

在 reel加字幕產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過879的網紅Clevis Tam 焯升,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 作品是由電影《綫人》中抽取四個場面連貫而成的,所以沒有特別故事情節。由於這是我們第十屆其中一個畢業作,所以想放在這給你們看。 多謝我們的老師Johnson Yu安排拍戲隊伍和提供拍攝場地。多謝我的拍檔林映清飾演高級督察李sir 和 Ian Yip葉曉陽飾演黑幫太平哥。 這個作品是由我剪輯的...

 同時也有15部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過17萬的網紅Yonemura Denjiro Science Production,也在其Youtube影片中提到,※解説は字幕にて行なっております。字幕をオンにしてお楽しみください。 今回の実験は『ガウス加速器』! 世界最強磁石を並んだ鉄球にゆっくりぶつけると、不思議と勢いよく球が飛び出していくのです。 この仕組み、皆さんわかりますか?? 今回も必見ですよ!! ★関連動画紹介 ガウス加速器で検証してみた【Ga...

  • reel加字幕 在 Clevis Tam 焯升 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2016-10-13 17:03:19
    有 22 人按讚


    多謝我們的老師Johnson Yu安排拍戲隊伍和提供拍攝場地。多謝我的拍檔林映清飾演高級督察李sir 和 Ian Yip葉曉陽飾演黑幫太平哥。





    The Informant is finally on YouTube. Since this was a drama project, so these four scenes were extracted from an actual movie – The Stool Pigeon. There’s no exact plot behind, however this is our graduation piece after studying in the Method Acting Workshop in Hong Kong, wouldn't want to miss the chance of putting here on my page as a show reel.

    Thank you for our teacher Mr Johnson Yu for arranging this and lending out his place to shoot the scene. Also thank you for my partner 林映清 who plays Inspector Lee and Ian Yip who plays Tai Ping in the piece.

    I took the honor in re-editing the piece by adding more close-up, clearing out background noise and giving filter for the footages, I also wanted to add subtitles for the one who doesn’t understand Cantonese. Please forgive me if there’s any mistake or incorrect grammar with them, I did the best I could.

    Lastly I would thank you the shooting team for shooting the piece. They did a great job that day. Thank you for Bowen, our director, for sending me back the clips to re-edit the whole piece.

    Please like and share this video if you understand it. If you want to know what happened to the informant, please support this piece by watching the actual film – The Stool Pigeon.

    The piece is an extract of four scenes from a Hong Kong Chinese action film - The Stool Pigeon, so that’s why there’s no exact plot. However, if you are interested in the actual film, please watch the completed version.

    The piece consists four different conversations between a police detective and an informant. Both parties cooperate for their own benefits, one’s money and one’s information. The last scene clearly shows it is a life and death situation for the informant, since he has betrayed the triad in return for a small amount of cash.

  • reel加字幕 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2014-01-09 11:25:44
    有 57 人按讚

    [生活美語] film genres 電影種類

    Audio: https://www.dropbox.com/s/uodqij83igphl0o/tv%20and%20movies.mp3

    Here are some common film genres. You can sometimes combine two of the genres into one (e.g. romantic comedy, action thriller, crime drama, etc.).

    TV and Movies 電影藝術
    action (n.) 動作片
    action thriller (n.) 動作驚悚片
    adventure (n.) 冒險片
    animation (n.) 動畫片
    art theater (n.) 藝術影院
    audience (n.) 觀眾;讀者群
    banned film (n.) 禁映影片
    biography (n.) 傳記
    board of censors (n.) 審查署
    cable (n.) 有線電視
    cast (n.) 演員陣容
    children and family (n.) 兒童和家庭片
    cinema (n.) 電影院 (美作:movie theater, the movies)
    classics (n.) 經典片
    comedy (n.) 喜劇
    concession stand (n.) 貨攤,商攤
    credits (n.) 字幕顯示的原作者[製作者、攝影者等]之名
    crime (n.) 犯罪片
    crime drama (n.) 罪案劇
    crime show (n.) 犯罪
    dialogue (n.) 對白
    distributor (n.) 發行人
    documentary (n.) 記錄片
    double/stand-in (n.) 替身演員
    drama (n.) 戲劇
    epic (n.) 史詩片
    family (n.) 家庭片
    fantasy (n.) 幻想片
    film festival (n.) 電影節
    film industry (n.) 電影工業
    film noir (n.) 黑色電影
    film, motion picture (n.) 影片,電影 (美作:movie)
    foreign film (n.) 國外片
    full-length film, feature film 長片
    game show (n.) 遊戲節目
    historical film (n.) 歷史片
    horror (n.) 恐怖片
    host (n.) 節目主持人
    lead (n.) 主角
    lighting (n.) 燈光
    martial arts (n.) 武俠片
    music video (n.) 音樂視頻片
    musicals/dance (n.) 音樂劇片/歌舞片
    news (n.) 新聞
    premiere (n.) 首映式
    projector (n.) 放映機
    rating (n.) 按等級分類;階級;類別
    romance (n.) 愛情片
    romantic comedy (n.) 愛情喜劇片
    scene (n.) 場景
    science fiction(n.) 科幻片
    script (n.) 編劇
    shooting (n.) 攝製
    short(film) (n.) 短片
    situation comedy (n.) 情景喜劇
    soap opera (n.) 肥皂劇
    soundtrack (n.) 音帶,聲帶
    sports (n.) 運動片
    subtitles (n.) 字幕
    superhero (n.) 超級英雄片
    suspense (n.) 懸念片
    thriller (n.) 驚悚片
    ticket counter/window (n.) 售票處
    trailer (n.) 預告片
    variety show (n.) 綜藝節目
    war (n.) 戰爭片
    westerns (n.) 西部片

    Cinematography (電影藝術)
    actors/actresses (n.) 演員
    adaptation (n.) 改編
    art theater (n.) 藝術影院
    cast (n.) 陣容
    censorship (n.) 審查制度
    cinematography (n.) 電影(技術)電影放映
    dialogue (n.) 對白
    director (n.) 導演
    dubbed film (n.) 配音複製的影片,譯製片
    fade-in (v.) 淡入
    fade-out (v.) 淡出
    film industry (n.) 電影工業
    footage (n.) 影片長度
    full-length film, feature film (n.)長片
    intermission (n.) 幕間休息
    lighting (n.) 燈光
    movie theater (n.) 電影院
    panoramic screen (n.) 寬銀幕
    premiere (n.) 首映式
    production (n.) 製片
    projection booth, projection room (n.)放映室
    projector (n.) 放映機
    release (n.) 准予上映
    scenario, screenplay, script (n.) 編劇
    series (n.) 系列片
    setting (n.) 設置
    shoot (v.) 拍攝
    short(film) (n.) 短片
    showing, screening, projection (n.)放映
    silent film (n.) 默片,無聲片
    sound track (n.) 電影音帶, 聲帶

    看電影必知的百個英文詞彙: http://edu.sina.com.cn/en/2009-01-14/104149278.shtml

    主要電視劇類型: http://www.sinoss.net/qikan/uploadfile/2010/1130/7329.pdf


    Image source: http://www.cinelinx.com/filmmaking/item/1812-5-tips-to-help-make-your-film-reel-the-best-possible.html

    Complete List 完整托福和雅思單字表+mp3: http://tinyurl.com/lk3fglc


    英文單字學習 I: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tq2ym9m3ihsbuy6/vocabI.pdf
    英文單字學習 II: https://www.dropbox.com/s/eu51xclk7qxb211/vocabII.pdf

    Free Online Dictionaries 免費線上字典和辭典: http://tinyurl.com/kzctz56

