

在 quite安靜產品中有45篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, ✨New release✨ —————————— ☕️ Coffee stamp Vol. 2☕️ Ivory white die-cut rubber attached to solid wood handle. Design by LinChiaNing —————————————————- ✨...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過21萬的網紅Xiaofei小飛,也在其Youtube影片中提到,我終於成功找到瑞穗林道上的湖泊,這是我過去一年來一直試圖去做的事。我第一次嘗試是開我的車,但在陡上爬高時引擎有過熱問題;第二次是遇到颱風。這一次Volvo借給我他們的V90CC,即使是傾盆大雨,我們仍然開到林道上方,我們度過了愉快的時光。 🦉🐢 這條路非常陡峭,前半段路況非常糟糕。一旦你通過一路陡上...

quite安靜 在 吉。 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-03 12:36:47

✨New release✨ —————————— ☕️ Coffee stamp Vol. 2☕️ Ivory white die-cut rubber attached to solid wood handle. Design by LinChiaNing —————————————————- ✨...

quite安靜 在 李豪 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-03 09:13:45

⠀ 我以為家是賴在沙發看著電視,是貼滿獎狀和照片的那面牆,是夜裡飢餓難耐時母親煮的那碗麵,直到第一次感覺到想家,才發現那是相隔一道流刺網圍牆傳來的垃圾車樂聲,是提著又大又重的提包然後輕輕地關上門,是相隔一百天後船舶靠岸,招牌霓虹、交通號誌、車水馬龍撲面而來的那一刻。 ⠀ 我戊守的地方是離島的離島,搭...

quite安靜 在 Foodie based in HK ?? Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-06-21 22:00:55

【抵食上海菜午市套餐 Shanghainese lunch set】 話說老豆喜歡上海菜 較早前就嚟呢間上海菜館 食個lunch提早慶祝父親節 餐廳環境安靜坐得舒服仲有少少海景 每人任選2-5道菜$118-$238 (另加一茶芥) 碟頭完全沒有因為套餐而縮水 質素亦有保證 幾個人來食足足可以叫10幾...

  • quite安靜 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-04 21:03:07
    有 65 人按讚

    ✨New release✨
    ☕️ Coffee stamp Vol. 2☕️
    Ivory white die-cut rubber attached to solid wood handle.
    Design by LinChiaNing
    ✨Summer opening✨
    🗓Date: (Taiwan time, GMT+8)
    8/30, 10:00 p.m. - 9/7, 10:00 p.m.
    📦Delivery📦(Taiwan time, GMT+8)
    ▫️In-stock order: 9/22-9/30
    ▫️Pre-order: estimated in late November.
    Due to COVID-19 situation,
    In-stock order’s delivery is a little bit different this time.
    Please notice the shipping schedule before place an order.🙌🏻
    Been having hand pour over coffee at home for quite a long time.
    Enjoying the quiet moment everyday is now a ritual for me.☕️
    One of my small dreams is to own an antique coffee grinder, I want a big rad one with perfectly reserved patterns on it.❤️
    So far I’m good with having my own antique coffee grinder stamps!😆
    🌚 🌘 🌗 🌖 🌝 🌔 🌓 🌒 🌚
    ☕️咖啡印章組 Vol. 2☕️
    8/30, 10:00 p.m. - 9/7, 10:00 p.m.
    #linchianing #stickers #paper #collage #paperlover #sticker #scrapbooking #scrapbook #scrapbookinglayout #memorykeeper #journaling #stationery #stationeryaddict #handycrafts #crafts #craft #papercrafts #paperart #new #handmade #collageart #paperlover #paperlovers #washisticker #vintage #vintagestyle #ephemera #coffee #postcard #stationeryaddicted

  • quite安靜 在 Subkarma Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-05-28 17:59:04
    有 16 人按讚



    當COVID-19迫使一種新型態的工作模式誕生,你的客戶、員工以及供應鏈開始走向 #數位化。
    「 新型態的工作模式是否是我們過去比較陌生、少操作的 #線上行銷 ?」

    在危機時刻正是你大膽推進 #線上行銷,並為你的品牌建立一個強大的 #線上溝通網絡系統 的好時機💪🏻



    當一切都變得安靜時 – 是時候發出一點聲音了!

    立即我們聯絡 -
    josh@subkarma.com / fanny@subkarma.com


    “A crisis demands Boldness and Learning”
    Playing it safe now, although understandable, could quite possibly the worst option.

    As the COVID-19 crisis forces your customers, employees, and supply chains into digital channels and new ways of working, now is the time to ask yourself: What are the bold digital actions we’ve hesitated to pursue in the past? A moment of crisis is precisely the right time to boldly advance your digital agenda and build a strong online eco-system for your brand.

