

在 rapid公司產品中有96篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅新‧二七部隊 軍事雜談,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 洛馬公司對外展示的「迅猛龍」(Rapid Dragon)飛彈發射整合庫系統概念設計影片,每組可裝6~9枚射程達370~1000公里的AGM-158「聯合空對面遙攻飛彈」系列(JASSM) ,透過C-17運輸機可裝四組九聯裝,C-130可裝兩組六聯裝,美軍最快年底前先以C-130J進行測試...

 同時也有9部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過24萬的網紅Queen沐雨柔 Eve,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#LINE貼圖購買網址 https://reurl.cc/jdm7L2 釣魚釣蝦行程只在直播上公佈 開播時間通常是外出拍片時 可安裝 #Up直播 搜尋ID evemu79716 並追蹤 開播時手機後台通常都會通知~ 工商業配接洽 請加公司 LINE https://line.me/ti/p...

rapid公司 在 ⓈⒽⒺⓁⓁⓎ ✿ Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-18 11:56:14

🌲🌼✨ 還記得以前簡單外出去運動的時候 總是帶著一般超長的充電線然後為了它不晃來晃去 還要特別要多帶一個包包裝他🥲 然後好幾次因為勾到線手機從口袋或包包飛出來 幸運點不是手機噴走而是行動電源命運2選一 真的是每噴必叫欸! 然後心痛的蹲在地上心疼摸摸可憐的手機 有人也和我一樣嗎🤣🤣🤣 所以這條充電...

rapid公司 在 しゅう//?????????? Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-02-02 08:28:46

雖然我仍然在停工的狀態 但我公司還是會給予我任務🌚 最近我公司要求所有員工每個月在家進行武漢肺炎檢測2次 所以從今個月開始定期寄了這個COVID-19 Rapid Test Kits到我家 準不準確我不知道 但用法真的很簡單 用棉花棒放入口中擦直到沾上了口水 再放入溶液當中 最後將溶液滴到試紙上 老...

rapid公司 在 (吳景聰)Ng King Chung Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-12-03 15:38:07

我啱啱做完呢個測試,結果呈陰性,大家可以放心同我Book堂操拳🤩 ARISTA新冠病毒測試棒,十五分鐘即可測出結果,新加坡製造,準確率高,大於95.3%,每週兩次測試能提供有效監控率高達97%,有需要嘅朋友可以用我呢個QRcode購買會有驚喜😉 測試最好喺朝早起身,刷牙之前做。 測試嘅步驟簡單,...

  • rapid公司 在 新‧二七部隊 軍事雜談 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-26 01:33:33
    有 260 人按讚

    洛馬公司對外展示的「迅猛龍」(Rapid Dragon)飛彈發射整合庫系統概念設計影片,每組可裝6~9枚射程達370~1000公里的AGM-158「聯合空對面遙攻飛彈」系列(JASSM) ,透過C-17運輸機可裝四組九聯裝,C-130可裝兩組六聯裝,美軍最快年底前先以C-130J進行測試

  • rapid公司 在 黃心健 Hsin-Chien Huang Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-12 12:30:43
    有 479 人按讚

    ⭐️#颱風天就是要島嶼壯遊啊 😎🌀

    先進入👉🏻台北/福爾摩沙花園:島嶼壯遊( http://garden2021.metarealitylab.com/ )暢遊吧!

    本次展出的「行動啟程 」展區(Action Tour )邀請台灣優秀團隊#台北大數據中心、MINIWIZ 小智研發、Peppercorns 黑川互動媒體藝術 以及Roboenter 樂飛特 ,實踐以設計力與數位資訊的方式,進而改變社會的行動計畫,當中更首度以數位跨界的合作方式,創作出新的行動藝術計畫!此外,「行動啟程 」展區(Action Tour )也受邀登上奧地利林茲電子藝術節官方線上節目Home Delivery,由奧地利電子藝術節總監Chritl Baur親自介紹唷!
    片段重點已經幫大家準備好,一鍵播放觀看起來 ⏯ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YVC0mF5vAE&t=177s

    2021 ARS ELECTRONICA FESTIVAL Garden Taipei/ Formosa
    2021 奧地利林茲電子藝術節台灣展區「台北/福爾摩沙花園:島嶼壯遊」
    展區 ✨ 【行動啟程 】(Action Tour )

