models ," in homage to the great Sophia .
    The reality show airs on television in the province of Guangxi in southern China and was revived by the national television network " CCTV " , with about 40 million viewers .
    Italy has chosen to turn ten episodes , in a program of economic and cultural exchanges taking place between our country and the Republic of China, promoted by the Italian Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Economic Development.
    The stars of the reality are guided by the executive producer of the program in Italy Steven Lou , PR China who lives between Milan and Beijing and in 2010 opened a modeling agency that has called " Loren Beijing International Model Management Co. , ltd » , in honor to the extraordinary career of a symbol of Italian beauty like Sophia Loren , launching a beauty contest , which provided the final stop in Italy.
    這部實境秀由知名義大利製作人Steven Lou,Steven Lou時常往返米蘭和北京之間,並在2010年開了一間模特公司”羅倫北京國際模特管理有限公司(ltd)”,公關表示這個名子是為了象徵卓越的模特兒生涯如義大利美女索菲亞羅倫一般,並推出選美比賽,而國際總決賽就在義大利。
    The goal of the talent is to enhance the excellence of Italian in China : in fact, the models must demonstrate that they have acquired the knowledge of the products and the Italian culture , learning processes, production techniques and quality craftsmanship.
    For girls it was developed an intense program this week in the capital.
    Explains Stefano Fiori , president of the Tourism Unindustria and company owner Univers , which organized the hospitality and the activities for days in Rome : " It started with a ride in the center of Rome for shooting and filming and photographic tv , then there is a cooking class at the Sheraton Roma and the parade poolside at the same hotel . The third edition provides golf lessons and shots in the halls of Villa Bulgari to Bottega Veneta , Fendi and Dolce Gabbana .Farnesina . In addition, the Univers offers personal shopper , our Alessandro Bentivegna the models that explain the basics of Italian style and fashion and the importance of selecting a complete wardrobe and refined, thanks to a targeted shopping . "
    Tourism Unindustria總裁,Univers公司的老闆斯特凡諾菲奧里構思了在羅馬的行程和熱情的活動並解釋說:拍片與拍照活動開始於行走在羅馬街頭,然後有一個烹飪班在羅馬喜來登飯店,並在飯店游泳池周邊拍攝大片。第三項競賽是提供高爾夫課程然後在寶格麗別墅區的Bottega Veneta , Fendi and Dolce Gabbana Farnesina提供個人購物,模特要完成對義大利風格和時尚基本知識的解讀,並創造完整的衣櫃和成品,這就考驗了模特兒們的應用能力。
    On Thursday, he will move from theory to practice and the ten beautiful Chinese will land between the windows of the shops of Via Condotti and its surroundings, where the filming will be done as you experiment with clothes and accessories from the best brands , from Bulgari to Bottega Veneta , Fendi and Dolce Gabbana .
    上星期四,節目已開始從理論教學階段進行到實踐的階段。十位美麗的華人小姐將在Via Condotti購物中心和四周圍的地區完成第一階段的拍攝競賽。搭配上最好的品牌的衣服和配件,如Bulgari,Bottega Veneta , Fendi 和Dolce Gabbana .
    The talent documents the career of aspiring models and the choice of Italy as a backdrop is a recognition of its role as a global arbiter of elegance.
    Not only the ten aspiring models and all the staff of the reality , but also the millions of Chinese viewers , so they will have a strong inition of Italian lifestyle .


