[爆卦]recognize know差異是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

為什麼這篇recognize know差異鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在recognize know差異這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者calchong (小寶~)看板Eng-Class標題Re: [考題] 一題字彙題時間Tue M...

※ 引述《louvre753 (Solon)》之銘言:
: 考題:高中
: 題目:
: Advertising agencies spend a lot of time and money trying to _____
: the likes and dislikes of potential consumers.
: (A) identify (B) recognize (C) modify
: 提問:
: 這題答案為(A),請問為什麼不能選(B)?
: 煩請版上高手解答 謝謝! :)

Recognize something is being able to recall that it is something that
you know of, e.g. I could recognize that person, but I don't know his

Identify is on another level. It implies the knowledge of the intrinsic
nature of the object concerned.

Put it in another definition, identifing something means recognizing it
as well as naming it.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
chenzhishun1:cool! finally there is someone reasoning english 05/25 12:46
chenzhishun1:the way it should be done!! 05/25 12:46
chenzhishun1:i wonder why the other ppl keep typing in chinese 05/25 12:47
chenzhishun1:for? things never get clearer when we use chinese 05/25 12:47
chenzhishun1:come on, you guys teach english for living? 05/25 12:48
chenzhishun1:don't you? huh? huh? ??????? 05/25 12:48
zofloya:人們使用覺得自己用起來最能達意,最舒服的語言溝通,如果 05/25 13:56
zofloya:你的母語是中文,我不信你用中文會比你用英文溝通更沒效率 05/25 13:57
zofloya:這邊難道都是母語是英文的人在看嗎?語言的目的是溝通,不 05/25 13:57
zofloya:是讓你滿足優越感的。使用哪一種語言,只是一種選擇,不使 05/25 13:58
zofloya:用某種語言,便不代表我無法使用那一種語言溝通,一定要這 05/25 14:01
zofloya:樣自以為是,崇洋媚外嗎?中文是我的母語,我就算在國外住 05/25 14:02
zofloya:上二十年,我還是覺得說中文時最爽,最能達意 05/25 14:03
zofloya:who do you think you are to question an individual's 05/25 14:04
zofloya:personal choice of using a certain language? you use 05/25 14:04
zofloya:whatever you like, others choose their own preference 05/25 14:05
zofloya:it's shame you don't appreciate the diversity while 05/25 14:06
zofloya:have diverse means and access to learning. 05/25 14:07
zofloya:Please try to learn to be more open-minded and respect 05/25 14:07
zofloya:others' choice. 05/25 14:08
t7000:it never gets clearer because you fail to master Chinese 05/25 19:20
nnf:超想噓clearer的說法 中文是母語 在這裡問問題用母語有何不可 05/25 20:26
nnf:我同學去國外讀書 回來講話不管做什麼事都是用中文說 05/25 20:27
nnf:不會像某些人一樣喝了洋墨水就自以為是 05/25 20:27
priv:我是覺得用中文討論沒什麼不對,除非你是外國人 05/26 01:07
priv:否則你對中文的掌握度應該遠超過英文 05/26 01:08
priv:一個人來問問題,表示他沒辦法掌握這個問題選擇的差別 05/26 01:08
priv:那你怎麼有辦法確定,用英文描述他可以完全掌握你的意思? 05/26 01:09
priv:有些東西英文一句話,中文要好幾句話才能表達 05/26 01:10
priv:但在教學上這有時候是必要之惡 05/26 01:10
priv:而且在進階的時候,比較各種不同語言的差異也可以強化觀念 05/26 01:12
priv:使用哪種語言教學...是因時因地制宜的 05/26 01:13
priv:當然我不反對英文用越多越好 05/26 01:14
priv:只是不管怎樣,一定要英文,感覺就是一種偏見了 05/26 01:15
priv:像在這邊,你要一次解釋清楚,又不怕對方看不懂的話 05/26 01:17
priv:我認為還是用中英搭配描述..比較適合 05/26 01:18
calchong:well the thing is, number one, I can't type chinese 05/26 01:33
calchong:very well, and i think its easier to explain it 05/26 01:34
calchong:that way, so please pardon me for my english posts. 05/26 01:34
※ 編輯: calchong 來自: (05/26 01:34)
priv:給calchong...並不是針對你喔:) 基本上想怎麼回是個人自由 05/26 01:36
priv:是覺得chenzhishun1的說法有點太過偏頗了 05/26 01:36
priv:如果原發問者願意用英文的方式去思考..也是會很有幫助的 05/26 01:38
chenzhishun1:i do not see this is as an issue of freedom 05/27 10:17
chenzhishun1:it is a way to see things. 05/27 10:18
chenzhishun1:thinking in chinese and in english are totally 05/27 10:18
chenzhishun1:2 different things. if one is afraid of using 05/27 10:19
chenzhishun1:english, typing more of chinese will only conceal 05/27 10:20
chenzhishun1:this fact. yes it does make you FEEL you are 05/27 10:20
chenzhishun1:more adequate when you reason english in chinese. 05/27 10:21
chenzhishun1:and yes, typing in english may expose your 05/27 10:21
chenzhishun1:mistakes and inadequacy and invite potential 05/27 10:22