    To cope with the impact of Covid-19, a scientific and efficient action in the digital world must be taken. The Taipei Urban Intelligence Center has developed a digital system that can quickly respond to the risk landscape, people flow, and medial resources across different parts of Taipei by integrating live streaming and data instantly. It also informs the policies of the government. The digitized action on the ground helps us build a more secured environment.
    In the face of the rapid development of the digital world, people immersed in the VR environment seem to ignore the depletion of resources in our reality. As a result, we need to take real actions and devote ourselves to reuse the discarded resources to make an environment of circularity and sustainability through digital technology. MINIWIZ, a start-up company from Taiwan, committed to developing technology for recycling that turns industrial and household wastes into materials with purposes and aesthetics.
    During the tour, a new performance art project is inspired by the digital cross-field cooperation for the first time. The Taipei Urban Intelligence Center will join hands with new media artist Chin-Hsiang Hu and the founder of Roboenter Ghung-I Hung, to create a new media artwork “The Weight of Data” by integrating both virtual and physical materials from different domains and sharing data resources.
    Finally, it is in fact not the end for “Taiwan Grand Tour.” Instead, the “Action Tour” program unveils the journey to come, constantly connecting the digital world with our society. A link for a time-limited viewing of the details of action plans for this program as well as the joint art project will be available.

    為了抵禦疫情的衝擊,我們需要在數位世界中採取科學且有效率的行動,台北大數據中心(Taipei Urban Intelligence Center)即研發了一套數位系統,透過即時的串流連結與數據整合,可以快速的反應台北各個地區的疫情風險趨勢、人流狀況與醫療資源的狀態,也可提供政府作為政策的判斷依據,數位化的實質行動,讓我們可以得到更安全的防護。
    而在此展區中,也首度以數位跨界的合作方式,刺激出新的行動藝術計畫,臺北市大數據中心將與新媒體藝術家胡縉祥)、樂飛特公司創辦人洪仲儀合作,進行跨域的虛實整合及數據資源共享,一同創作新媒體藝術作品《The Weight of Data》。
    最終,觀者在此並不是「島嶼壯遊」的不是真正的終點,而藉由行動之旅(Action Tour)的展區開啟下一段旅程,數位世界與我們的社會持續串聯。

    💬線上展覽時間為2021年9月8日至12日!更多精彩內容直接進入官方網站🤩 http://garden2021.metarealitylab.com/


    ✔️【食壤計畫】 https://youtu.be/nl80hcdI_jY



    ✔️【新媒體之旅 】https://youtu.be/movZlI2pPQQ



    ​#arselectronica21 #gardentaipeiformosa

  • rapid公司 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-06 07:52:03
    有 69 人按讚

    🌻Docusign(DOCU), Crowdstrike(CRWD)財報結果

    這兩天看了一下他們的財報結果. Again, 兩家的表現都很好, 但發現分析師給DOCU的調價(往上)幅度比較多, 就好奇研究了一下SaaS公司是怎麼被估值的. 有興趣的話可以看看(從中學習到很多. 非常推薦一讀):

    (By the way, 分析師對CRWD的價格調幅沒那麼大, 主因是成長趨緩了. 而DOCU的free cash flow佔營收比, 以及顧客黏著力在這季創了新高, 是讓分析師按讚的幾個原因).

    關於CRWD: "The Street is already modeling revenue growth deceleration in 2022 to 36%, down from 60% expected in 2021, which on its own might prove a hurdle for a stock already trading at a high multiple," said Bank of America analyst Tal Liani in a report.

    • 11位buy; 給的價格分別是: $310, $320 (x2), $330 (x2), $340 (x2), $345, $350, $350, $389
    • 給Buy的分析師的評語:
    o Baird: The analyst continues to view them as a best in class way to play digital transformation trends with strong growth, cash flow and profitability, and a strong competitive position. Power said DocuSign remains one of his top long-term compounding growth ideas.
    o Citi: While slightly shy of the double-digit billings beat in recent quarters, DocuSign still delivered a solid 8% beat to Q2 billings, which grew 47% year-over-year, Radke tells investors in a research note.
    o Evercore ISI: he calls "another strong quarter." While some may have wanted to see more aggressive Q3 billings guidance, he believes estimates "continue to leave room for upside," Materne said.
    o JMP Securities: While revenue growth decelerated to 50% from 58% in Q1, the company is the clear leader in electronic signature and the broader system of agreement having crossed over 1M customers with a $2B run rate this quarter, the analyst tells investors in a research note, adding that he sees lots of room for growth as DocuSign targets a $50B total addressable market.
    o Needham: The analyst commented, "Docusign reported another strong quarter in 2QF22 with typical DOCU upside to revenue and profitability. Sales metrics and growth decelerated Q/Q, as we expected against a massive pandemic quarter, but at a much slower rate than we believe much of the Street was anticipating. 65k net new customers was lower than the 70k - 90 range of CY20 but was still more than 2x greater than any pre-pandemic quarter, highlighting a strong end-market driving 47% billings growth against a strong comp. Commentary on incremental Agreement Cloud demand was positive, suggesting an additional growth tailwind combined with solid international can further aid 2HF22. Although DOCU shares could be lower near-term due to weak 2H OpMg guidance, we think this guidance is conservative, as the recent OM was greater than the pre-pandemic level even with tough comps."
    o RBC Capital: The quarter highlighted the sustainability of the company's tailwinds post-pandemic as most of its underlying metrics such as billings and net revenue retention were solid, the analyst tells investors in a research note, adding that the traction with CLM and Notary was also "impressive".