    Build your online brand
    Observe interactions
    Test and learn
    Find a new pace
    Simplify and focus
    Don’t go it alone

    Let us help you build a sustainable online presence. Our online marketing team specializes in building and maintaining strong branded social media ecosystems for our clients supported by affordable online Ad and PR campaigns.
    When things get quiet – It’s time to make some noise!

    Reach out to us now –
    josh@subkarma.com / fanny@subkarma.com

  • quite安靜 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-12-31 20:22:52
    有 260 人按讚

    Last afternoon of 2020
    幾天前 返台待產的姊姊問我今年有達成預設的目標嗎?
    老實說 還真記不得我是否為今年設下了目標
    只記得 球來就打 活來就做 一個回神來到了年底
    好好的揮灑了樂團搖滾的根基 做了些有改變的音樂
    很多音樂上的決定 也是下了提頭來見的決心在做的
    很是感謝鄭哥對我的信任 讓我領悟不少生命成長
    唱作人的好迴響 慶幸我這微薄之力 沒有搞砸
    與不同心境又能彼此信任的Artist合作 很是愉快 很滿足
    然後無縫接軌了幾個製作案 搞的我焦頭爛額但也樂在其中 風格迥異的歌曲 在傾囊付出之後收穫
    擠出了些時間 幫自己發了一首單曲 「So Bad At Being Alone」 還自導親拍了MV
    Reached out to some 做一些沒什麼不一樣但好一陣子沒在做的事
    以前不喜歡妥協的事 嘗試著讓步 看會發生什麼事
    目前還沒被打臉 但再給點時間觀察 能證明什麼
    I don’t know, we’ll see
    依舊不善交際的我 仍是感謝身邊貴人相助
    我覺得很好聽 希望當你們聽到時也能這麼感受
    順道一提 這歌會有六個版本(?!)⋯其中三個版本明年一月我會發行
    這些混亂的日子裡也做做居家修繕 添購家電
    更新工作站 為創意工作的執行 打造更完善的環境
    偶爾也 吃吃喝喝 追劇聽歌 小聚尋樂
    發現流水帳一般的悠閒卻讓我 心煩 
    今年真要說 最為可惜的或許就是沒有好好經營那些給人看的東西 (俗稱社群)
    365天 絕非幾百幾千字以蔽之
    千頭萬緒化作百則限動 記得按讚追蹤開啟小鈴鐺(?)
    無論喜怒哀樂 也許把握每一刻已足矣。
    新年平安快樂 各位 準備好 新的開始了嗎?
    -2020最後一個週四 低溫卻不寒冷的午後
    Last afternoon stroll of 2020
    What a year, so quite yet so loud.
    Working from home has always been the norm for my line of work, but this year feels different.
    Shout out to everyone hustling to keep things up and running. It’s times like this that music work its wonder and help people get through. 
    Happy new year, see u on the other side.

  • quite安靜 在 Xiaofei小飛 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2018-09-16 20:15:01



    露營地: 23.508302, 121.326889
    湖泊: 23.480427, 121.294193

    I finally made it to the lakes up on ruisui lindao, which I had been trying to get to for over a year now. The first time I tried my car overheated and the second time there was a typhoon. This time Volvo lent me their V90CC and even though it was raining like crazy, we still go to the top and we had a good time.
    This road is really steep, and the first half is in quite bad shape. Once you get high up though, the road flattens out and it because a wonderful nice drive through a cypress forest. If you stick to this main road, you shouldn’t have any major problems. However, there are many side roads, and these require serious 4WD driving, and a car with a lot of ground clearance. I was impressed with the way the V90CC handled these roads, especially since the conditions were not ideal… it was very wet and muddy. I think that’s just how it’s going to be this summer. It seems to be raining almost every day.

    The mountain is so beautiful though, even in the pouring rain. I am very glad I went. We successfully made it to the lakes and confirmed that they are really there (sometimes the satellite photos can be misleading), but I still want to go back again and explore more. It’s a hard drive though, so hopefully Volvo will lend me the V90CC again so that I can have another go.

    At the beginning of this road, before you cross the river is one of my favorite camping spots. It’s the spot where I set up the tent in this video, and a very nice place to wild camp. I often stop there on my road trips around the island. I like it because it’s quite and peaceful, next to the river, and with a small place to swim, but still only 10 minutes away from convenience stores and restaurants. I’ve posted the GPS coordinates below.
    Camping: 23.508302, 121.326889
    Lake: 23.480427, 121.294193

    Thanks @Volvo for making this possible.

