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Surah Al An'am (الانعام), Ayat: 70 وَذَرِ ٱلَّذِينَ ٱتَّخَذُوا۟ دِينَهُمْ لَعِبًا وَلَهْوًا وَغَرَّتْهُمُ ٱلْحَيَوٰةُ ٱلدُّنْيَا وَذَكِّرْ بِهِۦٓ أَ...

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  • re-check 在 9bulan10hari Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-09-05 15:00:01
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    Firstly, rileks, jangan gabra nanti caca merba.

    Demam biasanya terjadi apabila...

    Firstly, relax, don't be angry later the caca will be merba.

    Fever usually happens when
    1. Children are infected with germs (either virus or bacteria)
    2. When the kids want to be good at doing something
    (because the body gets a little stressful).
    3. When playing hot for too long
    4. When shocked at something example of falling in bed
    (body becomes a little stressful)
    5. After being stabbed
    (body wants to interact with medicine)

    Every house must have a thermometer.

    Buy a little better so that we don't get wrong looking at our child's body temperature.
    It's okay to spend a little more on the necessary and important things.

    Check the temperature of the child.
    Normal temperature is 36-37.4 degrees selsius.
    37.5-37.9 is subfebrile (a little fever)
    38.5 and above is considered high fever.

    If the child's temperature exceeded 38.5 degrees selsius, it's better for the child to have a back medicine.
    But, if you're not confident and don't know how much you have to give (sins), give a regular fever medicine (liquid) and wipe your children or bathe them.

    It's better to give medicine for 6-8 hours of fever.

    Re-check the child's temperature half an hour after the medicine is given.

    If the temperature drops, alhamdulillah.
    Then must watch the temperature again.

    If it doesn't come down, look at her condition.
    Looks ordinary or extraordinary.

    Take all her clothes off.

    Don't put your child in thick clothes or socks.
    Put on the thin and hole in the small hole.
    Let the heat heat out.

    Can a child shower with cold water?
    It's okay but it's nice to bathe or wipe it using warm warm water.
    Pity the child because it's so cold.

    What should we worry about when the child has a fever?
    1. Kids active or not?
    Can 2. Kids eat or not?
    3. If you can't eat, can you drink it or not?
    4. Is there a fast breath or a sound breath?
    5. Is there vomiting and diarrhea?
    6. Is there a poop?
    7. Pampers for wet kids? (usually we change pampers for 5-6 hours, so when we change it we see it, wet or not)
    8. Kids whining?
    9. Sounds and ways to breathe, isn't it weird when sleeping?
    10. Do you respond well or normal?
    11. Do you want to pull (sawan)?
    12. Any rashes or no?

    If there are symptoms of symptoms as above, please take your child to a clinic or hospital for further checkup.

    If fever is high or fever over three days, blood will be taken for us to know the cause of fever.

    There are times when blood is hard to get because the child's blood vessels became narrow due to dehydration (less water) and that's why they can't

    Don't be angry at the doctor or mission or the assistant of a medical officer who poke twice.

    Can you give antibiotics to your children?
    Must check blood first whether to start antibiotics or not.

    And please remove the past antibiotics. You must take antibiotics by dose and spend a week. If there is extra, please throw it away.

    Can I just give back medicine because my child is hard to take medicine?
    Back medicine is given when the temperature is ridiculous and can't exceed twice a day or over three days.

    It reduces body temperature quickly so it's quite dangerous if given if the temperature is not high (bottom 38)

    Can a child drink coconut water during fever?
    Can. Just don't overdo it.

    Can a child drink 100 plus during fever?
    Carbonated drinks are not good for children or adults.
    Those who have no gas can't be because 100 plus contains high electrolyte content and causes dehydration to get worse.

    Can I give ice cream when my child has a fever?
    It's just to relieve throat. Makes the child's throat a little numb so she feels a little comfortable to eat.

    Don't force it if he doesn't want to eat rice.
    For what he wants to eat.
    It's nice to be soft and cold like pudding or so that it will be. It's okay to give soup.

    Don't force it if your child doesn't want to breast
    Just gotta make sure he wants to drink cooking water.

    Monitor his pampers.
    If you change 2 times, it's still dry, bring your child to the doctor.

    Dehydration is dangerous because it can be deadly.

    When you become a parent, you rarely get a soft and tight sleep.

    Check the temperature and condition of the night night child.

    Usually the child's body temperature will be horny when it's midnight until dawn.
    If the temperature exceeds 38.5, give back medicine.
    Check back the child's temperature after half an hour or hour.

    Remember, if you think your child is weird, just bring it to check.

    Insha Allah, your child will be healthy if the early steps are taken.

    Can I just give spell water?
    Hurm can give spell water but it's good that we know first what is the cause of our child's fever Don't all want to be associated with the jinn.

    Can you give supplement to your children?
    As long as it is not necessary and do not waste.

    Fever shows your child's immunization system works well because it reacts to body change.

    Let his body immune be strong naturally. He is growing up.

    We used to be our father's mother, just relax.
    Nowadays it's like to be stuffed with a child's mouth.

    Don't worry too much ok.
    And please don't waste.

    Allah has not sent down a disease but He has sent down healing to Him
    ′′ Allah does not bring down illness unless He also sends down the cure."
    (HR Bukhari).

    A healthy child is a child who gets healthy, happy cheerful and active food.

    Credit: Dr. Erna Nadia
    Medical officer of the health clinicTranslated

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