    • 12位buy; 給的價格分別是: $300, $310 (x2), $313, $315 (x2) , $305, $320, $325, $330 (x2), $340
    • 1位給hold: $280 (from $220 by J.P. Morgan(same))
    • 給Buy的分析師的評語:
    o Baird: The analyst believes the company has significant room for growth with core modules, opportunities with Humio and in cloud workload security, among others, should help drive a continuation of strong growth over a long time horizon.
    o BTIG: The company's "strong" Q2 results "cleared every hurdle", even though the buy-side benchmarks may have been slightly higher, the analyst tells investors in a research note. Powell adds that Crowdstrike is clearly gaining share in its core endpoint security target market at a rapid pace and gaining traction with new products across multiple categories.
    o Canaccord: The analyst said the stock is down from its recent highs, and he thinks the re-rating creates a more favorable entry point for longer-oriented investors for a foundational security name. He views Crowdstrike as a long-term secular winner in security due to its native cloud platform advantage versus closely held peers in endpoint security combined with platform expansion into tangential segments to capture greater share of security budgets.
    o Goldman Sachs: CrowdStrike last night delivered "another beat and raise quarter as the company benefited from another quarter of elevated demand," Essex said. But it traded lower following net new annual recurring revenue growth guidance that was slightly less than investors had hoped for. Essex, nonetheless, said the quarter demonstrated CrowdStrike's "ability to continue to go down market efficiently."
    o JMP Securities: The analyst notes the company's Q2 annualized recurring revenue of $1.34B topping his estimate of $1.30B, with "sustained" 70% ARR and revenue growth along with margin upside seen as key highlights for the quarter. Suppiger adds that the metrics reflect Crowdstrike's "strong execution and robust demand environment".
    o Mizuho: "very good" fiscal Q2 results. The annual recurring revenue growth of 70% year-over-year "was strong and still nicely surpassed" the Street's 65%-66% estimate, Moskowitz tells investors in a research note. He believes "strong execution can propel" Crowdstrike's stock higher.
    o Piper Sandler: The company's metrics "outperformed across the board" in Q2 with 70% annual recurring revenue and revenue growth and record net new customer adds in the quarter, Owens tells investors in a research note.
    o RBC Capital: Hedberg adds that CrowdStrike's record pipeline entering Q3 should continue to fuel the company's "land-and-expand" momentum.
    o Stifel: Q2 results that he said "exceeded consensus estimates across all major financial metrics." He continues to believe that Crowdstrike's growth opportunity "remains in the early days" despite the company's scale given continued share capture within its core endpoint security market and incremental module adoption on the Falcon Platform, Reback tells investors.
    o UBS: the company reported "pretty good" Q2 results against high expectations.

    🌻趨勢: 跨境電商 Cross-border commerce
    Morgan Stanley:
    From our perspective, we think many are underestimating what the cross-border eCommerce demand could ultimately be, once key friction points like FX rates, tax and duties, shipping, language, etc are smoothed—all issues that Global-E directly addresses.

    Cross-border ecommerce brings new, high-yield volume: We think elevated levels of cross-border ecommerce (ex-travel) is a structural shift thathas yet to be fully contemplated in MA (and V)'s long-term forecasts. MA's cross-border CNP ex-travel volume was 69% above 2019's level in 2Q and 63% higher in 1Q. Strength reflects both broader ecommerce adoption plus globalization of commerce, as marketplaces and services that reduce cross-border friction (such as those from GLBE) make international online ordering more readily adopted. Early data at V suggests greater cross-border ecommerce spend is persisting even in areas with pre-pandemic levels of international travel. Cross-border transactions also come at a higher yield, making us more optimistic that the trend can bring incremental long-term growth to the networks.

