

在 recycling翻譯產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1萬的網紅1982小時候,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 『玩具回憶呈現,若加點潮流味,不知會如何?』 話說小時候夥伴-孫小龍實驗性的拍攝企劃開始了! 2018全新企劃,期待4月台中展的與你相見~ 玩具攝影展 3.0 Toy photography 3.0 // 橡皮筋 Rubber band - 怪手 Excavator - 舊...

  • recycling翻譯 在 1982小時候 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2018-01-30 14:28:47
    有 11 人按讚



    玩具攝影展 3.0 Toy photography 3.0
    Rubber band
    Old clothes recycling box
    Clothes designer/唐

    #2018 #台中 #高雄 #舊衣回收箱的社會議題


  • recycling翻譯 在 Tom Rook Art Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2015-12-04 12:10:01
    有 282 人按讚

    好棒的文章: 台東白色陃屋: http://www.cw.com.tw/event_travel/2015-07-23

    Great photo article about the Taidong White House. My favorite structure in Taidong. I like the comparison with Howl's Moving Castle. To me it has a very organic appearance, and looks a little like it's melting.

    (英文小翻譯) The article is in Chinese, so I'll put some info in English here: The house is owned by an elderly veteran from Guangxi Province called Mr Li. He's built it up over the past forty years with found materials and other recycling. The house stands alone on the edge of a large empty plot near Taidong beach. There was a factory here, which was recently demolished.

    The factory owners offered to buy the white house for a lot of money, but they were refused. Mr Li has a son, who married and now lives in Kaohsiung. He waits for him to return to Taidong, and he keeps the house for him. He is constantly repairing and wants his home to exist in harmony with nature.

    (I took these two photos just before sunset, and there were many sparrows lined up on the roof. The house is undoubtedly weird looking, but it does seem to naturally fit in to the landscape. Mr Li sadly wasn't around. I put it on here if you want to find it: https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit… ).

