豔陽天將至!帶著寶貝去開心戲水卻又擔心曬到脫皮或冷到感冒? 潑寶 Splash About 同時具有抗UV及防寒的連身泳裝是我們的最佳解!Holly身上的可愛Nina's Ark系列泳裝採用優質潛水皮料製成,並搭配UPF50+布料讓寶貝擁有最佳的戲水體驗 - 防寒又防曬!
潑寶 Splash Abo...
豔陽天將至!帶著寶貝去開心戲水卻又擔心曬到脫皮或冷到感冒? 潑寶 Splash About 同時具有抗UV及防寒的連身泳裝是我們的最佳解!Holly身上的可愛Nina's Ark系列泳裝採用優質潛水皮料製成,並搭配UPF50+布料讓寶貝擁有最佳的戲水體驗 - 防寒又防曬!
潑寶 Splash About 源自英國,是一家有二十五年經驗由設計到生產一條龍的嬰幼兒功能性泳裝品牌,秉持著”Safety 安全 - Comfort 舒適 - Security 守護” 等三大開發守則,沒有無用的設計只做寶貝需要的!公司的總部及倉儲部門都在英國,產地是100%的MIT;只想給小朋友最好的爸爸媽媽可以放心選擇潑寶!
Summer's just around the corner! Worried about sunburns and that post swim chill? Splash About has a brand new children's wetsuit designed using UPF50+ rash guard fabric to block out harmful UV rays, and keep out the cold, so you can stay on the beach, in the water, under the sun for as long as you like!
Splash About is based in England, and has 25+ year of experience designing functional swimwear for newborns, all the way to gear for adults. Safety, comfort, and security is their motto for all their designs, produced 100% MIT!
Let's get ready for the summer together, Holly is wearing Nina's Ark print. Which one do you prefer? 😉
#嬰幼兒泳衣 #育兒生活 #momlife #taiwantravel #2021大手牽小手我們一起走 #splashabout #潑寶 #兒童泳衣 #寶寶游泳 #游泳池 #海邊 #pool #swimmingpool #beach #swimming