chenzhishun1:criticism, but you teach english don't you? 05/27 10:23
chenzhishun1:where is your passion in English, i don't see it 05/27 10:23
chenzhishun1:in your Chinese way or reasoning. 05/27 10:23
chenzhishun1:i am sorry to say that.i am sure you are very 05/27 10:24
chenzhishun1:much offended by now, and your ego is asking you 05/27 10:25
chenzhishun1:to say something defensive to me...go ahead 05/27 10:25
chenzhishun1:and knock yourself out.I hope you will think 05/27 10:26
chenzhishun1:about this question when your ego is not in the 05/27 10:26
chenzhishun1:way 05/27 10:26
chenzhishun1:when are we going to admit that Chinese is not 05/27 10:28
chenzhishun1:needed in our english classroom? 05/27 10:28
chenzhishun1:why is there something called Chinenglish? 05/27 10:31
chenzhishun1:by definition, it is english influence by chinese 05/27 10:31
chenzhishun1:have you ever thought about what you are doing 05/27 10:31
chenzhishun1:is ultimately promoting it? i guess you just dont 05/27 10:32
chenzhishun1:see it do you? 05/27 10:33
zofloya:Again, I've never seen someone as biased and arrogant 05/27 22:45
zofloya:as you are. How come it's not an issue of freedom or 05/27 22:46
zofloya:choice. The reason I am not using english to communic- 05/27 22:47
zofloya:ate is not that I am "afraid" of using it, but i choo- 05/27 22:47
zofloya:se not to. Yes, i teach english, and the truth is that 05/27 22:48
zofloya:I teach english in chinese as well as in english,it's 05/27 22:49
zofloya:it's ur ego,or to be more precise, ur superiority 05/27 22:51
zofloya:complex which gets in your way of being open-minded 05/27 22:51
zofloya:i never see two different languages as conflicting 05/27 22:53
zofloya:ones. why do they have to be mutually exclusive? 05/27 22:54
zofloya:sometimes, the only reason that foreign teachers can 05/27 22:55
zofloya:only teach in english is that they can "only" speak 05/27 22:56
zofloya:one language,that is, English. what's wrong with 05/27 22:57
zofloya:teachers with more than one language available to make 05/27 22:57
zofloya:the class more effective, more diverse and sometimes, 05/27 22:58
zofloya:more interesting? You are not an english-ass kisser, 05/27 22:58
zofloya:are you? 05/27 22:59
zofloya:by the way, i am here not to discourage teaching or 05/27 23:20
zofloya:learning english in the english-only way, but to 05/27 23:21
zofloya:encourage a more diverse way of learning a language or 05/27 23:21
zofloya:anything else. Good to see some teachers or helpers 05/27 23:22
zofloya:here to teach in english, but don't ever try to look 05/27 23:22
zofloya:down on others who use a different way of doing so, 05/27 23:23
zofloya:especially with your condescending tone. You never 05/27 23:24
zofloya:know how big this world is! Just be modest! 05/27 23:26
ashurali:怎麼回確實是個人的自由,畢竟沒有明確條文規定怎麼回應 05/27 23:29
ashurali:嘛!但是只這樣想或許想法太過狹窄。回應的人多半是為了 05/27 23:30
ashurali:幫助提出來的問題能在討論或單向地解釋下能讓其他人成長 05/27 23:31
ashurali:,這時若能考量其他人的出發點或許會更佳。 05/27 23:31
ashurali:排除個人因素,要用英文有英文的優點,中文也有中文的長 05/27 23:32
ashurali:處,整體優缺點一同考量起來,且用較長遠的眼光看,很可 05/27 23:32
ashurali:能用某一種,甚至是全用某一種會勝出。 05/27 23:33
ashurali:我個人會傾向上面的答案是英文,但這不代表我就覺得一定 05/27 23:34
ashurali:得用英文於板上交談,因為我自己覺得用英文,對於多數人 05/27 23:34
ashurali:來說,是對使用者好,對看得的人進步不大。 05/27 23:35
ashurali:要學習,ptt出現的文章多半和閱讀英文書籍、雜誌、報紙 05/27 23:37
ashurali:等不同,是屬於問題解答性質,這時觀念上的了解會是一個 05/27 23:38
ashurali:著重的點,從閱讀去習慣英文的句法、用語倒不是那麼重要 05/27 23:38
ashurali:。至於思考會變Chinglish,我覺得個人要不要進步才是主要 05/27 23:39
ashurali:影響的地方,當然也和已接觸的英語量、所懂的程度相關。 05/27 23:40
ashurali:甚至明講,要用ptt做為英文的廣泛接觸,那倒不如去拿大家 05/27 23:41
ashurali:推薦的外文雜誌、報紙或小說來看會好更多。 05/27 23:42
ashurali:另外需不需要建立「全英文」的環境呢?我想只在這個板用 05/27 23:43
ashurali:英文和全英文差太多了。還是說英文的比例是愈多愈好?我 05/27 23:44
ashurali:自己是覺得不用太強求板上是否英文的差別啦,重要的是能 05/27 23:44
ashurali:將所要表達的意思能讓其他人知道 05/27 23:45
ashurali:能用英文是很好,不過別去苛責不用英文的人啦 :) 05/27 23:47