    產業的潮流是有連貫性的. 疫情讓電商更發達後, 接下來應該就是加速電商跨境了. 跨境的話, 有很多問題需要解決(稅率, 語言, etc.) 這就需要有公司來做整合的動作. 這種跨境, 也可以想像是omnichannel的一種呈現.

    Harley Finkelstein (President of Shopify): "I mean I think commerce in 2021 is cross-border."


    "像貝萊德(BlackRock Inc., BLK)和富達投資(Fidelity Investments Inc.)這類企業管理的基金,以及許多對沖基金、養老金管理公司和其他一些投資者,都在SPAC的回落中遭受了衝擊,他們在去年年底開始的熱潮中競相投資SPAC。其中許多基金由於在價格還很低的時候就早早入場,所以現在仍坐擁可觀收益。事實上,SPAC市值仍有約2,500億美元,高於一年前的約1,000億美元,反映出這期間股價上漲和新公司上市的影響。





    🌻BNPL (buy now pay later)
    But most BNPL providers including Affirm, Klarna and Afterpay have been losing money despite breakneck revenue growth as they invest heavily in marketing to win share. Sweden-based Klarna’s credit losses more than doubled in the second quarter. Affirm has projected adjusted operating losses of $50m-$55m for the fiscal year that ended June 30.

    The path to profitability for many of these companies was to achieve massive scale, analysts said.


    Pictures: 一葉知秋; from EarningsWhispers

  • rapid公司 在 Queen沐雨柔 Eve Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-07-26 18:00:00

    #LINE貼圖購買網址 https://reurl.cc/jdm7L2

    可安裝 #Up直播 搜尋ID evemu79716 並追蹤

    工商業配接洽 請加公司 LINE https://line.me/ti/p/jS_8dwVrRj

  • rapid公司 在 龜狗 SweetCamper Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-19 12:00:02

    FPS Streamer from Taiwan. Play all types of games
    Contact Us 商業合作或頻道相關回報: billv3vb@gmail.com ( KYT - 經紀 )
    精華頻道管理團隊: #瘋狗娛樂有限公司

    關於🐢 SWEETCAMPER 龜狗🐢
    Twitch直播: https://www.twitch.tv/sweetcampercs
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    #手遊 / #電腦遊戲工商 / #YouTube影音 / #廣告 / #活動出席 / #電競 / #娛樂 / #拍攝 / #實況主合作 / #網路推廣 / #遊戲推廣 / #FPS

    Track: Dirty Palm - Freakshow (feat. LexBlaze) [NCS Release]
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    Watch: https://youtu.be/2jwj9wVx3mg
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    music2:Lovely Swindler

    music3:Conro - Trippin

    music4:Televisor feat. Richard Judge - Find That Someone


    music6:Koven - Speaking Through Smoke Detectors

  • rapid公司 在 初心者鉄道探検隊 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-06-01 18:20:12

    1996年(平成8年)3月30日新木場駅 - 東京テレポート駅間の開業と同時に臨海副都心線の駅として開業
    Kokusai-tenjijō Station (Tokyo Big Sight)
    Tokyo Waterfront Area Rapid Transit Rinkai line
    Opening March 30, 1996
    Recognized as one of the "100 Stations in Kanto" in 1997. The reason for the selection is "Station with the roof of a translucent teflon curtain and the image of a horse-drawn carriage"
    The average number of passengers per day in 2017 is 34,494 people.
    and it is the third place among eight stations in Rinkai Line.
    It is also known that a large number of related posters will be displayed inside the station when it is time to hold events related to anime, manga, games and voice actors such as the comic market and the comitaire.
    國際展示場站(有明・東京Tokyo Big Sight)
    1997年被公認為“關東100站”之一。 選擇的原因是“帶有半透明聚四氟乙烯簾幕屋頂的車站和馬車的形象”
    国际展示场站(有明・东京Tokyo Big Sight)
    국제전시장 역 (도쿄 빅 사이트)
    도쿄 임해 고속철도 린카이 선
    1996 년 3 월 30 일 개업
    1997 년 「관동의 역 백선」에 인정된다. 선정 이유는 "지붕이 반투명 테플론 막에서 마차를 연상시키는 역"
    2017 년도 1 일 평균 승차 인원은 34,494 명으로 린카이 선에서 8 역 중 3 위
    코믹 마켓이나 커미티 등 애니메이션 · 게임 · 성우 관련 이벤트의 개최시기가되면 역 구내에 다수의 관련 포스터가 전시되는 것으로 알려진

